Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Daddy, I need to go potty now.

Alex: Daddy, I need to go potty now.
[This is the first time Alex has requested it!]

(driving to school)

Alex: I like driving fast, Daddy.

Alex: I’m gonna be happy at school today.

(playing in the backyard)

Alex: I’m sitting in the shade so I’m not wearing sunglasses. We don’t wear sunglasses in the shade, Claire.
Claire: Uh glasses. Shade.
Claire: Uh glasses. Shade.
Alex: That’s right, Claire.

Alex: I made Claire laugh. She was a little bit sad and I made her laugh.

(The two boys next door – one about Alex’s age, and his much older brother – are playing on their trampoline.)
Alex: Hi!
Little Boy Neighbor: Hi!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Hi!
Little Boy Neighbor: Hi!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Hi!
Lilttle Boy Neighbor: Hi!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Hi!
Little Boy Neighbor: Hi!
(Alex laughs.)
(This went on for a long time.)

Big Boy Neighbor (to his younger brother): Fine, you don’t have to play with me.
Little Boy Neighbor: I wanna play with you.
Big Boy Neighbor: Then quit talkin’ to your friend. He said hi to us like 10 – or 42 times.

Daddy: We’re gonna have to take your pants off, too, if you’re gonna sit on the couch, Alex.
Alex: Because I got them wet when I fell down?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Three times.

(Alex is watching Wallace and Gromit in A Grand Dady Out.)
Alex: They don’t have any cheese, Daddy.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Alex, do you have allergies?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: What allergies do you have?
Alex: Peanut allergies.
Mommy: Good job!

Alex: I want a napkin.
Mommy: May I have a napkin please?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: No, that’s what you say.
Alex: What?

Claire: Uh sauce.
Mommy: You want more sauce?
Claire: Yeah.
Mommy: You still have sauce, it’s right there.
Claire: Uh more sauce, chicken!

Daddy: Claire, what did we see in the garage this morning?
Claire: Mommy.
Daddy: What was in the garage? Flying around?
Claire: Bird.
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: I saw the bird too, and I was a little bit scared because, it might came in our house.
Mommy: Alex, do you want some more pear?
Alex: Yeah. And can I have more pizza?
Mommy: Pizza? Is that what you said?
Alex: Yeah. I didn’t know what I was saying.

Mommy: Claire, you’re funny.
Alex: Claire’s not funny!
Daddy: She’s not?
Alex: No. She’s not. I’m funny.

(Alex opens the pantry door and addresses the pantry.)
Alex: Hey, can I have money please?
Alex: Thank you.
(Alex closes the pantry door.)
Daddy: Who are you talking to?
Alex: I’m talking to the person that gave me money.
(Alex runs off.)

(Alex and Claire are in the dining room.)
Alex (to Claire): This is where I hide to poop.

Mommy: You wanna go outside now, Claire?
Claire: Yeah. Shoes.

Alex: I wanna go outside with my shoes on. And play with Daddy if he wants to.

Alex (to Daddy): You wanna play with me? Please?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Get outta your chair so you can play.
Daddy: I can play in my chair.
Alex: No. Are you gonna run? Run with me. Don't play in your chair. You won't know how to run. Run.

(Daddy and Claire are reading a flap book. One of the flaps had previously been ripped off, and Mommy had taped it back on.)
Claire (pointing to the taped flap): Mommy did tape on.
Daddy: Yeah .
(Claire points to another flap that isn’t ripped or taped.)
Claire (shaking head “no”): Tape.

(In Claire’s room. Claire is going to bed.)
Alex: I wanna give you a hug and a kiss. Because I love you.
Claire: No.
Alex: Can I give you a kiss, Claire?
Claire: No.
Daddy: Maybe you can blow her a kiss.
(Alex blows Claire a kiss.)
Alex (holding his arms wide): Can I have my hug?
(Claire stays where she is.)
Alex: I can hug you here.
(Alex gives Claire an imaginary hug from where he is.)
(Alex goes back to his room. Claire comes to Alex’s door, crying.)
Claire: Ay-yah!
Mommy: Oh, you wanna give Alex a hug? Well, go in Alex’s room.
(Claire enters Alex’s room, crying, and Alex gives her a hug and a kiss. Then Claire goes to bed.)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Claire's Vocabulary (346)

Cookie Monster
fire truck
knock knock

Uh more. Uh more egg. Oh egg. Yes.

Alex: I ate a lot of food today. Now I'm really full.

Alex: But I love chocolate.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And lollipops and candy.

Alex: And Mommy says, "Chocolate is candy." Yeah, that's what it is.

(Alex and Claire play Dinner.)

(Claire brings Daddy a toy dinner: a plastic lemon in a plastic measuring cup.)
Claire: Uh hot.
Daddy: Oh, is that hot?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Is that for me?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Thank you.

(Alex brings Daddy a plastic broccoli.)
Alex: Daddy, here’s some broccoli that I made in the microwave.
Daddy: Thank you.
Alex: It's a little hot.
Daddy: Oh, okay.
Alex: It's a little hot because it was in the microwave.
Daddy: Okay.

(Claire and Alex bring Daddy more food.)
Claire: Daddy, uh hot. Hot. Hot.
Alex: Here I am, I got a orange for you. It's not hot, because, oranges don't be hot.
Daddy: Okay, thank you. Thank you, Claire.

(Claire brings Daddy more food.)
Claire: Hot.
Daddy: Okay. Thank you.
Alex (from the other room): Claire can you come back?

(Alex brings Daddy more food.)
Alex: Here's everything that I have and I got you a spoon, another spoon, so you can pick up the chips, and I got soup here, and I got corn, and, what's this?
Daddy: It looks like a lemon.
Alex: ‘Kay. And I got other food so you can eat that too. It can be in the middle so you can reach it. Right here, where the broccoli is.

Alex (to Claire): Let's go make some more dinner, okay?
(They both walk off toward the play kitchen.)

(Grommie is playing with his rings toy.)
Alex: I like that toy, ‘cause Grommie spins around with it, like this!
(Alex demonstrates.)

Alex: I'm playing with my dog now!

Alex: I'm excited because I'm lucky to give Grommie toys every day!

Alex: I still love my dog, Daddy!
Daddy: Good.

(playing in the playroom)

(Claire and Alex talk to Mommy from the playroom window.)
Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Hi, Claire. You’re cute.
Alex: I'm cute too.

(Claire is playing with toy keys.)
Claire: Uh hair.
(Claire puts the keys in Daddy’s hair and laughs.)

(Claire has a pink key.)
Claire: Boo orange.
(Claire puts the key on Daddy’s chest.)
Claire: Uh tummy. Uh tummy.


(dinner time)

Alex: I want more broccoli and more worm cheese.

Alex: What’s that?
Mommy: Egg.
Claire: Uh like it.
Alex: I don’t have any.
Mommy: No I didn’t get you guys any, but you can try it.
Claire: Uh try it.

Mommy: You don’t like the egg?
Claire: Uh like it.

Claire: Uh dat. Uh dat.
Mommy: You want sausage, Claire?
Claire: Uh apple.
Daddy: You want tomato.

Alex: I know how to make food on my pretend kitchen, and… and I remembered that I can eat food.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: I wasn’t talking to you!
Daddy: Who were you talking to?
Alex: Not Daddy! I was just talkin’ to myself.

