Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why does that chicken have long hair?

Claire: Don't color with my colors, don't even trick me that you did, okay Alex?

(in the car)

Alex: You know why looking at houses is -- are, fun for me?
Mommy: Why?
Alex: Because then when I see something I like, I -- I wanna live there.

Claire: Why was that boy holding a flag, that was a statue by the road on the road? Someone might crash into it.

Daddy: How ‘bout our names? Do you know Mommy’s and Daddy’s names?
Claire: Daddy, and Mommy.
Alex: No, David and Stephanie.

(at the farm)

Claire: How do bugs get here?
Daddy: They fly.
Claire: No, how do -- do you build a bug? Or do they just grow?

Claire: Why does that chicken have long hair?
Mommy: That's a turkey, and I don't know what that stuff is called.

Claire (tiredly): When are we gonna have fun?

Claire: I'm tired. Can someone carry me? Daddy, can you please carry me?

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why don't we ever see a pit. A big huge hole that people fall in.

Claire: What are you looking at?
Mommy: Facebook.
Claire: What's Facebook?
Mommy: Something on the internet.  A time-suck.
Claire: Time-suck?  What's a time-suck?
Mommy: Something that takes a lot of time.

Claire: Why don't we ever see a pit?
Daddy: Why don't we ever see a pet?
Claire: No, why don't we ever see a pit?
Alex (translating): Why don't we ever see a pit.  A big huge hole that people fall in.

Alex: Can we watch the rest of House Hunters?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Daddy, when will the... the... the seasons stop?

Claire: Daddy, when will the... the... the seasons stop?

Claire: Show time!
Claire: When it's time for a show, you say "show time!"  And when it's time for breakfast and it's time for a show, you say "Breakfast time!  Show time!"

Alex: When we went to the Byrd Theater, it was actually a movie theater.
Daddy: What did you think it was gonna be?
Alex: I just thought it would be birds.

Alex: I just love pizza.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bad guys don't give it back!

Alex (to Claire): You're a bad guy!  Give it back!
Claire: Bad guys don't give it back!

Claire: I'm your baby Dora.

(Mommy tells Alex a fact about whales.)
Mommy: I was gonna say they eat pounds and pounds of tiiiiny sea creatures, called krill.
Alex: That's not very nice though.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Why does Mickey have gloves on?

Claire: Why does Mickey have gloves on?

Alex (looking at James): James -- why do they say this is Mike?!

Daddy: Did you do that at school?
Claire: Mm-hm. They learned me this.

Claire: It’s gonna storm. It’s storming while its night time. It’s storming while its night time too.

Claire: Mommy, sometimes I dream when I'm closing my eyes, but it doesn't feel like a dream, when I open them!

Alex: Why can't you open your eyes when you're dreaming? Because it feels like your eyes are already open!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Where do bubbles go when they pop?

Alex: I was gonna lift weights today.

Claire: I wanna stay a kid.
Daddy: Yeah?
Claire: 'Cause I like playing.
Claire: I don’t wanna work, then that would be boring.

Claire: Daddy?  Can you play with me?

(Alex counts to one thousand.)
Alex: I counted to one thousand!
Mommy and Daddy: Wow!
Alex: While holding the ball!

Claire: Where do bubbles go when they pop?

Claire (to Alex, angrily): "Mean" is when you don't let any people choose stuff!

Claire: It’s hard to build everything in the world.
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Because cars, signs, house, fences, roads... and lots of things.
Claire: Bridges, (inaudible)... but not trees and bushes, because those just grow by themselves.
(Alex points out that you don't build the sky, either.)
Claire: Yeah you can't make the sky. So how do -- how does the sky get up there?

Claire: I guess the sky just grows up there.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Daddy, are grandpas bigger than grandmas? I feel like they're older.

(Caillou is eating ice cream.)
Claire: When will we ever eat ice cream?

(Claire got a short haircut yesterday.)
Claire: I love my hair!

(Claire made a face with the food on her plate, but Mommy is at the grocery store.)
Claire: I wanna take a picture so Mommy can see my face!

Alex (to Daddy): I'm gonna be taller than you!
Daddy: You might!
Alex: I'm gonna be Grandpa!
Claire: I'm gonna be Grandma!

Alex: Grandpas are bigger than grandmas?
Alex: Daddy, are grandpas bigger than grandmas?  I feel like they're older.

Claire: How do they make stickers?
(Daddy doesn't know.)
Claire: I think they, get a piece of white paper, cut the shape, and then write it on it.

Claire: Daddy, I know about monsters and bears.  Monsters are -- are not anywhere, and bears are in the mountains.