Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Uh more. Uh more egg. Oh egg. Yes.

Alex: I ate a lot of food today. Now I'm really full.

Alex: But I love chocolate.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And lollipops and candy.

Alex: And Mommy says, "Chocolate is candy." Yeah, that's what it is.

(Alex and Claire play Dinner.)

(Claire brings Daddy a toy dinner: a plastic lemon in a plastic measuring cup.)
Claire: Uh hot.
Daddy: Oh, is that hot?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Is that for me?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Thank you.

(Alex brings Daddy a plastic broccoli.)
Alex: Daddy, here’s some broccoli that I made in the microwave.
Daddy: Thank you.
Alex: It's a little hot.
Daddy: Oh, okay.
Alex: It's a little hot because it was in the microwave.
Daddy: Okay.

(Claire and Alex bring Daddy more food.)
Claire: Daddy, uh hot. Hot. Hot.
Alex: Here I am, I got a orange for you. It's not hot, because, oranges don't be hot.
Daddy: Okay, thank you. Thank you, Claire.

(Claire brings Daddy more food.)
Claire: Hot.
Daddy: Okay. Thank you.
Alex (from the other room): Claire can you come back?

(Alex brings Daddy more food.)
Alex: Here's everything that I have and I got you a spoon, another spoon, so you can pick up the chips, and I got soup here, and I got corn, and, what's this?
Daddy: It looks like a lemon.
Alex: ‘Kay. And I got other food so you can eat that too. It can be in the middle so you can reach it. Right here, where the broccoli is.

Alex (to Claire): Let's go make some more dinner, okay?
(They both walk off toward the play kitchen.)

(Grommie is playing with his rings toy.)
Alex: I like that toy, ‘cause Grommie spins around with it, like this!
(Alex demonstrates.)

Alex: I'm playing with my dog now!

Alex: I'm excited because I'm lucky to give Grommie toys every day!

Alex: I still love my dog, Daddy!
Daddy: Good.

(playing in the playroom)

(Claire and Alex talk to Mommy from the playroom window.)
Claire: Hi.
Mommy: Hi, Claire. You’re cute.
Alex: I'm cute too.

(Claire is playing with toy keys.)
Claire: Uh hair.
(Claire puts the keys in Daddy’s hair and laughs.)

(Claire has a pink key.)
Claire: Boo orange.
(Claire puts the key on Daddy’s chest.)
Claire: Uh tummy. Uh tummy.


(dinner time)

Alex: I want more broccoli and more worm cheese.

Alex: What’s that?
Mommy: Egg.
Claire: Uh like it.
Alex: I don’t have any.
Mommy: No I didn’t get you guys any, but you can try it.
Claire: Uh try it.

Mommy: You don’t like the egg?
Claire: Uh like it.

Claire: Uh dat. Uh dat.
Mommy: You want sausage, Claire?
Claire: Uh apple.
Daddy: You want tomato.

Alex: I know how to make food on my pretend kitchen, and… and I remembered that I can eat food.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: I wasn’t talking to you!
Daddy: Who were you talking to?
Alex: Not Daddy! I was just talkin’ to myself.

Claire: Uh more. Uh more egg. Oh egg. Yes.

Alex: You didn’t give me cheese yet. Worm cheese.

Claire: Uh more sausage. Uh more sau – sausage.

(Alex gives Claire his sausage.)
Daddy: Say “thank you”, Claire.
Claire: Thank you.
Alex: You’re welcome.

Claire: I don’t like it.
Mommy: You don’t like tomato?
Claire: You eat it.
Mommy: Okay.

(Claire pulls a clump of hard-boiled egg yolk from the depths of her chair.)
Claire: Uh eat it.
Mommy: You can eat it.
(Claire eats it.)

Alex: Grommie, you wanna eat the egg?
Alex: Grommie! Little pieces of egg.
Alex: I give Grommie the cheese by myself.
Mommy: Oh, that was nice.

Alex: Can – can you play some music, Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I want Downtown.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Here Daddy, here's your Blackberry. I'm takin’ it out, in case you wanna work on it. Daddy: Oh, thank you.

(Mommy, Alex, and Claire are reading the big Elmo flap book.)
Alex: I found monsters.
Claire (pointing to the cupcakes): Cupcakes.
Mommy: Cupcakes, yeah!

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