Sunday, August 30, 2009

I like sauce. I like dinner. And I like sleeping.

Alex: I need to help you. When someone helps you, you feel better. I hope your tummy and your back feels better. And I need to kiss it.

Alex: These have sauce.
Alex: I - I like sauce. I like dinner. And I like sleeping.

Alex: And Mommy told me I was big enough to play with the toy.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What toy was that?
Alex: I don’t know what it is.
Daddy: What did it look like?
Alex: I think it looked like monkey bars. Monkey bars are up high, (mumble) up here, mmmmmonkey bars.

Alex: If you were stuck in the castle, what would you hear?
Daddy: Um, maybe I would hear... dripping water.
Alex: Dripping water?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I didn't hear what you said. There's no dripping water in the castle.

Alex: Dragon! I'm a very scary dragon!

Alex: After. This is a poop word. And you poop in the downstairs while I play under the table. And I poo-poo are not up – down here, but I need to get down. I’m pooping in my chair. Can I get down? And then with – my dinner.
Alex: I want more applesauce. It's all gone. Can I get down? I wanna get down and get down and get down. I wanna get down. I wanna get down and get down and get down.
Alex (semi-singing): I… wanna… get doooown.

(Milk is spilled on the floor.)
Alex: Lick it, Grommie. He needs to lick it. He needs to lick milk.

Alex: Claire’s looking at me, Daddy.

Alex: I don’t like bedtime.

Alex: Can I poop in bed while I'm sleeping?

Alex: I have to sleep the wrong way. Daddy, Ii have to sleep the wrong way because Elly's head is in the way.

Alex: I'm gonna play with toys then I will go outside and swing in the red swing. At Nana and Pop's house. Pop's at work.

Alex (banging toys on the window): I'm tryin' to make a song.

Alex: Can you find some weeds?
Daddy: Okay, but just for a few minutes, and then we have to go inside.
Alex: I was gonna find a rock with Mommy, but she went inside.

Daddy (in a funny voice): I'm brushing my teeth.
Alex: Don't be a monster and say you're brushing your teeth.

Alex: Uhhhhhh. Can you say that?
Daddy: Uhhhhhh.
Alex: I say that and then you say that, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Uhhhhh.
Daddy: Uhhhhhh.

Alex: Uhhhhh. (Pause.) And a dump truck.
Daddy: Uhhhhhh.
Alex: And then a dump truck.
Daddy: And then a dump truck.
Alex (smiling): I wanna do it again.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Uhhhhhh and then a dump truck.
Daddy: Uhhhhhh and then a dump truck.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Is it big like Target?

Alex: Is that the bookstore?
Daddy: That’s the bookstore.
Alex: Is it big?
Daddy: Yeah, it’s big.
Alex: Is it big like Target?
Daddy: Yeah, it’s big like Target. Well, it’s not quite as big.
Alex: Target’s really big.

Alex: They don’t have Thomas and Rosie at the bookstore. All they have is James. And they have Emily. And they have the orange engine and I don’t know what his name is.

Daddy: Okay Alex, it’s time to go upstairs.
Alex: When your watch beeps!
Daddy: I don’t have my watch, we’re going up right now.
Alex: Can you play with me and then Daddy say “beep beep beep”?

(Alex is holding a Lego to his ear.)
Alex: You know who’s on the phone?
Daddy: Who?
Alex: Grandma.

Alex: I saw a unicorn, Mommy.
Mommy: What, honey?
Alex: I saw a unicorn. A unicorn.
Mommy: Yeah? Where’d you learn about unicorns?
Alex: Because it was on Daddy’s thing. (Mumble) go see. When Daddy turn it off. And I wanted to go (check?) on. And Daddy was doing something.

(dinner time)

Alex: I don't like rice. I like oranges! And plums! And milk! And water!

Alex: Yum. Yum. Delicious water.

Alex: My eye. It has lash in it.
Daddy: What does it have in it?
Alex: It has lash in it.
Daddy: It has lash in it?
Alex: Lash.

Alex: Mmmm delicious.

Alex (to toast): Hey baby! You're upside down.

Alex: Grommie! No running in this house. No running in this big house.

Alex: Daddy? What would you buy with a million dollars?
Daddy: I would buy retirement. What would you buy?
Alex: I would buy a dinosaur.
Daddy: And what else?
Alex: Um eggs. And broccoli. And graham bunnies. And cookies. And bananas. And waffles.
Daddy: Is that all?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: My back hurts too.

Friday, August 28, 2009

You don’t say that to people. You say please. You don’t whine about it.

Alex: I’m playing with Meg.

Alex: Look at me, Daddy!

Alex: Bye Grommie, I'm sorry I - didn't scare you.

(Grandma and Meg are leaving.)
Claire: Doh-doh, Mama.

Alex: When they get in the car, I will say bye to them.

(dinner time)

Alex: Daddy, I saw my friends on the playground yesterday.

Mommy: Isabelle came up to see him.
Daddy: Did you talk to Isabelle?
Alex: No. I just waved at her.
Alex: And Cake went home. She didn’t (mumble) on the playground.

Alex: Can you talk to computer?

Alex: Look Mommy I ate all my green beans so I can get some more grapes.

Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)

(Mommy puts Alex’s grapes on his plate one at a time.)
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… eleven…
Mommy: Ten.
Alex: Twelve.
Mommy: No this is ten.
Alex: Ten.
Mommy: And this is eleven.
Alex: Eleven.
Mommy: And that’s all I have.

Alex: Can I have more grapes? May I, have more grapes please?

Alex: Hanging hanging up… hanging down… Hanging up the (mumble)… hanging down…

(Mommy puts Alex’s grapes on his plate one at a time.)
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten… eleven… twelve… thirteen… fifteen.
Mommy: That was so good!
Daddy: Fourteen and fifteen. Good job, Alex.

Alex: Um there’s the crib at the babies, um, baby store. Mommy said that. And there’s another crib.

(Daddy puts Alex’s grapes on his plate one at a time.)
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… three or seven… five or one… or three… or two.

Alex: I want some more grapes.
Daddy: Oh my goodness! Did you eat anything else today?
Alex: Oh my goodness, Daddy. You don’t say that. You don’t say that to people. You say please. You don’t whine about it.

Alex: Does your back hurt?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: Can I kiss it?
Daddy: Yes, I would like that.

