Sunday, February 28, 2010

Claire's vocabulary (299)

fire truck
knock knock

And can my tummy get bigger?

Alex: My other friends, Angelina and Everett, will not play with me today. So I’m gonna play with other friends… Troy… Irmarion… and Ian. No Everett or Angelina.

Alex: This is fun!

Alex: Claire, can we go in the living room and do something? We have to work on our computer.

Alex: Where’d my Mommy go? I’m a Daddy, but where’s my Mommy? Mommy!
(Mommy looks.)
Alex: No, I’m calling Claire my Mommy.
Mommy: Oh I get it.

Alex: Sometimes my friends turn into an animal, they turn into cats and dogs, they turn into a bird, then they turn into a monkey, after the bird.

[These are Alex’s names for Sam’s Club.]
Sam’s Cloud
Santa’s Club
Sandwich Club

Alex: Daddy, you have to listen to me, sometimes. And you have to be nice to me.

Daddy: Alex? Why did the chicken cross the road?
Alex: What?
Daddy: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Alex: What chicken?
(Daddy laughs.)
Alex: What chicken, Daddy?
Daddy: Um… just, I don’t know.

(Alex sees Daddy putting on his belt.)
Alex: When I get bigger, can I wear a belt?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And can my tummy get bigger?

Alex: This tummy is named Ah-wah.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: But it’s Little Tummy, that’s his name. “Hi, I’m Little Tummy.” He’s nice. He’s nice, he’s a friend. Because he’s not mad anymore. He’s happy. “Hi. Hi, Daddy. I’m Big Tummy. Eat your toast.”

(Mommy is in the bathroom.)
Alex: Can – can I see… Mommy’s poop?
Alex (opening the bathroom door): Can I see your poop?
Mommy: Um, I don’t have poop right now.
Alex (entering the bathroom and closing the door behind him) Okay, I will see your pee-pee.

(lunch time)
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah Alex?
Alex: I made my green bean up into clips.
Daddy: Crips?
Alex: Up into scissors! That’s silly.

(nap time, heard over the monitor)
Alex: Mommy and Daddy have to be quiet, and I’m mad at them. They need to listen before I (inaudible). I don’t know what’s going on with them. Be quiet before my sister is gonna cry!

(dinner time)

(Alex notices an empty compartment on his plate.)
Alex: What goes here?
Mommy: Nothing.
Alex: Why?
Mommy: Because nothing has to go here.
Alex: Why?
Mommy: Because I didn’t fix anything else.

Alex: When we go upstairs, can we play superheroes?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: The clock says that we can?
Daddy: Yeah, it does.
Alex: Yeah, the clock says it!

Alex: Last time the clock said no, ‘cause it said: “Too late for superheroes.”
Daddy: That’s right.

(Alex gives Claire a kiss and a hug before bed.)
Alex: I love you, Claire. See you in the morning.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Aw Elmo on 'puter.

(Alex is reading books with Claire.)
Alex: I’m the teacher! I’m the teacher reading stories to my sister.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: I’m the teacher.
Daddy: That’s cute.

Alex: There’s a lot of new stories, because I’m the teacher and you’re at school. I’m the teacher.

Alex: Now I’m not a girl anymore, I’m a man, so… now I’m a girl again.

Alex: May you, may you – may you just be nice, Claire?

Alex: I want Claire to not do anything, because I’m the teacher trying to tell Daddy. What things are!

(Claire points to Daddy’s laptop.)
Claire: Aw Elmo on ‘puter.

(Grommie is looking out the window, whimpering because Oakley is playing with a friend.)
Claire: Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Home.
Daddy: Mommy?
Claire: Oh Ay-yah! Home!
Daddy: No Mommy’s not home yet.

(Claire falls down, and Mommy is comforting her.)
Mommy: Where does it hurt?
Claire: Toe.
Mommy: Aw, did you hurt your toe?
(Mommy kisses Claire’s toe.)
Claire: Thumb.
Mommy: You hurt your thumb too? Which thumb?
Claire (holding out her right thumb): Right.

Daddy (to Mommy): Did she say “right”?
Mommy: It sounded like it.
Daddy (to Claire): Claire, can you show me your left thumb?
(Claire sticks out her tongue.)
Mommy (to Daddy): Oh, thank goodness, she’s not crazy smart.

Alex: Mommy, may we go to Sam’s Cloud?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex (to Daddy): Mommy said yes.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Timeout. Mat.

Alex: Daddy held me up like a cloud!

Daddy: Claire, what’s your brother’s name?
Claire: Ay-yah!

(Alex and Claire are getting into the car to go to the library. Grommie also gets in, uninvited.)

Alex: Grommie, get outta the car!
Mommy: Grommie!
Alex: Grommie goes inside.
Claire: Out. Car. Now. 'Side.

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy are at the library. A voice on the loudspeaker announces that the library will be closing in fifteen minutes.)

Alex (anxious): The library’s closing, we have to get outta here before we get stuck.
Daddy: It’s okay, we can still play for a little bit.
Alex (still anxious): Let's get out of here fast.

(Claire is playing by herself in her room.)

(Claire puts her baby doll on her pillow. She puts a Thomas book on the baby.)
Claire: Train. Train. Baby.
(Claire pushes the baby’s head into the book.)
Claire: Train. Train.

(Claire puts her baby on the shelf.)
Claire: Nap. Time.

Claire: Uh change. Pillow.
(Claire puts the baby on the pillow, then she gets a diaper and starts putting it on the baby.)
Claire: Change. Diaper.
Claire: Poop. Diaper.
(Claire carries her baby to the other side of the room and sets it down on the floor.)
Claire: Bath.
Claire: Sit.
Claire: Bath.
(Claire brings her baby back.)
Claire: Diaper. Pillow.
(Claire puts her baby on the pillow.)
Claire: Night.
(Claire diapers the baby again.)
Claire: Change. Diaper.
Claire: Change. Diaper.
Claire: Poop.
Claire: Poop.
(Claire picks up the baby.)
Claire: Uh wet.
Claire: Dry.
(Claire runs into the hall, and sets her baby down.)
Claire: Sit.
Claire: Dry.
Claire: Sit.
Claire: Diaper.
(Claire returns to her room without the baby.)
Claire: Back.
Claire: Diaper.
(Claire takes a diaper and goes back into the hall.)
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
(Claire puts her baby in the timeout area.)
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
Claire: Timeout.
(Claire returns to her room without the baby.)
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
(Claire runs back into the hall.)
Claire: Timeout.
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
Claire: Timeout.
(Claire returns to her room without the baby.)
Claire: Daddy. Timeout.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Pillow.
(Claire lies on her pillow for a moment, then gets up.)
Claire (as she runs out of the room): Timeout.
Claire: Timeout. Timeout.
(Claire returns with her baby.)
Claire: Timeout.
Claire: Bed. (Mumble.) Bed.
(Claire puts the baby in Claire’s bed.)
Claire: Sleep.
Claire: Nigh night. Baby.
Claire (as she runs out of the room): No - no!
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
(Claire returns, and tries to get her baby out of the bed.)
Daddy: Do you need some help? Here you go.
(Daddy gets the baby out of the bed for Claire.)
Claire: Timeout. Timeout. Mat.
(Claire goes in the hall again, and puts the baby in the timeout area.)
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
Claire: Timeout.
(Claire returns to her room without the baby.)
Claire: Timeout.
(Claire lies on her pillow.)
Claire: Cahg.
Claire: Timeout. Mat. Cuddit. Hug!
(Claire runs out of the room.)
Claire: Timeout. Mat.
Claire (putting the baby in a basket): Sit. Basket.
Claire: Sit.
Claire: Right.
Claire: Basket.
(Claire returns with her baby.)
Claire: Daddy. Hug. Sit.
(Claire drops the baby and leaves the room.)
(Claire comes back, picks up the baby, leaves, and sets the baby down in the hallway.)
Claire: Sit.
(Claire runs into Alex’s room to read with him.)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I'm a Cheerio!

