Saturday, October 31, 2009

Where's trick-or-treating? Do you know where trick-or-treating is?

Alex: Are you not going to work today?
Daddy: No. It’s Saturday, no work today!
Alex: No. Daddy’s staying with me.

Alex: Claire, here's a hat for you.

Alex: I got Claire her hat what she played with yesterday.
Alex: Now I have my hat what I played with yesterday.
Alex: I’m a witch.
Claire: A ha! A ha!

Mommy: What are you doing?
Alex: I’m playing with Claire.

Daddy: What was that book about?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: What did the cows say?
Alex: Clickety clack mooooooo.

(Playing trains)

Alex: Then Thomas was happy.

Alex: The track was broken. Then Ernie gonna have a good idea, he must be gonna clean it up.

Alex: Daddy, a ball! I'm gonna throw it up in the sky. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! Throw!

Alex: I'm gonna show this bear to Aunt Sheridan and Meg.

Alex: I got you a new costume, Claire. A lion! Not a ladybug.

Alex: I'm gonna be a firefighter.

(Daddy is reading/paraphrasing The Flight of the Singing Pilot.)
Daddy: And Tasha and Uniqua and Pablo, and, um... uh… and the moose, all went inside for chocolate pudding. “Let’s have a snack,” they said. The end.
Alex: His name’s Tyrone.

Alex: Can you put my cow on my bookcase?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Far away, beside my 'tainer.

Alex: We’re gonna do Halloween at our house, den we’re gonna do Halloween at the neighbor’s house.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: And at Oakley’s house.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Den we’re gonna do all of that den after dinner.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Den we’re gonna go after nap.

Alex: Can I have the treats now?

Alex: Here’re the treats! Here’re the treats, Daddy, on the door. I found them.

Alex: Please can we go trick-or-treating?!

Alex: We don't eat treats. Just dogs. Just dogs eat treats.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: Not dog food. Just our own food.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: The witch candy will bring me some treats.

Daddy: What does the good witch do?
Alex: Um she just got treats. Um she went home. She just went home.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And now she's at home. With her witch friends.

Alex: I – I thought you were gonna go trick-or-treating.

Daddy: Is Alex gonna get a treat?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Is Claire gonna get a treat?
(Alex thinks.)
Alex: Yes she is.
Daddy: Yes she is, good!
Alex: And Oakley. Three of us.

Alex: Treats don't have any tomato sauce. They make my mouth feel better.

Alex (running away from the big pumpkin as it inflates): Ah! The big pumpkin’s gonna get me!

Alex: I got some treats!

Alex (to Claire): C'mon ladybug!
Alex: Hi ladybug!
Alex: Hi ladybug!
Alex: Hi ladybug!

Alex (to Claire, excitedly): Now we're gonna go trick-or-treating!

Alex (to Mommy): Where's trick-or-treating? Do you know where trick-or-treating is?

(Claire is crying.)
Alex: What's she cryin' about?

(Alex, Claire, Mommy and Daddy are all out trick-or-treating.)

Alex (to the neighbor, prior to receiving candy): Trick or treat!

Alex (to the neighbor, after receiving candy): Thank you.

(Alex stops walking as he approaches a not-very-well-lit house.)
Alex: Maybe I don't like this one.

Alex: Are we going home now?
Daddy: Do you wanna go home or do some more trick-or-treating?
Alex: Um... some one more house.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex (approaching the next house): Not that one.

Alex (approaching the following house): That one's noisy.

Alex (looking at the house across the street): Maybe that one has a mustache.
(Mommy and Daddy exchange confused glances.)
Mommy (to Daddy): I don't see it.

(Approaching the next house)
Mommy: That one has a mummy.
Alex: No daddies?

Daddy: That was fun, wasn't it?
Alex: Yeah. Now let's go home.

Alex: Now hold my hand. Let's keep walking.

Alex (approaching his house): There's our home.
Daddy: Yeah.

(back home again)

Alex: Can I eat my... um... um... trick-or-treats?

Mommy: These are safe.
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Yeah. So you can eat those.
Alex (to Daddy, excitedly): These are safe!

Alex: Is everybody coming to my house?

Claire (pointing to each in turn): Mama. Ah-wah. Dada.

Alex (playing trains): Uh oh, there was trouble. The track. The track was broken.

Alex (looking out of his bedroom window): Maybe they need to go to bed. They need to park cars into the night. In the garage. ‘Cause it’s late.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Claire's vocabulary (48)

Alex ("ah-wah")
all done
apple / applesauce (“ah-poo”)
baby ("dah-dah")
ball ("baw")
balloon ("buh")
banana ("nana")
bubble ("buh-buh")
bug (“buh”)
bump (“bum”)
bye bye ("dah-doh")
chair ("ch")
choo choo
dog ("dawg")
Elmo ("ah-moh")
giraffe ("jaff")
Grandma ("gah-mah")
hippo ("hoppo")
jacket (“jack“)
Night-night ("nye-nye")
outside ("ow-sye")
sleep sack (“sack”)
that (“dat”)
trash / trash can ("trash")
waffle ("wah-woo")
water ("wah-wah")

I'n a witch hat! I'n a witch hat! I'n a witch hat!

Daddy: I wish Claire would learn how to talk.
Alex: Say “chair”, Claire.
Claire: Chah.
Alex: She said it!
Daddy: Good! You taught her “chair”.

Alex: Here’s the tiger and the caterpillar. Don’t put them in the hall, definitely not in Claire’s room, and definitely not in my room.

Alex: We’re gonna go to Halloween, Daddy.
Daddy: What?
Alex: We’re gonna go to Halloween.

(Alex goes to wash his hands in the downstairs bathroom.)

Alex: I’m gonna wash hands by myself.

Alex: When I brush teeth, will you get me some toothpaste, Daddy?
Daddy: You don’t need to brush teeth. But okay, call me when you need me.
Alex: But I’m gonna do it by myself. Next time you can do it with me.

Alex: Daddy, can you help me?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: The paper towel’s not gonna stay on.
Daddy: Okay.
(Daddy helps hang up the towel.)
Alex: Now go out so I can open the door.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Now you can put my stool away.
Daddy: Okay, I’ll put your stool away.
Alex: Do it by yourself.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: We need to go get some more bananas.
Daddy: I know, I'm gonna go to the store.
Alex: Can you go to the grocery store first?

Alex: Is this, um, some not yucky water?

Alex: There's a ant.
Mommy: Where?
Alex: Oh it flew away.

Alex (wearing a witch hat): I’n a witch hat! I’n a witch hat! I’n a witch!

Alex (wearing a wizard hat): What's this hat?
Daddy: A wizard.
Alex: I'm a wizard!

(Alex puts the witch hat on a reluctant Claire.)
Alex: It’s for everybody Claire. I’m gonna share with you.