Claire: Uh more. Uh more egg. Oh egg. Yes.

Alex: You didn’t give me cheese yet. Worm cheese.

Claire: Uh more sausage. Uh more sau – sausage.

(Alex gives Claire his sausage.)
Daddy: Say “thank you”, Claire.
Claire: Thank you.
Alex: You’re welcome.

Claire: I don’t like it.
Mommy: You don’t like tomato?
Claire: You eat it.
Mommy: Okay.

(Claire pulls a clump of hard-boiled egg yolk from the depths of her chair.)
Claire: Uh eat it.
Mommy: You can eat it.
(Claire eats it.)

Alex: Grommie, you wanna eat the egg?
Alex: Grommie! Little pieces of egg.
Alex: I give Grommie the cheese by myself.
Mommy: Oh, that was nice.

Alex: Can – can you play some music, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I want Downtown.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Here Daddy, here's your Blackberry. I'm takin’ it out, in case you wanna work on it. Daddy: Oh, thank you.

(Mommy, Alex, and Claire are reading the big Elmo flap book.)
Alex: I found monsters.
Claire (pointing to the cupcakes): Cupcakes.
Mommy: Cupcakes, yeah!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tah! Mout!

Alex: When I was sleeping, I heard a storm, and I didn’t know where that was coming from.
Mommy: Yeah, there was thunder and lightning.

Alex: I like playing with my dog.

(Mommy is preparing Claire’s last-time-ever naptime bottle.)
Claire: Nap. Time.

(dinner time)

Mommy: We have steak and carrots and pears.
Alex: Not pears, silly.
Mommy: We have pears, silly.
Alex: No pears, silly.
Mommy: You’re silly.
Alex: You’re silly.
Mommy: No you’re silly.

Alex: I didn’t like the butter, mommy. Because I tried it and I didn’t like it. Because I got too much carrot in my mouth. I didn’t like it, that.

Alex (laughing): Grommie licked me on my face!

(Claire is yelling at her toothbrush.)
Claire: Tah! Mout!
Claire: Tah!
Claire: Mout!

Mommy: Alex, are you hyper?
Alex: No hyper. Shnyper. And house hyper.

(Mommy is reading The Best Nest to Claire.)
Mommy: And out popped a baby bird.
Claire: Baby bird, yay.

(Claire wants to be read another book.)
Claire: Ah Elmo.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bow on it.

(Claire sneezes.)
Alex: Bless you, Claire. Bless you.

Claire (holding up her pink camo pants): Orange!
Daddy: That’s pink.
Claire: Orange!
Daddy: Pink.
Claire: Orange!
Daddy: These are pink, Claire.
Claire: Oh. Pink.

(Daddy dresses Claire in her pink camo pants.)
Claire: Bow on it.
Daddy: It has a bow on it? Yeah.
Claire: Bow on it.

(Daddy dresses Claire in her Hello Kitty socks.)
Claire: Cat on it. Cat!

Alex: Daddy!
Alex (handing over Daddy’s book): Book.
Daddy: Book, thank you.
Alex (handing over Daddy’s Nintendo DS XL): Toy.
Daddy: Thank you.
Alex (handing over Daddy’s box of DS games): Other toy.
Daddy: Thank you.

Alex: Daddy? My leg hurts.
Daddy: Yeah? My leg hurts too.
Alex: Why? It’s one person has to hurt.

Claire (looking at the pink coat she has on): Boo.
Daddy: You have pink, Claire.
Claire: Oh, pink. On.
Claire: On!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oh! Library.

(Daddy drives Alex and Claire to the library to return some books.)
Alex: That’s the library.
Claire: Oh! Library.
Alex: And that’s their playground.
Claire: Oh! Playground.
Alex: And that’s the trash.
Claire: Oh. Trash.
Alex: That’s the sign.
Claire: Sign.
Alex: Those are other signs.
Claire: Other. Signs.
Alex: More signs.
Claire: Uh. More.

Alex: Are those your gloves?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex (laughing): They look like pants.
Daddy: They what?
Alex: They look like pants.

Mommy: Did you guys have fun?
Claire: Yeah. Bookstore.

Alex (playing with sticks in the backyard): I'm tryin' to stop the wind. With the sticks.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Alpha Pig: Next we need the M. Which letter's the M?
Claire (pointing at the TV): There!

Alpha Pig: Now we need the U. Where's the U?
Claire (pointing at the TV): There!

Daddy: What color are the bananas?
Claire: Uh, orange.
Daddy: They're yellow.
Claire: Yellow.
Daddy: What color are your pants?
Claire: Blue.
Daddy: They're pink.
Claire: Pink.
(Pause, while Claire looks silently at Daddy.)
Daddy: You waiting for the next question?
Claire: Yeah.

Daddy: Chink-a-choink?
Alex: Chink-a-choink. No, chink-a-choink is water-chink.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

“Twenty utterances for Mommy’s class”, okay?

Alex: We’re feeding our bears!

Alex: That is where I was sitting. That’s my chair!

(dinner time)

Alex: Sup-getty!
Mommy: That’s chili.
Alex: Sup-getty!

Claire: Uh finger. Uh finger.
(Mommy wipes Claire’s finger.)
Claire: Uh fum.
(Mommy wipes Claire’s thumb.)
Claire: Uh finger.
Mommy: Claire, just eat please.
Claire: Uh finger. Uh finger. Uh finger. Uh finger. Uh finger. Please. Please.
(Mommy wipes Claire’s finger.)
Claire: Uh finger. Uh finger. Uh finger. Uh finger. Uh finger. Mommy!
Mommy: What?
Claire: Uh finger.
Mommy: I’ll give you a napkin, Claire, and you can do it.
(Mommy gives Claire a napkin. Claire wipes her own finger.)

Daddy: Hey Alex, what are you gonna be when you grow up?
Alex: A Daddy!

Daddy: What’s Grommie gonna be when he grows up?
Alex: He’s a dog, he doesn’t grow up.

Daddy: Okay, Alex. Do you wanna help Mommy with her project?
Daddy: Do you?
(Alex nods.)
Daddy: All right. Then you need to talk.
Alex: Yes.
Daddy: What else did you want to say to me?
Alex: I don’t know.
Mommy: Alex? Who’d you play with at school today?
Alex: Angelina.
Mommy: And what did you do with her?
Alex: I played with her.
Mommy: Well what did you guys play?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: This isn’t going well.
Mommy: This is not a typical sample.
Alex: Mommy, may I have more, um, pineapple, please?
Mommy: Yes.
(Mommy gets Alex more pineapple.)
Mommy: Alex, may I have more chili, please?
(Alex laughs.)
Mommy: Is that funny?
Alex: Yeah.

