Monday, October 31, 2011

My body says, “Oh! I’ve had enough walking! Get me to bed!”

Claire:Yesterday wasn’t Halloween, but today, it is!!

Claire: Yesterday was nearly Halloween, but today is!!

Claire: Happy loves Halloween!

Alex: We’re too excited!
Claire: We’re too excited!
Alex: We’re gonna go trick-or-treating!
Alex: And then I’m gonna say, “I got a rock.”

Claire: What? It’s not dark!
Daddy: Yeah, it’s getting lighter now.
Claire: But I want it to be dark so we can go out in the dark!

Alex (looking at his Flintstone vitamin): Hey. This looks like a lizard. In a seat. In a wheelchair.

Claire: F starts fff, fff, fall Caillou!
Daddy: Good, Claire!
Claire: C, c. C, c, c, c. C starts Caillou.
Daddy: Good, Claire! You're learning!

Alex: Should I say trick-or treat two times, or one time?
Daddy: One time.

Alex; Well, I do wanna go trick-or-treating, but, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to walk.

Alex (to Simon): You should go home now.

Alex (to Mommy): I’m sorry you don’t have your car for a long time.

(Daddy gets ready to play It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, despite protests from Claire.)

Claire: And he will say, “I have a rock.”

Daddy: I’ll go fast through the parts you don’t like, okay Claire?
Claire: Okay. I don’t like that Snoopy goes in the dark and change colors.

Alex: I got a chocolate bar. I got a rock.
(Alex cracks himself up.)

Claire: Mommy? Do we have candy in that bowl?

Alex: I think somebody’s gonna say “I got a rock.” I think Charlie Brown might say it soon.

Charlie Brown: I got a rock.
(Alex cracks up. Claire responds in kind.)

Charlie Brown: I got a rock.
(Claire and Alex laugh.)

Claire: I like Halloween.

Mommy: What do you like about it?
Claire: Getting candy.

Alex: Daddy, Halloween is like a chocolate day! ‘Cause you get candy!

(Alex lies on Daddy’s chair, then he gives Daddy some hints as to what Daddy’s sitting on.)
Alex: Daddy, his name is Alex, he loves his daddy, and he likes to go to school! It’s… me!!


Alex: I like your decoration on your door!

Alex: That was nice to say of me.

Claire: Can you carry me?

(After trick-or-treating.)

Alex: Ugh! I can’t walk!

Claire: I got tired of doing that.

Alex: Daddy, guess what happened? Elly and Bobo didn’t get to go trick-or-treating. They missed it.

Alex: I am getting a cold. I have to get a tissue every five minutes.

Alex: My body says, “Oh! I’ve had enough walking! Get me to bed!”

(Alex searches his loot for a pack of Smarties.)
Alex: I’m looking for the colorful circles that are all in a line.

Alex: One of them had a really spooky costume! He had a black coat on, and a scary mask!

Alex: I think I need to be carried.

Alex: I'm all stretched out. My body can't -- have any more walking. I'm all stretched out.

Claire: Daddy, I'm too tired.

Alex: You know what my body’s telling me? I'm too tired to walk. It’s trying to make my legs hurt.
Alex: I don’t know what's happening to me.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Because he's expert. [VR]

Claire: You really hurt me!
Alex: I said sorry.
Claire: You really hurt me!
Alex: I said sorry!
Claire: But you really hurt me!
Alex: I said sorry!
Claire: But you really hurt me!
Alex: I said sorry!
Claire: You can stop saying that!

Claire: Daddy, I asked Mommy if we could make brownies yesterday, and Mommy said yes, and we can make brownies today!!

Mommy: Alex, do you want to go to church again?
Alex: Why?

Alex: You'd better wear a coat if you're going to the North Pole.
Claire: But penguins don't need a coat!

Claire: If a penguin were at the beach, he would get hot! But he likes to be in the cold spots.

Claire: Daddy, if you had a big, big treasure? You will drop it on your feet, and hurt yourself.

(Claire and Daddy are playing “taking our babies to the grocery store.”)

Claire: And my baby loves smelly book.
Daddy: Oh, I love smelly book too.

Claire: She loves smelly book. She loves to get the smelly book again. She loves to get smelly book.

Claire: Now, we need to get lots of cupcakes too. Does your baby love cupcackes?
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: Good! They're so yummy!

Claire: Daddy, you're not playing.
Daddy: What should I be doing?
Claire: You need to wait at the car and I get all the stuff.
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: There's lots of stuff we need to get
Daddy: :Yeah, that's lots of stuff.
Claire: So we can eat lots. And get prizes lots. And get plates lots, too.

Claire: Now we are all done! Now we can go back home!
Daddy: Okay!

Claire: We need some too.
Daddy: We need a new baby toy?
Claire: Yeah. And a card. For my baby’s birthday tomorrow.
Daddy: A card for your baby’s birthday tomorrow, oh.
Claire: Oh, we need a – a new, doggie! A new, real doggie! A new, pretend doggie! Woof!
Daddy: Woof!
Claire (being a dog): Woof.
Daddy: What a cute doggie.
Claire: Woof, woof!
Daddy: Hello, doggie. You’re a good puppy.

Claire: There’s a snake under your shirt.
Daddy: What is it, Claire?
Claire: There’s a snake under your shirt.
Daddy: Ahhhhhhhh!!!! There’s a snake under my shirt!
(Claire laughs.)
Daddy: That was scary!
Claire: He’s a mean snake. I’m just putting him back at the gorshery store.
Daddy: Okay. Take that snake back to the grocery store.

Claire: I put him back at the grocery store. I’m gonna lock the door so he, so he won’t come back in the grorshery store again.
Daddy: Okay, I don’t want him to come back, he was a mean snake.
Claire: Yeah.
(Time to unload pretend groceries.)
Claire: Daddy? This is a bracelet for, um, we don’t need a bracelet.
Daddy: We don’t need that one?
Claire: It was from, the, squirshery store. It, it right there. One of the... Costco. Now, maybe get – you, you need to get all, your stuff, out. Of your shopping cart.
Claire: You need to do that, now.
Daddy: All right, let’s see what I can get. This... these are the plates, so we –
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: So we can eat our – our cake and our cupcakes.
Claire: I have to help you eat them.
Daddy: You do, you need to help me.
Claire: I have to get the chocolate.
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: You get the bunny.
Daddy: All right, I’ll get the bunny.
Claire: We need a bunny, too. Now you can get your baby.
Daddy: All right, c’mon baby. We got everything from the grocery store.
Claire: Yeah. It’s time to go to sleep now.
Daddy: All right.
(Everyone snuggles up.)
Claire: Good night, baby.
Daddy: Nice kisses, Claire.
Claire: It’s time to read, their, um, our new stories, from the grocery store now.
Daddy: Okay.

Claire (reading): Apple pie with sugar on top.
Claire (reading): Oh my.

Claire (reading): Apple pie with sugar on top.
Claire (reading): Oh my.