(Mommy is carving the pumpkin.)
Alex (laughing): It’s a triangle.
Mommy: Yeah, it’s his nose.
Alex: It’s a nose.

(Alex is playing Store.)
Daddy: I’d like to buy some bunny grahams, please.
Alex: No you can’t buy them, they’re yucky.
Daddy: I’d like to buy some cookies, please.
Alex: They’re yucky too. I’m gonna eat them.
(Alex pretened to hand something to Daddy.)
Alex: I got you some money, you can eat that. It’s dry? For you. It’s dry? For you.

Alex: What's on it?
Mommy: Butter.
Alex: What butter?
Mommy: You want one without butter?
Alex: Yeah. This butter I don’t like it.

(Alex’s mouth hurts.)

Alex: Water makes it feel better.

Alex: My breath doesn't hurt now.

Mommy: Do you wanna try this?
Alex: I wanna try the medicine.
Mommy: You wanna try it?
Alex: Let’s see if the medicine helps that.
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: Is that the medicine?
Mommy: Yeah.

Alex: Is it dark outside?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: We forgot the newspaper and the seeds.
Daddy: Oh, I guess I better go get them.
Alex: No it’s dark.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You can’t go out there if it’s dark.
Daddy: I can’t go out there?
Alex: You can.
Daddy: I can?
Alex: Yeah. If it’s dark you can go out there and get them.

Alex: If it hurts, Daddy, drink your water.

Claire: More.
Claire: More.
Claire: More.

Alex: Um when it hurts I breathe really well.

Alex: I did the puzzle.
Daddy: Oh, you did the Super Why puzzle? You didn't need any help.
Alex: I wanna do it with you.
Daddy: Okay, but when Claire’s done with bath, we're gonna go so Alex can take his bath, okay?
Alex: How ‘bout we do it really really really fast.
Daddy: Okay.

Daddy (to Alex): Guess what?
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Say again.
Daddy: Guess what?
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Say it again.
Daddy: Guess what?
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Say it again.
Daddy: Guess what?
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Can you talk about something?
Mommy: You’re supposed to say “What?”.
Alex: What?
Daddy: I love you.
(Alex laughs.)

Mommy: Let’s sing Twinkle Twinkle.
Alex: Okay.
Alex (singing): Twinkle Twinkle
Alex, Mommy, and Daddy (in unison): Little star
Alex: And turtle.
Mommy: What?
Alex: And turtle.
Daddy (singing): And turtle
All (singing): How I wonder what you are
Alex (singing): With turtle
All (singing): Up above the world so high
Alex (singing): With turtle
All (singing): Like a triangle
Alex: With turtle
Mommy and Daddy (singing): In the sky
All: Twinkle twinkle little star
Mommy (singing): With turtle
All (singing): How I wonder what you are

(in bed)
Alex: Daddy, can you be berry careful when you go downstairs?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Can you not go outside, because it’s wet.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Can you wear your boots?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: But can you not go outside?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You can go outside when Grommie poops and you clean it up.
Daddy: Okay.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Then there was trouble.

Daddy: Alex, did you tell Mommy about the doctor?
Alex: Daddy tried to turn the TV on.
Mommy: Did he have trouble?
Alex: They had Backyardigans.
Mommy: They did?
Alex: And I watched pets. I watched two shows.

Alex (playing trains): Then there was trouble.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You kick it, and it falls away, and it rolls, and then you go get it.

Alex: I want you to watch me play.

Alex (playing with trains): Thomas was puffing away.

(Alex explains the ball to Claire.)
Alex: You kick it, and it falls away, and it rolls, and then you go get it.

Claire: Mama! Mama!
Alex: Mama! I want Mama.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I'm like a baby.

Alex: I picked green peppers.

Daddy: Alex, if you had three eyes, could you see better?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: How much better?
Alex: Um... Three.

Daddy: Can you tell Daddy about the Grasshopper and the Ant?
Alex: Um, the ant had food and the grasshopper didn't have food.
Daddy: That’s right.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Mommy (swinging Claire): Whoa!
Claire (wanting to do it again): Uh-woh!
Mommy: Whoa!
Claire: Uh-woh!
Mommy: Whoa!
Claire: Uh-woh!
Mommy: Whoa!
Claire: Uh-woh!
Mommy: Whoa!
Claire: Uh-woh!

Alex: Do duh monster and you hide, okay?

Alex (upset): I wanna do tickle monster!

Mommy: Okay, it’s time to go upstairs.
Alex: I'm gonna go upstairs in a few minutes.

Alex: Let’s play in the farm room, okay? In the farm. Where we do farms.

Alex: Um – can you come play with me? C’mon, it’s fun!

Alex: Can you go to the mall?
Daddy: What should I do at the mall?
Alex: It’s broke.
Daddy: What’s wrong with it?
Alex: It has a circle not on it.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: And a square. It’s red. Not green.

Alex: What does a flamingo say?

Alex: What's that? What is that?
Daddy: It’s a googah.
Alex: No. It’s you!

Daddy: Alex, what’s your favorite book?
Alex: Um Twinkle Twinkle. Twinkle Twinkle.
Daddy: Okay. What’s your favorite song?
Alex: Twinkle Twinkle and Lullaby.
Daddy: What’s your favorite food?
Alex: Bananas.
Daddy: I like bananas too. What’s your favorite TV show?
Alex: Arthur… … And Thomas. And Super Why.
Daddy: And who’s your favorite Super Reader?
Alex: Princess Pea.

Alex: Can we, um, cover up us?

Alex: I wanna go for a run for you.
Daddy: You wanna go for a run for me?
Alex: Yeah. I have shoes on. I have roo – running shoes on. Let's go for a run.
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex and Daddy run.)
Alex: This is how you run.

Daddy: What's your temperature?
(Alex takes his own temperature.)
Alex: Thirty...B.
Daddy: Thirty B?
Alex: Yeah.

(Daddy is drying his hair.)
Alex: Can you stop doing that?
Daddy: Yeah, I can stop doing that.
Alex: A long time you do that.

Alex (to Daddy): After work I can play with you.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A mouse hopping on him.

Alex: I wanna go potty. I wanna pee pee.

(From his bed, Alex narrates the activity in the hallway.)
Alex: Now Mommy went downstairs too. Then Daddy’s just in there by himself.

Alex: Daddy, I found your toy!
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Do you want it?
Daddy: No thank you.
Alex: Okay. If you want it, I’ll get it.

Alex (to Daddy): You're a firefighter too. You have a little hat, right? We're two firefighters.

Alex: A firefighter's looking at you.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What does he see?
Alex: A mouse hopping on him.

Daddy (to Alex): All right, firefighter.
Alex: I'm not a firefighter anymore.
Daddy: What are you?
Alex: I'm a boy now.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Sorry.

Alex: I like the doctor.

Alex: My foot is on the wall! How I can walk?