Daddy: Alex? Um. Why did the squirrel climb up the tree?
Alex: Um. Because he wanted to get some nut -- nuts. Nuts.
Daddy: And – are there nuts in trees?
(Alex nods.)
Daddy: What are they doing up there?
Alex: Um, eating.
Daddy: No, I mean what are the nuts doing up there?
Alex: Lying up there.
Daddy: They’re doing what?
Alex: Lying.
Daddy: Lying?
Alex: Yeah.
(Alex chokes on his pineapple and starts coughing violently.)
Mommy: Are you okay? I heard that squeeze down your throat.
Alex: That hurt me.
(Alex coughs some more.)
Alex: I’m – I’m okay now. It stopped.
Daddy: What happened, Alex?
Alex: I got a cough.
(Alex coughs some more.)
Alex: I coughed in my arm.
Daddy: Good for you.
Alex: I – I coughed in my arm.
Mommy: Good job, Alex.
Daddy: What made you cough?
Alex: The pineapple. And then I coughed again.
(Alex coughs some more.)
Alex: Mommy, may I have more pineapple please?
Mommy: There’s only one more piece and you may have it.
Alex: Yeah.
(Mommy gives Alex the last piece of pineapple.)
Alex: I wanna see it.
Mommy: It’s just juice in there now. I’m gonna throw it away.
Daddy: Wasn’t that nice of Mommy to give you a pineapple?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Hm. That was really nice of her.
Alex (to Mommy): Thank you.
Mommy: You’re welcome.
Daddy: What were we talking about, Alex?
Alex: Mommy. And Alex and Claire. And Daddy.
Daddy: And what did they do?
Alex: They just, um, played – and let’s talk about the squirrels some more, okay?
Daddy: Okay. Tell me about the squirrels.
Alex: What – what did that squirrel – a squirrel ate a nut from that other tree, that was reaaaaally high. It climbed up that tree. All the way to the top of our house, right, way over there right in our cabinet door.
Mommy: What?
Alex: Over there in our cabinet door, silly.
Mommy: Our food is in there? And the squirrel’s food is in the tree?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: I don’t think that’s what you were trying to tell me.
Mommy: Alex, what kind of nuts are in trees?
Alex (touching his sour cream): Cold.
Mommy: What kind of nuts are in trees?
Alex (touching his sour cream): Cold. Cold. Cold.
(Mommy gives Alex a napkin, so he can wipe the sour cream off of his finger.)
Mommy: There are acorns in trees.
Claire (touching her sour cream): Cows.
Daddy: Alex, what were we talking about?
Alex: Squirrels.
Daddy: What would you like to say about squirrels?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: Now, remember, this is for posterity.
(Alex laughs.)
(Alex repeatedly dips his finger in his sour cream, and then licks it off his finger.)
Daddy: Alex, what are you eating?
Alex: I’m eating sour cream.
Mommy: What don’t you use your, your spoon?
Alex: I wanna dip it.
Mommy: You wanna dip your finger in it?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex (licking his finger): Ahhh.
Alex: Look!
Alex (licking his finger): Ahhhh.
(Alex laughs.)
(Alex starts to make some noise that make sour cream spray from his mouth.)
Daddy: Alex! Don’t do that, you just sprayed sour cream, that’s not nice.
(Alex does it again, more mildly.)
Mommy (sternly): Alex. Don’t spit it again or you’re gonna get a timeout for not listening.
Daddy: Alex? May I ask you a question?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Alex: Bizzehhh! And there’s a monkey under there. And it says “Bizzeh!”
Daddy (to Mommy): Is that useable?
Mommy: What?
Daddy: Is that useable?
Mommy: “Bizzeh” is not really a word, but the statement is I guess usable even though it doesn’t make sense. I’m not sure. I don’t think most language samples are… this odd.
(Mommy stands up to get some more broccoli.)
Mommy: You want some more broccoli, Alex or Claire?
Alex: Um, I need. I want the one, just like the one, so I can pick them up.
Mommy: What? Do you want some more broccoli?
Alex: Yeah.
Claire: Uh more brocky. Brocky and cheese. Uh more brocky. Mamamama.
Mommy: Here you go.
(Mommy gives Claire broccoli, then pours too much parmesan cheese on it.)
Mommy: Sorry. I’m sorry, honey.
(Mommy gives Alex broccoli, and puts parmesan cheese on it.)
Daddy: Alex, let’s have a conversation now, okay? With continuity?
Alex (to Mommy): Did you get the one just like worms? Cheese?
Mommy: Oh you want the worm cheese?
(Mommy laughs, then gets the shredded cheese.)
Mommy: You want the worm cheese on your broccoli? Or beside it?
Alex: On my broccoli.
Mommy: On it. Okay.
Claire: Uh more.
Mommy (to Claire): You have lots of worm cheese.
Mommy (to Daddy): Thanks for typing all that.
Daddy: You’re welcome.
Mommy: Do you have twenty – do you have twenty utterances?
Daddy: I have a lot of nonsense.
Mommy: Mm.
Claire: Bah joo ah, chee.
(Claire shakes her fork, and a big chunk of food flies across the room and hits the wall.)
Mommy: Where’d it go?
Daddy: Um – there’s some food in the corner. On my sweatshirt.
Mommy: Lovely. Attract ants.
(Mommy picks up the food.)
Alex: Can I see? What happened? What happened?
Mommy: Claire made a mess.
Alex: Where?
Mommy: Oh it’s over there on the wall.
Alex: And what did she make on there? Did she put on there?
(Mommy goes to feed Grommie.)
Mommy (to Grommie): You want your din-din? Can you say woof? Woof?
Grommie: Woof.
Mommy: Do it again. Woof.
Grommie: Woof.
Mommy: Woof.
(Mommy pours Grommie’s food into his dish. Grommie runs around. Alex laughs.)
Mommy: Circle!
(Grommie jumps in a circle.)
Mommy: Good boy, you remembered!
(Mommy puts Grommie’s food down.)
Mommy: Okay.
(Grommie remains frozen.)
Mommy: Okay!
(Grommie begins eating.)
Daddy: Alex, which is better: taco shells, or baked potatoes?
Alex: Baked potatoes.
Daddy: And why?
Alex: Because, I love them.
Daddy: What’s your favorite thing about baked potatoes?
Alex: Brocky tato. Broccoli.
(Claire requests more broccoli.)
Mommy (to Claire): I’m sorry. I should have made more broccoli. And, what’s the other word that you said today? Downtown.
Mommy (to Daddy): Did you know that? She knows that. Funny.
Claire: Pineapple.
Mommy: Oh we don’t have any more pineapple, honey. You’re still hungry?
(Claire mumbles.)
Mommy (showing Claire the empty pineapple can): Yeah, but it’s empty. See?
Claire: Empty.
Mommy: Yeah. You’re still hungry? Um…
Alex: I want worm cheese some more. I like that.
Mommy: What do you want?
Alex: I want worm cheese.
Mommy: Worm cheese?
Alex: Worm cheese. I want cheese, okay? Worm, just worm cheese, okay?
Mommy: Claire, touch your cheese, touch it. It’s not cold any more. Touch it.
(Claire touches it.)
Claire: Cold.
(Claire eats some cheese.)
Mommy: Do you not like it? Do you like it?
Claire: Yeah.
Mommy: You do like it?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: Cold.
Mommy: Yeah, it’s a little bit cold isn’t it?
(Alex roars repeatedly as he eats his worm cheese.)
(Claire holds some cheese out toward Alex.)
Alex (to Claire): Put it on the ground!
(Claire drops the cheese. Alex laughs.)
Alex: Grommie, eat that!
(Grommie eats the cheese. Alex laughs.)
Claire: Uh ground.
(Claire drops another bit of cheese on the floor.)
Claire: Uh ground.
(Grommie eats the cheese.)
Daddy: Okay guys, stop feeding Grommie.
Mommy: Oh, guys, stop feeding Grommie. It’ll make him sick.
Claire: Uh more.
Mommy: Yeah.
Daddy: Alex, who’s the President of the United States?
Alex: Persa.
Daddy: Who?
Alex: Persa.
Mommy: Persa?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: Please no. Don’t be mad.
Alex (laughing): Mommy, I want more worm cheese. This worm cheese.
(Mommy laughs, and gets Alex more cheese.)
Alex: I want to eat all of it. With it’s cold.
Mommy: You like it like that?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: I think it’s funny that you call it worm cheese.
Claire: Uh cheese.
Mommy: You want some more cheese, Claire?
Claire: Yeah. Worm cheese. Worm cheese. Worm cheese. Worm cheese.
Mommy (giving Claire more cheese): All right guys, this is the last of the cheese.
Alex: Okay.
Claire: Worm cheese. Worm cheese.
Mommy: It’s all gone.
(Alex and Claire eat their cheese.)
Daddy (to Alex): Can you say twenty utterances for Mommy’s class?
Alex (to Mommy): “Twenty utterances for Mommy’s class”, okay? That’s what you can do, okay?
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: I love you, okay?
Mommy: I love you too, okay?
Alex: Okay. I love you Mommy, okay?
Mommy: Okay. I love you Alex, okay?
Alex: Okay. I love you Daddy, okay?
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: I love you Claire, okay? I love you Grommie, okay? I love you Grommie.
(Claire is holding out a piece of cheese for Alex.)
Alex: You put these on the floor. Stop that.
Claire (eyeing Alex’s cheese): Uh one.
Alex: No! Don’t do that!
Claire: Uh one. Uh one.
(Alex pretends to give Claire a piece of cheese, then jerks it back and eats it.)
Claire: Uh one.
(Alex starts to drop a piece of cheese on the floor for Grommie.)
Mommy (angrily): Hey hey hey!! Alex. That is not listening! You are gonna make your dog sick. Do it again, you’re getting a timeout.
Alex: Am I doing it now?
Alex: Am I doing it now?
Alex: Mommy, may I have more worm cheese?
Mommy (sternly): Alex.
Alex: Mommy, why did you say that?
Mommy: ‘Cause you’re making me mad.
Alex: May I have more worm cheese?
Mommy: No. For two reasons: one, we’re out, but the second reason is, even if we did have more, I wouldn’t give it to you, because you fed it to the dog instead of eating it yourself, when Daddy asked you not to do that, and Mommy asked you not to do it.
Alex: I wanna get down now.
Claire: Uh down now.
Mommy: I’m waiting for someone to say “please”.
Alex: Please.
Claire: Peez.
(Alex starts squeaking.)
(Claire starts squeaking.)
(Claire drops something.)
Claire: Uh drop it.