Daddy: All right, let's change your diaper.
Alex: You can say “pull-up”. Pull-ups look like diapers, but they're not.

Claire: Turn. Turn, Alex, turn. Turn!
Daddy: Yeah, it's Alex's turn.

(Alex and Daddy are playing “Alex is a toy”, in which Daddy presses buttons on Alex to make him do and become various things.)

(Alex assumes an odd position.)
Alex: That was a window.

Alex: How 'bout a apple?
(Daddy presses a button, and Alex turns into an apple.)

Alex: Can you make me turn into water?
(Daddy presses a button, and Alex turns into water.)
Alex: Now can you drink outta me?

Alex: Press another button.

Mommy: Is Claire cute?
Claire: Yeah.

Alex: Can you press a different button?
Daddy: Okay, last one. What should this button do?
Alex: Uh, it should not work anymore, or I can turn into a T?
Daddy: Okay, let's turn into a T.
(Daddy presses the button. Alex assumes an odd shape and freezes.)

Alex: Can you make me do something else?
Daddy: How 'bout I make you…
Alex: … turn into Cheerios!
Daddy: Okay.
(Daddy presses the button. Alex assumes an odd shape and freezes.)
Alex: I'm a Cheerio!
Alex: I'm a Cheerio!

Alex: I like to be a toy. Please again. Please again? Please!

Daddy: Okay, I'm gonna press the broccoli button.
Alex: No you forgot to press the frog button.

Alex: Daddy, look at my sticker!
Daddy: I like it!
Alex: It's -- we have more Thomas stickers. Stickers, stickers, stickers.

Alex: I can do it now because I'm bigger.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I'm a little bit more bigger.

Alex: I don't like peppers. They're not my favorite fruit. I mean vegetables. They're vegetables.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: (Mumble.) Bananas are fruit.
Daddy: That’s right. What else is fruit?
Alex: Um, pears. Pears?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And how ‘bout soda?
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Uh, no!
Alex: How ‘bout a knife?
Alex (laughing): No!
Alex: How ‘bout water?
Alex (laughing): No!

Alex: My Daddy's silly. I loooove my Daddy!
Alex: I'm on TV. I'm on TV, Daddy. I'm on TV.
Daddy: You are?
Alex: Yeah. Said the Science Kid! Said the Science Kid, said the Science Kid, said the sci -- (crazy eating noises)

(Claire, Alex, and Daddy are in the playroom. Claire and Alex are taking turns jumping into a big pile of stuffed animals.)

Claire: Two, three, jump.
(Claire jumps.)

Claire: One, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
(Claire jumps.)

Claire: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
(Claire jumps.)

Claire: Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, (mumble), five, six, jump.
(Claire’s toy jumps.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Uh Elmo Grover Elmo. Grover.

Alex: Can I watch Cat in the Hat and Science Kid?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And Bob – Bob’s kind of old right now.

(Alex is watching the Sid the Science Kid episode about vaccinations.)
Alex: I like medicine, Daddy.
Daddy: You do?
Alex: But I don’t like medicine in my arm.

(Daddy is dancing.)
Claire: No dancing. No dancing.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Why don't tacos have hands?
Alex: Because.. they're food!

Alex: Why do chickens sit on their eggs?
Daddy: Why? I don't know. Why?
Alex: Because they don't have chairs!
[Alex's first real joke!]

Claire: Uh (cheese?).
Daddy: You want more cheese?
Claire: No. Uh Elmo. Grover.

Claire: Uh blueberries. Uh blueberries.
Mommy: What else do you say?
Claire: Uh Elmo Grover Elmo. Grover.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

We're part of the family! Come back up!

(Alex looks in the mirror with Mommy.)
Alex: Look at in the mirror.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: So I can see my hair. Looks good!
Alex (decisively): Yes it does. Looks a little bit good.

(Alex and Claire are playing with the toy kitchen. Claire opens the refrigerator.)
Alex: Don’t open it! No, Claire! Don’t open it!
Alex: You’re letting the cold out! The cold air out!
Alex: Don’t open my ‘frigerator!

Alex: C starts with coat.
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: You know what fuh-fuh-food starts with?
Daddy: What?
Alex: F!
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: Duh-duh-door starts with D!
Daddy: That’s right!

(Claire walks down the garage stairs, and stops on the bottom step.)
Claire: Four five six. Seven jump!
(Claire steps down.)

(Alex complains that Daddy turned the light off in the bathroom, while Alex was playing with the scale.)
Alex: I was tryin' to see what thirty I am.

Daddy: All right, chucklehead.
Alex (smiling): All right, man! All right, man daddy!

(Mommy and Claire went downstairs before Alex and Daddy were ready.)
Alex: They're already downstairs!
Daddy: They went down without us. Okay, we'll go down --
Alex (shouting down the stairs): We're part of the family! Come back up!
(Alex laughs.)

Alex (walking down the stairs): I'm tryin' to fall down the stairs.

Alex (to Mommy): Does my sister wanna make dinner?

Claire: Dinner. Ready.

Alex: I want Downtown, okay? Can we listen to that song?

Alex: Mommy Mommy Mommy Mommy. Mommy's my best friend.

Alex (with his eyes closed): I closed my eyes.
Mommy: Can you see me?
Alex: Yeah I have a flashlight.

(dinner time)
Daddy: Alex, what did one pear say to the other pear?
Alex: “Hi, where are you going?”
(Daddy laughs.)
Daddy: And what did the other pear say?
Alex: “Hello, what are you doing today?”

(Alex is playing with stuffed animals.)
Alex: You know what these are?
Daddy: No, what are they?
Alex (naming the animals): This one’s Grommie, and that one’s Otter, and that one’s… Trotter, and that one’s Ott – um, oh… Cla – Clairer, and this one’s Clifford!

(Daddy just finished reading “The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings” to Alex.)
Daddy: Okay, let’s sing songs. I like singing songs with you, that’s one of my blessings. I like it a lot.
Alex: I like reading stories with you. That’s my blessing.

Monday, February 22, 2010

More mushrooms! They're good for your heart.

(Mommy, Alex, and Claire return home from the grocery store. Daddy is playing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Xbox 360. Alex walks in first.)
Alex: Daddy! You’re watching the boy again!
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: You’re watching Harry! His name’s Harry!
Daddy: That’s right!

(Claire walks in.)
Claire: Uh home!