Claire (reading): Cake and ice cream.
Claire (reading): Mmm. Mmm!

Claire (reading): Cookies. Mmm. It smells like… bottom.
Daddy: Yeah? It smells good.

Claire: The end. Whoa. All done!

Claire: Now it’s, time to go to sleep everyone.
Claire: I, got a new pillow.
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: ‘Cause that is not really real, ‘cause, there’s something under it.
Daddy: Yeah. Good night, Claire.
Claire: Okay you have to go to sleep too.
Daddy: Oh I have to go to sleep?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Right here, beside you?
Claire: Yeah, right here.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: On the pillow.
Daddy: All right.
Claire: You need to close your eyes.
Daddy: Okay, my eyes are closed.
(Thirty seconds later.)
Claire: Time to wake up!
Daddy: Time to wake up?
Claire: Yeah.
Claire: There’s nothing in the shopping cart. But! We can eat! The cake!!
Daddy: Yay!

Claire: Cut it up. We can get it off, with the – our hands.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: It’s hard to do it. I can do it by myself, it’s hard.
Daddy: I know, you’re a big girl.
Claire: Time to wake up, baby.

Claire: We need to do it over here.
Daddy: All right.
Claire: We need a chair, to do it.
Daddy: We don’t have a chair.
Claire: Little chairs.
Daddy: A little chair, where are the little chairs.
Claire: You have to sit in a little chair. You need to sit in a little chair, Daddy.
Daddy: Well I’m kind of big, can I sit in this big chair?
Claire: No, that’s not a little chair, this is.
Daddy: Well the babies need the little chairs.
Claire: But. I want you to have a little chair.

Claire: Can you get a little chair?
Claire: Can you?
Daddy: Can I get a little chair?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Um. Yeah I s’pose I can get a little chair. But then where will the baby sit?
Claire: Um, in a different chair.
Daddy: May I have a piece of cake?
Claire: No. (mumble) plate.

Claire: You have to sit here, Daddy!
Daddy: I have to sit there?
Claire: Uh-huh.
Daddy: All right.
Claire: And… um… my, ba – um, I have to sit here, and my baby’s gonna sit here with me, and your baby’s gonna sit… with you, too.
Daddy: Okay, my baby can sit with me.
Claire: And, the doggie is gonna sit, here, with a cake. Okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: There. And, now the best… part… is, the spoon is right here to cut up the, um, the bread…

Claire: Time to eat! It’s time to eat. We didn’t wake up our babies, yet! Wake up your baby, Daddy! They’re still sleeping!
Daddy: Oh! Baby. You need to wake up, it’s time to wake up. We’re gonna have cake, now.
Claire: This is, gonna be, our, snack! That’s where you sit.
Daddy: All right.
Claire: We’re starting to eat!
Daddy: All right, baby, you can sit with me.
Claire (to her baby): Eat now. Eat your cake.
Daddy: This is delicious. My cake has jellybeans on it.
Claire: Me too. I have strawberries on it.
Claire’s puppy: I don’t have anything on mine.
Daddy: Would you like some of my jellybeans?
Claire’s puppy: Yes. I want some. Mmm!
Daddy: Baby, would you like some cake?
Daddy’s baby: Mm-hm.
Claire’s puppy: You don’t have anything on your cake, Dada.
Daddy: Oh, I already ate some jellybeans, thank you.
Claire’s puppy: Oh.
Claire’s puppy: Can I have some of your strawberry?

Claire’s puppy: I’m all done.
Claire: ‘Kay. You want to eat your bread?
Claire’s puppy: Yes.
Claire: I’m all done!

Claire: You want to eat some more cake?
Daddy: Yes please.
Claire: ‘Kay.
Claire: I need to take that cake.
Daddy: Oh you need to take this one away?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: All right.

Claire: You want some more bread, too?
Daddy: Yes please.
Claire: Okay.

[VR] C9 ~13:00 of 38:00

(Claire plays with Daddy’s tape recorder.)

Daddy: Okay, say whatever you want.
Claire: Uh… Daddy, there is a doggie under your shirt. There’s a doggie under your shirt.

Claire: Daddy, there’s a cake under your shirt!
Daddy: Ah, there’s a cake under my shirt!

Claire: There’s, is, a, smelly book under your shirt!
Daddy: Ah, a smelly book under my shirt!

(Alex and Claire are looking at old photos with Mommy.)

Claire: What happened to those cats?

Mommy: They died.
Alex: They went up in the sky to somewhere else.
Claire: How did we get Grommie?
Alex: We went to the animal shelter and we found him.

Mommy: Alex, how do you know so much about things?
Claire: Because he's expert.

(Claire got scratched by a cat she thought was Allegra.)
Claire: I wanted to pet her.

(Alex storms off, mad about something. He shouts back, angrily, from the other room.)
Alex: You're going to jail!
Alex: I'm calling the police!
Alex: In one minute!

(Claire, Alex, and Daddy are raking leaves. Daddy has raked a big pile.)
Claire: Look how pile Daddy is!
Claire: Alex, look how pile Daddy is! ...having.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

This is classical music.


Alex: Guess what, Daddy?
Daddy: What?
Alex: There's a restaurant opening up today.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Mine!
Daddy: Oh neat!
Alex: It’s only open on Saturday and Sunday. But they accidentally messed up. Now I have to open it on Wednesday too.

Alex: Daddy, I'm like you.

Mommy: Gosh, this book is so dated!
Alex (holding a box): Gosh, this book is so dated.
(Alex sighs.)
Alex (laughing): I’m reading a book!
Claire (holding a box): I’m reading a book!

Claire: When are we gonna go get a pumpkin?
Mommy: Three o'clock.
(Claire runs to the digital clock.)
Claire: But it’s nine, three, four.
Daddy: Good!
Claire: So can we go now?

Alex: I wanna play something else. How ‘bout Class?
Claire: Yeah, I love Class.
Alex: You be the teacher, and I’ll be a visitor.
Claire: Okay.

Claire: We’re gonna have a lot of fun, today.

Claire: Yeah, but – we’re gonna – we’re gonna do centers first, then we’re gonna do Circle Time. Is that funny? This class is a little, a little different.

Claire: We’re gonna have cake for breakfast -- were gonna have cake for lunch, and for snack.

Claire: I'm gonna tell -- raise your hand if you want one of these. One of these. No, when I get over there, raise your hand if you want some jellybeans.

Claire: Now, raise your hand if you want me to dump some jellybeans in your bag.

(Claire and Alex are having an argument.)
Claire: I'm not playing it anymore.
(Claire walks off. Alex cries.)

Claire (in the other room): Uh. I'm mad.

Alex (sad): I want Claire to come back.
Claire: I'm not going back over there.

Claire: Don't talk to me.
Claire: Don't talk to me. Don't play with the blocks!
Claire: Don't play with the blocks!
Alex: I wanna make a house.
Claire (crying): No! No! Don't do that, I don't want you to!
Claire (crying): No! No, Alex!