Daddy: Claire, what's your friends' names?
Claire: Megan.
Daddy: Megan?
Claire: Morgan.
Daddy: Morgan?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: What's your other friend's name?
Claire: Maddie.
Daddy: Maddie?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Who else?
Claire: Turner.
Daddy: Turner?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Who else?
Claire: Hahn.
Daddy: Hahn.
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Who else?
Claire: Turner.
Daddy: Miss Turner?
Claire: Yeah.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thanks for meeting me, sir.

Claire: Uh pull-up.

Claire: Boo. Orange. Orange.
Daddy: It’s yellow.
Claire: Yellow.

(breakfast time)

Daddy (showing Claire a strawberry): What’s this, Claire?
Claire: Strawberry.
Daddy: Strawberry.
Daddy (showing Claire some Cheerios): But what’s this? What’s this, Claire?
Claire: Chah-wohs.

Claire: Mah.
Daddy: Did you kiss your, um, banana?
Mommy: She did.
Alex: I’m kissin’ my milk.
Alex: Can you kiss your, um, crayon, Daddy? Can you kiss your pencil? Is it a pencil?
Daddy: Yeah it is.
Alex: Can you kiss it?
(Daddy kisses it.)
Alex: Can you kiss the Cheerios, Mommy?

Alex: I would like different food, okay?
Mommy: Okay, do you have any ideas?
Alex: I would like…
Claire: ‘Nanas!

(snack time)

Alex: Can I see Alex eating his snack?
Daddy (at his laptop): I don't have that on here.
Alex: Why?
Claire: Mommy 'puter on.
Daddy: That's right!

(Daddy is asking Alex lots of annoying questions.)
Alex (to Daddy): Let's not talk about that anymore, because I wanna have time to play.

Daddy: Alex, if there are three monkeys in a tree, and one of them is eating apples, how many monkeys are in the tree?
Alex: One.
Daddy: Just one? I thought there were three. What happened to the other two?
Daddy: What are the other two monkeys doing?
Alex: They went home.

(dinner time)

Claire: Ah more. Peeze.
Claire: Ah more. Dinner.
Daddy: What do you want more of?
Claire: Ah more. Duh-nuh!

Alex: Why do you have, um, water on my carrots?

Mommy (to Claire): I want you to eat some carrots, please.
Alex (to no one in particular): I want you to eat some carrots, please.
(Alex smiles.)

(Claire hands Alex a carrot.)
Alex: No. Don't share, okay? You eat your own dinner.

(Mommy and Claire went upstairs for bath, while Alex finishes his dinner.)
Alex: Oh, they're doing bath now.
Daddy: Yeah, it sounds like they're running the bath.
Alex: We're not winn-ding.
Daddy: We're not what?
Alex: We're not winning. We have to hurry.

(bath time)

(For no apparent reason, Alex shakes Daddy’s hand.)
Alex: Thanks for meeting me, sir.

Alex (playing): What in the world?

Alex: I hear a noise so I'm gonna find out where it’s coming from.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


(Alex plays with Gromit.)

Alex: I'm letting Grommie in and out.

Alex (to Grommie, who's drinking from his water bowl): What are you doing? You want a drink? Okay.

Alex (describing his attempt to give a ball to Grommie): And if they don't want anything, they just walk around, and I just walk around too, and wait for my snack. That's what I do.

Alex: He's not eating the ball, he's just biting it in his mouth because he likes it!

Alex: It's still in his mouth! Gromit can drop it now if I ask him. Gromit, you wanna drop it and then I give it back?
(Gromit just sits there with the ball in his mouth.)
Alex: Please. Drop it Grommie. That's what you do. That’s what dogs do. Can you do that?
(Gromit just sits there with the ball in his mouth.)
Mommy: Hey Alex? Say “give”.
Alex: Give.
(Gromit drops the ball.)
Mommy: Good boy, Grommie!
Alex: Good boy, Grommie!

Alex: I wanna eat green beans, and… I like tomato now for snack. I like tomato.
Mommy: Okay.

(snack time)

Alex: Where's Grommie, I thought he was staying with us?

Alex: Daddy, can you get me another cracker please?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You can get me one because Mommy's not here. I don't see her anywhere here.
(Daddy gives Alex a graham cracker.)
Alex: Thank you for my plain graham cracker.
Daddy: You’re welcome.

Alex: Hey, Mommy’s back.
Mommy: Hey.
Alex: What did you get?
Mommy: I got our music player
Alex: I wanna hear it.
Mommy: You do?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: What does it say? I wanna hear music.
Mommy: Oh. Well I wanted to tape Alex.

Alex: Daddy got me a graham cracker because I didn't see you here.

