Thursday, April 30, 2009

There's another sign.

Daddy (picking Alex up on the school playground): Are you ready to go to Pop’s birthday?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex (to an older boy): I going to Pop’s birthday, boy.

(riding in the car)

Mommy: We’re going to Pop’s birthday.
Alex: Yeah and I gonna give him his card.
Mommy: That’s right, I brought his birthday card so you can give it to him.
Alex: Thank you, Mommy.

Alex: And there’s a car, coming out of the signs.
Mommy: What?
Alex: The car’s coming out of the signs.
Daddy: Say it again?
Alex: The car’s coming out of the signs.
Daddy (to Mommy): Signs.
Alex: Look Mommy, there’s another truck.
Mommy: Yeah. That’s a cement mixer.
Alex: Ment mixer, Daddy. Ment mixer. Goes around and round.
Alex: Look, a fire engine!
Daddy: Yeah!
Mommy: That’s an ambulance, Alex. It’s the same color as a fire engine, but it’s smaller.
Alex: That’s a ambulance.
Alex: Look Mommy, there’s a fire hydrant.
Mommy: That’s right.
Alex: There’s a sign!
(Mommy stops at a red light.)
Alex: We gonna get out here.
Daddy: No, let’s stay in the car and go to Pop’s birthday.
(The car is moving again.)
Alex: There’s another sign!
Alex: There’s a sign.
Alex: Look, a ambulance! That’s not a fire truck that’s a ambulance.
Alex: There’s a sign.
Alex: And another sign.
Daddy: Do you see another sign?
Alex: There’s one!
Alex: There’s another sign. Alex find another sign.
Alex: There’s another fire hydrant!
Alex: There’s another sign.
Mommy: Do you see another sign?
Alex: I don’t see one.
Alex: Oh, there’s a sign.
Alex: There’s a sign.
Alex: There’s a sign.
Alex: There’s a octagon.
Alex: There’s ano – oh, another sign!
Mommy: Another sign.
Alex: Another sign.
Alex: Signs! One, two, three, four, five. Oh there’s another fire hydrant. And another sign. Oh, a big flag! And way way strong and strong and big.
Alex: There’s a house.
Mommy: That’s a bank.
Alex: A bank.
Alex: Look, a school bus.
Alex: That’s a green truck.
Mommy: A green truck? Yeah.
Alex: There’s a ambulance.
Mommy: Look at this truck, Alex, with the white thing on top.
Alex: There’s a mail truck! A mail truck, mommy!
Mommy: I saw it. There’s a crane.
Alex: Orange tractor!
Mommy: There’s a big cactus.
Alex: Where is it?
Mommy: Oh, you missed it.
Mommy: There’s a big lobster.
Alex: I don’t see it.
Mommy: Oh, we passed it. But here’s Pop’s birthday restaurant.

(Gromit is being a pest.)
Mommy: Gromit! Cut it out!
(Gromit walks away and lies down quietly.)
Alex: Good listening, Grommie.

Alex: I want to go to the barber shop.
Daddy: It’s late, we aren’t going today. Maybe you can go tomorrow with Miss Alex.
Alex: No, she’s sick.
Daddy: Yes, she was sick, but now she feels better.
Alex: She’s sick.
Daddy: No, she’s all better.
Alex: No, she’s sick!
Daddy: She’s better, she’s coming tomorrow.
Alex (getting upset): She’s sick!!
Daddy: Okay, okay, she’s sick.
Alex: No. She’s better.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who's on the phone?

Daddy: What are you gonna do at school today, Alex?
Alex: I gonna play with Aidan.
Alex: And he’s not coming today. It’s Monday. And it’s Saturday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday.

Alex: Who’s on the phone?
Telemarketer: Hello?
Alex: Who’s on the phone? Who’s on the phone?
Telemarketer: May I speak to Miss Stephanie Gatewood?
Alex: Who’s on the phone Daddy? Who’s on the phone?
Telemarketer: May I speak to your Mommy?
Alex: Yeah.
Telemarketer: Thank you.
(pause of several seconds)
Alex: Who’s on the phone?
Telemarketer: This is Theresa Reid.
(extended silence)

Claire (head thrown back): Woh, woh, woh.

(Alex watches videos on the computer with Mommy)

Alex (watching a video of his birthday party at Romp ‘n’ Roll): I wanna go to Romp ‘n’ Roll.

Alex (watching a video of baby Alex on the swings): I wanna go to the playground.

