Friday, March 12, 2010


Alex: Daddy?
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex?
Alex: The fork – my fork said, “Hi plate.”
(Alex laughs.)

(Alex is watching Wallace and Gromit in “A Grand Day Out.” )

(The movie has barely started, and no one has even mentioned cheese yet.)
Claire (noticing the movie): Cheese.

Wallace: No cheese, Gromit!
Alex: They don’t have any cheese!

(Wallace is quietly drawing his plans for the rocket ship.)
Claire: Cheese. Cheese.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Why?

(Claire goes under the kitchen table.)
Claire: Uh under table.

Alex (still watching TV): He’s building triangles.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: He likes building triangles.

Alex: His triangles are gonna fall down.

Alex: Gromit and, um, Wallace went to um the moon.

Alex: Now they’re walkin’. Just walkin’ around.

Alex: The machine won’t work!
Alex: The machine won’t work, Daddy, see?
Daddy: Oh you’re right.

Alex: Uh. I’m tryin’ to get up so I can be more comfortable.

Alex: Now it’s a robot.
Alex: It’s a robot, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, neat.

Claire: Uh going?
Daddy: Where’s he going, Claire?

Alex: He’s cleaning up the dishes, over there.

Alex: He bumped into the rocket ship, and now he touched it! I think he likes it.

Alex: What’s the robot gonna do now?

Claire: Water. Water.

Alex: He sees Wallace over there, eating his cracker. But he doesn’t want him to eat his cracker, because that’s part of the moon.
Daddy: That’s right.

Claire: Uh bang.

Alex: He bumped his head.
Claire: Uh boomp head.

Claire: Bump. Head.

(The movie isn’t over, but during one scene a snippet of the Wallace and Gromit theme music plays.)
Claire: End.

Alex: He can’t get up there, he doesn’t have any legs.

Claire: Uh bump.
Daddy: Yeah, he bumped his head.
Claire: Oh. Bump. Head.

Alex: What’s he tryin’ to do?

Claire: Dog.
Claire: Dog.
Claire: Dog.

Claire: Shirt.
Daddy: Shirt?
Claire: Yeah.

Alex: He’s sad. He wanted to go, um, um, what did he wanted to go?
Daddy: To Earth, he wants to go skiing.
Alex: He wants to go skiing but he can’t, because they blast off and now he’s very sad.

Alex: He’s really happy! He’s happy!
Daddy: Yay!

Alex: He’s – he waved at them.

Wallace: Set coordinates for 62 West Wallaby Street.
Claire: ‘Gain. ‘Gain.
Alex: They’re going back to their house.

(The end credits play.)
Alex: Why did this Wallace and Gromit have, um, music?
Daddy: Um… it’s the Wallace and Gromit theme song.

Claire: Done.

Alex: I’m gonna be silly at school today. And I’ll play with Miss Arnold.

Daddy: Alex, do you wanna use the potty?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Do you wanna walk around on the ceiling?
Alex: No, silly.
Daddy: Why don’t you want to walk on the ceiling?
Alex: Because we don’t stick to the ceiling. Bugs stick to the ceiling.

Alex: I’m excited to go to Callum’s house after nap.

Alex: I’m hot so I ha – had to get a blanket.

(Alex is watching the new TV.)
Alex: I like this big TV, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah? I do too.

Alex (to Mommy): Daddy came back and he laughed at himself because he didn’t put my bag in my classroom.

Alex: There’s a sandwich on that car, Mommy, on TV. You see?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: That’s silly.

(Alex, Claire, and Mommy return from a play date at Callum’s house.)
Daddy: Where did you go, Alex?
Alex: I went to Callum’s house.
Claire: Uh Callum house. Mommy.

Daddy: Does Callum have a dog?
Alex: No. Um, Mommy, does Callum have a dog?
Mommy: No, they don’t have any pets.
Claire: No. Gromit. Dog.

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