Alex: Hey, Daddy?
Daddy: Hey, Alex!
Alex: Claire's um -- I mean Grommie's, um, lying on the floor now.
Daddy: Yeah!

(getting ready for bed)

Alex: Oh, man!
Alex (to Daddy, shaking his finger): Unfortunate!

Alex (shouting down the stairs): Mommy, I want chocolate and lollipops and cupcakes for -- for my underwear party!

Daddy: Tell Mommy why Claire got a timeout.
Alex: Because she played with the fireplace. She opened it.
Daddy: And why did she open it?
Alex: Because I told her to.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Is that your work?

(Daddy is working on his laptop.)

Alex: Is that your work?
Daddy: Yeah, all of that's my work.
Alex: Is that your work?
Daddy: Yeah, everything on the computer is my work.

Alex: There's T on your computer right there.
Daddy: There's tea? Where's there tea?
Alex (points): There.
Daddy: Oh, you're right!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let's keep eating, sir.

(Grommie chewed up his football.)
Alex: I don't eat my football, because I’m not a dog.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I want you to play football with me.

(Alex holds the football for Daddy, and Daddy kicks it.)
Alex: Good job, Charlie Brown!
Daddy: Good job, Lucy!
Alex: You’re the best daddy in the whole world.
Daddy: Aw, you’re the best boy in the whole world.

(Alex and Daddy continue their re-enactment of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)
Daddy (singing): Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go
Alex (singing): All the way down to the woods, okey dokey dokey doh
Daddy: There's just one problem: My grandmother lives in a condominium.
Alex: Who says that?
Daddy: Charlie Brown.
Alex: Let's keep eating, sir.

Alex: No wishbone for Woodstock!

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: Can we go to Grandma’s house?
Daddy: No, we’re not going to Grandma’s house today, we went to Grandma’s house yesterday.
Alex: But I like to do a tea party.

Alex: Claire.
Claire: No!
Alex: Claire!
Claire: No!
Alex: Talk to me!
Claire: No!

Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!
Claire: No!
Alex: No no!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!
Alex and Claire (together): No!
Alex and Claire (together): No!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!

(dinner time)

Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Are you talking to your pizza, Claire?
Claire: Yeah.

Claire: Mmmah. Mmmah.
Daddy: Are you kissing your pizza, Claire?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: You're a sweet girl.

(Alex is looking out the window.)
Alex: Daddy, some more yellow flowers are growin'!
Alex: You see, some more, right there!

Daddy: Okay, let's go make a track.
Alex: Okay.
Daddy: Thanks for waiting.
Alex: I was waiting very patiently when I was looking out the window, lookin' at everything. What we did yesterday.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Maybe a fish dream. Maybe that would be a good dream.

(While driving home from Grandma’s house, Mommy tells Daddy about a dream she had in which she got lost.)

Alex: When the bird bit me, that was a dream, and when the dog ate me, that was a dream, and when the monkey came in my room, that was a dream. You didn’t get lost in my dream.
Mommy: That’s because I got lost in my dream.

Alex: I don’t remember your dreams, I remember my dreams.

Mommy: Do you remember any happy dreams?
Alex: Yeah. And scary dreams, that my head told me stories. My brain told me stories in my head.

Alex: I remember the bird dream, the dog dream, and the monkey dream. I don’t remember you got lost.
Mommy: That’s because that was my dream. Do you remember any happy dreams?
Alex: Maybe a fish dream. Maybe that would be a good dream.

(Grommie licks Daddy.)
Claire: Grommie. Lick. Daddy.

Claire (observing the sun shining in the window): Shine.

(dinner time)

Daddy: What's that dog's name?
Claire: Grommie.
Daddy: What's your name?
Claire: Ay-yah.
Daddy: What's your name?
Claire: Ay-yah.

Alex: It was a little scary because, I didn't like that tractor doing it. So I was a little scared.
Daddy: I didn't like that part either.

Alex: I don't like the bananas anymore. But I will like them later because I like pumpkin muffin now. It's my best muffin. All the muffins.
Alex: But I don't like banana muffins, I don't like that one. But I like short muffins, I like short. When Mommy cuts them. Up into pieces. So I can eat them. And then they go in my mouth and go in my tummy. And go in my poop. Then they go in the potty.
Daddy: And then what?
Alex: Um. I don't know. Maybe it goes under the pipes and that's it.
Daddy: So is that the end of your story?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Your story about not liking bananas?
Alex: Yeah. No. It was about food, Daddy. I didn't mean to say that part.

(Claire is playing Dinner.)

Claire (giving Daddy some toy food): Hot.

Claire (giving Daddy some toy French fries): Fries.

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire (giving Daddy some toy food): Hot.

(Claire sees the toy phone.)
Claire: Phone.
(Claire puts the toy phone to her ear.)
Claire: Hello, uh Daddy.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Yeah. Paint.

Alex: I think I'm gonna pee-pee and get a sticker.

Alex: Let's go watch the car movie, Daddy. I wanna go watch it now.

(Alex is watching Cars.)
Claire: Daddy.
Claire: Daddy.
Claire: Daddy.
Daddy: Yes, Claire?
Claire: Cars. TV.

(Claire walks down the steps into the garage, then stops on the last step.)
Claire: Eight, eight, ten.
(Claire steps down.)

(Alex walks down the steps into the garage, then stops on the last step.)
Alex: One, two, three, four, five, six. And then nine.
Alex: Oh.
Alex: Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fifteen.
(Alex steps down.)

Mommy: Did you have fun at school today?
Claire: Yeah. Paint.
Mommy: You painted? What color did you paint with?
Claire: Boo. Hands.
Mommy (inspecting Claire’s hands): Blue? That looks like orange. What did you have for lunch?
Claire: Chicken.

(Alex watches the Pixar intro at the beginning of Cars.)
Alex: What did that thing do?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Maybe it jumped on that I. It squished it.

(Alex wants to watch a home movie.)
Alex: I wanna see the one on the house beach.
Daddy: The beach house?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: And what were we doing?
Alex: Alex was tryin' to talk to someone. To tell 'em something. Those ones.

(dinner time)
Alex: Mommy? May I have more pizza please?
Mommy: Good job, asking!
Alex (to Daddy): I'm I'm I'm -- I'm asking the right way, every day.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday. No toys on Thursday.

Alex: Ow, I hurt my shoulder on the sofa, the front of the sofa.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Heh, Grommie’s making me feel better. By licking me.

Daddy: Some families don't have a dog.
Alex: Why?
Daddy: They just don't.
Alex: And if they when they're sad, they -- no one will lick them when they call them.

(Alex talks to his toy cars, then points out to Daddy that it's silly to do so.)
Alex: Cars don't talk. They're too little. They don't have eyes. They don't have real mouths.

(Claire walks down the steps into the garage, then stops on the last step.)
Claire: Eight, nine. Ten! Jump.
(Claire steps down.)

(In the car on the way to school, Alex realizes that Daddy forgot to give him any toys to hold.)
Alex: No toys today.
Daddy: No toys today. We'll have toys at school.
Alex: Wha -- what day is today?
Daddy: It's Thursday.
Alex: Thursday. No toys on Thursday.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: I love you.

Alex: It isn't in this keyhole. It isn't on my knee.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I'm singing Cat in the Hat song.
Daddy: You're doing a good job.
Claire: Hat. Song.