(Alex is playing loudly with musical instruments. Suddenly he starts scraping two cymbals together very gently and very quietly.)
Alex (to Daddy): This is classical music.

(Alex and Claire have each prepared a party, and each is trying to get the other to attend their party.)
Alex: I'm not coming to your party. I'm not invited.
Claire: Yes, you're invited to my party.
Alex: Sorry, I can't come.
Claire: Um, my sign says, “Alex is invited to my party.”
Alex: Sorry, I can't go. Buffalo is not in a good mood, so, I can't go.

Alex: Mommy! There's a party! It’s Buffalo’s birthday.
Alex: I’ll bring some cake up.

Alex: We’re making a chocolate swimming pool! See, Mommy?

Alex: Daddy! We made the best ice cream ever! Its a chocolate ice cream vanilla pool.
Daddy: Wow!
Alex: You wanna come join us?


(Claire is eating a sun butter and jelly sandwich.)
Claire (grinning excitedly): Daddy, we don't have any jelly, so I'm eating strawberry jelly!

Claire: Alex, when you're finished with all your lunch, can you play with me, and we can play crocodiles, and when I step on that you say "ahhhhhh!"

(Alex drops his bread on the floor, but waits for Daddy to pick it up for him.)
Claire (to Alex): When I drop my bread on the floor, I get it myself. You don’t get it.

(Claire doesn't like the way Alex is playing "Halloween".)

Claire: Spooky stuff's not in Halloween.

Claire: You just dress up, and scary stuff doesn't happen in Halloween.

Friday, October 28, 2011

The biggest number of all.

(Claire and Alex are playing with the toy med kit.)

Claire: Alex, maybe I could be the flu shotter.
Alex: Okay.

Claire: You need to wait in line first.
Alex: We are waiting in line. They're waiting in line.
Claire: Okay.

Alex: Look at the line I made, Claire.
Claire: Good, that's a lotta line.

(Alex doesn’t like the new vitamins.)
Claire: You can eat the fish and the roar white one.

Alex: I wanna eat it and I don’t wanna eat it. I can’t stop thinking about it.

(Alex and Claire count all the way to 100.)
Claire: That’s a long way from one!

Alex: I counted all the way to one hundred and ten!
Claire: One hundred and ten!
Alex: The biggest number of all.

Alex: Daddy, I know how to make a big square.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Take a little square, take another little square, take another little square, one more, put it together, woop, woop, and it’s a big square!
Daddy: Oh, yeah! Good!

Alex: How do you make a rectangle? Oh! If there’s one piece, and you take it to the other piece, that’s a big rectangle.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I kind of like being late because, um, because, then I don’t have to go in the other class.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: I don’t like going to the other class.
Claire: What class?
Alex: The other class. I like staying in my class.

Alex (to Claire): Can you tell me there’s a snake eating my pumpkin seeds?
Claire: There’s a snake eating your pumpkin seeds.

(Alex and Claire decorate their toothbrushes with stickers.)

Claire: Look at my toothbrush!

Alex: Can I look at it?
Claire: It’s really pretty.

Alex: You wanna look at mine?
Claire: Yes.
(Claire looks at Alex’s toothbrush.)
Claire: Wow.

Claire: I didn’t know that applesauce was there. That scared me!

Alex: I like people that talk in shows.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dreams would come out.

(riding in the car)

Claire: And if you went like this, you would fall out, and you would hit your head on the road!

Daddy: And what would happen if you hit your head on the road?
Alex: Your head would crack open.

Daddy: And what would happen if your head cracked open?
Claire: You could see inside your head!

Daddy: And what would you see inside your head?
Alex: Dreams. Dreams would come out.

Mommy: Alex is now saying you can pick first. Why?
Claire: Because, he's the best brother in the whole world!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In Virginia state, they speak English.

Alex: It’s fun sitting here at the table, and talking together.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex?
Alex: Can you come talk to us?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: Because I like having you when we’re talking.

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Mm-hm?
Claire: You know how apples grow?
Daddy: How do they grow?
Claire: Uh, they grow on trees!
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: And then, they pick, some store people pick them, and they put ‘em in the store.
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: And they leave some for the other people to take home.
Claire: Daddy? When I was at school yesterday, they gave me, a different kind of applesauce, and they gave me apple juice, but I didn’t eat all of my apple juice, and then they gave me water.
Alex: But it was cheesy, Claire.
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: I didn’t eat it either. I ate all my juice it was so good.
Claire: Oh but I don’t like apple juice. I like water.
Alex: I used to not like it so much but, I like theirs.
Claire: I – when you – when they give you apple juice at their school, do you like their apple juice?
Alex: Yeah I like it.
Claire: Oh. When I move into that class, I’ll like that apple juice.

Claire: Daddy, why did you – why – why are you not frustrated this morning?

Claire: I like – I love Grommie!

(Alex is sick.)
Alex: When you’re sick, you have to watch a lot of TV.

Daddy: Why did you get a Happy Gram, Claire?
Claire: Because. I.
Daddy: Because?
Claire: Because I was using my voice louder!

Claire (to Daddy): Can you open my yogurt?
Daddy: Yes, if you say the magic word.
Claire (sincerely guessing): Um… Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

(A little later.)
Alex: Can you get me some more honey mustard?
Daddy: Yeah, if you say the magic word.
Alex: Oh. Please.
(Daddy gets up to get the honey mustard.)
Alex (joking): Meeska mooska Mickey Mouse.

Claire: Healthy and strong!
Daddy: What makes you healthy and strong?
Claire: Carrots, and uh –
Alex: I know!
Claire: No!
Daddy (to Alex): Okay, let Claire finish, then you can say it.
Claire: Um…
Alex: It’s --
Claire: No! No I wanna do it. Play. And eat carrots.

Alex: In Virginia state, they speak English.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: In Mexico, they speak Spanish.
Daddy: That’s right.

Alex: In California, they speak Spanish, right?
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Where – where else do they speak English?
Daddy: Um… in England. And, in North Carolina.
Alex: Oh.
Daddy: And in America!
Alex: Where we live!
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: It’s the regular “hello”. Hi!
Daddy: Hi.
Alex: And it’s – it’s the regular “eye”. Eye!
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: ‘Cause it’s the regular everything you used to say!

Daddy: Claire, can you speak Spanish?
Claire: Um…
(Claire mumbles something.)
Daddy: What?
Claire: Meeska mooska Mickey Mouse!

Alex: La policia.
Daddy: Oh good.
Claire: La policia.
Daddy: What does that mean?
Alex: Police.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: La bonberro.
Daddy: What does that mean?
Alex: Firefighter.
Daddy: Oh good!
Claire: Brown.
Alex: Café.
Claire: Café.
Daddy: Good!
Claire: I wanna do it by myself. Brown, café!

Alex: Ron, ronhado. That’s orange. Ronhado. Right, Daddy? Ronhado.
Daddy: I don’t know, is it?
Alex: Orange.

