Thursday, March 4, 2010

Listen to the music in the traffic in the city

Alex: You put the toast in the toaster, and it goes pop, and then you give it to me.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: That’s what we do. Yep!

Alex: Are you gonna be here?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Yay! Daddy’s gonna be here after school! I’m excited!
Claire: ‘Sited!
Alex: It’s Daddy at home!

Alex: When I get bigger, I can read that story to my little boy.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: When he’s ready for bed. So I tuck him in bed, and then I -- work something with Mommy.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: That’s what I do.

(Alex is pretending to make soup.)
Daddy: Does Mommy make soup?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Does Tahlia make soup?
Alex: No. She doesn’t have soup.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: But she has pasta.
Daddy: Do you like her pasta?
Alex: Yeah. But I don’t like the other pasta.
Daddy: What kind of pasta do you not like?
Alex: I don’t like the pasta with one meatball in it.

(nap time)

Alex: I’m not gonna have a dream right now.
Daddy: Okay, that’s okay.
Alex: No dream’s gonna come.

(Alex just got a new book, by the author of one of his current favorites.)
Daddy: Who wrote this book?
Alex: Mommy?
Daddy: No, it wasn’t Mommy.
Alex: Virginia?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: How ‘bout Meg?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: Aunts?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: Uncle Jimmy?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: Grandpa?
Daddy: No.
Alex: Grandma?
Daddy: No, it wasn’t Grandma.
Alex: How ‘bout Claire?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: Mommy?
Daddy: Nope.
Alex: Who was it?
Daddy: Oliver Jeffers.
Alex: Oliver Jeffers.

(Claire and Mommy return from the doctor’s office.)
Claire: Dada? Dada! Uh doctor.
Daddy: What?
Claire: Uh doctor.
Daddy: You went to the doctor?
Claire: Mommy.
Daddy: Oh!
Claire: Home.

Alex (to Mommy): I watched Gromit. And Wawa.

(Alex and Claire are having fun throwing Val-Pak coupons into the air.)
Alex: When all the cards fell down I liked it and I laughed and laughed. I laughed as hard as I could. That was silly. Was that silly, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.

(dinner time)

Mommy: Alex, what fruit do you want for dinner?
Alex: Mixed fruit.
Mommy: Mixed fruit, okay.
Claire: Mixed fruit. Mixed fruit.
Mommy: Claire, do you want mixed fruit --
Claire: Yeah.
Mommy: -- or peaches?
Mommy: Claire, do you want peaches?
Claire: Ah peaches. Uh green beans.
Mommy: You want peaches and green beans.
Claire: Yeah.

(Daddy is listening to music on his computer.)
Alex: I want Downtown.
Daddy: Okay, we’ll play Downtown after this one.

Claire: Uh getty.

Alex: I like Downtown better.
Daddy: Well we can’t just listen to one song all the time.
Alex: Don’t talk to me like that, Claire. I mean, Daddy.
Daddy: What did I do?
Alex: You talked mean to me. You yelled at me.
Daddy: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you.
Alex: Thank you.
Daddy: You’re welcome.

Alex: Is Downtown coming?
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex (to Claire): We’re listening to Downtown.

Claire (rearranging the spaghetti on her plate): Getty. No! (Dinner?). Getty. No!

(Daddy is getting Claire more spaghetti.)
Claire: Aw cheese on it.

Alex (singing): Listen to the music in the traffic in the city

Alex: Grommie licked me during dinner! I think he loves me.
Daddy: I think he does too.
Alex: I love him too.

(Claire takes her medicine.)
Mommy: Yay! Tell Daddy you did it!
(Claire runs over to Daddy.)
Claire (smiling proudly): I did it!

Claire : Uh Claire. Uh Claire Alex.
Mommy: Claire and Alex? On the computer?
Claire: Aw ‘puter.
Mommy: Okay, now I know what you’re saying.
Claire: Uh Alex, Claire. Mommy.
Mommy: Alex, Claire and Mommy?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: What Claire? What are you saying?
Claire: Alex Claire Alex.

(Claire sat on the potty, with clothes on.)
Claire (to Daddy, proudly): I pee-pee! I pee-pee!

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