Alex: Sit Daddy and I can kiss your back.
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex kisses Daddy’s back.)

(bath time)
Elmo (to Cookie Monster): And you see and that's thunder, and they're making thunder.
(Alex crashes toys around the tub with increasing vigor.)
Elmo: And it’s loud and it’s louder, and it’s louder and louder!

Dog: Woof woof.
Cat: Don't say that.
Dog: Woof woof woof woof.
Cat: Don't say “woof woof”.
Dog: Meow meow.
Cat: Don't say “meow”. I say that. Say “woof woof”.

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of “Curious George and the Birthday Surprise”.)

Alex: Is th – is that his house?
Alex: Is th – is that the window?
Alex: Can he go out the door?
Alex: Where's his friends?
Alex: Where's friend - where's his friends?
Alex: And where’s the man in the yellow hat?
Alex: What happened?
Alex: Wha - what happened?
Alex: And what happened?
Alex: And he - and wha - and he can't eat the cake?
Alex: What's he doing?
Alex: Is that the cake?
Alex: The eb'd.

(in bed)

Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door. Can you say that?
Mommy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: I say it and then you say it okay?
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door.
Mommy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: Okay.

Alex (to Daddy): What do you wanna do after nap?
(Daddy tells him what he wants to do after nap.)
Alex: I don't what you said Daddy.
(Daddy repeats what he wants to do after nap.)
Alex: I don't what you said.
(Daddy repeats what he wants to do after nap.)
Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door. Can you say that?
Daddy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: I say it and then you say it okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door.
Daddy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: Okay.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

When I was out front, I found the green thing, then I dropped it on the stairs, then I cried about it.

(Daddy comes home from work.)
Daddy: Hi family!
Alex: We’re not having a family, Daddy.
Daddy: We’re not? Why not?
Alex: We’re having a family later.

Alex: And she bought another trash can, I'm gonna show you. She bought this trash can. On the counter.

Alex: And Mommy bought this trash can for me to open it, and I open it, and then I close it, ‘cause Mommy told me not to play with it.

Alex: Grandma bought us those.
Daddy: Yeah, she did.
Alex: But Thomas, those don't like puffins.

Alex: I can't see Abby singing.

(Alex is tapping his hands on the new trash can's motion sensor.)
Alex: I'm working on my computer.

Alex: I want my hair back.

Alex (singing): Make way for Noddy, Noddy, driving in his car…
Alex (shrieking): Make way for Noddy, Noddy, driving in his car…

(dinner time)

Alex: After nap we’ll get the banana.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And waffles. And Cheerios. And Life cereal.

Pizza: Hi Daddy.
Daddy: Hi.
Pizza: Hi pizza. Can you say “Hi pizza”?
Daddy: Hi pizza.
Alex: Can I come to your house? Can I come to your house, pizza? Can I come to your house, pizza?
Pizza: No.

Alex: I like pasta. I like some of that pasta. I like new pasta.

Alex: That - that has sauce on it.

Mommy: You like it?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: I want more.
Mommy: Me too.
Alex: I like new pasta.

Alex: I want some more, um, new pasta.

Alex (to Daddy): Did you eat all yours?
Daddy: I did eat all mine. Fortunately.
Alex (to Mommy): Did you eat all yours?
Mommy: I will eat all mine.

Alex: Can you - can you write your cards, please?

Alex: I just ate all of Mommy’s new pasta.

Alex: Can you um, eat your, new pasta?
Mommy: I ate it and now it’s all gone.
Alex: And I ate some, and Claire. Do you want new pasta, Daddy?
Daddy: No thank you.

Alex: Mommy, can you look at those cards please?

Alex: Can you sing that?
Daddy: Sing what?
Alex: Um, James and the Red Peach.
Daddy: How does that go?
Alex: I don’t know.

(Alex looks out his window.)
Alex: I don't see any cars driving around, and I don't see any birds, or people.

Alex: When I was out front, I found the green thing, then I dropped it on the stairs, then I cried about it.

Alex: I'm done with the crying rug, Daddy. Can you put it out front? You can put it out front, I’m done with it.

Daddy: Alex, tell me about the green thing.
Alex: It just felled on the stair.
Daddy: It fell on the stairs?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: And how did you feel about that?
Alex: Eh I feel sad. I gonna tell Maggie that.
Daddy: You can tell Maggie that.
Alex: Uh, after nap, I will eat breakfast and watch TV and Daddy will take me to school and I will tell Daddy I'm sad and Mommy will... (mumble)

Alex: I want Elly to dance.
(Elly dances, with Alex’s help.)
Daddy: Good job, Elly.
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: The helicopter’s going to their house. The helicopter’s going toward the truck, ‘cause helicopters don’t like trucks. Helicopters go up in the sky.

Daddy: Alex, what songs do you like?
Alex: I like Twinkle Twinkle, Barney, and... what else?
Alex (singing): My, where's my dog….
Alex: I like that one too.
Alex (half-singing): Dicky wicky duh, dicky wicky gah, dicky wicky.

Alex: Daddy, I need to see what's wrong with your hair.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dogs don't like elephants.

(Alex and Mommy are looking at photos.)
Alex: That's Alex and Daddy making drip castles.

(playing with Play-Doh)

Alex: I'm making a boy!

Daddy: Where did you go?
Alex: I went and got my Elly.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Um - and then I went back in the playroom, and I closed the door.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Because I was hot.

Daddy (sighing to himself): Oh, long day long day long day.
Alex: It’s not a long day, Daddy.
Daddy: It’s not?
Alex: It’s not a long day.
Daddy: What is it?
Alex: It’s a pinchrayno.
Daddy: It’s what?
Alex: It’s a pinchrayno. Can - can I make a bear?
Daddy: Yeah, you can make a bear.

Alex: I'm fixing dinner, Daddy.

Alex: I can't make a dog!

Alex: I'm gonna make a bear on the dog.

Alex: It’s a bear! It’s a bear on the dog!

Daddy: Ouch!
Daddy: Alex, you have to be careful, Daddy’s back hurts.
Alex: Because I need to fall on you.
Daddy: No you don’t.
Alex: Because I need to fall on you.
Daddy: No you don’t need to fall on me.
Alex: Because I need to fall on you. Because I need to fall on your back and your hand right there (mumble mumble) because I don’t cry. Because I don’t cry, Daddy.