(Alex and Claire help to unload groceries.)

Alex: Tomatoes!

Alex: There’s no room in this cabinet! There’s too many things in there!

Alex (finding a jar of mushrooms): Beans! Are these beans?
Daddy: They’re good for your heart.
Mommy: Those are mushrooms.
Alex: Mushrooms.

(A little later, Alex finds another jar of mushrooms.)
Alex: More mushrooms! They’re good for your heart.

(dinner time)

(Alex breaks off a small piece off of his bread, which he has been referring to as "Harry".)
Harry: Oh no, my foot!
(Alex puts the piece of bread into his mouth.)
Daddy: What happened to it?
Alex: It broke!
Daddy: And where'd it go?
Alex (shoving the rest of the bread into his mouth): It went into the tunnel!

Claire: Water. I want more water.
Daddy: Well, what do you say, Claire?
Claire (to Daddy): "Mommy… Mommy…"

(Alex is talking about "dot com".)
Daddy: Alex, what's a dot-com?
Alex: From a commercial!

Alex: I love my daddy.

Alex (singing): My daddy, my daddy, my daddy…

Alex: I want Mommy to take me a bath.
Daddy: You don’t want Daddy to take you a bath?
Alex: I want Mommy. She's my best friend again.

(bed time)
Alex: My daddy, can you sleep with me?

Alex: Why can I go back to the … … … … … gym? I mean -- what's it called? Where we went to Neer's party?
Daddy: The museum.
Alex: Why can I go back to the museum?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

There’s a toy in it. It’s a dog and it eats a bone. There’s a bone in it too.

(Daddy’s in the bathroom, and Mommy tells Alex not to go in there.)
Alex: But I wanna be with Daddy! He’s my best friend.

Claire: Mommy. Aw cake. Aw cake.

(Daddy brings Claire’s stuffed toys downstairs. Daddy didn’t bring Alex’s toys because Alex had claimed they were sleeping.)
Alex: Oh – Daddy, I hear my friends wakin’ up. They’re crying. They want me. So can you go get them?

(Alex and Claire are playing with Play-Doh.)
Alex: Here’s a present for you, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh, I like it! What is it?
Alex: It’s a present.
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: There’s a toy in it. It’s a dog and it eats a bone. There’s a bone in it too.

Alex: This one’s a butterfly, Daddy. And this one’s a snake. And this one’s another one, and this one is another one!
Daddy: Thank you.

Alex: I like bread, Mommy.
Alex: I like bread, Mommy.
Alex: Mommy?
Mommy: Yes?
Alex: I like bread, because it’s my best… food.

(At Neer’s birthday party, Alex is coloring a picture of a castle. For the first time, he colors with regard to the picture itself.)
Alex: The bricks are purple.

(Alex is so enrapt with coloring the bricks purple that he doesn’t stop when they bring out the bubble machine.)
Alex (looking up): I missed the bubbles.
(Alex continues to color.)

(bed time)
Alex: I miss the museum.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why do balloons pop?

(Saturday morning.)
Alex: Please wake up, Daddy!

Alex: You know what “road” starts with?
Alex: Road!
Alex: I’m just being silly. I didn’t have a choice.

(Alex has just completed the dinosaur puzzle.)
Daddy: That’s a volcano. And what are the dinosaurs doing?
Alex: They’re saying “Ugh!” And their mommies say “No, no! Don’t talk to the ‘cano that way!”

(Daddy is driving Alex to Thomas’s birthday party.)

Alex: But I share with my sister named Claire.

Alex: You can go a little bit fast, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You can’t go really really fast because that might make me a little bit angry, and I might want you to go just slowly.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: I see Costco, Daddy.
Daddy: That’s right! You know Costco!
Alex: We’re not going to Costco, we’re going to the party.
Daddy: That’s right.

Alex: This is a great place – Daddy, a red car right there!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Where’s that reflection coming from?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: It’s from your battery! I mean your Blackberry!

(At the party, the kids are playing with balloons. One of them pops in Alex’s hand when he goes to pick it up, and he is mostly unfazed. A little later, a second balloon pops in Alex’s hand when he goes to pick it up, and Alex gets a little bit upset.)
Alex (to Daddy): Why do balloons pop?

Mommy: What did you do at the party?
Alex: The balloon popped, and Daddy got me another balloon, and it popped too!
(Mommy and Alex laugh.)
Mommy: What did you do?
Alex: There was a cookie on my cupcake.
Mommy: There was a cookie on your cupcake?
Alex: Yeah, it was a baseball! Then I won’t have any cookies, if there was a cookie on my cupcake.
Mommy: Yeah? Who was there?
Alex: Thomas.
Mommy: Thomas.
Alex: Angelina.
Mommy: Angelina.
Alex: And… William? Who else?
Mommy: I don’t know. Do you remember?
Mommy: Was Kate?
Alex: No…
Mommy: No?
Alex: There was Thomas’s sisters.
Mommy: Okay. Was there…. Everett?
Alex: No. There was just three.
Mommy: Oh, that was all?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Were there – were there kids there that you didn’t know?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Who? Do you know their names?
Alex: I don’t know Thomas’s sister’s name, or the other sister’s name.

Daddy:Alex, didn't I ask you to get in the car?
Alex: I was just lookin' at those boys.
Alex: If you say that one more time I will get angry.

(riding in the car)
Claire (pointing to each item in turn): Book... frog... Juju Daddy Alex... Mommy Daddy Alex Claire… Mommy Daddy...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Put. A. Way!

(Alex and Claire are watching Diego.)
Claire: Bird. Bird.
Daddy: Bird.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: That’s a hawk, Claire.
Claire: Huck.

Rescue Pack: Rescue Pack here! Diego needs something that’ll fly him over the sand dunes!
Rescue Pack: Will a raft fly him over the sand dunes?
Claire: No.
Alex: No.
Rescue Pack: Nope. Will a bicycle fly him over the sand dunes?
Alex: No.
Claire: No.
Rescue Pack: Nah. Will a hot air balloon fly him over the sand dunes?
Claire: No.
Alex: Yes!
Rescue Pack: Yes it will!
Rescue Pack: Now you tell Diego he needs a hot air balloon!
Claire: Umma. Buh-woo.

Alex: I’m pretending to be goss.

Daddy: How do you pretend to be goss?
Alex: Can you pretend to be a horse?

(Alex is making up stories.)
Alex: The daddy came over to the bookstore. Ill make up that story on Tuesday.

(Alex is reading “David Gets In Trouble”. Claire is watching.)
Alex: David’s mom always said “No, David!”
Alex: He's throwing mud in the house. Yuck!
Claire: Mud. Mud.
Alex: Yeah. He's spilling water out the bathtub. He's not listening.
Alex: Come back here, David!
Alex: Be quiet, David!
Alex: Don’t play with your food!
Alex (to Daddy): He has a big head now.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: That’s too much, David!
Alex: Go to your room, David!
Alex: Settle down, David!
Alex: No, David!
Alex: Put your toys away, David!
Alex: Not in the house, David!
Alex: He gonna (mumble). What he gonna knock down?
Alex: Uh oh, he did knock down the – vase – basement, Daddy. Basement.
Alex: It wasn't my fault.
Alex: I love you, David.
Alex: The end. Yay!
Claire: Yay!