(Alex lets Grommie out.)
Daddy: It’s nice of you to take care of Grommie, so he can go pee-pee.
Alex: Yeah, he’s gonna go poo-poo and pee-pee. Then Mommy’s gonna clean it up.

Alex (talking about the doctor): They don't have any toys, just books.

Alex: The wind is blowing my tummy.

Alex: I wanna see the boy with the yellow shirt. I was seeing that before the doctor, can I see that?

Alex: I wanna see the boy in the yellow shirt and the Daddy in the green shirt.

Alex: I wanna pee-pee in these.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I Iwanna go potty. I wanna pee-pee in the potty.

Alex: What do you wanna do after nap?
Daddy: Let's see, tomorrow's Tuesday.
Alex: No school today?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

You forget me.

Alex (referring to Claire): I like to play with her.

Alex (to Daddy): You're Stephanie, right?
Daddy: What?
Alex: You’re Stephanie, right?
Daddy: I’m Stephanie?
Alex: Yeah. ‘Cause Mommy’s, um…

Alex (on the couch with Daddy): I wanna lie like this and watch football with you.

(nap time)
Alex (to Daddy): Tell me something.

(after nap)
Alex: I stayed - I got something in my bed, something fell out of my bed, and I felled - and I got back in my bed.

Alex: Look at him. Look at him. Look at my bear.

(snack time)

Alex (to Daddy): Um - I want you to not bang.
Daddy: What?
Alex: I want you to not bang, because it’s glass.
Daddy: Okay.

Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Claire: Outside!
Alex: In just a minute, Claire!
Claire: Outside!
Alex: In just a minute!

(Alex reaches to take off his bib, then realizes he wasn’t wearing one.)
Alex: Oh - I don't have a bib.
Daddy: That's okay, you were very clean.
Alex: Yeah, I'm very clean.
Alex (to himself): Can't take my bib off without a bib.

Alex: I wanna play in the backyard. With Daddy. And Mommy and Claire. I wa - I wanna have fun.

Alex: I want you to make me fly again.
Alex: Do it again.
Alex: Pleeeease?
Daddy: Okay, we’ll do it in just a minute.
Alex: Yay! This wil be fun. It'll be fun.

Alex: Daddy, can you go rest? Claire doesn't want you to bother her.

(Alex is crying because Daddy went downstairs and didn’t take Alex with him.)
Daddy: Why don't you tell Daddy why you’re sad?
Alex: Because… You forgot – forgot somebody.
Daddy: Who did I forget?
Alex: You forget me.

Alex (to Mommy): Daddy forgot me.

(in bed)
Alex (To Mommy): Tell me things.

(Alex is in bed, and Daddy is leaving the room.)
Alex: I want you to be careful and not kick anything.
Daddy: Okay thanks, I'll be careful.
Alex: Don't kick any boxes.
Daddy: Okay, I won't kick any boxes.

(From his bed, Alex narrates the activity in the hallway.)
Alex: Then it was on, then he turned it off, then he was done doing that. Then he went downstairs.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Thank you, come back again. Make pancakes again, Curious George.

Alex: Can I get out of my bed now?

Alex: I stayed in my bed.

Alex: If something falls out of my bed I will get it. Then I will get my blankets back on.

Alex: Let's see if my water falls out, Daddy.

(During nap time, Alex is heard over the monitor.)

(Alex reads Go Go Airplane!)
Alex: Airplane, airplane, go go go.
Alex: Airplane, airplane, go go go.
Alex: Airplane, airplane, go go go.
Alex: Airplane, airplane, go go go.
Alex: Airplane, airplane, go go go.

(Alex reads Curious George Makes Pancakes.)
Alex: Time to get up, George.
Alex: The man in the yellow hat said it’s time to get up, George. It’s time for the pancake breakfast.
Alex: They had fun pancake breakfast.
Alex: They’re not pancakes yet.
Alex: Then, he was – George made pancakes.
Alex: Then, the man… threw the pancakes up in the sky. Up in the air.
Alex: Then, they – um made pancakes too.
Alex: Then, he made pancakes.
Alex: Then he made pancakes, all they made pancakes.
Alex: All day. All day.
(Alex mumbles.)
Alex: They making a mess, oh they made a mess.
Alex: He made a mess (mumble) pancakes.
(Alex mumbles.)
Alex: Then, then, Curious George ran to hide.
Alex: Where is he? Right here on this page. Nope, he's not there yet.
Alex: (Mumble) some water to wash them.
Alex: Then he got splashed he went in the water again.
Alex: Thank you, come back again. Make pancakes again, Curious George. Curious George.
Alex: The… End. The Eb’d. All done.

(Alex reads Pat A Cake.)
Alex: Patty cake.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, patty cake, patty cake. Baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, patty cake, patty cake, patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s… man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s – baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.
Alex: Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man.

Alex: One more library book. Oh that's all my library books. They're all gone! I just had some my books. Now I read all them for I put the other ones (mumble) water.
Alex: I wanna listen to library stories.
Alex: Okay.
Alex: That's you, Elmo.
Alex: You wanna listen too, Elmo?
Alex: Here's a picture of you. Here’s a picture of you.
Alex: You wanna read Patty Cake?
Alex: Okay.
Alex: You can sit on my books.
Alex: (Mumble) silly. I don’t have any books. Silly. Silly said that book but I don’t have (mumble). Don’t have silly book. A silly book looks like patty cake. Patty cake. Here’s silly. Here’s silly. Here’s silly. You wanna read this one?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: This one right here. Okay.
(Alex mumbles.)
Alex: I wanna – I wanna sleep with you.
Alex: Okay.
Alex: And Elmo’s with me in your bed.
Alex: Patty cake.

Alex: Dee dee dee. Dee dee dee.
Alex: Dee dee dee. Dee dee dee.
Alex: Dee dee... And dee and...

Alex: What's wrong, Elmo?

(Alex is wearing a grocery bag around his neck.)
Alex: I'm a candy.
Daddy: You're what?
Alex: I'm a candy. I wear this to make pancakes.

(bed time)

Alex (to Daddy): I'm not gonna tell you anything, I'm gonna tell Mommy.

Alex (to Mommy): When you go for a run, your foot hurts?

Alex: Tell me about Daddy’s bed again.
Mommy: Tomorrow you can get in Mommy and Daddy’s bed and play with the bear and the monkey.
Alex: I will play with the bear first.
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: Next time I wil be a baby first and I will play with the monkey, and Claire will be a boy and she will play w the bear.

Friday, October 23, 2009

That's not yummy at all.

Alex: Come play with me, Daddy.

Alex: The - the dosh scratched my leg.
Daddy: Josh scratched your leg?
Alex: The dosh. What’s that called?
Daddy: A gash.
Alex: The gash scratched my leg.