Daddy: What's going on?
Alex: Nuffings.

(looking at a photo)
Alex: That's from we wear our T-shirts, Daddy.
Daddy: What's that from?
Alex: That's from we wear our T-shirts. (Mumble) Grandpa. Is that Grandpa -- um is that Grandpa -- um is that nice to Grandpa, Daddy? Is that nice, Daddy? Is -- is -– Grandpa -– um…

(dinner time)

Alex (referring to the tartar sauce): I don't like that sauce.

Alex: Daddy, when I cried Mommy tell me I want a blanket, and I didn’t want a blanket, and Mommy went away to sleep with me. And I sleep with me, not my blanket on me, then I cried again to sleep with – sleep with my blanket.

Alex: I'm done with my nuggets, I’m done with my corn, I’m done with my blue babies.
Mommy: Did he say “blue babies”?
Daddy: Yeah.
Mommy: That's cute.
Alex: What -- what are they?
Alex: Raspberries.
Mommy: That's right, Alex.
Alex: I ate all my raspberries, I ate all my strawberries, and I wait for, um, me to get down, and I wait for more strawberries.

Alex: Eat the last strawberry, Claire. Eat the last strawberry!
(Claire eats the last strawberry.)
Alex: There.

Alex: Ah! You spilled some on the counter, Mommy.

(brushing teeth)
Alex: I wanna tell you something I'm gonna go somewhere.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Mommy’s gonna take me to the dentist and the dentist is gonna show me how to brush.
Daddy: Oh, okay.

Alex: Don't close my door, Daddy. Leave it open.

Baby: Driver, can you help me fix the bus?
Driver: Yes. Yes I will.

Alex: When I do songs, when I do kisses, and I love Mommy, and I (mumble), and I will go to sleep. And then I will be scared and someone will come in the window.

Alex: Dogs don't like elephants.

(bed time)

Alex: Can you talk to Elly?
(Mommy talks to Elly.)
Alex: Can you talk to Bobo?
(Mommy talks to Bobo.)
Alex: They didn't -- what you said.
(Mommy talks to Elly and Bobo again.)
Alex: They didn't see what you said.
(Mommy replies to Alex.)
Alex: Can -- can you say them -- they didn't what you said.
(Mommy talks to Elly and Bobo again.)
Alex: Now -– can I sit there, and -– can -- can you talk to me, while I sit here... (Alex rambles on for a bit)
(Mommy replies.)
Alex: Can you talk to them again, they don’t what you said.
(Mommy talks to Elly and Bobo again.)
Alex: Okay. Talk to me.

Alex: Daddy? Can you give me a kiss, Daddy?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good job making my dinner, Daddy.

Alex: I like school, Daddy. I like school.
Daddy: What?
Alex: I like school.

Alex: Can I play for a few minutes while Daddy gets his keys?

Alex: Daddy, can you (mumble) this is ridiculous?
Daddy: What?
Alex: This is ridiculous.

Alex: Can I have my car and my snack cup? I had the dinosaur snack cup yesterday.

Alex: Daddy, can I get this?
Daddy: What do you wanna do with it?
Alex: Put it in the right place.

Alex: Oh! Someone dropped their tissue on the - the sidewalk.

Mommy: Tell Daddy about the animal store.
Alex: I didn't see any dogs or cats or fish or frogs or birds.

Daddy: Which friends are in your new class?
Alex: Cake, William and Everett.

Alex: Is it my turn?
Daddy: It’s your turn for the washing of the hands.
Alex: It’s my turn to play with the ball.
Daddy: Okay, I’ll wash my hands.
Alex (upset): No it’s my - don't wash your hands!

(dinner time)

Daddy: Claire, if a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?
(Claire does not respond.)
Daddy: Claire, what would you take on a desert island?
(Claire does not respond.)
Daddy: Claire, if you had two hundred dollars, what would you buy?
(Claire does not respond.)

Alex: What euhhh buy euuhhh?
Daddy: I would buy a new Nintendo Wii.
(Alex smiles.)
Daddy: What would you buy?
Alex: Maybe pasta.

Alex: Euhhh forest, euuhhh tree euhhh sound?
Daddy: That's a good question. Um, I think it does, yes. What do you think?
Alex: Um, a bee.

Alex: Euhhh tree falls uh forest, no one (mumble) hear it, does it make a sound?
Daddy: What do you think?
Alex: No you say it.
Daddy: If a tree falls in the forest, and there's --
Alex: No don't say that a bee.
Daddy: A bee.
(Alex seems satisfied for a moment.)
Alex: No, don't say a bee.

Alex (holding his fork): What's dih your job is this fork. This is your grass.
Daddy: That's my grass?
Alex: It’s your grass. Grass. It’s a really kirk grass. And you hafta be careful. ‘Cause I hafta put it on the table.

Alex: I wanna eat too much Daddy.
Daddy: You wanna eat too much?
Alex: I - I'm gonna eat too much of pasta.

Alex: Bucka! This mohg must be bucka!
Daddy: What's bucka?
Alex (holding his fork): This mug might be bucka!

Daddy: Alex, are you ready to get down?
Alex (rapidly): I want some peaches I want some peaches.
Alex (gradually decelerating, and sort of singing): I want some peaches, I want some peaches, I… want… some… peaches… please? Please?

Alex: Claire! No hitting Grommie. He doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like that. Time out!
Alex (to Daddy): Can you give her timeout for hitting Grommie?

(Daddy is buttering toast for Alex.)
Alex: Good job making my dinner, Daddy.

Alex: When your watch beeps, we will read stories, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: When your watch beeps, we will go upstairs.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Beep. Beep. Beep. It’s beeping. We can go upstairs.

Alex: Chill out, Daddy, you’re ridiculous!
Daddy: What?
Alex: I'm ridiculous! You’re ridiculous!
Daddy: What should Daddy do?
Alex: You’re ridiculous! This is ‘diculous!

Alex (running around): Dough! Dough! Dough! Dough!
Daddy: Alex, are you ready for bath?
Alex: Ehh, I was saying “dough” first.
Alex (running around): Dough! Dough! Dough! Dough! Dough! Dough! Dough! Dough!

Alex (pointing to one bathroom light switch): Is this it?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: This doesn’t make any air.
Daddy: Right.
Alex (pointing to the other light switch): That makes air.

Alex: I want Elmo and Dragon to swim, and Cookie Monster, I want all the toys, and sheep, and pig!

