Sunday, March 21, 2010

Let's keep eating, sir.

(Grommie chewed up his football.)
Alex: I don't eat my football, because I’m not a dog.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I want you to play football with me.

(Alex holds the football for Daddy, and Daddy kicks it.)
Alex: Good job, Charlie Brown!
Daddy: Good job, Lucy!
Alex: You’re the best daddy in the whole world.
Daddy: Aw, you’re the best boy in the whole world.

(Alex and Daddy continue their re-enactment of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)
Daddy (singing): Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go
Alex (singing): All the way down to the woods, okey dokey dokey doh
Daddy: There's just one problem: My grandmother lives in a condominium.
Alex: Who says that?
Daddy: Charlie Brown.
Alex: Let's keep eating, sir.

Alex: No wishbone for Woodstock!

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: Can we go to Grandma’s house?
Daddy: No, we’re not going to Grandma’s house today, we went to Grandma’s house yesterday.
Alex: But I like to do a tea party.

Alex: Claire.
Claire: No!
Alex: Claire!
Claire: No!
Alex: Talk to me!
Claire: No!

Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: Yes!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!
Claire: No!
Alex: No no!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!
Alex and Claire (together): No!
Alex and Claire (together): No!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!
Claire: No!
Alex: No!

(dinner time)

Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Are you talking to your pizza, Claire?
Claire: Yeah.

Claire: Mmmah. Mmmah.
Daddy: Are you kissing your pizza, Claire?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: You're a sweet girl.

(Alex is looking out the window.)
Alex: Daddy, some more yellow flowers are growin'!
Alex: You see, some more, right there!

Daddy: Okay, let's go make a track.
Alex: Okay.
Daddy: Thanks for waiting.
Alex: I was waiting very patiently when I was looking out the window, lookin' at everything. What we did yesterday.

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