Claire: Today it’s my turn to feed Grommie, right?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: It’s my turn to feed Grommie, right Alex?
(Alex nods.)
Claire: Mm-hm. And next time it’s your turn.

Claire: I know how to speak Spanish and sun. Esta solado.
Daddy: Esta solado, good!
Alex: I know how to say “come on”.
Daddy: How?
Alex: Vamonos.
Daddy: Good!

(Alex does his impression of “Daddy at breakfast time”.)
Daddy: Hurry up, Alex. Hurry up, Claire. Stop playing, Alex. I had enough.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When you're dead, you can't eat.

Claire: Daddy, I took the muffin out, all by myself!
Daddy: Great, good for you!

Claire: I want a purple house, and a new purple baby, and…
Alex: You've got so many babies already, Claire.
Nana: She's collecting them.
Claire: Yeah I'm collecting babies. For my birthday.

Nana (to Claire): You have to think about what you want for Christmas, and then you can think about your birthday later.
Claire: Uh… a Christmas tree.

Claire: When it's time to get a Christmas tree, I, I wanna have fun decorating it.

Alex: The best part is opening your presents.

Alex: And it -- it's fun hanging up your stocking.

Alex: Last -- last Christmas Grommie got some bones.

(Claire is serving imaginary food.)
Claire: I have milk on my cupcake. Do you want milk on your cupcake?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: Okay.
(Claire pours milk on Daddy's cupcake.)
Claire: Do you want milk on your gooeys?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: But, can I have one of your gooeys? Because I don't have a gooey.
Daddy: Yes.
(Claire takes one of Daddy's gooeys.)
Claire: Thank you.

(Daddy is working on his computer. Alex sits down next to him with a book and a matchbox car, and pretends to work on his "computer".)
Daddy: Hmm.
Alex: Hmm. Where did I put my numbers?
Daddy: Hmm.
Alex: Wha -- the computer's not working!
Alex: The mouse -- the poi -- the arrow won't move! It stays right in the middle.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: And the mouse is going everywhere.
(Alex moves the matchbox car all around.)
Alex: There we go.
Alex: I left it up here.
(Alex moves the matchbox car all around again.)
Alex: There it is.

Claire: Daddy, when I was going past Grommie, he put his tail in his mouth. His tail.

(Daddy is again working on his computer, and Alex is again pretending to work on his "computer".)
Alex: I don't like work.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Do you think we should go play for a while?
Daddy: Yeah I think we should.
Alex: It's boring sitting here and doing work. Boring.

(Alex is on the swings.)
Alex: Daddy, we're not bothering Mommy, and Mommy said, she's happy that we're -- getting out and playing!

Alex: Let's go play and get some more exercise, Claire!
Claire: Yes!
Alex: Keep our bodies healthy!
Claire: Yes!

(Alex and Claire are pulling up carrots in order to feed a probably-dead ladybug they found.)
Alex: We were just getting something for the ladybug to -- oh, I forgot. When you're dead, you can't eat.

(Daddy heads to the back door to call the kids in for dinner, but instead, finds them both sitting silently in the kitchen, chins glumly resting on hands.)
Daddy: What are you guys doing?
Alex (sadly): We lost our ladybug.
Daddy: Aw.
Alex (sadly): We dropped him.

Daddy: Well maybe he flew away.
Alex (sadly): But he's dead.

(Alex and Claire are watching Caillou.)
Alex (to Claire): Can you say what letter says "guh" and sometimes "juh"?
Claire: No I can't say -- do that.
Alex: It comes after -- at the end of F.
Alex: A, B, C, D, E, F…
Alex: Juh… Juh… Juh…
(Claire is fixated on the TV and doesn't respond. Alex goes on a while longer.)

(After a short break.)
Alex: Juh, juh. J, E, E. What letter is that?
Alex: You want me to tell you?
Alex: I can tell you what letter if you want.
(Still no response from Claire.)

Monday, October 24, 2011

I want it to stop, doing that.

(Alex and Claire are watching Blue’s Clues.)
Alex: Tickety came too.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: They blue skidooed into that book, with Tickety.

Claire: Daddy, I don’t want to keep coughing and coughing and coughing.
Daddy: I know.
Claire: I want it to stop, doing that.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I mean, green.

Claire: Hey Alex? Do you wanna play car outside with me?
Alex: No.
Claire: Then what do you wanna do?
Alex: I wanna make faces!

Alex: There’s a lot of Joes in this, uh, Blue’s Clues.
Daddy: Oh yeah?
Alex: There’s only two Steves.

Steve: What’s your name?
Claire: Claire.
Alex: Alex.
Steve: And what’s your favorite color?
(Claire’s response is inaudible.)
Alex: Red, blue, and pink. I mean, green.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I have a big cough. I have a big, tall cough.

Alex: I remember that we had a gate up for babies. A white gate, when I was a baby.

Alex: I don’t like being sick and watching too much TV.
Daddy: What?
Alex: When you’re sick you have to watch a lot of TV. And I don’t like to.

Claire: I told Mommy I want you to take me to the doctor.
Daddy: I can take you to the doctor. I like doing things with you!
Claire: When I’m sick, you can take me to the doctor always.
Daddy: Okay.

Daddy (singing the Blue’s Clues song): Thanks for doing your part, you sure are smart, and we can do, anything, that we wanna do!
Alex: Actually we can’t always do what we wanna do, Daddy.
Daddy: Why not?
Alex: Because sometimes we get sick.
(After expounding on that theory a bit, Alex comes up with another example.)
Alex: We hafta go to bed, but we don’t wanna go to bed. Kids don’t wanna go to bed.

Alex: Daddy, I can hold my starfish on one finger.

Claire: I want this cough to go away.

(Everyone is wearing their orange shirts today.)
Claire: Daddy, you have a pumpkin patch shirt.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: I have a pumpkin patch shirt.
Claire: Mommy, do you have a pumpkin patch shirt?
Mommy: Uh-huh.
Claire: Alex, do you have a pumpkin patch shirt?
Alex: Yeah.

Claire: My throat hurts, and I'm coughing a lot. I have a big cold, Alex.
Alex: I have a bigger cold. I have a really –
Claire: I have a bigger, bigger cold!
Alex: Well I have the biggest. If you have a taller cold, you're sick.

Claire: I have a big cough. I have a big, tall cough. Alex, I have a big, tall cough.

Alex: I saw -- I see red leaves!
Daddy: Neat!
Alex: And yellow leaves on the trees!
Claire: And, I, see... um ... ... ... ... um... ... ... orange leaves! No, yellow!
Alex: There might be some brown leaves around here too.
Alex: Mommy, the ones with the prickles, the pines? They don't have leaves, they keep their spines.

