Friday, March 5, 2010

A ball.

Alex: Thank you for bringing our groceries in.
Daddy: I brought some of them in.
Alex: You're helping Mommy. That's nice.

Daddy: Alex, do you know what year it is?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: What year is it?
Alex: Monday.

Daddy: Who's the President of the United States?
Alex: A ball.

Daddy: Hey, Alex. What's the square root of 63?
Alex: Flashlights.

Alex: Ask me another word.
Daddy: Um… What's the atomic weight of cadmium?
Alex: Hand.
Daddy: That's right!
Alex: Ask me a other word.
Alex: Please.
Daddy: Okay. Um…

Alex: Who would win in a 200 meter sprint between a dog, a cat, and a monkey?
Alex: A boy!
Daddy: That's a good answer.

(Alex sneezes.)
Alex: I didn’t sneeze into my elbow. I’m sorry.

(Alex was under the table.)
Claire: Table.
Daddy: Table.
Claire: Under.
Daddy: Under.
Claire: Alex.
Daddy: Alex.
Claire (points at Grommie): Dog.
Daddy: Dog.

(Claire sits under the table.)
Claire: Table!
Claire: Under! Table!
Claire: Uh under! Table!

(Claire wants Alex to play Dinner.)
Claire (to Alex): Uh dinner. Uh dinner. Ready.
Claire (to Alex): Uh dinner. Ready.
Alex: No!

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