(Claire is reading “No, David!”)

Claire: Dabid!

Claire: Uh book. Dabid.
Claire: Uh Dabid.
Claire: Put. A. Way!
Claire: Uh bounce. Bed. Bed. Uh bounce. Uh bounce. Bed.

(Alex is carefully examining Daddy’s face.)
Alex (as if talking to himself): What’s this?
Alex (in mock terror): Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! It has eyes!

(Alex and Claire are playing with blocks.)

Alex: Look Daddy! I made a playground!

Claire: I made! Track!

Alex: Look, Daddy!
Daddy: Neat! What is it?
Alex: That's a machine that flies in the sky!
Daddy: I like it!
Alex: It’s a moomah!

Claire: I made!
(Claire applauds herself.)
Claire: I made!

(Claire is opening and closing the door to the toy microwave.)
Alex: No open again!
Alex: No open again!
Alex: Claire’s open and close, open and close, I don’t like it!

Alex: Daddy burned me.
Mommy: Yeah? That's not nice, Daddy.

Alex: Um, can you tell me another story about the cabinet – I mean, um, Jacob, and Hiccup, and the daddy, and the mommy, went to the grocery store?

(dinner time)
Alex: On – on Tuesday, I didn’t want any milk, so now – on Monday, I want milk.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I’m doing it! Watch me, Daddy!

Alex: Can I get a new sticker for listening to Mommy?
Mommy: You did, I gave you a sticker when we got home.
Alex: Which one?
Mommy: The dinosaur. Silly.

Alex: Daddy, will you please make dinner with me?
Daddy: Alex, I’m sorry, I have to work.
Alex: No you don’t have to work.

(Nap time, and Alex is playing in his bed.)

Elly: I can’t – I can’t move my body!
Alex: It’s okay. It’s okay, Elly.
Elly: No it’s – it’s not okay. It’s not okay. Aaaaaaa!

Alex: Then there was trouble.

(Alex is watching Daddy play Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Xbox 360.)

Alex: The boy – the girl’s flying. It’s pretend flying.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: They’re like superheroes.
Daddy: That’s right.

Alex: I think that boy’s name is Harry.

(Alex is look at Daddy’s mp3 player, and talking about what Daddy does.)
Alex: … and I put those in my ears, and I just work there and sit on that big chair. That’s what I do when I’m there.

Alex (shouting down the stairs to Daddy): Daddy?! We made a cave!
Daddy (coming to the bottom of the stairs): Can I come see it?
Alex: No thank you. I don’t want you to come up.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I want you to stay there.

Claire: Dog. Dog.
Mommy: Dog. What’s that dog’s name?
Claire: Grommie.
Mommy: Right.

(lunch time)

(Alex didn’t finish his pasta.)
Alex: We should save this pasta, we should save the pasta, and after nap, we can eat it. Would that be a good idea?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay. We can save it on the table.

(Alex hears Mommy and Claire doing laundry.)
Alex: Can I get down so I can help them do laundry?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: You hurry Daddy, because they’re almost done.

(Alex is successfully riding his tricycle.)
Alex: I’m doing it! Watch me, Daddy!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My power! Claire took my power.

Daddy (to the tune of the PBS Kids theme): Boop boop boop boop! PBS…
Alex (finishing the tune): Kids!
Alex: Dot com.

(Claire stops on the bottom step leading down into the garage.)
Claire: Four, four, ten.
(Claire steps down the final step.)

(Alex is getting in the car to go to school.)
Alex: Hi! I'm home! I'm at the house!
Daddy: Hi buddy!
Alex: Hi! I was at the grocery store!

(dinner time)

(Alex prepares to flip a coaster to determine who gets to wash hands first.)
Alex: Claire's blue, and Alex is brown.
(Alex flips the coaster. It comes up blue. Alex stares at the coaster for a second, then turns it over.)
Alex: Alex goes first!

Mommy: I know you don't like the corn, I made a note of it. No corn for Claire.
Claire: Ah kuh kuh clah.

Daddy: Alex, which monster on Sesame Street loves triangles?
Alex: Um… um… um… Telly!
Daddy: That's right! You remembered!

(Alex is running around wielding the splatter guard.)
Alex: I'm the Big Bad Wolf!
(Alex blows a big puff of air.)
Alex: I'm pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf.
Daddy: Oh! What's the Big Bad Wolf doing?
Alex: He's saying a lot o’ words. 'Cause I have my pah-so!

Alex: I'm the Big Bad Wolf!
Mommy: Hi Big Bad Wolf.
Alex (wielding the splatter guard): I have my power!

(Claire has the splatter guard.)
Alex: My power! Claire took my power.

Mommy: Alex, stop doing that.
Alex: Why?
Mommy: Because you might break the window.
Alex: But I want to. I wanted to break the window, I'm the Big Bad Wolf!
Mommy: Yeah.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ovah dey-yah! Ocean!

Diego: Do you see the humpback whale?
Alex: Over there! In the other ocean!
Claire: Ovah dey-yah! Ocean!

Diego: Say “ah-ooo-wah!”
Claire: Oo-wah.

Diego: Say “Splash, whales!”
Claire: Splash, whales.
Diego: Splash, whales!
Claire: Splash, whales.

Diego: Does a humpback whale live in the desert or the ocean?
Alex: Ocean.
Claire: Ocean.
Alex (to Daddy, in his “that’s silly” voice): Whales don’t live in the desert! Silly!

Diego: Does a humpback whale splash with his tail, or with wings?
Alex: With his tail.
Claire: Tail!

(Claire walks down the garage stairs, then stops on the bottom step.)
Claire: Four five six.
(Claire steps down.)

Alex: Hey, Daddy. Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Alex.
Alex: Don’t talk to Claire that way.

Alex: I gonna read one more ingredients, but I’m gonna read two more ingredients. I’m gonna hurry, so I can go to my school.

Alex: Thank you, thank you, say thank you, because your friends give you a flower too, just like Claire and Daddy love you, and your friends give your flower to you, because ingredients say right.

Alex: I’m reading my ‘gredients, don’t take my ‘gredients from me. I’m trying to read, because someone’s coming to my (cloud?), that’s what’s happenings, doing.

(dinner time)

Claire: I want more pizza.

Alex: This is delicious!

Daddy: Should Daddy go out of town again?
Alex (upset): No! I will be sad when Mommy puts Claire to bed.

(Claire raises her arms as if signaling a touchdown.)
Claire: Yay!

Daddy: Alex, if you had a hundred green beans, how many green beans would you have?
Alex (holding up two fingers): Three. Two. I did two, Daddy!

Daddy: And how many carrots would you have?
Alex: Just one because, I’m gonna get a muffin after that dinner!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh. Dinner. Ready.

Rescue Pack: Rescue Pack here! Diego needs something that’ll fly him over the sand dunes!
Rescue Pack: Will a raft fly him over the sand dunes?
Alex: No.
Claire: No.
Rescue Pack: Nope. Will a bicycle fly him over the sand dunes?
Alex: No.
Claire: No.
Alex: It has wheels.
Rescue Pack: Nah. Will a hot air balloon fly him over the sand dunes?
Alex: Yes!
Claire: Yes!
Rescue Pack: Yes it will!