(The kids have been pestering Mommy constantly.)
Daddy (to Mommy): Are you frustrated?
Alex (interrupting): Mommy?
Mommy: No. I guess I'm getting frustrated by all the --
Alex: Mommy?
Mommy (irritably): What?
Alex: Um, excuse me.
Mommy (irritably): What?
Alex: Um, I love you.
Mommy: Aw, thanks.
Claire: I love you too! I love you too, Mommy!
Mommy: Thanks, guys.
Mommy (to Daddy): Now I feel terrible.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Now that I'm a big boy, I don't sleep on Elly and Bobo very much any more.

Alex: Now that I'm a big boy, I don't sleep on Elly and Bobo very much any more.

Alex: I'm almost five, and when I'm all the way up to twenty, they're sad, because big kids don't play with toys very much, and they're afraid I won't play with them.

(Mommy is drinking coffee.)
Claire: Mommy?
Mommy: What?
Claire: When I'm a mommy, I can drink coffee, when I'm a mommy.

(Daddy is on the phone, but not talking.)
Alex: Daddy, is the phone loading up?

Claire: You know what was nice?
Daddy: What?
Claire: That I did? I went to, to him, and I gave him the cup with milk in it, and he put it in his shopping cart.
Daddy: Oh, that was nice.

Claire: Hey Alex, do you like my pretty pants?
Alex: I love them.

(after dinner)
Alex: Thanks for giving me some dessert.
Mommy: You’re welcome.
Alex: I really enjoyed your Oreos.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I LOVE helping YOU, Alex!!

Claire: Daddy, I love the bubble bath one because, Mickey Mouse goes up in the air!
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: Um, and, I'm gonna pick.
Daddy: What?
Claire: I'm gonna pick the bubble one because that's my favorite one, and, and that, um, Mickey Mouse goes up in the air!

(Claire giggles.)
Claire: I LOVE helping YOU, Alex!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

If you do all those puzzles, do you win?

Alex: Some daddies aren't as nice as this daddy.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Because this daddy is the nicest daddy in the world.
Daddy: I sure am.

Claire: Mommy, is it okay if I have this rock while I'm sleeping?
Mommy: You wanna do what?
Claire: Can I have this rock while I'm sleeping?
Mommy: You want it while you're sleeping? Sure. Whatever.

(Daddy is working a puzzle in a puzzle magazine.)
Claire: If you do all those puzzles, do you win?

Alex: I'm the best brother in the world. Everybody else is just fighting with their sister.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: They never -- they never let their brother do anything, or their sister. Not like us.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Daddy, I’m gonna grow up to be a mommy, and I’m gonna grow up to be a doctor too.

Claire: Daddy, I’m gonna grow up to be a mommy, and I’m gonna grow up to be a doctor too.

Alex: Do you wanna go see my pumpkin having a mustache?

Alex: Is this a CD?

Claire: How do you make dried fruit?
Daddy: Well --
Alex: You get some apples, and you smash ‘em down, until they're hard as a rock. And if you want pears, then you smash pears! And then you eat ‘em! Well you put them in a bag first.

(much later)
Claire: But how do you make it -- how do you make the dried fruit -- how do you make it hard and crunchy?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It’s circles and triangles and squares. It’s like a abstract.

(Claire and Alex are watching Caillou.)
Claire: Hey Daddy, Caillou wakes up by itself.
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: Caillou wakes up by hisself. Like Alex.
Daddy: Oh.

Claire: I wanna keep smelling this book. I love, love this one!

(Claire draws a picture of chocolate.)
Claire: Daddy, this is chocolate. Because Juju and Mallory love chocolate. Because Juju and Mallory love chocolate, Daddy.
Daddy: They do?
Claire: Uh-huh. So I’m gonna give they chocolate.
(Claire picks up a couple of rocks.)
Claire: These are chocolate, Daddy. These are chocolate.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire whispers to Juju and Mallory as she gives them their chocolate.)

(Alex is ripping a piece of cheese up into small pieces, so he can make a pizza with it.)
Alex: It’s circles and triangles and squares. It’s like a abstract.

Alex: This is gonna be the best pizza ever.

(Claire plucked a flower from a bush in the yard, then put it in a vase.)
Claire: Daddy, I gave my flower a hug and kiss.

(Alex and Claire are coloring.)
Alex: Claire! Look at my scary stuff! Bats! And a witch on a long broom! And a pumpkin, scary!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I’m really excited to give you a popsicle.

Alex: I wanna be just a daddy when I grow up.
Daddy: You do?
Alex: I wanna be my, self.


Claire (to Daddy): Is it okay if Alex comes to my soccer?

Alex (to Claire): Well, Claire, um, you’re gonna hafta tell your coach, “Can I have a popsicle for my brother?”

(a little later)
Claire: Hey Daddy? Alex told me that he wants a popsicle from my soccer, so I’m gonna tell my coach that I’m gonna get a popsicle for Alex, okay?
Daddy: Okay.

(a little later)
Claire: Daddy, I’m excited to go to soccer!!
Daddy: Good! Why are you excited?
Claire: You know why – you know – I’m exci – you know – because – I’m excited to get Alex a popsicle!

Alex: Daddy, can you remind Claire at the end of the game, just in case Claire doesn’t remember?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Juuuust in case.

(a little later)
Claire (to Alex): I’m really excited to give you a popsicle.

(lunch time)

Alex: Daddy, can we play a game called the lunch game? ‘Cause it’s not dinner.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: But Alex, it’s the dinner game.
(They argue back and forth a bit.)
Alex: Well it’s lunch time, so we have to call it the lunch game.
Claire: We usually call it the dinner game.
Alex (holding up his empty hand): Look, I wrote down on my paper: it says “Lunch game today. Not tomorrow.”
(Claire has no response to this.)

Claire: Hey Alex, I can give you a popsicle.
Alex: Okay.
Claire: Hey Alex, why do you have two of them?
Alex: I don’t know. Because pizzas are yummy. So sometimes you get two things.
Alex: That are each the same.

Claire: Daddy, we need more cheese. We’re almost out of cheese.
Daddy: Oh.
Claire: There’s a little bit more. We’re gonna go back to the store.
Claire (suddenly excited): Daddy! There’s a little bit more, we’re gonna go back to the store, that rhymes!
Daddy: Yeah!

Claire: Daddy, when I come back home, I’m gonna put these pants back on, when we – when we come back after soccer.

Alex: I don’t have to put this on the counter, because it’s actually a paper plate.

Claire: I’m gonna give you a popsicle after soccer, I’m gonna remind, okay?
Alex: Okay.
Claire: I’m gonna remind, myself.

Claire: Will these clips stay in?
Mommy: Yeah.
Claire: When I run, will they stay in?
Mommy: Yeah. Can you sit down?
Claire: But Mommy, if my shoes comes untied, I will go back to Daddy and he can tie it up.
Mommy: Yeah.

Alex: Claire? I’ll give you a sticker if you get a goal.
Claire: Okay.
Alex: But even if you don’t get a goal! I’ll still give you a sticker.
Alex: But if you’re – if you’re not excited for soccer, then I think I won’t give you a sticker. ‘Cause I don’t wanna hear any whining. Any whining before we go. No fighting.

