Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday. No toys on Thursday.

Alex: Ow, I hurt my shoulder on the sofa, the front of the sofa.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Heh, Grommie’s making me feel better. By licking me.

Daddy: Some families don't have a dog.
Alex: Why?
Daddy: They just don't.
Alex: And if they when they're sad, they -- no one will lick them when they call them.

(Alex talks to his toy cars, then points out to Daddy that it's silly to do so.)
Alex: Cars don't talk. They're too little. They don't have eyes. They don't have real mouths.

(Claire walks down the steps into the garage, then stops on the last step.)
Claire: Eight, nine. Ten! Jump.
(Claire steps down.)

(In the car on the way to school, Alex realizes that Daddy forgot to give him any toys to hold.)
Alex: No toys today.
Daddy: No toys today. We'll have toys at school.
Alex: Wha -- what day is today?
Daddy: It's Thursday.
Alex: Thursday. No toys on Thursday.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: I love you.

Alex: It isn't in this keyhole. It isn't on my knee.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I'm singing Cat in the Hat song.
Daddy: You're doing a good job.
Claire: Hat. Song.

(Claire shows Daddy a picture of Claire, Alex, and Mommy on the Short Pump Mall train.)
Claire: Engine. Engine.
Daddy: Engine? Yeah!
Claire: Claire. Ay-yah. Mommy. Train.
Daddy: Right!

Daddy: You're a great kid, Alex.
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: I'm gonna have an underwear party. A real underwear party.

Alex: I'm not peeing in my underwear because I peed in the potty upstairs.

Alex (pulling the splatter guard out of the cabinet): Power!

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