Diego: Say “ah-ooo-wah!”
Claire: Ah-ooo-wah.

Diego: Say “splash, whales!”
Claire: Splash, whales.
Diego: Splash, whales!
Claire: Splash, whales.

(Alex and Claire are jumping.)
Alex: Let’s jump for Grommie!

(Mommy is baking.)
Alex: Mommy, what muffins are you making?
Mommy: I’m gonna make blueberry muffins, and pumpkin muffins.
Alex: Pumpkin?!
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: Yay!!

Alex: I hurt my foot, I ran over my foot.
Mommy: Oh, are you okay?
Alex: Yeah. Maybe I should finish reading my ‘gredients, before Pablo comes.

Alex: I fell down Daddy, was that silly?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: I was rolling like a ball I laughed and laughed when I fell down.

Alex: The phone is ringing.
(Alex goes to the toy phone and picks it up.)
Alex: Hello?
Alex: Hi.
Alex: Hi, Mommy.
Alex: That’s you on the phone, Mommy. I thought that was you, but it must be Virginia.
Alex: Hi.
Alex: Hi.
Alex: Oh. Bye.
Daddy: Who was on the phone?
Alex: Um, I don’t know. It must be Virginia. So I can put it right here, ‘cause when I go in the living room, I might see the door – um, bothering me. When I come inside here.

(Claire is looking at a photo album. She sees a picture of Claire on the swings.)
Claire: Swings.

(Claire sees a picture of herself holding a plate on top of her head.)
Claire (laughing): Uh Claire. Plate. Head.

Alex (calling up the stairs to Daddy and Claire): Daddy! Dinner’s ready!
Daddy: Oh, Claire! Did you hear that? Dinner’s ready.
Claire (getting up quickly): Oh. Dinner. Ready.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Alex, what did one taco shell say to the other taco shell?
Alex (smiling): I don’t know.
Alex (still smiling): Um, what did the boy say to the other taco boy?
Daddy: I don’t know. What did the boy say to the other taco boy?
Alex: I don’t know.

Alex (mimicking Elmo’s computer): Daddy has e-mail! Daddy has e-mail! Daddy has e-mail!
(Mommy and Daddy laugh.)
Alex (mimicking Elmo’s computer): Daddy has mail! Daddy has mail! Daddy has mail!
Daddy: Who are you?
Alex: I’m Computer!
Claire: Ah ‘puter!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Oh, truck! Truck!

(Alex presses Elly to one side of his face, and Bobo to the other.)
Alex: I’m a robot!

Click, the Camera: Now, you tell Diego the animal that’s in trouble is a humpback whale.
Diego: What animal is in trouble?
Claire (who didn’t even appear to be watching): Whale.

(The waffle iron makes a noise that sounds like a truck backing up.)
Claire: Truck.

(Some time later, the waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Claire: Truck.

(Some time later, the waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Claire: Truck. Again.


(The waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Claire: Truck. Again!

(Some time later, the waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Claire: Oh, train. Again!

(Some time later, the waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Mommy: Okay, I’m comin’.
Claire: Truck.
Claire: Truck.
Claire: Truck.
Daddy: Yeah, truck.
Mommy: We’ve got lots of trucks around here today.

(Some time later, the waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Claire: Truck!

(Some time later, the waffle iron makes the noise again.)
Claire: Oh, truck! Truck!

(lunch time)

Alex: Daddy, what’s the opposite of… magazines? Magazines?
Daddy: Um, I… … You’ll have to ask Mommy.

Daddy: You know what’s the opposite of red?
Alex: … Green!
Daddy: Yeah! You got it!

Alex: Look, Daddy!
Daddy: What?
Alex: My pasta’s made up into a W!

(Claire is reading “No, David!” to herself.)
Claire: Dabid!
(Claire turns the page.)
Claire: Dabid!
(Claire turns the page.)
Claire: Dabid!
(Claire turns the page.)
Claire: Dabid!
(Claire turns the page.)
Claire: Dabid!
(Claire turns the page.)
Claire: Dabid!
(Claire closes the book.)
Claire: The end. I read it Dabid.

Claire (reopening the book): I read Dabid.

Claire: Aw nuggets.
Mommy: Here you go.
Claire: Aw nuggets.
Claire (whining): Nuggets!

(Alex is wearing a lot of Mardi Gras beads.)
Alex: I’m Mommy. Now I’m pretending to be Mommy!

(Alex is playing with his Bert doll.)
Alex: Bert’s sitting in a poopy diaper. He’s poopy.

(Elmo is giving Elmo a bath in the sink.)
Elmo (singing): Wubba wubba wubba, I like to jump all day
Elmo(singing): I like to fall everywhere today
Daddy: Who’s singing?
Alex: Elmo’s singing.
Elmo (singing): I like to dance in the water
Elmo (singing): We’re friends
Elmo (singing): We’re always frieeeeeeends

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Bye-bye, trash truck.

(Claire takes her bus into the other room, leaves it there, and comes back.)
Claire (to Daddy): Away! Away! Away!
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire (running out of the room): Uh get it! Uh get it! Uh get it!
(Claire returns with the bus.)
Claire: Back!
Daddy: Back!

Alex: Is there no school?
Daddy: No school.
Alex: But I like to see Everett, Angelina, and Kate. But they get in trouble if they don’t listen to my teachers.

Alex: But sometimes when you do something not nice that’s not nice, you get a timeout at school.

Alex: I’m back from work! I was pretending I was at work.

Alex (to Claire): I wanna be alone!

(Alex is playing with the train tracks.)
Alex: We’re having fun, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah.

(Claire hears the trash truck approaching our house. She runs to the front window.)
Claire: Oh truck! Back! Oh, oh truck. Back.
Alex (walking to the front window): Truck, truck, back. Back. Truck, truck, back. Back. Back.
(Alex and Claire stand and look out the window together.)
Claire: Truck.
Alex: T – t – truck. Back.
Alex: There’s the truck, Daddy. There’s the trash truck.
Claire: Trash. Truck.
(Both kids are silent while they watch the men empty their trash. The truck then pulls away from their house.)
Claire: Bye-bye, truck.
Alex: Bye-bye.
Claire (walking away from the window): Trash. Truck.
Alex: They’re not done yet. It’s not done yet Claire.
(Claire comes back to the window, and Alex and Claire watch the men empty the neighbors’ trash. Finally, the trash truck turns the corner and goes out of sight.)
Alex: Bye-bye, trash truck.
Claire: Bye-bye, trash truck.

(A little later, Claire thinks she hears the trash truck again. Meanwhile, Alex is in a bad mood.)
Claire (running to the window): Oh truck! Back. Truck.
(Alex looks out the window too.)
Alex (whiny): No there’s not the truck! No there’s not the truck it’s not back anymore. No it’s not back I don’t see it! No.
(Claire continues to look hopefully out the window.)
Claire: Uh truck. Back.
Claire: Trash.

(Daddy tells Alex that Nana and Pop are coming over to visit.)
Alex: Nana’s my best friend.