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm like a bird! Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet tweet. Tweet tweet.

Alex: Will you look for weeds please? Put your bag right there so you can look for weeds.

Daddy: I need to go inside.
Alex: No you need to stay with me to find a rock!

(dinner time)

Alex: Why do you wanna get down so bad? Do you wanna get down before Claire?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Why do you wanna get down before Claire?
Alex: Because Claire’s gonna play with my new toy that I was playing with.

Car: Hello truck. Truck? Truck?

Car: Hi. Hey I’m a car.

Alex: I'm like a bird! Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet. Tweet tweet tweet. Tweet tweet.

Alex: I'm rolling away, Daddy.

Alex: Can you do this again?
Daddy: Do what?
Alex: This. And tickle me.

Daddy: Do you like questions?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Why not?
Alex: Because I’m sad of you saying that.
Daddy: It makes you sad?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: I'm sorry.

Daddy: What would you take on a desert island? You wanna know what I would take?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: I would take Alex.
Alex: No, take Mommy.
Daddy: You want me to take Mommy?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Okay.

(Daddy is lying on the floor.)
Alex: Because your back hurts?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay. I will not step on it.

Alex: She doesn’t talk to me when I talk to her.
Daddy: Who doesn’t?
Alex: Um Isabelle.

(in bed)
Alex: Um Daddy, can you give me a kiss?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Eat your oranges.

(Claire falls down.)
Alex: Are you okay, Claire? You need to get up.
Alex: Claire, I need to help you up.

Mommy: Claire, you want some water?
Claire: Wawa! Wawa!

Alex: I wanna banana.
Mommy: You're gonna have one.
Alex: Did they turn yellow?

Alex: I'm still pooping, and I'm sitting here and watching you play with Claire.

(playing in the playroom)

Alex: Cows don't like cats.
Daddy: Oh. Why not?
Alex: Because cows say moo to them. Because Elmo doesn’t like cows. Because he likes frogs, they say ribbit.

Cow: Elmo, I have a big nose.
Elmo: Yes you do.
Alex: ‘Cause kitties don't have noses. ‘Cause dogs have noses.

Cat: Where's your friend Emily Elizabeth, Clifford?
Clifford: Emily Elizabeth? I don’t know. I don’t see her.
Cat: I think she’s on TV.

Frog: I jump in water. I - I'm Tiddalick. I was on TV on Tiddalick on Super Why.

(Alex is in bed for nap time)
Alex: Daddy, I'm gonna get your hair for my hair.
(Alex pretends to take hair from Daddy’s head and put it on his own head.)
Alex: I get your hair.
Alex: I'm getting your hair for my hair.
Alex: I get more and more and more and more and more and more.

(Before Daddy leaves, Alex puts the hair back.)

Alex: Daddy? Can I have Thomas, Rosie, James, the birthday coach, and... my water?

Mommy: Hey Alex? Are you hungry?
Alex: I'm still playing!

(snack time)

Alex: Cheese. Yum. Can you say “yum”, Claire?

Alex (swapping the positions of the milk and water): Daddy, the milk goes here. And the water goes here.

Alex: Can you talk to me and say "eat your toast" and say "what are you saying tummy?"

Alex: I'm gonna give you a surprise, okay? I'm gonna go back here and get you a big surprise.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Don't come back here. I'm gonna go in the big store.

Alex: I wanna find a rock. Tummy wants to find a rock.
Tummy (in Tummy voice): I wanna find a rock.

Alex: Daddy! Look Daddy!
Daddy: What's that?
Alex: Big boy pants!
Daddy: Wow!
Alex: My big boy pants!

(dinner time)

Alex: Eat your oranges, Claire. Eat your oranges.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: Eat your oranges first.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: Eat your oranges.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: Eat your oranges.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: I’ll count to three, and then I’ll get you down. One, two, three.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: You listen to me? Or I’ll – or I’ll get you down. (Pause.) Okay. Time out.
Alex (pretending to grab Claire): Okay. I got you. Got you.
Alex (pretending to place Claire in another spot): Stay right here for a few minutes, Claire. Okay?
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: Please. Please eat your oranges.
(Time passes.)
Alex (increasingly upset): Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your orange – eat your oranges.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex: Claire, eat your oranges! Claire. Claire, eat your oranges.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Eat your oranges.
Claire: Nah.
Alex (upset): Stop it! Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges.
Mommy (chiding): Alex.
Alex (to Daddy): Can you eat Claire’s oranges? Can you eat them?
Daddy: No, I think Claire’s gonna eat them when she wants them.
Alex: Ask Claire to eat them.
Daddy: Claire, whenever you’re ready, eat those oranges, but you don’t have to.
Alex: Claire, eat them.
Claire: Eh.
Alex: No, stop it, eat them.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex (to Daddy): Can you ask Claire?
(Time passes.)
Claire: Duh. Duuuh. Duuuh. Duuuh.
Alex: Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Eat your oranges.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Eat your oranges!!!
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex (whining): Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges.
Mommy: Alex, honey, please stop saying that.
Alex (to Daddy): Can you tell Claire to eat her oranges please?
Daddy: Why does she need to?
Alex: ‘Cause I can’t eat my oranges without Claire’s eating her oranges.
Mommy (to Daddy): Has he saved one?
(Daddy observes that Alex has one orange saved on his plate.)
Daddy: Yeah.
Mommy: Okay, that is so weird. Did you hear him?
Daddy: Yeah.
Mommy: Why can’t you eat yours, Alex?
Alex: Because Claire can’t eat hers.
Alex (to Daddy): Can you ask Claire can you eat them? Can she get down?
Daddy: Well Claire’s – well Claire’s eating, she’ll get to them.
Alex: No eat them.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: No eat them.
Claire: Ah.
Alex: Eat them.
Claire: Ah.
Alex: Eat them.
Claire: Ah.
Alex: Eat them.
Claire: Ah.
Alex: Eat them.
Claire: Ngh.
Alex (screaming): Eat them!
Claire: Ngh.
Alex (screaming): Eat them!!
Claire: Nnngh.
Alex (screaming): Eat them!!!
Daddy: All right! Alex. Alex, she doesn’t have to eat the oranges.
Alex: Can Claire eat hers? Please.
Daddy: Well, when she’s ready I think she’ll eat them. She’s eating her green beans right now.
(Alex begins quickly shoveling his green beans into his mouth.)
Claire: Nah!
Claire: Nah!
Claire: Nah!
Claire: Nah!
Alex: No stop it.
Claire: Nah!
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nah!
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nah!
Alex: Stoooop iiiiiit!
(For a short while, Claire and Alex eat green beans in silence.)
Claire: Nah.
Claire: Nah.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nah.
Daddy (sternly): Hey! Stop being mean to each other.
Claire: Nah!
Daddy (sternly): Hey.
Alex: Eat your – eat your green beans, Claire. Eat your green beans!
Alex (to Daddy): Did Claire eat her green beans?
Daddy: Did she?
Alex: All her green beans?
Daddy: Almost all of them.
(Claire continues to eat green beans.)
Alex: Now Claire ate them all.
(Claire has not eaten all of her green beans. Daddy refrains from pointing this out.)
Alex: Eat your oranges. Eat your oranges. Can you eat them?
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Eat your oranges.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex (whining): Heh. Heh. Heh.
(Claire does not eat her oranges.)
Alex (to Daddy): Can Claire eat your oranges, please?
Daddy: Alex. Alex, calm down. Claire doesn’t wanna eat the oranges. why don’t you eat yours?
(Alex eats his final orange.)
Daddy: Good job, Alex.