Claire: I’m gonna remind Alex when he wants a popsicle. Alex, are you sure you want a popsicle?
Alex: I’m sure.

Claire: Mommy, when I get popsicles, I’m gonna get two. Get both of them.
Mommy: Yeah?
Claire: Mm-hm. That’s the rule. I’ll get two popsicles.

Claire: When I, when I, get a popsicle. At – I’m gonna get you a popsicle at soccer.
Alex: Okay.

Claire: Daddy, I’m all ready to go to [Claire throws her hands in the air] soccer!
Daddy: Oh, good.
Claire: Mommy get me all ready to go to [Claire throws her hands in the air] soccer!

Mommy: Claire, tell me about soccer.
Claire: I played – played lots of games.
Mommy: You did?
Claire: I ran around circles! With my cones.
Mommy: Fun.
Claire: I carried my ball up, I picked my ball up. And I carried it over.
Mommy: Oh.
Claire: And I didn’t know how to do that, and I – and we threw it over our heads.
Mommy: Yeah?

Claire: And, and when we threw it, threw it overs, we went back and got – we went back to our coach. We, did that.

(Alex is pretending his book is a computer. A matchbox car is the mouse.)
Alex: Hey! I’m tryin’ to find my face email.
Daddy: What are you looking for?
Alex: My face email.
Daddy (to Mommy): Did you hear that, sweetie?
Mommy: What?
Daddy: He’s looking for his face email.
(Mommy laughs.)
Alex: Is a face email real? Because I’m tryin’ to be like a real daddy.

(Daddy is taking his blood pressure.)
Alex: Daddy, I want you to blood press me – blood press me, with my arm. Blood press me.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I’m the best sister in the world!

Claire: Alex, when I take off my shoe, and I put it back on, it doesn’t hurt my thumb. I’m strong.
(Claire tenses her muscles.)
(Claire tenses her muscles.)
(Claire tenses her muscles.)

(Claire walks around, whispering to herself something about "strong" and again "strong".)
(Claire tenses her muscles.)

Alex: I'm saying potty words in the bathroom.

Alex: I made into a song so I would remember all of them!

Claire: These are gonna be all my jobs on my chart.

Alex: A is holding them from bottom! It’s a tower of my name!

Alex: My name can be a tower any day!

Mommy (to Alex): Tell Daddy where you got that sticker.
Alex: Claire Bear!

Mommy: She gave it to him. She was trying to make him feel better.
Daddy: Aw.
Mommy (to Claire): You’re the best sister in the world.
Claire (to Daddy): I’m the best sister in the world!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bottom, side, top, other side.

(Alex explains how he brushes his teeth.)
Alex: Bottom, side, top, other side.

(Claire and Alex are watching Blue's Clues.)
Claire: When they said "ice" -- when they said "ice" -- he said "very nice". That rhymes!

(Alex figured out Blue's Clue's ahead of schedule.)
Kids: A penguin!
Alex: I knew it, Daddy!!

(driving to school)

Alex: I like my teacher's voice.
Daddy: You do?
Alex: Mm-hm.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: Because… she's a nice teacher.
Claire: I like my teacher's voice? Do you know why I like my teacher's voice, Daddy?
Daddy: Why?
Claire: Because… I love her.

Claire: Hey Daddy, I didn't get a Happy Gram from school, just Alex, but I have Happy Grams here!
Daddy: Good!
Alex: Yeah, she has lots of them.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I can stand on not two feet.


Claire: Hey Daddy, when I was upstairs, my tummy hurt, but when, when I'm down here, my tummy doesn't hurt any more!
Daddy: Oh good!

Claire: Daddy, how do you make toys?
(Daddy explains how toys are made.)
Claire: Oh. How do you make food?
(Daddy explains how food is made.)
Claire: Oh. How do you make butter?
(Daddy explains how butter is made.)
Claire: Oh.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Can you make some really yummy syrup waffles for me? Really tasty ones?

Claire: Mommy, when we grow up, will (inaudible)?
Daddy: What?
Claire: When we grow -- when we... be a mommy and a daddy... um... will you still be big?
Daddy: Yes.

Claire: Daddy, you know what I can do? I can stand on not two feet.
(Claire stands on one foot.)
Claire: I can stand on one foot!

Claire: Hey Mommy, I can stand on not two feet, watch!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I didn't do nothing!

Alex: Even though I don't have Cinderella anymore, I'm still a good listener.


Mommy: So. Tell me about school.
Claire: I don't know.
Claire: What I did.
Alex: It was wet on the play set.

Mommy: Did you and Jaap play today?
Alex: Yeah, we played Jail, and I got stuck in jail.
Mommy: Oh.
Alex: I was the bad guy. And I was kidding that I wasn't the bad guy.

Mommy: Claire, you didn't tell me what you did at school today.
Claire: I didn't do nothing!
(Mommy laughs.)
Claire: I just did… um… I just did…
Alex: Circle time?
Claire: I just did… going to nap…
Mommy: What?
Claire: I just did once, and I just did… took my friends to going to nap. And that's all I did!

Claire: I didn't do ANYthing! Else at school.
Mommy: No circle time?
Claire: No.
Mommy: No jobs?
Claire: No.
Claire: And I went home all by myself!

Claire: Then I... checked my folder, then I opened the door, then I went outside, then I drived the car, and I went home by myself!
(Claire and Mommy talk more about all of the things she did by herself.)

Mommy: Claire, did you make your own lunch?
Claire: Mm-hm.
Mommy: What did you make for lunch?
Claire: Um, water.
(Alex laughs.)
Claire: And squeeze water.
(Alex laughs harder.)
Claire: For real!

Claire: Daddy, when I'm eating, can you think I'm a butterfly when I close my eyes?
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: No -- think I'm a flower.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire closes her eyes and grins.)
Daddy: You're a flower.
Claire: No! Think I'm a flower!
Daddy: Oh, okay.
(Claire closes her eyes again.)
Daddy: I think that's a flower.
Daddy: I think you're a flower.
(Claire giggles.)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Yes, baby, we can!

Alex: Can I climb up your kickhead?
Claire: Can I climb up your babyhead?

Alex: I can't wait to see my friends, see how much fun Cinderella had.
Alex: I'm gonna miss you, Cinderella.

Alex: I took good care of Cinderella, didn't I?

(In the car on the way to school, Alex is trying to reach the strap above the door.)
Alex: Can I reach this all the way to school?
Daddy: If you want to.
Alex: But my arm hurts.
Daddy: You don't have to.
Alex: Yeah I do have to.

Alex: I holded it the whole way to school.
Daddy: How does your arm feel?
Alex: Just stretched out a little bit.

(driving to Charlottesville to pick apples)

Alex: I wonder who I can go apple-picking with, instead of Cinderella. Cinderella's gone.
Alex: Cinderella's gone, so I can't take her. I bet she'd have fun.

Claire: Hey Daddy? I saw somebody build a bridge that we passed! A bridge we went under.
Daddy: Yeah!