Alex: Look at our plant! It opened!

Alex: Look, Grommie! Oh I don’t see Grommie. Look, Claire!

(nap time)
Alex: Play buh- puh- puh- puh- trains.
Daddy: Play buh- puh- puh- puh- trains.
Alex: My words still doesn’t have any more batteries. It doesn’t have enough batteries. It needs more batteries. It has two.
(Alex reaches above him and plucks an imaginary battery out of the air.)
Alex: Oh, here’s one more battery.
Alex (speaking very clearly): Play in the backyard, play in the playroom, play trains.
Daddy: Play in the backyard, play in the playroom, play trains.
Alex: It worked!

Alex: You’re making me really angry, Daddy.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: Because you’re talking to me really mean.

(dinner time)

Claire: Plant. Open.

Alex: If I drink too much water, my pull-up might leak. After nap.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Bodder me. Bah. Me.

Alex: My other friend is named Drop, who talks now.
Daddy: Oh!

(Mommy, Alex, and Claire return from a trip to Costco.)
Alex: Mommy had a lot of trouble, and there were too many people in the line, and Mommy didn’t have anywhere to park.
Daddy: Oh. Mommy probably needs a hug from Daddy.
Alex: And Mommy forgot her poo – her poo – her poopons.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Alex, what color is an orange?
Alex: Yellow. Um – orange.
Daddy: Alex, what color is an orange?
Alex: Green beans are, um…
Daddy: What color is an orange?
Alex: Green beans are green. And oranges are… orange.
Daddy: That makes sense.

(Alex is drinking his water.)
Claire: Ah-wah! Ah-wah!
Alex: I’m drinking.
Claire: Ah-wah! Ah-wah!
Alex: Claire’s boddering me, Daddy.
Daddy: How’s she bothering you?
Alex: Because I’m drinking water.

(A short while later, Claire is drinking her water.)
Claire: Bodder me. Bah. Me.
Daddy: What, Claire?
Claire (smiling): Bah. Me.

Alex (singing): When the pie hits your eye like a big pizza pie that’s amore…
Alex (singing): When the stars start to shine like a big big… (mumble)… moh-yay…

Alex: Sing the song, um, the moon hits your eye.
Daddy: Um…
Alex: Like a big big pie!
Daddy: Like a big big pie?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: One. Two! There’s two – there’s two feet on you, Daddy.

(Just as he does every night before bed, Daddy asks Alex to use the potty.)
Alex: Um, Daddy, how – how can I keep doing this every day?!

(Alex comes running into Claire’s room to see Daddy.)
Alex (jumping up and down): Daddy!! I made a poo-poo in the potty!!

Alex: Come see my poop!!

(Mommy is flushing Alex’s poop in the big potty.)
Mommy: Say bye-bye, poop.
Alex: Bye-bye, poop.
Claire: Bye-bye, poop.

(Claire is playing with Ernie.)
Alex: Can I see Ernie, Claire? He’s my best friend.
Alex: Bert and – Bert and Ernie are my best friends.

(Alex comes running into Claire’s room to see Daddy.)
Alex (excitedly): Daddy! I put on my PJs allbymyself!!

(Alex gives Claire a kiss and a hug at her bedtime.)
Alex (whispering): I love you, Claire.

(in bed)
Alex (to Mommy): We had fun today.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Uh push. Daddy! Uh push Ah-wah.

Alex: I missed you, Daddy.

Daddy: Where did Daddy go?
Alex: You went on a trip. And you went to Omaha.


Alex: Are you okay, Claire? Did you cough?
Alex: Maybe when you cough next time, Mommy… or Daddy might give you a mask. And then it will be my turn!

(Daddy is putting the Life cereal away.)
Alex: Bye-bye, Life cereal!

(Alex and Claire are playing with musical instruments and other toys.)

Alex: Can I play with these, Claire? So I can listen to – to what you’re making, okay? So I can listen to your voice.

Alex: I’m gonna put this right here. ‘Cause I’m gonna play with instruments. Instruments are good.

Alex: I just pee-peed.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You can change me.
Daddy: Okay.

(Alex is playing with shapes.)
Alex: This is my shape. But Grommie doesn’t have any shape. I can’t give him a shape, ‘cause he doesn’t have any hands. He’s a dog.

(Claire puts her teddy bear in the laundry basket.)
Claire: Bear! Sit.

Alex: We’re having fun with my instruments. Instruments are good.

(Alex finds the sleigh bells, and starts shaking them.)
Alex (singing): Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells all the way!
Alex (singing): Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells all the way!
Alex: This thing makes – this thing is for Jingle Bells.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: And I sing it. I sing it at school. Some of my friends sing it.
Alex (singing): Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells all the way!
Alex (singing): Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells, all… the… way!

(Alex walks down the stairs into the garage.)
Alex: Oh I forgot to count.
Daddy: Okay, go count.
(Alex climbs back up onto the bottom step.)
Alex: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fifteen, eleventeen… sixteen… um… uh… eleven. Teen. Jump!
(Alex jumps off the step.)
Claire: Jump!

(Daddy is putting Alex into his car seat.)

Alex: Are you gonna be home after school?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Are you gonna get a sandwich?

Alex (to Daddy): I wanna give you a hug.
(Alex gives Daddy a hug.)
Alex: I wanna give you a hug because I love you.
Daddy: Aw, thank you! I love you too!

Alex: I want you to pick me up.

(Alex is sitting in a cardboard box, and Claire is pushing him around the downstairs.)
Claire: Uh push. Daddy! Uh push Ah-wah.

(Claire pushes Alex around.)
Alex: Let's park over there, Claire! Let's park.

(Claire pushes Alex around.)
Alex: Claire, can you push me allll the way down there?
Claire: Yeah.

(Claire pushes Alex around.)
Alex: That's where it is. It’s really close there. We’re almost there, Claire.

(Claire pushes Alex around. She stops.)
Claire: Yay!
Alex: We didn't get there, Claire.

Alex (playing with his Omaha souvenir, but still sitting in the cardboard box): I like my new thing, that Daddy got me. I like it.

(A while later, and Claire is no longer pushing Alex, but Alex has still not exited the cardboard box.)
Alex: Claire?! Can you push me some more? Allll the way down there?
Alex: Claire?!
Alex: Claire?!
(Claire finally walks over to Alex.)
Alex: Can you help push me all the way there? Um, can you push me allll the way?
(Claire walks away without saying a word.)
(Long silence.)

(A little later.)
Alex: Claire, come push me!

(A little later, Claire walks over to Alex.)
Alex: Push me, Claire.
(Claire runs off.)
Alex: Claire, why do you always listen?
Claire: Allah!
Alex: Claire!
Claire: Allah!
(Claire runs over to Alex.)
Alex: Can you push me over there?
(Claire runs away.)
Alex: Mommy and Daddy?
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: Claire’s not gonna push me.

(A while later, Alex and his box slide into the living room, being pushed by Claire.)
Alex (to Daddy): Claire’s listening now.

(Claire abandons Alex, and plays with some toys nearby.)
Alex: Can you push me somewhere? Now we’re done with this place.
(Claire continues doing her own thing. A couple of minutes pass.)
Alex: Claire, can you push me? The car doesn't have wheels for me to drive it. I need someone to push me the box.
Alex: Claire, can you push me?
Claire: No.