(later, still at dinner)

Alex: I want more oranges.
Daddy: I want a million dollars.
Alex: You don’t want a million dollars. You have your computer to look at.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yes Alex.
Alex: Can I have more grapes? Please?

Daddy: I didn’t know we were making movies.
Alex: I didn’t know we were making mornings.
Daddy: I didn’t know we were making mornings – or movies.
Alex: Or mornings.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

They turn yellow.

Alex: One day Claire will go to school.
Daddy: Yeah, one day soon.
Alex: One day soon. One day Claire will go to school.

Alex: No Claire!!

Alex: No Claire!!

Alex: That's Doggie in the Window.

Alex: No Claire!!

Claire: Nah.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Stop it!
Claire: Nah.

Alex: Here you go Daddy, this is cold, I put it in the 'frigerator.

(dinner time)

Alex: We're having toast for dinner, Mommy.

Alex: I wanna watch another Super Why.

Alex: I wanna scoot up to the table.

Alex: When they turn yellow, I will eat them.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: Those are green. (Pause.) So they're mushy. They're mushy. They’re mushy, Daddy.
Daddy: Well they're not -- they're not ripe, they don't taste good yet.
Mommy: They're too hard.

(a little while later)
Alex: They turn yellow, Daddy. See? They turn yellow.
Daddy: What turns yellow? Oh bananas, yeah.

(a little while later)
Alex: They turn yellow, Daddy.

(a little while later)
Daddy: You ready to get down?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Do you wanna sit here while we all go upstairs?
Alex: No can you sit in the chair, in your chair while the bananas turn yellow.

(a little while later)
Alex: Daddy they -- they turn yellow.
Daddy: They do, that's right.
Alex: Can I eat them?
Daddy: Well they're not yellow yet, they're still sort of green.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Daddy. Daddy. Let’s not do this.

Alex: I have to go Mommy not bump my head.

Alex: Meg, do you want to play with me?

Meg: Okay Alex, I brought the trains.
Alex: Thank you Meg.

Alex: I'm cooking, Mommy.
Mommy: You’re cooking? What are you cooking?
Alex: I’m cooking lunch.

Virginia: Y’all are playing with pans?
Alex: I’m cooking dinner.

Alex (banging on pans): Look, Meg!

Alex: I’m gonna give Claire a hug. Can I take my apples?

Alex: We don’t pee at the beach.

Alex: There’s no sand in the pool. That’s silly. The sand’s in the ocean.

Alex: This house is far away. Meg’s house is close to our house.

Alex: Where’s everybody?

(in the pool)

(Daddy carries Alex into the cold water of the pool.)
Alex: Daddy. Daddy. Let’s not do this.

Alex: Virginia, can you swim with me?

Alex: I don’t wanna get out!

Alex (leaving the beach house): Where’re we going?

(in the car)

Alex: I can’t see Meg’s house.

Alex: Can I see what’s at the beach?

Alex (pointing): I wanna go that way!

Alex: I saw a mixer.

Alex: I see a dump truck.

Alex: Daddy, look at the towers.

Alex: I don’t know what this road is.
Daddy: I don’t know what it is either, it’s called 460.
Alex: Okay. I don’t know what you said. Can you say again?
Daddy: It’s called 460.
Alex: (with “now I get it” intonation): Ohhhh.

Alex: I heard a train!

(dinner time, at home)
Alex: I wanna go to the beach.

Claire: Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
Alex: You’re funny, Claire.
Claire: Uh-oh.
Alex: You’re funny!

Alex (to Claire): You need to eat your mac and cheese. And then, eat your peaches.

Alex: Bye-bye, applesauce.

Alex: Uh-oh. Pepper! Pepper. I like the pepper.
Alex (singing): I like the pepper. I like the pepper. I like the pepper.

Alex: I can’t see it.
Daddy: You can’t see what?
Alex: Where’s Mommy?
Daddy: Mommy went to get Grommie.
Alex: Can we go get Grommie too?
Daddy: No Mommy’s gonna bring him back here, so we can see him.
Alex: And then he’s gonna go to the beach.
Daddy: Who’s going to the beach?
Alex: Grommie.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

There you go, ocean! Eat it!

(Alex has been sitting silently at the table for several minutes, not eating.)
Alex: I'm ready to eat now, Daddy.

Alex: Meg. I can't find the trash.

Alex: (throwing a shovelful of sand toward the ocean): There you go, ocean. Eat it!
Alex: (throwing another shovelful): Eat this! Here you go, ocean!

(on the beach)
Alex: I like the ocean, Mommy.
Daddy: What did you say, Alex?
Alex: I'm talking to Mommy.
Daddy: What did you say to Mommy?
Alex: Stop saying that.
Daddy: Okay, I’m sorry.
Daddy (to Mommy): Mommy, Alex is talking to you.
Mommy: What is it, Alex?
Alex: I like the ocean, Mommy.
Mommy: I like the ocean too.

Daddy: You ready to go sit in your chair? Mommy made you lunch.
Alex: I wanna sit far away from the other chair. And then Grandma will come in and see what I'm doing. All the people are at the beach. And they will come in a few minutes.