Alex (to Daddy): I’m gonna have a party at my school. You can’t go.
Daddy: Can I go?
Alex: No. I don’t want you.
(Daddy cries.)
Alex (laughing): Sorry.
(Daddy cries.)
Alex: Okay, you can go.

(in the playroom)
Alex: I don't want the sun in here.

(In the kitchen, sunbeams on the wall form two sets of long thin rectangles lined up end to end.)

Alex: A train. A train. A train pulling coaches and another one pulling coaches.

Alex: I can see Thomas right by Emily.
Daddy: Is that Emily? And that's Thomas?
Alex: He has a kern on the side right by his coaches. On the purny kerny train. Um, Emily has two coaches but Thomas is puffing away from here, puffing down there. Away. From my foot.

Alex: That's not yummy at all.

Alex: You want some ice, Grommie?

Alex: Tsh. We're at school. I'm Ian. I tsh like that. Tsh.
Daddy: And who am I?
Alex: You’re Alex.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Tsh.

Alex: Let's see if they still have corn to play in.

Alex: Oh no, we don't stand on toys, right?
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: We don't touch this ball, right?
Daddy: That’s right.

Alex: I need to poop.
Daddy: Oh, okay, go sit on the potty.
Alex: I have a big poop. Wanna see?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I don't like poops.
Daddy: You don't like them?
Alex: They're scary.

(brushing teeth)
Alex: Maybe I don't need to spit.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Maybe next time. Maybe after nap.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Maybe I can cry if I want to.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Maybe I can cry for Mommy and Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You can say yes.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex (spinning around): I'm spinning around.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

He had something beautiful.

(before school on picture day)

Alex: I'm gonna sit by the toys, so I don't get my picture taken. ‘Cause it’s scared.

Alex: Not in the other class - not in my class. Where the big kids be. That's the room.

(after school)

Alex: I got my picture taken and I got candy.

Alex: My - my dinner’s cooking, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You can't eat it yet, okay?
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: It’s triangle poon.
Daddy: Triangle what?
Alex: Triangle poon.
Daddy: Oh, can I have some?
Alex: No, it’s still cooking.

Daddy: You had your picture taken, you're a big boy.
Alex: What was his name?
Mommy: He was the photographer.
Daddy: What did the photographer do?
Alex: He take pictures.
Daddy: Did he do anything funny?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: What did he do?
Alex: He had something beautiful.
Daddy: He had something beautiful?
Alex: He had Tigger and Pooh and Mickey Mouse, and all kinds of things!

Alex: Say “orange”. Say “oranges”.
Daddy: Claire say it.
Claire: Or-ah!
Daddy: Good!
Alex: Thank you, Claire.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We made new trees.

(dinner time)

Alex: I was talking about your paper - that magazine thing and that magazine thing.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What did you say about it?
Alex: That you have to take it to work. You can't leave it here.

Alex: Grommie stopped doing that. He stopped barking.
Daddy: I guess he realized it was just a lawnmower.
Alex: It’s just a weed whacker.

Alex: Grandma was here yesterday. She (mumbles through a mouthful of food) with me.
Daddy: What did she do?
Alex: We made new trees.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What else did she do with you?
Alex: That was all. That was all I did.
Daddy: Oh, okay.
Alex: I played in the sandbox.
Alex: I cleaned my tools with Grandma, and Grandma put something in her car, and Grandma went home, and I had dinner, and I’m gonna do the puzzle and then go down for nap.

(The digital clock is flashing due to an earlier power outage.)
Alex: What’s – what’s happening, Daddy?
Daddy: What?
Alex: What’s happening on the thing. Beside the TV.
Daddy: Oh, that’s a clock.
Alex: What it has on it?
Daddy: It has numbers, it tells us what time it is.
Alex: What’s it doing?
Daddy: It’s flashing.
Alex: I don’t like it.

Alex: I hear a airplane in the night. Of the sky.

(in bed)
Daddy: Okay, do you want to tell me anything?
Alex: Um, you didn't what I said. I want to talk to Mommy.
Daddy: Okay.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We'll be two daddies!

Alex: Please please please.
Daddy: Please please please.
Alex: Please please please. Book come… Carrots and peas… What’s that word called?
Daddy: Peas and carrots, carrots and peas, book come out, please please please!

Alex: Where’s Alphabet Pig’s airplane?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Where’s Super Why’s airplane?
Daddy: I don’t know where their airplanes are.
Alex: Where’s Princess Pea’s airplane?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Where’s Red’s airplane?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Where did they put their airplanes?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Where’d they go?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Where’d their airplanes go?
Daddy: I don’t know.

(snack time)

Alex: I’m gonna have juice and cookies.

Daddy: Are you excited?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Are you dismayed?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Alex, are you flabbergasted?
Alex: No.

Alex: Cookies!

Alex: It was my birthday yesterday. It’s my – best thing. It’s not Claire’s birthday yet.

Alex: I like my feet. I had fun outside.
Daddy: You had fun?
Alex: Yeah. The trucks were trying to figure out where they go and they had a birthday party today. The birthday party’s next time.

(At dinner, Alex is playing with his bread.)

Bread: I’m the king! I’m an airship, num num num, num num num, I’m a baby bird.

Bread: I'm a truck! I’m a dog! And you put, on your head!

(Alex continues to play with his bread.)
Alex: No it’s the other train. No it’s the other train. No it’s the other train.
Alex: Choo choo. Choo choo.
Alex: It’s on my hand.
Alex: I have a hand. Hm.
(Alex crumples the bread into a ball.)
Alex: I made a sandwich.

(Alex is helping Daddy put away the clean linens.)
Alex: I can't reach. I'm too big. I'm gonna grow bigger!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: When I grow bigger, I'm gonna be a daddy!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: We'll be two daddies!
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: There'll be two daddies here!
Daddy: That’s right!

(Alex reads Big Red Barn to Claire.)
Daddy: Good job, Alex. I liked that. Claire liked that too. When you’re a daddy, you can read stories to your little boy.
Alex: We're daddies together!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: (marching around enthusiastically): We’re daddies! We’re daddies! I’m a daddy! I’m a daddy! I’m a daddy!

Monday, October 19, 2009

We're not going on a bear hunt any more.

(Alex is taking off his jacket.)
Alex: I know how to take my arms out!
Daddy: Oh yeah, good for you!
Alex: I do it at school!

(Gromit wanders over to where Alex and Daddy are working a jigsaw puzzle.)
Alex: Grommie, you don't do the puzzle, silly, you don't have any hands! Silly.