(Time passes.)
Alex: Um, uh Claire if you don't push me, I will just sit here. I won't play with me.

(Time passes.)
Alex: ‘Kay, can you push me? Okay. Thank you, Claire.

(Time passes.)
Alex: I – Claire, are you gonna push me? You said yes.

(Time passes.)
Alex: Well, I'm gonna get out.
(Alex gets out of the box.)

(Claire is reading Daddy’s book.)
Claire: Uh page.
Daddy: That’s right.
Claire: Book.
Daddy: That’s right, Claire.
(Claire finishes the book.)
Claire: End!

Alex: Grommie licked me!
Daddy: Grommie!
Alex: Grommie’s silly, he loves me.

Alex: I love my daddy in the whole world.
Daddy: Oh! I love my Alex in the whole world!
Alex: I love my mommy in the whole world! I love my dog in the whole world! I love my sister in the whole world!

Daddy: Okay, we can read Corduroy, Ferdinand, or Madeleine. Which one do you wanna read?
Alex: Uh... Ferdinand. Uh, Madeleine’s getting old.

Alex (running in circles): I'm just running in circles!

(bed time)
Alex: Play puh-- play buh-- play tuh-- .
Daddy: Play backyard play playroom play trains.
Alex: My words didn't work because they didn't have enough batteries. I need to get more batteries. The batteries are drained.

Alex: Now be quiet because my sister um named Claire, um, is sleeping. Claire’s sleeping.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Are you gonna look for a sandwich?

(Daddy phones home from O’Hare. Mommy puts it on speaker phone and leaves the phone with Alex and Claire, while she goes back to cooking dinner.)
Daddy: I'm at the airport. And I'm gonna get on an airplane, and fly up in the sky!
(Mommy can be heard saying something to Alex in the background.)
Alex: Are you gonna look for a sandwich?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bye-bye. Dah-dee.

(Daddy phones home to talk to Mommy, Alex, and Claire. Mommy turns on the speaker phone.)

Daddy: Daddy’s in Omaha!
(Alex cracks up.)

(Mommy tells the kids it’s time to say goodbye to Daddy.)
Alex: Bye-bye!
Claire: Bye-bye. Dah-dee.
Alex: Bye-bye Daddy!

(Daddy phones home again.)

Daddy: Claire, can you make a funny face for Daddy?
Mommy (laughing): She already is! Good job, Claire!
Alex: I want Alex now to talk to Daddy.
Daddy: Okay, hi Alex!
Alex: Tell me to make a funny face.
Daddy: Alex, make a funny face for Daddy.
(Alex says some gibberish and makes a silly noise.)

Daddy: I love you guys.
Alex: I love you too.

Alex: Night-night, Daddy.
Claire: Nigh-nigh.
Mommy: Daddy.
Claire: Daddy.

Monday, February 8, 2010


(Daddy has a piece of toilet paper on his face due to a shaving cut.)
Claire (staring at the toilet paper): Ouch.

Alex: Claire, you’re really smart. Because you say “thanks” and “thank you”. You’re really smart.
Daddy: You’re really smart too, buddy.
Alex: And so’s Curious George.

(Daddy goes to the McDonald’s drive-through on the way home from picking up Alex and Claire from school.)

Alex: Is this where they have food and coffee?
Daddy: It is.
Alex: Oh. Coffee’s not for boys. Coffee’s not for boys.
Daddy: That’s right.

(A siren can be heard in the distance.)
Alex: I hear a fire engine. Listen to that fire engine.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Where is it coming from?
Daddy: I don’t see it. I can hear it.
Claire: Engine.

Daddy: What food should I get, Alex?
Alex: Um… French fries and a sandwich.
Daddy: Okay.
Daddy: And then what should I do with it?
Alex: You should take it home.
Daddy: And then what should I do with it?
Alex: You should eat it.

(The siren is heard again.)
Claire: Engine. Engine.

(The fire engine had stopped nearby, so Daddy stopped the car so everyone could admire it. Finally, Daddy drives away.)
Alex: Bye bye, fire engine.
Daddy: Bye bye.
Alex: I'm talking like Claire.
Claire: Uh engine.

Alex (to Daddy): I'm happy because Daddy picked me up.

Alex: I saw a car and it drived too really fast. You have to be careful on the road. That's what I told my daddy.

(Back at home, Daddy is eating his lunch.)

Alex: May I have – may I buy a french fry please?
Daddy: You wanna buy one?
Alex: Yeah, I wanna buy... I wanna buy… this one.

Alex: I like french fries. I like french fries, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah can I eat this one Daddy?
Claire: Uh fry. Uh fry. Uh fry.

Alex: I looove french fries.

(dinner time)

Mommy: Hey munchkins? It’s time to wash your hands.
Alex (running into the kitchen): I wanna go on the stool, I wanna go on the stool, I wanna go on the stool, me, me, me, me me, me, me!

(Daddy is playing music on his laptop.)
Alex: Can you play that one?
Daddy: What?
Alex: The – the moon hit your eye, like a big, big pie?
Daddy: Yeah. I can play that one.

Alex: If you go on the town, I might be sad. I and might want to hide, so I can’t – uh – uh – uh – I might be sad.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Guess what Elmo’s thinking about today!

(Daddy helps Alex and Claire put on Mommy’s running gear.)
Alex: Why did you put my running stuff on me? I’m not a runner, I’m a firefighter.

Alex: Claire, you wanna go under the table with me?

(Alex wants to know where Mommy is.)
Daddy: Mommy’s running, she’s getting some exercise.
Alex: Can I go with her?
Daddy: No, Mommy likes to exercise by herself.
Alex: But I have to study, because my back hurts.

Alex: I know Sunday. Daddy knows Sunday. Mommy knows Sunday. But dogs don’t talk.

Alex: Slowly, gently.
(Alex and Daddy laugh.)
Alex: That’s what Victor says.
Claire: Victor. Says.
(Alex laughs.)
Claire: Victor. Says. Victor. Says.

Alex: Go away, Claire. ‘Sappear! Can Claire ‘sappear, Daddy?
Daddy: No, she can’t.
Alex: Why?
Daddy: She just can’t.

(Mommy comes down from the third floor.)
Alex: I point to you up there.
Mommy: You what?
Alex: I point to where you was up – up – up on the third floor, up there on the ceiling.

(Daddy turns on Puppy Bowl VI.)
Claire: Dog!

Alex: When I was starting taking nap, I tried to get you to be quiet, ‘cause my sister was sleeping, and I was sleeping too, and I didn’t want to wake up.

(Alex is watching Puppy Bowl VI.)

Alex: Sometimes doggies are pups.
Daddy: That’s right.

Alex: Sometimes they run with a friend.

Alex: He doesn’t know where to go. There’s too many dogs.

(dinner time)

Alex: That banana is yellow, and those bananas are green.
Mommy: That’s right.
Alex: They will change yellow in a minute.

Alex (smiling): Afraid of a disaster, Miss Clavel ran faster, and faster, and fasterrr!