(Claire shows Daddy a picture of Claire, Alex, and Mommy on the Short Pump Mall train.)
Claire: Engine. Engine.
Daddy: Engine? Yeah!
Claire: Claire. Ay-yah. Mommy. Train.
Daddy: Right!

Daddy: You're a great kid, Alex.
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: I'm gonna have an underwear party. A real underwear party.

Alex: I'm not peeing in my underwear because I peed in the potty upstairs.

Alex (pulling the splatter guard out of the cabinet): Power!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

But then he turned into a flappy butterfly. Flap flap. I… am the best.

Daddy: Hey Alex? What did one taco shell say to the other taco shell?
Alex: He said, “Hands. Did you use hands to… pick up a big tree?”
(Alex laughs.)

Daddy: Alex, how many legs does an octopus have?
Alex: No.

(Alex is reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar aloud to himself.)
Alex: But then he turned into a flappy butterfly. Flap flap. I… am the best.

(dinner time)

Alex (to Daddy): Can you do the eye game now?

Alex: I want more pancake because – I really like it when I'm crying.

Claire: I like it. I like it.

Mommy: Does anybody want any more pancake?
Claire: Uh more pancake.
Mommy: You want more?
Claire: Yeah.
Mommy: Please.
Claire: Peeze.
Mommy: Okay.

(Daddy is transferring Grommie’s dog food from the giant dog food bag to the plastic container.)
Claire: Big. Big. Food. In it.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Grommie’s. Grommie’s.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Uh throw it.

Claire: Uh milk. Drink it.

Alex: Pablo said I can't make dinner because I'm gonna go to school in a minute.

Alex: I'm gonna drink my milk and then you can hold it when I run.

Alex: Claire, are you a little bit thirsty?

Daddy: I'm a glass of water.
Alex: Wohnk, wohnk, wohnk, wohnk.
Daddy: What are you doing?
Alex: I'm drinking you.

Alex: Claire, come in here!
Claire: No! Uh backyard. Daddy.

(Claire climbs into Alex’s rocking chair and starts rocking.)
Claire (smiling): Rock baby…

Alex (singing): Rock a my baby, snug in a tree
(Alex mumbles.)
Alex (singing): Lie down and sleep

Claire (holding a toy): Uh throw it.

Alex: Um after I get my um PJs um on, can I talk about bad dreams?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ay-yah Clah dah-sing. Huh-wohs.

(breakfast time)

(Daddy gives Alex a cup with a mismatched lid.)
Alex (pointing to the lid): This part is blue, Daddy.
Alex (pointing to the cup): And this part is purple.
Daddy: Yeah. Daddy didn't get the colors --
Alex: And -- and the milk comes out here. And then it goes in my mouth.

Alex: There's a big bird on our deck!
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: And a squirrel!
Daddy: Oh my goodness!
Alex: Two animals!

Alex: That was a lotta animals out there.

Alex: All the bird flew away. Maybe he was scared of us. And the squirrel went away. Maybe he was scared too.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Maybe they'll come back.

(Claire is watching the bird. A seed falls from the bird's mouth.)
Claire: Drop.
Daddy: Did he drop one?
Claire: Yeah.

Daddy: What's he eating, Claire?
Claire: Uh... food.

(Daddy explains to Alex that Grommie chased away the squirrel.)
Alex: Sometimes Claire chases me. And I try to run away.

Alex: Some little birds flew on that tree in our neighborhood.
Alex: It's in -- it's in our neighborhood, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh yeah.
Alex: Up in that prickly tree. They like that prickly tree so they stay nice and warm.

Alex (to Claire, from behind the table): Look, you're blocked, you can't get me in here.
(Claire goes behind the table.)
Claire (to Daddy): Uh block, me, here. Block.

Claire (picking up the toy phone): Huh-wo, Daddy.

Claire (picking up the toy phone): Huh-wo, uh Mommy.

Mommy (to Alex): When are you gonna wear underwear?
Alex: Um, Tuesday.

(snack time)

(Mommy sets down Alex's water in the middle of his tray.)
Alex: Why did you put my water here?
Mommy: Um, why wouldn't I?
Daddy: Where should the water be? Put it where it should be.
(Alex moves the water to the top left corner of his tray.)
Alex: Um, right here.
Daddy (to Mommy): You understand now?
Mommy: Yeah. I understood right after I asked.

Alex: Okey dokey.
Claire: Dokey?
Alex: Yeah.

Mommy: Claire, would you like a banana muffin?
Claire: No.
Mommy: No? Then what would you like for snack?
Claire: Uh…
Mommy: Do you want yogurt?
Claire: Aw strawberries.
Mommy: Do you want a yogurt first?
Claire: No.

Alex: I like it. Yummy!
Claire: Uh. Uh muffin. Uh muffin.
Mommy: You want a banana muffin? Banana chocolate?
Claire: No. Uh chocolate.
Mommy: Do you want one of these? Banana chocolate?
Claire: Uh chocolate.
Mommy: There's chocolate in it.

Alex: It's Pablo!
Claire: Pablo.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I'm playing a game with my sister.

Alex: We're gonna dance in a minute, but first we have to build this house.

Alex: We're taking turns, Daddy.

(Claire wants to watch a movie on the computer.)
Claire (to Mommy): Ay-yah Clah dah-sing. Huh-wohs.
[Translation: “Alex Claire dancing. Heroes.”]

Sunday, March 14, 2010


(Daddy is driving Alex and Claire home from the bookstore.)
Alex: And I went to the bookstore, and I saw the little boy peeking through the bookshelf, and it was Callum!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: He lives at my school too.

(The car turns into the neighborhood.)
Claire: Hoooome.

(As Daddy carries the kids inside, he bumps into the side view mirror on the car.)
Claire: Bump. Car.
Daddy: Yeah, Daddy bumped into the car.
(From inside the house comes the sound of Grommie barking.)
Claire: Dog. Beep.
Daddy: Did the dog --
Claire: Woof.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's called a mind.

Alex: I want to go to school because I like the blueberry muffin that Thalia made me and the apple muffin.
Daddy: You like those?
Alex: Yeah. And I miss them.

(Claire presses the bouncy ball against her baby doll’s hand.)
Claire (smiling): Catch it. Daddy!
Daddy: Oh, did she catch it?
Claire: Baby.

(Claire hands the baby’s shoe to Daddy.)
Claire: Shoe. On. Claire.
Daddy: Okay, bring the baby over and I’ll put it on.
Claire: Claire.
Daddy: Oh, you wanna wear it? It’s too little for you!

(Claire hands the baby and the baby’s jacket to Daddy.)
Claire: Jacket. On.
(Daddy puts the baby’s jacket on the baby.)
Claire: Uh ‘nanas. Baby.
Alex: Maybe we can feed the baby.
Claire: Dinner!

Alex: Daddy, I’m getting bread, because I’m still hungry.
Daddy: Good for you.
Alex: Yay! I’m excited! I like bread. Bread’s my best thing to eat.

Alex (dancing to music): I’m jumpin’. Because, that’s what I do when I dance to this song.

(Daddy, Alex, and Claire are in the car, leaving the house. Claire notices the flowers out front.)
Claire: Ginna.
Daddy: Virginia.
Claire: Gamma.
Daddy: Grandma?
Claire: Flowers.

(lunch time)

Alex (to Mommy): We saw the grocery store. The man’s tryin’ to build the grocery store.