(Alex is reading “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” to himself in bed at nap time.)
Alex: Splish splash. Splish splash. Splish splash. Splish splash. Splish splash. Splish splash.
Alex: Uh… Mud. Oozy mud. We can’t go over, we can’t go under, oh no, we have to go through it! Squelch, squerch, squelch, squerch.
Alex: Oh, a cave! A (mumble mumble) cave. We can’t go over, we can’t go under, oh no, we have to go through it!
Alex: Uh-oh, a storm! We’re not scared. Uh-oh, a storm. A (mumble mumble) storm. We can’t go under it, we can’t go through it, oh no, we can go through it. Whooo, whoooo, whooo.
Alex: Uh oh, there’s a cave. A (mumble mumble) cave. We can’t go over it, under it, we can’t go through it. Oh no, we (mumble) go through it.
Alex: Oh this page.
Alex: Squelch.
(Alex mumbles.)
(Long silence.)
Alex: What’s that?
Alex: One shiny eyes.
Alex: Two shiny eyes.
Alex: One shiny nose.
Alex: That’s a bear!
Alex: Back through the (mumble).
Alex: Back through the storm.
Alex: Back through the (mumble).
Alex: They don’t – um, I don’t know.
Alex: Tumble.
(Alex mumbles.)
Alex: Splish splash, splish splash.
Alex: Whoooo, whooooo.
Alex: Squelch squerch, squelch squerch.
Alex: There’s the door. Oh. We forgot to go back down. Back to the door. Okay back upstairs. Into the bedroom. Under the covers. We’re not going on a bear hunt any more.
Alex: Bye bye, bear.

Alex: I wanna sleep with you.
Daddy: You wanna sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s bed?
Alex: Yeah. With the bear. And Claire will make a funny face. And I will laugh at her.

Alex: Mommy, you forgot to lie on my pillow with me.

Alex: My pants. They’re falling down.

Alex: I like pancakes!
Mommy: You do?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: When did you have pancakes?
Alex: Um… I don’t know, Mommy.
Mommy: Did you have them at school?
Alex: Yeah, yesterday.

(Alex and Claire are playing cars and trucks on the deck.)

Alex: I’m the dumper still.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And I go to the dump house.
Daddy: All right.
Alex: And then I get the car and I go wherever I want.
Daddy: All right.

Alex: I don’t have any rocks.
Daddy: Well here’s a rock for you.
Alex: But, that’s your birthday card rock.

Alex: I found it, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh good!
Alex: Can you say “Good job, Alex!”?
Daddy: Good job, Alex.
Alex: Thank you.

Alex: I can’t find Nana laughing.

Alex (to Daddy): We're having pumpkin pancakes for you -- you want it, you wanna eat one? It's yummy.

Alex: That's eggs, um Daddy.
Daddy: That's eggs, okay.
Alex: And that's milk.

Daddy (to Alex): After Claire washes hands, Alex will wash hands. And we’ll have pumpkin pancakes.
Alex: Ah – yummy! Can I go look at them?
(Alex goes to look.)
Alex: They’re out now! Yay, yummy! I like pancakes, Daddy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

B... E... B... I... G...

Alex (watching the intro to Thomas and Friends): Harold the Helicopter, Mommy!

Alex: You can’t play with my toys. You can’t play with my toys.

(Alex plays in his bed during nap. The speakers are listed as Alex, but some parts appear to have been voiced by his toys.)

Alex: You need to be very careful when you play in Daddy’s room, then you get the water. But you drink water if you’re not tired. If you wanna play with your toys, you need to say “Daddy, Claire’s gonna take the whole basket.”

Alex: My birthday’s in a few minutes, Bert.
Alex: Do you like those presents? Do you wanna open it?
Alex: Yeah, I will open it.
Alex: I got your present open.

Alex: Here you go Thomas, can you go to get some presents for me? I want my presents, ‘cause I can’t find them. They fell in the bed next time. ‘Kay. Maybe they’re in the bed. Maybe they’re in the water. (Mumble) they have big (toes?). They have big (toes?) okay? Thomas? That’s the water I get (mumble) things.

Alex: It’s not in there, it’s out the front door. Oh. I’ll get it.
Alex (straining): Nnnnnnh. Heavy. Nnnnnnh. Got it.
Alex: It’s my present to put in my bag.
Alex: Okay. (Mumble.)
Alex: I don’t have any things to open. (Mumble) to Bert.
Alex: At Bert’s house, at (mumble) and after at Tasha’s house, and (mumble), and not like up peanuts (mumble) food. Okay? You need to ask me, okay? Ask me, Rosie and uh – ask me with Thomas then I – I’m – ask Thomas, oh – okay? Okay, Rosie?
Alex: Oh, we’re gonna go there, that’s our party, for Thomas – for, for Bert, okay? We’re not – we’re not gonna go there, okay? To our party, (mumble). It’s my party too. It’s not your party, you’re two, and when you’re three, you can have a party. After the other nap. Okay? It’s on Friday okay? I’m gonna get a birthday in a few minutes, and my birthday’s Friday too.
Alex: And on my birthday too, on Friday too. On my birthday okay?
Alex: And my birthday too.
Alex: And my birthday.

Alex: Claire’s saying something, I don’t know what… saying. I hear her.

Alex (crying): Mommy! I want Mommyyyy!

Alex: I know where to hide (the poop?). I know where to hide. I know where to hide, but where should I hide?

Alex: I’ll play in the playroom by myself.

Alex (to Daddy): You don’t have a bracelet.
Daddy: No, I don’t have a bracelet.
Alex: You need to get one from the store, Daddy.

(getting out of the car)
Alex: Hi Daddy!
Daddy: Hi! How are you?
Alex: I went to Nana’s.
Daddy: Yeah? Was that fun?
(Grommie jumps into the car.)
Alex (sternly): Grommie, get out of the car right now.

(Alex is looking at a piece of paper with a picture of Clifford and the words “BE BIG!” in big capital letters.)
Alex: B… E… B… I… G…
Alex: Big!

Alex: I wanna walk by this – what’s this called?
Daddy: A vent.
Alex: I'm gonna walk by this vent.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I'm gonna step over these animals.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I did that yesterday.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Daddy, Claire did her thumb (mumble)! She did a good job!
Daddy: What did she do?
Alex: She did a good job!
Daddy: Of what?
Alex: Of her thumb!

Alex (handing daddy the thermometer): Here.
Daddy: Thank you.
Alex: That's a temperature.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: For heads.

(in bed)
Daddy: … And Daddy will take Alex and Claire to school…
Alex: Who’s gonna be there?
Daddy: Miss Woody and Miss Arnold.
Alex: And who else?
Daddy: Your friends.
Alex: What are their names?
Daddy: Um, Everett, and Ian…
Alex: Maybe Everett’s mad.
Daddy: Why is Everett mad?
Alex: ‘Cause he didn’t want to go to school.

Alex (talking to himself in bed): I got more water, yay. Mommy got it for me. Um, I drinked it all yesterday.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My bed is big. And a little bit little.

Alex (watching the intro to Thomas and Friends): There – there’s Harold the Helicopter, Daddy!

Alex: It's almost my birthday. My birthday's after, um, this nap.

Alex: My bed is big. And a little bit little.

(Alex and Daddy are playing Scribblenauts.)