Alex (watching a video of baby Alex in the pool at the beach): I wanna go to the beach.

(song time)

Mommy: Let’s sing Twinkle Twinkle.
Alex: Okay.
Mommy & Daddy (singing): Twinkle, Twinkle –
Alex: And the fish was in it.
Alex: And he was in the hole. And it was dark.
Daddy (singing): And the fish was in it, and he was in the hole, and it was dark –
Alex: And he have to come to our hole.

Daddy: Let’s sing Doggie in the Window.
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy (singing): How much is that doggie in the window?
Alex: And he – he – go up in the – and he fell in the hole. And it was dark. And the wheel in the sky.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I need to dust in Daddy's car.

(getting in the car for school)

Alex: I need to dust in Daddy’s car.

Alex: Don’t like the hot, I need some wind in the car.

(in the backyard with Grandma)
Alex: I wanna go inside.
Grandma: Why do you want to go inside?
Alex: Mommy’s cooking my dinner.

Alex: I – I – I want to cook with you, Mommy.

(song time)

Mommy: What do you want to sing, Alex?
Alex: Sing the dragon song.

Mommy (checking her watch): What do you want to sing?
Alex: Sing the watch song.

Daddy: What do you want to sing?
Alex: Sing buh buh, bah bah.
Mommy & Daddy (singing): Buh buh, bah bah.
Alex (laughing): That’s not a song!

Alex: Sing buh buh, bah bah, ah ah.
Daddy (singing): Buh buh, bah bah, ah ah.
Alex (laughing): That’s not a song!

Daddy: Alex, what do you want to sing?
Alex: Sing buh buh, bah bah.
Daddy: No, we’re not singing that anymore. What should we sing?
Alex: Sing buh buh, bah bah.
Daddy: Let’s sing Doggie in the Window. Do you want to sing Doggie in the Window?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: And the fish in the sky. And the donkey chase him.
Daddy: Okay, let’s sing Doggie in the Window.
Alex: And the wheel in the sky.
Daddy (singing): How much is that doggie in the window…
Alex: And the wheel and the fish and the donkey.
Daddy (singing): And the wheel and the fish and the donkey…
Alex: And buh buh, bah bah.

Monday, April 27, 2009


(getting in the car to go to school)
Alex: Make it feel better.
Daddy: What did you say Alex?
Alex: It’s hot in here.
Daddy: Okay. What did you want Daddy to do?
Alex: Make it feel better. I need some windy in here.
Alex: It can make it feel better. I wanna make it feel better, Daddy.

Alex: There’s a bird in the tree. And he’s gonna go in the dirt and that bird’s gonna chase him in the dirt.
Daddy: Why is the bird gonna chase him?
Alex: He has to go hide under the gate.

Alex (to Claire): My Daddy!

(dinner time)

Daddy: What are you eating, Alex?
Alex: I’m eating corn.
Daddy: I’m eating corn too.
Alex: No. Don’t eat it.
Daddy: I’m eating it.
Alex: No.
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: Nope.
Daddy: Yep.
Alex: Nope.
Daddy: Yep.
Alex: I want some strawberries.

(Mommy and Daddy are demonstrating the polite way to ask for things.)
Daddy: May I have some strawberries please?
Mommy: Yes, here you go Daddy.
(Mommy hands Daddy a strawberry.)
Daddy: Thank you.
Mommy: You’re welcome.
Mommy: May I have a strawberry please?
Daddy: Yes, of course.
(Daddy hands Mommy a strawberry.)
Mommy: Thank you.
Daddy: You’re welcome.
Daddy: May I have a strawberry please Mommy?
Mommy: Sure, here you go.
(Mommy hands Daddy a strawberry.)
Daddy: Thank you Mommy.
Mommy: You’re welcome.
Mommy: I want some strawberries.
(Daddy doesn’t respond.)
Mommy: I want some!
(Still no response.)
Mommy: May I have some strawberries please?
Daddy: Oh, sure, here you go.
(Daddy hands Mommy a strawberry.)
Mommy: Thank you.
Daddy: You’re welcome.
Alex: Can I have some?

(Alex is finishing his dinner.)
Alex’s left hand: Hi, hand.
Alex’s right hand: Hi, hand.
Alex’s left hand: I’m all dirty.

Daddy: Claire, where’s the bird? Where’s the bird? Can you point? Can you point to the bird?
Claire (pointing at the bird): Doh!