Daddy: Why did she go faster and faster?
Alex: Because the girls were crying.
Daddy: Oh, she had to go faster because the girls were crying?
Daddy: And when they got to the South Pole, where was Santa?
Alex (smiling): Um, he lives at the North Pole, and that was the South Pole.

(Daddy whistles Elmo’s world. Alex joins in for the last four notes.)
Alex (singing): That’s… Elmo’s World!
Alex: Welcome to Elmo’s World! It’s me, Elmo.
Daddy: Say hello, Dorothy.
Alex: Guess what Elmo’s thinking about today!
(Mommy laughs.)
Alex (mimicking Elmo): Doo doo doo doo!
(Mommy laughs again.)
Alex: Yeah, why, um, cups! And magazines!

Daddy: Elmo wants to learn more about cups and magazines! How can Elmo find out more?
Alex: How ‘bout you talk to a cup? And a magazine!

(A little later, Daddy is whistling Elmo’s World again.)
Alex: Hey, welcome to Elmo’s World! Elmo’s so happy to see you, and so is Dorothy. Say hello, Dorothy!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Guess what Elmo’s thihking about today?
Alex: Doo doo doo doo!
Alex: Yeah, cups and magazines.

Alex: Oops, there’s a pear on the road!

Alex: Come on, it’s time to go see Grover, it’s his party.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You wanna go?
Daddy: Yes.

(bath time)

(Daddy is drying Alex’s hair.)
Alex: Enough, Daddy.

(Daddy is combing Alex’s hair.)
Alex: Enough combing, Daddy.

Alex: I got my dinosaur pants back and my – my – T-Rex shirt!

(Alex inspects his pull-up prior to donning it.)
Alex: There's Emily Elizabeth, Cleo, T-Bone, and Clifford. That's all I need.

(bed time)

Mommy: Mommy has work…
Alex: No!
Mommy: …and Daddy has work…
Alex: No!
Mommy: …and Alex and Claire have school…
Alex: No! Were not having any of those things!

Alex: I don't wanna go to school!
Mommy: I know you don't.
Alex: No thank you!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello! Uh Grommie. Ball.

Alex: Now I'm gonna be Clifford. Woof woof woof woof woof woof.
Alex: That's how dogs walk.
Alex: Woof woof...
Mommy: Now Claire has to do it.
Alex and Claire (together): Woof woof...

Alex: Daddy, I’m snuggling with Mommy with some food because I’m gonna pretend I’m eating.

Alex: Claire, you wanna go on the crying rug? And cry about it?

Alex (watching the patterns on Windows Media Player): Look at those circles. They’re huge.

(Claire is playing with her cards.)
Alex: Can I have a card, Claire?
Claire (handing Alex a card): Yeah.
Alex: Thanks.
Claire: Thanks.
(Alex laughs.)

Daddy: Did you have fun in the snow?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Claire, did you have fun?
Claire: Yah.

(lunch time)

Alex: My mouth has eyes.
Daddy: Your mouth has eyes?
Alex: Yeah.

Daddy: Claire, do you want more blueberries?
Claire: Yeah.
Daddy: Are you gonna ask me for them?
Claire: Please.

Alex: Mommy got a kind of cheese I like!
Daddy: Oh, good. Good for Mommy.
Claire: Uh cheese. Uh cheese.
Alex: I like it.
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes, Claire?
Claire: Uh cheese.
Daddy: Oh, you like it too?

Claire: Mama? Mama!
(Mama looks at Claire.)
Claire: Daddy? Daddy.
(Daddy looks at Claire.)
Claire: Aw more – blueberries.

(Daddy is watching a basketball game.)
Alex: I like foot – I like foot – is this football?
Daddy: This is basketball.
Alex: Basketball. I like football.

Claire: Daddy? Daddy? I want more, blueberries – Daddy! I want more – blueberries.
Alex (mocking): I want more blueberries, Daddy, Daddy, I want more blueberries.
Claire: Daddy!! I want more blueberries.
Daddy: Okay, well you haven’t asked me nicely.
Claire: Please.

Alex (watching the game): There’s goes the man. He’s gonna throw that – the basketball.
(The man throws that basketball.)
Alex: There we go! Yay. There we go.

Claire: Aw grapes.
Mommy: Did you ask nicely, Claire?
Claire: Please.
Mommy: Okay.
(Mommy gives Claire some grapes.)
Alex: “Please” is just a word, and if you say “May I”, you get more, Claire.

(Alex holds the toy phone to his ear.)
Alex: Mommy’s not picking up.

(Daddy pretends to talk to Grommie on the phone.)
Daddy: Claire, do you wanna talk to Grommie?
(Claire nods. Daddy hands her the phone.)
Claire (talking on the phone): Hello! Uh Grommie. Ball.
Claire: Mommy. Uh dog.
Claire: Hello! Uh dog.

(Mommy is baking.)
Alex: What are those?
Mommy: Something you’re gonna have after dinner. Blueberry muffins.
Alex: Blueberry muffins!!

Alex: I’m gonna tell Daddy.
Alex (running into the other room, where Daddy is): Daddy! Daddy! We’re gonna have blueberry muffins after dinner!
Daddy: Yeah!
Alex: I’m excited!
Mommy: You’re funny.

(Alex talks on the toy phone.)
Alex: Hello?
Alex: Hi, who’s there?
Alex: Hi Ernie.
Alex: I just went there yesterday.

Alex (singing): Daughter, daughter, daughter
Alex (singing): I like to play with her
Alex (singing): Daughter, daughter, daughter
Alex (singing): I like to get (gibberish) her

Daddy: Alex, if you were Lord of the Underworld, and you had a three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades, what would you call it?
Alex: Grommie!

(dinner time)

Alex: Is that steak?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: When I’m bigger and I’m a daddy, I can eat steak.
Alex: When I was a little boy, um, and Nana give me um, um, uh, steak, I liked it!
Daddy: Oh good!
Alex: When I’m a little boy, she can give me steak. That’s my Mommy.
Alex: You know who my Daddy is? That’s my Daddy. That’s my Daddy. And Nana’s my Mommy.
Mommy: What?
Alex: Nana’s my Mommy.
Mommy: Nana’s your Mommy?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: I’m your Mommy.
Alex (grinning): No. You’re my Daddy.

Alex: We’re getting muffin! We’re getting muffin, Daddy!
Daddy: We’re getting muffin?
Alex: Yeah!

(Mommy serves blueberry muffins to Claire and Alex.)
Claire: Cake!
Mommy: Muffin, blueberry muffin.
Alex: Muffin.
Claire: Uh spoon.
Alex: I’m eating muffin, Daddy!
Claire: Muffin.

Claire: I cake. I cake.
Alex: They’re muffins, Claire.
Claire: Muffins.

Claire: Cake. Cake. Cake.
Mommy: Muffin.
Claire: Muffin.
Daddy: Muffin.
Claire: Cake. Cake.

(bed time)

Alex: We had fun today.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: Can you talk about it?

Alex: Why was the snowman sad?
Mommy: Was the snowman sad?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: I don’t know. Why was he sad?
Alex (laughing): He was sad because he didn’t have his head on his body.
Mommy: Oh.
Alex (laughing): And he was holding it.