Daddy: How do you spell “ball”? What does “ball” start with?
Alex: B!
Daddy: Good!

Daddy: How do you spell “dog”?
Alex: D!

Daddy: How do you spell “truck”?
Alex: T!

Daddy: How do you spell “car”?
Alex: Um I don’t know.
Daddy: C!

Daddy: How do you spell “fire truck”? Fuh, fuh, fire truck?
Alex: F!

Daddy: How do you spell “cow”?
Alex: Hm. What starts with that?

Daddy: How do you spell “cat”?
Alex: C!

(Alex is playing with his toy trucks.)
Alex (pointing to the crane truck): A crane truck.
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex (pointing to the dump truck): What kind of truck is that?
Daddy: What kind of truck do you have?
Alex: A dump truck.
Daddy: That’s right!
Daddy (pointing to the cement mixer): What kind of truck is that?
Alex: A mixer truck.
Daddy: That’s right!

Daddy: All right Alex, we'll go upstairs when my watch beeps, okay?
Alex: Can I take my friends?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And these cards?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And this purse?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: Ah - my work bag must be broken.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Wuh.. wooh... wuh... wooh.

(Alex takes his own temperature.)
Alex: 95.
(Alex takes Daddy’s temperature.)
Alex: 95.

Alex: I wanna feel his hair.

Alex: Maybe it's full of pee pee. That diaper's full of pee pee.

Alex: Maybe my pants are falling down.

Alex: I wanna watch Super Why and Martha. I know what that yellow dog's name is.
Daddy: Oh good! What is it?
Alex: It's Martha.

(Daddy is typing on his computer.)
Alex: Don’t push the buttons!
Daddy: Why not?
Alex: Because, I need you to get my show to watch.

Alex: When your watch beeps, can I go to school?

Alex: When I'm three, I can go to preschool.
Daddy: That's great!
Alex: I'll do my birthday first, when I get bigger I can go there.

Alex (whining): My eyes.
Daddy: Your eyes? What’s wrong?
Alex: My eyes.
Daddy: What’s wrong with them? Tell Daddy.
Alex: They’re wet.
Daddy: How did your eyes get wet?
Alex: ‘Cause I was crying.

(dinner time)

Alex: I want some bread with no butter on it.
Daddy: I want a million dollars.
Alex: You don’t need a million dollars. They all went in the trees.

Alex: I want cocoa. Say “I want cocoa.”
Daddy: I want cocoa.
Alex: I got cocoa. Oh, the other cocoa’s in the trees.

Daddy: Mommy likes me.
Alex: I like you too.
Daddy: Thanks, Alex.

Daddy: How many fingers is this?
Alex: Three.
Daddy: Let’s count them.
Daddy: One…
Alex: Two…three… four!
Daddy: That’s four fingers!

Claire (counting her fingers): Wuh... wooh... wuh... wooh.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why should I clean up the messy mess?

(Earlier in the day, Alex bit into a banana without peeling it.)
Alex: The banana was yucky because it was green, and I ate the whole banana.

Alex: Daddy, can I see “I see I see”?

Daddy: Alex, how many legs does a dog have if you call its tail a leg?
Alex (looking at Grommie and counting): One, two, three, four, five.

(dinner time)
Daddy: Are you ready to get down?
Alex: I won't bother Grommie. I won't bother his tail.
Daddy: Did you bother Grommie?
Alex: Um, how ‘bout on his hair, on his ears, where his ears are.

Alex: Can I have the telephone and the Blackberry so I can go to school and I can take you to school? I'm gonna give you breakfast and – I’m gonna pick you up and then after the other nap I will call Nana… then after the other nap I will call Nana while you sleep and she will say “yes” and… do you wanna go to Nana’s after the other nap?
Daddy: Yes.

(Daddy is teaching Alex how to rinse and spit after brushing.)

(Daddy spits.)
Alex (laughing): Good job, Daddy!

(Alex spits)
Daddy: There you go! Good job!
Alex: Thank you Daddy.

Alex: This is a school. A big school.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: You go potty all the time and you don't wear diapers, you wear underwear! Okay? Okay?
Daddy: Okay.

(Alex prepares to read Daddy a story.)
Alex: Hm. Which one do you wanna read, Daddy? Which one do you wanna read?
Daddy: Um, I wanna read Curious George Goes to the Library.
Alex: You wanna read that one? The cake?
Daddy: Yeah, I wanna read the cake.
Alex: The ice cream? Where’s the ice cream?
Daddy: It’s in the cake story.
Alex: Not the train…
Alex: Where is that one. Where is that one.
Alex: Let’s see.

(Alex reads.)
Alex: George, I have a surprise for you, you see it’s the ice cream thing.
Alex: The ice cream truck came with all the ice cream.
Alex: There are all the dogs, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: He found parties, hats, what’s that smell coming from the kitchen?
Alex: Pies and hats and what – what’s that smell…?
Alex: It was a cake!
Alex: It (mumble) smelled.
Alex: He put the mix in the – it (mumble) too fast!
Alex: It flew out of the bowl flew everywhere.
Alex: Why should he clean up the messy mess?
Alex: Then he let the dogs clean up the mess.
Alex: Then (mumble) “George, I’m proud of you.”
Alex: (Mumble) (mumble) my birthday.
Alex: It was not their birthday, it was for George!
Alex: Then George took a deep wish and me—and the, end.
Alex (to Daddy): I read the cake one!

Alex: I’m gonna close my eyes and then I will talk about what show I wanna watch and tell you what I will do at school and let’s see if Nana’s busy and see if she says yes.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm bigger!

(After brushing teeth, Alex is trying to rinse and spit.)
Alex: Oops! I swallowed it.
Daddy: Okay, maybe next time.
Alex: When I'm bigger.
Daddy: Yeah.
(Daddy walks out of the bathroom.)
Alex (shouting to Daddy): I'm bigger!

Alex: His name is Alphabet Pig.

(Alex wipes his nose with a tissue.)
Alex: I got the fever out.

Alex: Where's the 3 and the 7 coat?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And this is where the TV lives.

Alex: I don't need a shirt.
Daddy: Well we'll get you a shirt when we get downstairs, so you don't get too cold.
Alex: Tummy doesn’t want to get on shirts. He just wants to play outside.

Alex: This is the family room.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And this is where the TV lives.
Daddy: Yeah.

(Grommie is pooping in the back yard.)
Alex: Is he gonna poop?
Daddy: He just did.
Alex: Did he roll in it?

(Daddy comes home from work.)
Alex (in unison with Claire): Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Claire (in unison with Alex): Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada!

Alex: I have my thing for work. It’s a yellow thing. Has animals in it.