Claire (standing up, holding onto the side of the tub, head thrown back): Eeeeeennnnnngggggghhhhhh!

(song time)

Mommy: What do you want to sing, Alex?
Alex: I wanna sing Daddy in the bathroom.

Daddy: What do you want to sing, Alex?
Alex: I wanna sing the donkey song. He scare him. And he scare Alex.

Mommy: What do you want to sing, Alex?
Alex: I wanna sing the dress song. And Elmo scare him away.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Good job, bird.

Alex: You need to get your shirt.

Alex: I heard a bird, Daddy.
Daddy: You did? What does a bird say?
Alex: Tweet tweet tweet.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Good job, bird.

Daddy: Claire, are you a genius?
Alex: No, she’s not a genius.
Mommy: Is she the muffin man?
Alex: No. She’s a farmer. Hi, farmer.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hi, girl.

Alex: Can I throw balls at you, Mommy?

Alex: I’m a fox.

Meg: Do you want to read on the couch?
Alex: No, that’s the sofa, Meg.

(at Romp ‘n’ Roll)
Alex: I wanna go do my birthday now.

(dinner time)

Alex: Where’s Maddie?
Daddy: She went back to her house, she lives with Aunt Sheridan.
Alex: And Grommie’s sad.

Alex: I want some sauce. Chicken nuggets gonna be happy.

Alex: Don’t eat it. Don’t eat it. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky. It’s yucky.

Mommy: Is it yucky?
Alex: It’s yucky.
Mommy: It’s yummy.
Alex: It’s yucky.
Mommy: It’s yummy.
Alex: It’s yucky.
Mommy: It’s yummy.
Mommy: I’m not going to win this argument, am I?
Daddy: It’s yucky.
Mommy: It’s yucky.
Alex: (pause) No. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty. It’s tasty.

Alex: Let’s go to Romp ‘n’ Roll. Please to go to Romp ‘n’ Roll.
Mommy: You want us to just get in the car and go to Romp ‘n’ Roll right now, don’t you?
Alex: It’s not night time. It’s not night time. It’s not night time. It’s not night time. It’s not night time. It’s not night time.

Mommy: Alex, Claire gets the little apples ‘cause she’s little. Alex gets the big apples, because he’s a big boy.
Daddy: I want a big apple, I’m a big boy.
Alex: No you not a big boy.
Daddy: I’m a big boy.
Alex: You not a big boy.
Daddy: I’m a big boy.
Alex: No, you a… girl. (pause) (smiling) Hi, girl.

Alex: And Alex washed his hands. And now I’m all clean! And I need a paper towel.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Get a washcloth.

Mommy: Tell Daddy what Grommie did.
Alex: He rolled in poop.
Mommy: And what does Daddy have to do now?
Alex: He has to give Grommie a bath. Get a washcloth.

(playing with the water table)

Alex: Like a tranky [?] boat.
Mommy: Like a what?
Alex: Like a tranky [?] boat.
Daddy: What did you say?
Alex: Like a tranky [?] boat.
Daddy: What does tranky mean?
Alex: Like a tranky [?] ho [?].
Daddy: Alex, what does tranky mean?
Alex: Yo yo.

Alex: Uh-oh, the water’s gonna come out!

Daddy: Do you need help?
Alex: No I wanna do it!
Daddy: Okay.

(dinner time)

Alex: I eating toast Daddy. I eating bread that I cooked.

Alex: No I don't wanna eat broccoli and kiwi.
Daddy: Can I have them?
Alex: No. No. Don’t take them. Don’t take them. Don’t take them. Don’t take them. Don’t take them. Don’t take them. Mine. Mine. Those are mine. Don’t take them. Don’t take them. I don’t – don’t take them. Don’t take them. (sudden mood change) I wanna go outside in the back-a-yard and go in the playroom and play trains.

Mommy: Can you eat a piece of broccoli?
Alex: That's not broccoli.
Mommy: That's a weird piece. Why don't you eat a different piece?
Alex: It’s too heavy.

(song time)

Mommy: What do you want to sing Alex?
Alex: Bah, bah, buh, buh.
Daddy (singing): Bah, bah, buh, buh.
Alex (laughing): That’s not a song!

Mommy: What do you want to sing?
Alex: Sing the Michael song.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

No million dollars.

Alex: Dogs can walk down stairs, and cats can walk down stairs, and people walk down stairs.