Alex (to Daddy): Don’t say that to Claire, because, I’m gonna fuss about it. I’m gonna cry.
Claire: Uh cry.
(Claire does a very good fake cry.)
(Daddy laughs.)

(snack time)

Claire: Aw cheese.
Daddy: You want some cheese, Claire?
Alex: I want some cheese, too. It can make me healthy, so I can grow bigger.

(Mommy is looking at coupons.)
Alex: I wanna see that cookie on there.
(Alex looks.)
Alex: Wow.
Claire: Uh see. Cookie.
(Mommy doesn’t show the coupon to Claire.)
Claire: Wow.

Alex: Daddy, I woke up sad. Daddy? I woke up sad.
Daddy: You did?
Alex: That’s why my leg hurt.

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy are playing at “the trees".)

(Alex is building an elaborate pile of sticks on the picnic table.)

Alex: You see that pump is tryin’ to come outta that shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Alex: Yeah, it’s called a shumple, Claire.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Daddy. Shumple.
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: Claire, put it on the see-saw, right by the pumple.
Claire: Pumple.

Alex: Look Daddy, I made the percher, so the shunker can be good.

Alex: Look Daddy, this is the kinch.

(Alex is holding a stick.)
Alex: You see, Daddy? You see the top of it? It smells like sticks.

(Claire is holding a stick.)
Claire: Stick. Stick.

Alex: Can you go away? I need to poop.

Alex: Look Daddy, I made my see-saw already.
Daddy: I like it! Tell me about it.
Alex: I can't tell you about it, because, Pablo said I can't do it. ‘Cause, we’re too late.

Alex: Daddy, why can't I stay here by myself?

(dinner time)

Alex: If we can’t watch TV again, we can go upstairs, and we can do special treat, today, I’m gonna change my mind, Pablo said, today, he said, superheroes, um, and timeout, and, everyone getting hurt. That’s the stories I’m gonna make up now. Those are the stories, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: That’s what Pablo said I changed my mind. It’s called a mind.
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: Daddy, can we do those things?
Daddy: What things?
Alex: We’re gonna play upstairs and do those things Pablo told me to do.

(While playing upstairs, Claire falls and bumps her head on the wall.)
Alex: Are you okay?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: That, was a big bump.

(Alex turns on the air vent in the bathroom.)
Alex: We need some air in here, some cold air ‘cause I’m hot.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Alex: Daddy?
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: The fork – my fork said, “Hi plate.”
(Alex laughs.)

(Alex is watching Wallace and Gromit in “A Grand Day Out.” )

(The movie has barely started, and no one has even mentioned cheese yet.)
Claire (noticing the movie): Cheese.

Wallace: No cheese, Gromit!
Alex: They don’t have any cheese!

(Wallace is quietly drawing his plans for the rocket ship.)
Claire: Cheese. Cheese.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Why?

(Claire goes under the kitchen table.)
Claire: Uh under table.

Alex (still watching TV): He’s building triangles.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: He likes building triangles.

Alex: His triangles are gonna fall down.

Alex: Gromit and, um, Wallace went to um the moon.

Alex: Now they’re walkin’. Just walkin’ around.

Alex: The machine won’t work!
Alex: The machine won’t work, Daddy, see?
Daddy: Oh you’re right.

Alex: Uh. I’m tryin’ to get up so I can be more comfortable.

Alex: Now it’s a robot.
Alex: It’s a robot, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, neat.

Claire: Uh going?
Daddy: Where’s he going, Claire?

Alex: He’s cleaning up the dishes, over there.

Alex: He bumped into the rocket ship, and now he touched it! I think he likes it.

Alex: What’s the robot gonna do now?

Claire: Water. Water.

Alex: He sees Wallace over there, eating his cracker. But he doesn’t want him to eat his cracker, because that’s part of the moon.
Daddy: That’s right.

Claire: Uh bang.

Alex: He bumped his head.
Claire: Uh boomp head.

Claire: Bump. Head.

(The movie isn’t over, but during one scene a snippet of the Wallace and Gromit theme music plays.)
Claire: End.

Alex: He can’t get up there, he doesn’t have any legs.

Claire: Uh bump.
Daddy: Yeah, he bumped his head.
Claire: Oh. Bump. Head.

Alex: What’s he tryin’ to do?

Claire: Dog.
Claire: Dog.
Claire: Dog.

Claire: Shirt.
Daddy: Shirt?
Claire: Yeah.

Alex: He’s sad. He wanted to go, um, um, what did he wanted to go?
Daddy: To Earth, he wants to go skiing.
Alex: He wants to go skiing but he can’t, because they blast off and now he’s very sad.

Alex: He’s really happy! He’s happy!
Daddy: Yay!

Alex: He’s – he waved at them.

Wallace: Set coordinates for 62 West Wallaby Street.
Claire: ‘Gain. ‘Gain.
Alex: They’re going back to their house.

(The end credits play.)
Alex: Why did this Wallace and Gromit have, um, music?
Daddy: Um… it’s the Wallace and Gromit theme song.

Claire: Done.

Alex: I’m gonna be silly at school today. And I’ll play with Miss Arnold.

Daddy: Alex, do you wanna use the potty?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Do you wanna walk around on the ceiling?
Alex: No, silly.
Daddy: Why don’t you want to walk on the ceiling?
Alex: Because we don’t stick to the ceiling. Bugs stick to the ceiling.

Alex: I’m excited to go to Callum’s house after nap.

Alex: I’m hot so I ha – had to get a blanket.

(Alex is watching the new TV.)
Alex: I like this big TV, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah? I do too.

Alex (to Mommy): Daddy came back and he laughed at himself because he didn’t put my bag in my classroom.

Alex: There’s a sandwich on that car, Mommy, on TV. You see?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: That’s silly.

(Alex, Claire, and Mommy return from a play date at Callum’s house.)
Daddy: Where did you go, Alex?
Alex: I went to Callum’s house.
Claire: Uh Callum house. Mommy.

Daddy: Does Callum have a dog?
Alex: No. Um, Mommy, does Callum have a dog?
Mommy: No, they don’t have any pets.
Claire: No. Gromit. Dog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I want cheese. Ah! Nit!

(dinner time)
Claire: I want cheese on it.
Alex: I want cheese on it.
Claire: I want cheese ah. Nit.
Alex: I want cheese ah! Nik!
Claire: I want cheese. Ah! Nit!

Alex: It looks like a changing – changing bed but it’s a couch.

Alex: Daddy we’re gonna go, um after nap, to Callum’s house. Does Callum have a dog?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Who’s at Callum’s house?

Claire: Uh bike.
Mommy: What bike, honey?
Claire: Picture. ‘Puter.
Mommy: A picture on the computer?
Claire: Yeah.

(Alex and Claire are watching home movies on the computer with Mommy. Mommy plays one of Alex’s favorite movies.)
(Alex cracks up.)
Alex: I wanna do, I wanna I wanna do, I wanna listen that one again.
(Alex watches it again. He cracks up.)
Alex: I wanna listen to it again. Uh ‘gain.
Mommy: Last time.
(Alex watches it again. He cracks up.)
Alex: I wanna listen to it again.
Mommy: No, we’re not gonna listen to that one anymore.
Alex: I like it!
Mommy: Let’s find another one. Let’s find another one that we like.
Alex: I like that one, tryin’ to shut the door.
(Mommy plays a different movie.)
Alex: I wanna listen to that one that Alex was tryin’ to shut the door. I saw that one.
Mommy: Tryin’ to open the door?
Alex: No, shu – shut it. Close the door.