(getting ready to go in the pool)
Daddy: Daddy will hold you. And Mommy can hold you, and other people can hold you if you want.
Alex: Uncle Ed’s not gonna hold me.

(Meg is squirting Alex before he enters the pool.)
Alex: Can you not do that, Meg?

(in the pool)

Alex: I want Virginia to hold me.

Alex: I wanna squirt up to the clouds again.

Alex: You don’t need to take a shower, Mommy. You don’t need to take a shower.
Alex (scary voice): You don’t need to take a shower.

Daddy: And Meg and Virginia will come up soon.
Alex: And Uncle Ed, and Uncle Kirk’s still at work somewhere.

(in bed)

Alex: Mommy, I can't see the kitchen.

Alex: I can't see the kitchen, Daddy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

That's Claire and Alex and Mommy, and Maddie and Grommie, and Grandma and Grandpa.

Alex: Can you make a bedroom, Meg?

Alex: I'm talking to Meg.

(Uncle Jimmy drops something in the kitchen.)
Claire: Uh oh!

(playing on the beach)

Alex: We’re gonna build sandcastles on Meg, and it will be fun.

Alex: Can you make bunnies?
Daddy: Oh, I think Virginia’s gonna make bunnies with you.
Alex: I want you to come, Daddy.

Alex (pointing at Daddy’s drip castles): That's Mommy and Alex is in Mommy’s tummy. And that's Claire with Daddy.

Daddy: Who's that?
Alex (pointing at portions of his own drip castles): That's Claire and Alex and Mommy, and Maddie and Grommie, and Grandma and Grandpa.

Alex (a little later, again pointing at portions of his own drip castles): ...And Grommie and Bradley and Grommie.

Mommy: Come on Alex, your lunch is ready, you wanna come eat it?
Alex: Yes.
Alex (to Meg): Do you wanna eat lunch?

(at lunch)
Alex: I wanna see in the mirror and see what's inside my mouth.

Alex (sing-shouting): Bah bah Claire, bah bah Claire, bah bah Claire, bah bah, and, Claire!

Alex: Maybe Ginna will go, and Mommy and Daddy will go. And you will hold Claire, and Daddy will hold me.

(playing in the pool)
Alex: I wanna do it again!

Alex (after getting squirted by Grandma): That went right into my mouth.

Alex (playing “up-down” with Daddy): Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Walk.

Grandpa: I saw you playing in the pool with your daddy, and Virginia and Meg.
Alex: And Grandma.

Alex (playing with a pool noodle): It’s a vacuum cleaner. I’m vacuuming.

(in bed)
Alex: Daddy, I wanna say something to you.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Euh, euh, euh, can you say that?
Daddy: Alex, you can't cry too loud, ‘cause you might wake up Claire, and then we’d have to close your door, and we like the door open, okay?
Alex: Okay.
Daddy: Okay. Good night. I love you.
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: What?
Alex: I wanna say that again.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Euh, euh, euh, can you say that?
Daddy: Alex, you can't cry too loud, ‘cause you might wake up Claire, and then we’d have to close your door, and we like the door open, okay?
Alex: Okay.
Daddy: Okay. Good night. I love you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It’s hot on the beach, I wanna go inside so I can be cold.

Alex: It’s hot on the beach, I wanna go inside so I can be cold.

Alex: Are you wearing your skort, Daddy?

(in the pool)

Alex: I wanna squirt the window.

Alex: I wanna squirt Grandma.

Alex: It’s time to go inside, Meg.

(in the car)

Alex: I was at the bookstore, now Mommy’s watch beeped, we have to go to Meg’s house, it’s hot outside, we don't wanna get hot.

Alex: Cow!

Alex: Meg has um a dog, she has a name um Maddie.

Alex: I just play with Meg yesterday.

Alex: Jimmy won't have a car. He won't have a car.
Daddy: He won't? How's he gonna get here?
Alex: He's... gonna walk, so he won't have a car to drive on the road. He has to watch out.

Alex: I wanna read Curious George. It's my favorite.

Monday, August 17, 2009

There's a lot of ocean for me.

Alex: Virginia has two slinkies in her house.

Meg: Oooo, it’s a pelican.
Alex: Look Meg, they have a pool.

Alex: I have my swimsuit on!

Alex: Daddy? Can you get the puzzle for me? Its way, way, way, way too high.

(On the beach, Daddy holds Alex while walking in the waves.)

Alex: Let's play in the sand. I'm done with the water.

Alex: There's a lot of ocean for me.

Alex: At Meg’s house, I drop things on the floor.

Alex: After you change my diaper can I get down, ‘cause I don't wanna be on the ceiling.

Alex: Uncle Ed said to me, yesterday Uncle Ed said to me don't stand on that, so I didn’t.

Alex: I don't like the sea. I don't like the ocean.

(in the pool)
Alex: I'm gonna squirt you, Grandma.

Alex: Meg, it’s time to go inside.

Alex: I was talking to Meg.

Alex: I'm gonna go in Meg’s house and see Aunt Sheridan, and I'm gonna eat dinner.

Alex: Grandpa’s still sleepy, he has to rest.

(Alex is playing blocks with Meg.)

Alex: Oh no! There's a tower in the road! How are we gonna get by?

Meg: Yawning is contagious!
Alex: Contagious!

(in bed)
Alex: Euhhh, play trai, euhhhhh, euhhh, euhhh, euh the door open.

Alex: I wanna go home.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Is this the beach?

Alex: I wanna go to the beach.

Alex: Are you packing?

Alex: I'm gonna wear my water shoes and I'm gonna get in the water – oh! I need to go get the beach toys! I will get them.

(in the car, pulling into the post office, about three minutes from home)
Alex: Is this the beach?

(in the car, pulling into Burger King)
Alex: Is this the beach?

(in the car, leaving Burger King)
Alex: This is not the beach.

Alex: Get me!

Alex: Virginia's bed has laundry on it. I guess Meg has to help get the laundry off Virginia’s bed.

(bed time)

Alex: I wanna talk about what happened Uncle Ed said to me.
Daddy: Okay, tell me what happened.
Alex: Uncle Ed said don't stand on that, so I don't - I didn't.

Alex: I wanna tell Mommy what happened.

Alex (to Mommy): I wanna talk to you what happened Uncle Ed said to me.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Can you say again?