Claire: Mommy? After we pick some apples? When it’s – when it’s dinner time, can we eat some apples for dinner?

Alex: Mommy, I saw a green light with a arrow. Why did it have a arrow?

Claire: Little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, little little big, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little, big little little.

Alex: I see six and four again.

Alex: Six and four again.

Alex: Six and four again.

Claire: Mommy, when he woofs, does that mean, that's how he says hi?

(driving to Grandma and Grandpa’s house)

Alex: Grandmas always make yummy things. Don't they, Daddy?
Daddy: What's that?
Alex: Grandmas always make yummy things.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: They love tea parties.

Claire: Does Grandma have a different house?
Mommy: No.
Claire: When is Grandma gonna get a different house?
Mommy: She's not going to, she likes her house.

Claire: I wanted to get a pump too.

Alex: You wanna have a nap again, Claire?

(Grandpa is in his office/den.)
Alex: Where’s Grandpa?
Mommy: I don’t know.
Alex: He's in his workshop.

Claire: Daddy? Can you play tea with me?
Daddy: Yeah.

Claire: I’m making tea for Mommy, and our whole family!

Claire: What do you want, Mommy?
Mommy: What do you have?
Claire: What do you want?
Mommy: Well you have to tell me.
Claire: Cake... ice cream... cake... ice cream... cake!

Alex's doll: Can we have a tea party?
Claire (thrilled): Yes, baby, we can!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

You hurt my feelings!

(Claire and Daddy have just gotten dressed.)
Claire (to Daddy): You have a blue shirt with nothing on it. And I have this shirt with stripes on it.

(Several minutes later.)
Claire (calling from another room): Daddy? Daddy?
Daddy (finding Claire): Yes, Claire?
Claire: Um… um… you don't have anything on your blue shirt!
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire: And I have stripes on this shirt.
Daddy: That's right.

Daddy (to Mommy): Have you seen Alex do his T-Rex impression?
Mommy: No.
Alex (with his elbows tucked at his sides): I can't scratch my chin!

(Alex and Claire get into a shouting match.)
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings, Alex!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You -- hurt -- my -- feelings!!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!
Alex: You hurt my feelings!
Claire: You hurt my feelings!

(Claire is eating a bowl of cereal with milk for the first time.)
Claire: I have some of this cereal with milk.
Daddy: You like it?
Claire: Uh-huh. It's so yummy milk.
Claire: It's squishy with milk. I like it squishy with milk.

Claire: Please can I have some more cereal with -- with that milk?

(Claire and Alex are watching Caillou.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes?
Claire: Can we -- can we -- um, Daddy?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: Can we go to the -- can we -- Daddy -- one day next year, we can go to the beach, then we can take our ball, and splash it right in the water, with our shoes on, when we go to the beach!
Daddy: Yeah!
Claire: Can we do that?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: When we go to the beach next year.
Claire: Daddy, can we remember to do that?
Daddy: Yeah.
Mommy: What does she want to do?
Claire: Um, when we go back to the beach with our bathing suit on, can we take the ball there and, splash it in the water, then Daddy can go get it?

(Mommy's neck hurts.)
Claire (to Mommy): Why does your neck hurt?
Mommy: I don't know. I guess I'm old. Do you think I'm old?
Claire: You don't look old.

Claire (to Alex): You look like a real cowboy!


Alex (to Claire): You can have three. That's more than two.

Mommy (talking to her computer): What?!
Alex: I'm sorry you're frustrated, Mommy.

Alex: I like my mommy that made my pasta.

Claire: Can I have more sun butter and jelly please, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I know how to make it, Daddy. Can I make it?
Daddy: Yeah.

Claire (to Daddy): Thank you for giving me a piece of your pizza.

Claire (observing her Goldfish-bread sandwich): He has one eye on the front and one eye on the back, but that's not right with our eyes!

(Claire has sun butter and jelly on her nose.)
Alex: Why don't you use your napkin, Claire?
Claire: To wipe my nose off?
Alex: No Claire, to wipe the sun butter and jelly off!

Claire (to Daddy): What did you do when you were a little boy?

(Alex finishes his lunch, but as usual, would prefer not to wipe his face with a wipe.)
Alex: I look clean, don't I?
Daddy: Yeah you do. But a wipe helps get all the germs off.
Alex: I thought you would say that.

Alex: When I grow up, I'm gonna go to work, and have work friends.

Alex: We haven't watched Blue's Clues in a long time. I like it.
Claire: Me too. It's a good show.


Claire (talking about Mommy and Daddy): They're so nice, that I love them!
Daddy: Oh, and we love you too.
Alex: I care about them.
Claire: Me too.

Alex: I help people find stuff.
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: That's what's nice about me.
Mommy: Yeah.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I'm gonna miss Cinderella.

Alex: I can't wait to show my friends how much fun I had with Cinderella.

(Claire gets a bug in her water cup.)
Alex: Hey Claire? Only mommies and daddies can get bugs in their cups.
(Daddy laughs. Alex laughs.)
Daddy: You funny.

(Claire is eating animal crackers.)
Claire: Hey! This one's broken. Can I eat it?

Alex: I'm gonna miss Cinderella.

(Alex and Claire are coloring.)
Claire: Uh-oh! My picture for Happy's ripping! He's gonna be sad! But that's okay, I can draw another pretty picture! But he can still have this one!

Alex: Look at the picture I cut out!
Daddy: Oh, yeah.
Alex: It's a picture of Cinderella.

Claire (to Alex): I don't need to help you 'cause, uh, you made that mess.

Claire: Daddy, do you want to see my pretty pictures?
Daddy: I would love to see your pretty pictures, let's look at them!

Alex (showing his picture to Claire): The leaves are changing colors, it's because it's fall in the forest.

Friday, October 7, 2011

If we go to space, will that be far from our house?

Claire: My toothbrush is green, and Alex's toothbrush is orange. They're not the same color, Mommy.

(Claire and Alex are watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.)
Claire: If we go to space, will that be far from our house?

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Claire.
Claire: One day can we…. One day can we… One day can you draw… um... One day can you draw…. One day can you draw…um, Mickey and Goofy and Donald, and, um, Pluto, and all his friends… all of his friends, so, Daddy, can you -- um draw, Mickey Mouse and Daisy and Goofy and Pluto and Donald… all, and… Mickey Mouse and, all his friends and all his house?
Daddy: Yes.
Claire: Okay.

Claire: Daddy, where does Mickey Mouse live?
Daddy: Doesn't he live at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
Claire: No, where does he live? What state does he live at?
Daddy: Florida.

Claire: Are we gonna stay in this state?
Daddy: No when we go to the wedding we're gonna go to a different state.
Claire: What state?
Daddy: North Carolina.
Claire (excited): Oh!

(Claire eats a Kix.)
Claire: Daddy, it didn't crunch big crunchies.