(Daddy is flipping through the channels on TV)
Alex: I like the one with the lady cookin’ dinner.
Mommy: You like Rachael Ray?
Daddy (to Alex): It’s called Rachael Ray.
Alex: I wanna watch Rachael Ray.

(Alex is brushing teeth.)
Alex: Um, after I spit can I go take a nap with my friend Claire?
Daddy: Yeah.
(Alex spits.)
Alex: Um I have no time to talk. In my cup. That's why I have no time.

Alex: You see I'm jumpin’ fast!

Alex: Um when I'm sleeping, um then I will stand up and say, “Go away!” Can I do that?

Alex: Can I stand on your foot and jump?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex (jumping on Daddy’s foot): Oowoowoowoow. I'm doing it!
Daddy: Yeah.
(Alex stops. Claire runs over and starts jumping on Daddy’s foot.)
Claire: Oowoowoowoow. Oowoowoowoow. Oowoowoowoow. Oowoowoowoow.

(Alex is examining his nipples.)
Daddy: What's that, Alex?
Alex: This is my belly button, and these are more belly buttons!
Daddy: How many belly buttons do you have?
Alex: Three!

Alex (rubbing his eyes): I'm sleepy.

Alex: Let's go to the monkey house. That's our house.

(Alex is in bed, talking to Daddy about going to Callum’s house tomorrow.)
Alex: Does he have a robot?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Does he have a cow?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Let’s see what toys he has. In bed.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Does he have a truck?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Let’s see if he has a car.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Does he have blocks? Like I have?
Daddy: I don’t know.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Can I watch "Cars" now?

(Alex is watching Wallace and Gromit in “A Grand Day Out”.)
Wallace: No cheese, Gromit!
Alex: They don't have any cheese.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: They ate it all.
Alex: So they had to buy some more at the grocery store at Costco, or at… um… … Ukrop's.
Daddy: Yeah.

(Mommy has a new pair of shoes for Claire.)
Claire: Mommy. Big.
Mommy: Yeah, they might be too big.
Claire: Shoes.
Mommy: You wanna sit on the bench?
Claire: Uh bench. Sit.
Mommy: I think they might be too big.
Claire: Big.
Mommy: We can try them.
Claire: Try.

Claire (pointing at the heart on her shoe): Heart. Heart.
Mommy: You're right! It's a heart!

Alex (still watching Wallace and Gromit): Look. Wallace is drawing a rocket ship! And there's Gromit. And a flower. And another flower (mumble).

Claire (watching Wallace and Gromit): Uh out.
Claire: Uh out.
Claire: Uh out.
Daddy: Uh out.
Claire: Ship.

Claire: Uh out.
Claire: Uh out.
Claire: Uh out.
Alex: Yeah Wallace went outta the rocket ship.
Claire: Mommy? Uh out!
Mommy: Out?
Claire: Ship!
Mommy: Yeah, ship!

Alex: And Wallace forgot his crackers.

Alex: Look, they're gonna fly up!

Alex: Gromit make the um, um, that um rocket ship fly up!
Alex: Look he are flying up -- they're flying up to the moon.
Claire (laughing): Uh dawwwg!
Alex: Look. They're falling.
Alex: What? What's that? What do you think, what's that, Daddy?
Daddy: I think it's the rocket ship.
Alex: I think it was something else, maybe a -- a handle, a, maybe it was a ball, maybe… maybe it's a rocket ship! You’re right!

(On TV, the moon appears in the porthole.)
Wallace (awed): Ohhhhhhh.
Claire (in the same tone): Ohhhhhhhh!

Alex: They flew up to the moon.

Alex: Will that ball come down? Wallace threw a ball and then it won't come down.

Alex: Now they're tryin' to walk on it. And they're goin' to that machine to get cheese.

Alex: Look it -- it turned into a robot. It's a robot.

Alex: Look the robot sees Wallace eating the cheese cracker, and Gromit, but, the – the robot doesn't want him to eat the cheese cracker, because – that's part of the moon.

Alex: Look, they flew away and now the robot's sad.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: But now he's happy! And he's waving at them.

Alex: They flew back to their house.

(Alex and Claire come home from school to find a new widescreen TV.)

Alex: Wow! Wow!

Alex: Wow! Look at our big! T! V!

Alex: I'm excited, Daddy!
Daddy: Me too!

Alex: Wow! It's amazing, Daddy!

Claire: Wow! TV. Up!

Claire: TV. Out. Off.

Alex: Can I watch “Cars” now?

Alex: I like my new TV.

Claire (talking on the toy phone): Hello? Uh Daddy.

(after nap, just before snack)

Mommy: Why are you whining?
Alex: Because I'm hungry and grouchy.

(snack time)

Daddy: One time, when I was a little boy, I really wanted some french fries, but I didn't have any, so I dug a big hole in the ground, and I dug and I dug and I dug until I found some.
Alex: You were pretending to be a doggie?
Daddy (laughing): Yeah!

Alex: At school I was playing like a doggie with Wyatt, while we were doing beanbags.
Daddy: You did?
Alex: Yeah, and we tryied to be a doggie and play together.
Daddy: That's silly, was that fun?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: Can I have more french fries?
Daddy: That depends, are you gonna ask for them nicely, with a “May I” and a “Please”?
Alex: Please?
Daddy: May I…
Daddy: …have more fries, please?
Alex: May I have some more veggie fries, please?
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: They're very yummy.
Daddy: They're very yummy?
Alex: Yeah. I like them!

(Claire notices the Band-Aid on Mommy’s collarbone.)
Claire: Shirt.
Mommy: It's a Band-Aid.
Alex: What happened to you?
Mommy: I got hit with a TV.
Alex: Oh.

Alex: If I'm a grown-up, and I hit my chest on the TV Mommy, I will get hurt. And I will get, I will get a Band-Aid on my chest. So I will feel better. And, your Band-Aid has Dora on it right?
Mommy: I think it's Diego, isn't it?
Alex: Oh, Diego.
Claire: Bump.
Mommy: Yeah I have a bump.
Claire: Oh. TV.
Mommy: From the TV, yeah.
Claire (to Daddy): Aw see, TV, bump. Aw see.
Alex: There's nothing to see.
Claire: Daddy.
Mommy: Daddy doesn't have a TV bump.

Alex: I want bread, at dinner, next time. Can you make me bread, um, at the other dinner next time?

Daddy: Can Claire play in the cave?
Alex: Yeah! She may!

(Claire reads Sleepy Bear.)
Claire: Sleepy bear, cave.
Claire: Sleepy, cave.
Claire: Bugs back.
Claire: The end, yay.

Claire: Feet on it.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Feet on it.
Daddy: That’s right.

(Daddy is getting Claire’s PJs on, and Claire helps top up her PJ bottoms.)
Daddy: You helped! Oh look at you, you helped!
Claire (excited): Uh Mommy. Uh Mommy.
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire runs off to tell Mommy.)

Claire (to Mommy): Uh pants. On.
Mommy:You have your pants on? Did you put ‘em on?
Claire: Yeah. Daddy.
Mommy: With Daddy? Good job!