Saturday, March 20, 2010

Maybe a fish dream. Maybe that would be a good dream.

(While driving home from Grandma’s house, Mommy tells Daddy about a dream she had in which she got lost.)

Alex: When the bird bit me, that was a dream, and when the dog ate me, that was a dream, and when the monkey came in my room, that was a dream. You didn’t get lost in my dream.
Mommy: That’s because I got lost in my dream.

Alex: I don’t remember your dreams, I remember my dreams.

Mommy: Do you remember any happy dreams?
Alex: Yeah. And scary dreams, that my head told me stories. My brain told me stories in my head.

Alex: I remember the bird dream, the dog dream, and the monkey dream. I don’t remember you got lost.
Mommy: That’s because that was my dream. Do you remember any happy dreams?
Alex: Maybe a fish dream. Maybe that would be a good dream.

(Grommie licks Daddy.)
Claire: Grommie. Lick. Daddy.

Claire (observing the sun shining in the window): Shine.

(dinner time)

Daddy: What's that dog's name?
Claire: Grommie.
Daddy: What's your name?
Claire: Ay-yah.
Daddy: What's your name?
Claire: Ay-yah.

Alex: It was a little scary because, I didn't like that tractor doing it. So I was a little scared.
Daddy: I didn't like that part either.

Alex: I don't like the bananas anymore. But I will like them later because I like pumpkin muffin now. It's my best muffin. All the muffins.
Alex: But I don't like banana muffins, I don't like that one. But I like short muffins, I like short. When Mommy cuts them. Up into pieces. So I can eat them. And then they go in my mouth and go in my tummy. And go in my poop. Then they go in the potty.
Daddy: And then what?
Alex: Um. I don't know. Maybe it goes under the pipes and that's it.
Daddy: So is that the end of your story?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Your story about not liking bananas?
Alex: Yeah. No. It was about food, Daddy. I didn't mean to say that part.

(Claire is playing Dinner.)

Claire (giving Daddy some toy food): Hot.

Claire (giving Daddy some toy French fries): Fries.

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire (giving Daddy some toy food): Hot.

(Claire sees the toy phone.)
Claire: Phone.
(Claire puts the toy phone to her ear.)
Claire: Hello, uh Daddy.

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