Alex: I'm gonna tell Miss Worthington about North Carolina.
Daddy: Yeah, you can tell her all about it.
Alex: That's still on our Earth, right?
Daddy: Right.

(Daddy picks up Claire from school.)

Claire: Now we’re gonna go to the wedding!

Claire: I told Miss Kidd about the wedding!

Claire: Is it still gonna be fun? Even if I don't have my toys I want?

Claire: Are we going to the wedding now, Daddy?

(driving to North Carolina)

Alex: Ooh, there's a big church comin’ up on my side!
Claire (breathlessly): Ooh. Yeah!
Alex: See there's a big church.
Claire: I saw it, Alex.

Claire: We’re going under three bridges! Hey Daddy – hey Alex, we’re going under three bridges!

Alex: I saw a skyscraper! I see a skyscraper!

Claire: We’re going under another bridge!
Claire: Wowww.

(approaching a very big bridge)
Alex: Are we gonna go on it, Mommy? It looks so fun.
Mommy: No, I think we’re gonna go under it.
Alex: Under it? Can we go on it?

Claire: When are we gonna go on another bridge?
Alex: I don’t know.
Claire: Are we going up a bridge now?
Alex: We are. We’re going up a bridge.
Claire: Wow.

Claire: We’re going up a tallll one!! It’s gonna be fun!!

(Claire and Alex have their first-ever encounter with bar soap.)
Claire: That's silly. That's silly.
Mommy: Is that silly?
Claire: Yeah. I never had that kind.
Claire: I never had bar soap.

(Waiting for dinner at the hotel restaurant)

Alex: Some people laugh through their nose.

Daddy: Sometimes people throw their heads back and laugh.
(Claire throws her head back and laughs.)

Alex: I'm patient!

Alex: Why does this restaurant let people sit there forever?

Mommy: What do you do at a wedding?
Alex: You dance.
Mommy: You dance.
Alex: You eat cake.
Mommy: Well, we’re not gonna eat cake.

Alex: We’re gonna be late for the wedding if we wait in this restaurant just sitting here.

(in the hotel room, getting ready to go to the wedding ceremony)

Alex: I'm excited about the wedding.
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: How ‘bout you make my hair nice?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: So I look handsome in the wedding.

Alex :Hey Daddy, I can climb up this bed all by myself!

(Mommy finishes getting Claire ready.)
Mommy (to Claire): ‘Kay sweetheart. Come look at yourself.
(Claire looks at herself in the mirror.)
Claire: I look pretty!

Claire: I look pretty!
Claire: Look at me!
Daddy: Yeah, you look pretty!

Claire: Yay, I look pretty!

(A little later, Alex looks in the mirror.)
Alex: I look handsome.

(heading back to the hotel after the wedding)

Alex: It’s late. It’s later than we've ever been, isn't it?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Everybody needs to go to the hotel and go to sleep.

Claire: I can hardly see nothing.

Daddy: Children? Did you have fun at the wedding?
Alex and Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Tell me all about it.
Alex: We ate treats.
Claire: Cookies. Jellybeans.
Alex: We... watched your... uncle Pam and uncle Bob get married. Right?
Mommy: It was cousin David and cousin Cathy.
Alex: And we danced. That's all.
Claire: But we didn't eat any cupcakes.
Alex: Mm-hm.
Claire: They had peanuts in them?
Alex: Mm-hm.
Claire: And, that's all.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

This car is a car… and this spider is a spider.

(getting ready for school)

Alex: I'm gonna get another sticker. Did you know, Daddy, I love getting stickers? It's because I'm a good listener. I did this again.
(Alex makes a peace sign with his fingers.)
Daddy: Oh good.
Alex: I just love getting stickers!

Alex: I'm excited to see my teachers!

(Claire is taking Og's Book Bag to school today.)
Claire: I'm excited to take my books out for Miss Kidd!

(Daddy drops Alex off at school.)
Alex (to Daddy): When you come home, can we have fun together?

(Claire shows Daddy a picture she drew at school.)
Claire: This car is a car… and this spider is a spider.
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: And… there's nothing else.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And my face would not turn into your face.


Alex: Daddy, one day, I ate the biggest broccoli ever!
Daddy: Wow! How big was it?
Alex: Its stem, went all the way into outer space!

Claire: And Daddy, I ate a big, tall, sun butter and jelly, and then I ate it all up!
Daddy: Wow!
Claire: And that would not make my tummy hurt.
Daddy: Wow.
Claire: And my face would not turn into your face.

(Daddy is drinking a soda.)
Claire (to Daddy): Why are you eating that yummy thing?
Daddy: Because it’s yummy.
Claire: What is that?
Daddy: It’s my soda.
Claire: Why are you eating that?
Daddy: Because I’m thirsty.
Alex: Today is Thirsty Day, Claire.

Alex: Tomorrow is Ear Day, there’s gonna be ears rolling all around on the sidewalk.
Daddy: Neat! I can’t wait!
Alex: And then after that, we’re gonna have Head Day! There’s gonna be heads talking to us on the sidewalk!
Daddy: Oh, that sounds a little scary.
Alex: Yeah. I don’t like that day. But then the next day is the yummiest day! You get to eat chocolate muffins all day!
Daddy: I can’t wait!
Claire: Me either!

Alex: But after Chocolate Day, comes Thirsty Day again!

Alex: And then Lollipop Day!
Claire: Oh! Fun!
Claire: That would be so, much –
Alex: And then Paint Day. Paint’s gonna be raining from the clouds.
Claire: Oh no, then we couldn’t go outside.
Claire: Then it’s gonna be – Sharkie Day.
Alex: Sharkie Day! There’s gonna be sharks eating us!
Claire: Yeah. And then there’s gonna be sharks eating us, all of the people, in all of the tummy.
Claire: And all of the houses. They’re gonna eat all of the houses, and all of the… weeks.
Alex: Oh no! And they’ll also eat Miss Worthington!
Claire: Yeah. And it’ll eat all the teachers’ houses.
Alex: And all the heads!
Claire: Yeah. And all the houses, and all the people, and all the windows, and all the …
(At some point, Claire gets down from the table and starts running around the kitchen in a circle.)
Claire (running in a circle): …All the food and all the things if they need it… and all the stuff, if they need it, and all the kids, and all the people, and all the sharks and whales, and they will eat, some sharks and whales, and they will eat, in their floor, and so many toys! And so many books, and all of the houses, and –
Alex (smiling): She keeps saying them over and over again.
Claire: …And all of the stuff again, and if they need it, they can, and if they see any of it, they can, they will, eat so many, so they will run around in the kitchen, then they will get so dizzy, then they couldn’t see any, in the kitchen…
Alex (smiling): She’s so silly.

Alex: It’s fun to talk about what you did do at dinnertime.

(Daddy invents a fictional person just to see how Claire will respond.)
Daddy: Claire, do you still play with your friend Flo-Flo?
Claire: Yes.
Daddy: What do you do?
Claire: I play with Ashley and Flo-Flo, and he sits beside me at snack and lunch.