(Alex is pretending to be the daddy.)
Alex: Can I take you to school first? Can you eat breakfast, Daddy? I will get breakfast ready for you, and then I will take you to school, and I will go to work far away.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I don't have my car. My car was broken yesterday.
Daddy: Oh no!
Alex: I put it away because your— my my plate was broken too.
Daddy: Oh no.
Alex: I got some breakfast ready for you. I got cereal, waffles, and vitamins, medicine and water. And, we have cookies! We have a special cookies I made.

Alex: I'm (throwing?) my fingernail off. I got the other one off my thumb.

Daddy: Alex, what's 4 plus 5?
Alex: Talk about the spider and the boat word. I talk about the spider and you talk about the boat word, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I put the sandbox, and I get the spider, and I put him in the sandbox, and I take him inside, and I put it on the table ... [some other stuff] ... and I put him in the bathtub, and I think that's all, now you talk about the boat word.

Alex: There's a big dash on the wall, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, a gash.
Alex: A jash! Yeah, there's a jash on the wall behind the chair.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I don't have any brothers.

Alex: I don't have any brothers.
Daddy: That's right, you just have bread.
Alex: I don't have any brothers.
Daddy: Yeah, you just have bread with no butter on it.
Alex: I don't have any brothers.
Daddy: Oh...
Alex: I just have a sister.

(Daddy turns on the radio in his car.)
Alex: Do you have the radio in your car too?

Alex: How ‘bout we listen to the radio and then the cloud one.

Alex: Next time from school I pressed the button and I messed it up and it made a noise. And Mommy tried to turn it off.

Alex: There's a big dash on the wall, Daddy. A big dash!
Daddy: A gash.
Alex: A jash. A jash.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

She doesn’t how to say Grommie. She just says Alex, wawa, and dog.

Claire: Dog.
Daddy: That's our dog. His name’s Grommie. Can you say “Grommie”?
Claire: Dah.
Alex: She doesn’t how to say Grommie. She just says Alex, wawa, and dog.
Daddy: That’s right.

(in the car)

Alex: I wanna go on a trip.
Daddy: Where do you wanna go?
Alex: I wanna go just on a trip.

(looking at construction vehicles)
Alex: Daddy will pick me up in that big dumper. What's that truck?
Daddy: I think it’s a steam shovel.
Alex: A steam shovel, Daddy will pick me up in the steam shovel, and Mommy will pick Claire up with her steam shovel. Yeah, Daddy?
Daddy: That’s right.

Alex: Mommy spits in my bathroom.

Alex: And then I use the potty all the time and I wear my underwear. And when I'm three, I will go to preschool.

Alex: Claire, okay, you can play with the car. When Mommy's watch beeps I can take a turn.

(lunch time; chicken and rice is served)
Alex: She's eating hen and rice.

Alex: Claire's not going to the party.
Daddy: She's not?
Alex: She's not. She's gonna stay here. With you.
Daddy: With me.
Alex: Mommy's gonna go with me.

(in the car, on the way to Wyatt’s party)

Claire: Naaaah! Naaaah!
Alex: What are you talking about? Nana?

Alex: Daddy’s gonna drive the other truck and he's gonna pick you up with the – what is that?
Daddy: Steam shovel.
Alex: The steam shovel, and I'm gonna pick Claire up with her steam shovel.

Mommy: Alex, look it’s the fire house!
Alex: Neat!

Alex: I'm gonna pick pumpkins.
Daddy: Yay, that'll be fun! And there might be goats and horses.
Alex: No cows!
Daddy: That’s right, no cows.
Alex: Just ponies and birds. And vultures.

Alex: What happened?
Daddy: What happened?
Alex: What happened, Mommy?
Mommy: Mommy wasn’t paying attention and drove off the road a little bit.

Alex: There's a little Mommy right there.
Daddy: Where?
Alex: There's a little Mommy right there, in your eye. Get her out.

Alex: I found Claire’s water, but where’s Claire?

Alex: I just went to the party and picked pumpkins.

Alex: I didn't want Spider-Man. I like these car slippers. I like them.

Alex: I didn't want the Spider-Man ones. Or Dara.
Daddy: I like the car ones.
Alex: I do too. Yes I do. Yes sir. I do. Sir.

(playing house)
The Mommy: I'm tired, do you wanna get ready for bed?
The Daddy: I'm trying to put the cat with the dog and then I'm gonna put him in the (mumble) for the doctor. ‘Cause he died.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

These are my slippers. You can't have them! They're mine. I love these slippers.

(Alex sees a butterfly.)
Alex: It’s orange.
Daddy: Yeah it’s orange. Orange is one of my two favorite colors.
Alex: I like blue too.

(in bed for nap time)
Alex: I will wake up Claire and come close my door, can you say that?
Daddy: You will wake up Claire and come close your door, okay?
Alex: Now give me a kiss — I will say that one more time and then you say that, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I will wake up Claire and come close my door, can you say that?
Daddy: You will wake up Claire and come close your door, okay?
Alex: Okay, now give me a kiss.
(Daddy gives Alex a kiss.)
Alex: Now go because I need to sleep.

(playing hide and seek)
Alex: You hide and I will count.
(Daddy hides.)
Alex: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Alex: This is my backpack, I'm gonna take it to school. Claire’s gonna take it to Miss Turner’s class, and I'm gonna take it to Miss Woody’s class. I'm gonna show it to Ian and Everett.

Alex: I done doing this game. I'm not doing it anymore.

(Alex and Daddy finish the Cars jigsaw puzzle.)
Daddy: We did it! Gimme five.
(Alex gives a very weak five.)
Alex: I wanna do it some hard.
Daddy: What?
Alex: I wanna do it some harder.
Daddy: Oh, okay.
(Alex gives a better five.)

Alex: Sing the moon and the pie.
(Daddy sings That’s Amore.)

Daddy: Alex, sing the moon and the pie.
Alex: I don't know the words.
Daddy: When the…
Alex: …moon hits your eye like big pizza pie, that's moray.

(after brushing teeth)
Alex: I don't how to spit. Maybe I will use my cup with Mommy after nap. And you’re gonna stay downstairs and watch TV, okay? You’re gonna watch football.

(Alex is wearing his car slippers.)

Alex: These are my slippers. You can't have them! They're mine. I love these slippers.
Daddy: Who are you talking to?
Alex: You.

Alex: I got the car slippers, I didn't want the Spider-Man slippers. They didn’t have Diego.
Daddy: They didn’t have Diego slippers?
Alex: No. Maybe they put them at the other slippers store.

Alex: I wanna put them on for a few minutes and I will wear them and I will drive around the tr-- around the road.

Alex: They need to go to sleep ‘cause the smell came in here.
Alex: The smell came in my nose.

(playing house)

Alex: You play with the Mommy and I will play with the boy.
The Boy: I wanna plant some flowers.
The Mommy: You wanna plant some flowers?
The Boy: Yeah. Flowers are over here. Oh – we need some watering cans.

The Boy: Daddy said yes, Mommy. Daddy said yes, Mommy.