Alex: Who's gonna come, Daddy?

(leaving school)
Alex: Who's at my house?
Mommy: Daddy’s at home today!
Alex: Who else?

Alex: I feel sick. My chair hurts. I need to go outside, the wind’ll make me feel better.

Alex: My chair hurt and I feel sick and I ate peanuts and I have to go to the doctor and the elephant ate peanuts at school.

Alex: How 'bout a graham bunny, Daddy? How 'bout graham bunnies?

Alex: That's my Elly, Claire.

Alex: Buddabudda Claire. Dittittittittitt Claire.

(Alex is playing in the back yard with Daddy)

Alex: Look Daddy there's a bee!
Daddy: A bee?
Alex: It was on my nose.
Alex: It flew away from my nose.
Daddy: It was on your nose?
Alex: Look Daddy, I just saw a bee fly high up in the trees.

Alex: Watch this Daddy!

Alex: There's birds, Daddy, look, there's birds!

Alex: Talk to Claire.

Alex: Good job, boat.

Alex: I did it Daddy!
Daddy: You did it!
Alex: And the water gonna come out.

Alex: I need help.

Alex: Look Mommy! A fire engine! I hear a fire engine!

Alex: Agarse, agarse, agarse, agarse, agsare, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse garse garse, garse, garse, garse garse garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse ,garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse ,garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse ,garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse ,garse, garse, garse, garse, garse, garse.

Alex: I'm ready to watch TV.

Alex: I want cookie.
Daddy: I want a million dollars.
Alex: I want cookie. No million dollars.

Alex: Dolphin goes round the ceiling for the light.

(song time)

Mommy: What do you want to sing?
Alex: Sing closet’s over the donkey.

Daddy: What do you want to sing Alex?
Alex: Buh-buh, bah-bah, guh.
Mommy & Daddy (singing): Buh-buh, bah-bah, guh.
Alex (laughing): That’s not a song!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No I the muffin man.

(upon getting in the car to go to school)
Alex: I want chicken nuggets. Please to get chicken nuggets?

(at the dinner table)

Alex: I wanna get down.
Daddy: I wanna get down.
Alex: No you don't get down. You eat all you food.

Alex: I want more broccoli.

Alex: I growed them with Grandma!

Daddy: Alex, are you a genius?
Alex (smiling): No I the muffin man.

(song time)

Mommy: What do you want to sing?
Alex: I want to sing red book song.

Alex: I want to sing tiddlewink song.

Alex: I wanna sing the clock song.

Alex: And I cry.
Mommy: Why do you cry?
Alex: In bed.
Mommy: Why do you cry in bed?
Alex: Cause Alex in bed ask Mommy and Daddy for another kiss. You want another kiss from Mommy and Daddy. And I want my toys fixed.

Claire: Aduk!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Can I get you a pillow for you?

Alex: No!
Daddy: No what?
Alex: No get your Blackberry. Don't get your Blackberry.

Alex: Spit it out!

Alex: Can I give she's toy back on she's plate? On she's tray.

Alex: I'm sorry Daddy. (singsong voice) Didn't mean to!

Daddy: Tell Mommy your days, Alex.
Alex: Wednesday, Monday, Saturday, Wednesday, Thursday, Tuesday.

Alex: I gonna take a bath it go to for the turtle.

Daddy: You know what tonight is?
Alex: It's bath time!
Daddy: Let's take a bath!
Alex: I do!

Alex: I find the big pink ball, purple and orange.

Alex: You gonna puff down the track, Mommy?
Mommy: Oh, I can't, remember my tummy?
Alex: Can I get you a pillow for you?

Alex: And and the boy cry.
Mommy: The boy cries?
Daddy: Why does the boy cry?
Alex: …
Daddy: What's the boy’s name?
Alex: Alex.

Claire: Uh-oh.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hi animals, okay.

Alex: Marc-Michel pushed me. I pushed him into friends.
Alex: Marc-Michel pushed me again. I run away. I play with Rory and Sydney.

Alex: I'm a farm. I gonna take care of the animals. Hi animals, okay.

Alex: Oh no, my hat!

(in the playroom)
Alex: I wanna take my car downstairs.
Mommy: We're playing upstairs, honey.
Alex (excitedly): Yeah, upstairs!

Claire: Dukka.

Alex: Does your tummy hurt, Mommy?
Mommy: A little bit.
Alex: Can I get your pillow?