Alex: That’s Pooh, Claire. Can you say “Pooh”?

Alex: Can you talk to Big Tummy?

Alex: Mommy, come in here. Come in here. I miss you.

(Alex gives Duck to Daddy.)
Alex: There you go, Daddy. Claire took it from you. She’s sorry.

Alex: Look at me, Daddy. Look at me.

Alex: I have another runny nose can I have another tissue Daddy?

Alex (to Mommy and Daddy): Music! Music! I wanna dance together with you, okay?

Alex (to Mommy, who's reading her email): I wanna dance with you, are you done?

Daddy: Why were you sad?
Alex: I want to tell Mommy.
Daddy: Okay, you tell Mommy.
Mommy: Tell me why you were sad.
Alex: I was crying ‘cause I wanted to play trains, and then Daddy’s watch beeped, and then I came upstairs, and I wanted to go in Claire’s room, and then Claire was sleeping, and I wanted to read stories, and then I wanted to play house, and you came in.

(playing house)

Polar Bear: I wanna eat pizza.
Alex: Well - we just had pizza yesterday.

Alex: The driver’s gonna go potty, and the man will stay right here so the driver can be done, and the girl has to stay here with the man, and the baby will sit here with the driver, and the mommy will sit here in the chair, and the driver has to go potty again, he can go potty, and the chair can go here so the mommy has to sit here, and the daddy will sit right here.

Alex: Look at all the people!

(snack time)
Alex: Claire, you have to eat all of them. Eat your cookies too.
(Claire eats a cookie.)
(Mommy sneezes.)
Alex: Bless you Mommy.
Alex (to Claire): Eat the other cookies too. And eat your plum. It’s right there.
Alex: Can you eat your cookies too?
(Claire drinks some water.)
Alex: Eat your cookies, Claire.

Alex: Mommy’s gonna carry me, and you’re gonna carry Claire.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Mommy’s gonna carry me up the escalator. And I'm carried, and I'm gonna get down, and then I'm gonna play trains.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: That's what I'm gonna do.

(in the car)

Alex: I will share with the boys and girls.
Daddy: What did you say, Alex?
Alex: I will play with Thomas... and James. Not Bertie the Bus.

Mommy: Today he was back there talking and I said “What?” and he said "I'm talking -–"
Alex: I'm talking to Claire, Mommy.

(at Barnes & Noble)
Alex: Can I see the cake with peanuts?

Alex: I wanna put it in my pocket.
Daddy: Okay, put that rock in your pocket.
Alex: Can you open it?

Alex: Next time I fight with Claire, I want the car back.

(dinner time)

(Daddy provides Alex with a lengthy description of who will be at the beach and what beach activities are likely to occur.)
Alex: Can you say again?
(Daddy repeats the whole thing.)
Alex: Can you say again?
(Daddy repeats the whole thing.)
Alex: Can you say again?
(Daddy repeats most of it.)
Alex: Daddy's gonna bring me a kite and it will be big. And I will fly it and it will go up in the sky.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: And I won't drop it in the sand.
(Alex pauses to eat.)
Alex: Can you say again, Daddy? Can you say again?
(Daddy repeats some of it.)
Alex: Can you say what – who’s at the beach? Can you say again?
(Daddy repeats who will be at the beach.)
Alex: Can you say again?
(Daddy quickly recites the names of the beach attendees.)
Alex: We're gonna get messy at the beach?
Daddy: Yep.
Alex: And we're gonna get our heads in the sand?
Daddy: Yep.
Alex: And sand castles?
Daddy: Yep. And what else?
Alex: I don’t know.
Alex: And then we're gonna go home.
Daddy: That’s right, we'll go home at the end of the week.

Alex: Where’s the beach?
Daddy: It's very far away.
Alex: Where is it?
Daddy: Um, it's… it's really near the ocean.
Alex: Is the sand in the ocean?
Daddy: Well, there is some sand in the ocean.
Daddy: Alex, do you know why no one ever gets hungry at the beach?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: Can you say it?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Say (mumble) (mumble) hungry beach.
Daddy: Why does no one ever get hungry at the beach?
Alex: Can you say it?
Daddy: What do you want me to say?
Alex: After the beach. (mumble) after the beach. (mumble) (mumble) and we won't have any food left.
Daddy: We won't have any food left?
Alex: Yeah.

(a short while later)
Alex: Daddy can – um who’s gonna be at the beach?
Daddy: Meg, Virginia, Aunt Sheridan, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Ed, Uncle Kirk, and Grandma and Grandpa.
Alex: Can you say again?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Say again.

Alex: Scoot over to the wall too. Scoot really really fast. Scoot scoot scoot.
Daddy: You want me to scoot?
Alex: Scoot and scoot and scoot.

Mommy: I'm sorry, Claire wants to say night-night.
Claire: Nigh-nigh.

The Mommy (to The Baby): I will go to work, and I won't do anything.

Friday, August 14, 2009

TV and chair.

Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nehhhhhh.
Alex: Stooooop iiiiiit.

Alex: Look, there's a big cloud, Daddy!

Alex (falling off of his car very slowly): Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Daddy: I see a really big fish.
Alex: No, that's a shark.

(dinner time)

Daddy: What do you have for dinner, Alex?
Alex: Grapes, carrots, and sub-ghetti.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: With cheese on it.

Alex: Talk to Big Tummy. Talk to Big Tummy.

Alex: Can you say “Eat your toast”? “Eat your toast.”

Alex: You have to – you say “What are you saying? What are you saying, Tummy?” Can you say that?

Alex: Can you talk to him? Is he done talking?

Alex: Tummy, don't say that!

Alex: You want a carrot, Tummy? Here you go.
Daddy: Can I have a carrot?
Alex: No.

Alex: You want a carrot? You want a carrot?
Big Tummy: I wanna eat carrots.
Alex: No.

Carrots: Tummy, we fell down.
Big Tummy: You fell down?
Carrots: Yeah.

Daddy: Who did you see today?
Alex: I saw Nana and Pop. I went to their house, and play with their toys, and swing on the red swing and the yellow swing and I didn't swing on the blue swing.
Daddy: Oh, that sounds like fun.
Alex: And then I went to my house.
Daddy: And who did you see when you got home?
Alex: Mommy and Daddy and Claire and Grommie. (Pause.) And TV and chair.
Daddy: You saw TV and chair?
Alex (laughing): TV and chair.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh. I don’t know what that means, Daddy.