Alex: Will you play with the Mommy? She will play with the birdhouse and clean out the old nest.

Friday, October 9, 2009

This is not my chair. Everyone said this is not my chair. But Aunt Sheridan didn't say this was my chair, she said this was my own chair.

Alex: I'm gonna show my friends my new shoes what I bought.

Alex (out of the blue): There's an old nest in a birdhouse, Mommy has to clean it out.

(dinner time)

Alex: I'm - I'm hungry. I'm gonna go eat.

Alex: I'm not gonna pee-pee in my chair.

Alex: Daddy will you sit right there, next to me?
Daddy: Yeah, I like sitting next to you.
Alex: Mommy’s gonna sit next to Claire.
Alex: Maybe she's not. Maybe she's gonna clean up.

Alex: Sing the moon again.
Daddy (singing): When… the… moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie…
Alex: Moray.
Daddy (singing): When the stars start to shine like you've had too much wine that's…
Alex: A big pie.

(In the sandbox, Claire points at a bug.)
Claire: Buh-boo.
Daddy: What?
Claire: Buh-boo.
Daddy: That’s a bug.
Claire: Buh.

(Alex is sitting in the little beach chair.)
Alex: This is not my chair. Everyone said this is not my chair. But Aunt Sheridan didn't say this was my chair, she said this was my own chair. But that was for next time, next time.

Alex: When I get bigger…
Alex: Um when I get bigger…
Alex: Um… I can crawl.
Daddy: Crawl?
Alex: Yeah. That's what babies do.

(Alex reads Goodnight Moon.)
Alex: The moon.
Alex: The cow jumped over the moon.
Alex: The little dog laughed.
Alex: The cat and the fiddle.
Alex: The cow jumped over the moon.
Alex: The little dog laughed.
Alex: They went to sleep.

Alex: I did that, I did that game. I picked up the grape.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I put the grape up on the ceiling and it came down on my fingers. And I ate it.

Alex: I bought something. It's your favorite.

Alex: I want my new toothpaste. I want the cheese one, not Thomas.
Daddy: Okay.

(Alex hears a sound.)
Alex: What's that?
Daddy: Daddy had some goss.
Alex: Can I smell it?

Alex (playing barn): Barn! All the animals are in there! They're having a family in the barn!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My car must be fixed.

(getting up and getting ready for school)

Alex: It’s really sunny. It’s not fall today.
Daddy: No.
Alex: It’s just sunny.

Alex: What's on the window?
Daddy: Oh, I guess it’s just a little dirty.
Alex: I wanna touch it.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I wanna smell it.
Alex: Oh, it’s not dirty. It’s not dirty. Maybe it’s a little bit cold.

Alex: I slept a little bit. Then Bobo was moving toward my chin. My cheek.
Daddy: Oh, is that okay? Can he do that?
Alex: No.

(Daddy dresses Alex in his dinosaur shirt.)
Alex: Dinosaur says “roar”. And I will say “roar” like dinosaurs.

Alex: I'm gonna say roar to Georgia, Georgia must be there.
Daddy: Georgia?
Alex: Yeah. I will say “roar” to Georgia and that will be silly.

(Daddy is making faces in the mirror while Alex brushes his teeth.)
Alex: Daddy, can you stop doing that, I need to brush my teeth. Can you stop making that funny face?

Alex: When I ask Mommy go to Nana and Pop’s I will ask for the cloud one. And Mommy will say the cloud one’s in Daddy’s car, okay? And I will ask for the orange one.

(Alex is pretending to hand out food.)

Alex: You wanna eat it?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You wanna eat cookies and strawberries?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You wanna eat it outta the bucket?
Daddy: Yes please.

Alex: After this cookies are all gone.

Alex: I have a tummy ache.
Daddy: Awwww.
Alex: In my tummy.
Alex (pointing at his tummy): In there.
Daddy: In there?
Alex: In that place.

(Daddy is singing That’s Amore.)
Alex: Stop singing.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Who sings that?
Daddy: Um… Dean Martin sings that?
Alex: Who sings that?
Daddy: Dean Martin does.
Alex: And what Mr. Martin say?
Daddy: He said that's amore.

(Daddy is singing again. Alex and Claire are looking at each other and laughing.)
Daddy: What are you guys laughing about?
Alex: You.

(The following noises were made during Daddy’s reading of Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?)
(Claire roars like a lion.)
Claire: Oppo.
(Claire grunts like a hippo.)
(Claire trumpets like an elephant.)
(Claire snarls like a leopard.)

(The following remarks were made during Daddy’s reading of Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?)
Claire: Moo!
Claire: Bum, bum, bum!
Claire: Pah pah.
Claire: Clah clah.
Claire: Hoo hoo.
(Claire knocks on the door in the book.)

Alex: This rug is back!
Daddy: Oh good, I like this rug.
Alex: The other one’s in the laundry.

Alex: I don't need soap.
Daddy: Well, we always need a little soap.
Alex: I don't need soap in the sink. No thank you.

Alex: Is that a new towel? Where’s the other one?
Daddy: I guess it’s in the laundry.
Alex: What's that one called?
Daddy: Um, yellow towel.

(Alex is wearing his car slippers.)

Alex: I'm not crashing. I crash into the hamper. I crash into the house. I crash into the swimming pool.

Alex: Look at my cars.
Daddy: They are very nice.
Alex: I didn't want Spider-Man.

(playing house)

Daddy: What's wrong with your car?
The Boy: My car doesn’t have some wipers.

Alex's car: I'm a flying car.
Daddy: Wow.
Alex's car: I fly onto houses.

The Girl: My car’s not working. Will you fix my car? Will you help me?
The Girl: Boy, will you help me fix my car and then get in your car and go to work, and I'm gonna go to the grocery store.

The Girl: Can you fix um my car. My car must be fixed. Will you fix it with me?

Daddy: Tomorrow’s Friday, so you know who comes? The trash truck.
Alex: I saw a fire truck.
Daddy: You did? At school?
Alex: I ate a fire truck cracker. I didn't go see the fire truck.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And our cat is at the doctor.

Grandma (to Alex): Can I have a hug?
Alex: Yeah. In a few minutes.

Alex: C'mon! I wanna play outside with you!

(Alex is playing with his hammer in the sandbox.)
Alex (singing): My hammer… My hammer…
Alex (standing up, holding the hammer up, and singing loudly): Myyyyyyy haaaaaaaammeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!

Alex: Night-night, Claire. After other nap I will play with you.

Alex: Yeah because I was gardening with Grandma, and then I pooped.

Alex: And then Grandma went home, and... She fixed dinner for Grandpa... And then I ate dinner and then I went down for nap.

(Mommy is reading Busy Truck.)
Mommy: Does Ben have another cat?
Alex: Yes. And our cat is at the doctor.

(in bed)
Alex: Mommy, can you talk to me?