Friday, January 15, 2010

You're nuffing. You're just Daddy!

Alex: Next time when I was at school, I was on Miss Arnold’s lap, and Miss Arnold called, "Thoomass, Alex dropped his Elly, can you get it?", and Thomas gave my Elly to me.

(Alex bosses Claire around.)
Alex: Now, you walk like this.
Alex: And then you go that way.
Alex: No, like this.
Alex: That's not it.

Alex: Juju gave me a kiss.
Juju (giving Claire two kisses): Mah. Mah.
(Juju gives Claire a hug.)
Claire: Uh hug.
Daddy: Aw, did Juju give you a hug?
Alex: I want Juju to give me a hug.
(Juju gives Alex a hug.)

(in the garage)
Alex: What's up there?
Daddy: That's the ceiling.
Alex: What's that thing by the wall?
Daddy: That's the crawlspace.
Alex: Yeah. It looks like a picture.

(snack time)

Alex: Daddy, I'm having snack in my chair with my coat on!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: By the door.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And I'm having juice.
Daddy: You're having juice?
Alex: That's my special treat.
Daddy: That is a special treat.

Alex: Mommy, you put too much juice in my cup.
Mommy: I did?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Well you don't have to drink it all.
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: I did. I drinked it all.

Daddy: Rawwwrrrr!
Alex: I’m the monster!
Daddy: I'm the turtle.
Alex: No.
Daddy: I'm the fish. Glub glub.
Alex: No.
Daddy: What am I?
Alex: You're nuffing. You're just Daddy!

Alex: My Dad is funny.

Alex: My Dad is the best.
Daddy: Aw, thanks Alex.
Alex: That was on Science Kid.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Sorry.

Alex (to Claire): This is my tissue. And I use it to wipe my nose. That's right Claire, if you get a tissue, you wipe your nose. You have to listen to Mommy.

Daddy: Alex, if you could have two taco shells, or one giant green monkey, which would you choose?
Alex: Mmm, nothing. I told him there was one more taco shell, and he got it.
Daddy: Who got it?
Alex: The monkey.

Alex: Claire's getting timeout! And me – and Mommy and Daddy are staying with Alex! I like that, Mommy.

Alex: Daddy, I sang a song!
Daddy: Wow!
Alex: I sing a song on the potty!

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