Alex (in bed, “singing”): One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, Elmo’s World!

Alex: No playing with that, Claire. No no no.
Claire: No no no.

(lying down for nap time)
Alex: I wanna keep my eyes open.
Daddy: You wanna keep your eyes open for a little while?
Alex: And then I will close them. And then I will go to sleep.

(dinner time)

Alex: What’s that, Daddy?
Daddy: It’s called a spatula.
Alex: Oh. I don’t know what that means, Daddy.

Alex: What’s that -- pizza?
Daddy: Pizza.
Alex: Oh. I like pizza. I like to get messy with pizza.

Alex: Can you get all my broccoli and I will eat it?
Daddy: What do you want me to do to it?
Alex: Can you feed me?

(Alex is babbling nonsense sounds, and Daddy decides to respond in kind.)
Daddy: Ah dih dah doo.
Alex: Don't say ah dih dah doo. Say bizabeh, buh-ah-oo, and then stop.

Alex: What's at the school?
Mommy: I think they're having a race.
Alex: Can I go to that school? ‘Mentary school?

Alex: No, stand up and then, go to the cabinet, and I’ll crash into you.

Alex (opening the window shade): Now it’s not dark.
Alex (closing the window shade): Now it’s dark.
Daddy: It’s dark?
Alex: Yeah, it’s dark. We can’t see if it’s dark.

(playing house)
Alex: Don't hit. Don't push, and not...

The Mommy: I'm home, girl. I’m home, girl.
The Girl: You’re home?
The Mommy: I went to get my haircut. You see it?

(in bed)

Alex: Wuh-oo do after nap?

Alex: I euh bah, euh play trains, un I cuh ah euh, euh euh, euh euh, ah euh door open.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yeah, can you say “yes” to me? I don’t like you saying no.

(dinner time)

Alex: I can't see my water.
Daddy: I can't see it either. Why can't we see it?
Alex: Stop saying that. Talk the right way.

Alex: Can I see the music?

Alex: That's not nice you tell people “no”.
Daddy: Oh, it’s not?
Alex: Yeah, can you say “yes” to me? I don’t like you saying no.

Alex: I want some more toast.
Daddy: Can you eat a piece of broccoli for me?
Alex: I – have to eat my chicken nuggets and then I’ll drink my water and then I’ll eat my broccoli.

Alex: Can you say “roar” to me? Can you stand up and say “roar” to me? Can you do that? And then I will eat my broccoli.

Alex: I heard a whistle yesterday.
Daddy: You heard a whistle?
Alex: Yeah. And then I walked backwards. And then I didn't give him a hug and a kiss.
Daddy: What didn’t you do?
Alex: I didn't give him a hug and a kiss. And I didn't get a five ‘cause Mommy went to pick me up.
Daddy: Who was he?
Alex: He was pink.

(The phone rings.)
Alex: Oh! The telephone’s ringing, Mommy. Go get it. Go get it. It’s ringing. It’s ringing.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can you say "good singing"?

Alex: I’m gonna go to the dentist, Daddy, and I’m gonna listen to the lady, and I will have books.

(dinner time)

Alex: What’s that?
Mommy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that?
Mommy: What color is it?
Alex: Stop saying that.

Alex: I have to eat my burrito and then I will eat my tomato and then I will not eat my corn.

Daddy: Alex, if you had five apples, how many would you give to Daddy?
Alex: Um two.
Mommy: How many would you give to Mommy?
Alex: Um two.
Mommy: How many would you give to Claire?
Alex: Um two.
Daddy: How many would you keep for yourself?
Alex: One.

(brushing teeth)
Alex: Mommy’s gonna take me to the dentist and the dentist will show me how to brush.
Daddy: Oh, okay.

(playing house)

Alex: There's a bus on the road, watch out. There's a bus! Go in your house, and go potty, and go to bed! So you don't get crash into a bus!

Alex: Now you go upstairs and go potty and get PJs on and go to bed and get kisses.

(bed time)
Mommy: Good singing.
Daddy: Good singing.
Mommy: Good singing.
Daddy: Good singing.
Alex: No I’m say that.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Can you say “good singing”?
Mommy and Daddy: Good singing.
Alex: Stop it.

Alex: I'm gonna cry and I'll wake up Claire and I'm close my door, can you say that?

Monday, August 10, 2009

It's name... Snephanie.

(Claire brings the dinosaur to Alex. He takes it.)
Alex: Claire gave me my dinosaur.
(Claire brings Ernie to Alex. He takes it.)
Alex: Claire gave me Ernie.
(Claire brings another toy to Alex.)
Alex: There's no room, Claire. I have two hands.

Alex: Oh, I have to throw my diaper away. I forgot. I forgot.

Alex: Can you get me a tissue for Grommie licked me? On my ear?

Alex: Let's all dance.

(dinner time)

Alex: I don't want to get milk on my hand.

Mommy: Claire, you’re so silly! I don't want oranges in my hair!

Alex (to Daddy): Can you – cough and sneeze?

Alex: Thomas is sick. He didn't come today.
Daddy: He didn't come to school today?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Did you miss him?
Alex: No, I didn't cry from him. I was happy.

(Alex pretends his fork is a phone.)
Alex: I was talking on the phone.
Daddy: Oh yeah? Who were you talking to?
Alex: I was talking to my other mommy.

Mommy: What's your other mommy’s name?
Alex: It’s name... Snephanie.

Daddy: Alex, where does your other mommy live?
Alex: In a barn!

Alex: Can you make your big tummy talk like that?

Alex: Claire, go see Mommy. I don’t want you in here.

Alex: I'm gonna be a baby and Claire will be big.

(brushing teeth)
Daddy: Mommy’s gonna take me to the dentist and the dentist’s gonna show me how to brush.
Alex (irritated): I was gonna say that.
Daddy: And then I will come back and see you.
Alex (upset): No! Don't say that!
Daddy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Alex: Mommy’s gonna take me to the dentist and the dentist will show me how to brush.

(playing house)
The Daddy: Where's Mommy going?
The Mommy: I'm just gonna sit and read my book. And then I will go to work.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

What's it called like? Tell me what it's called like.

Alex: I wanna go down my orange slide and then I will get in my car and say bye and get goss in my car. I will go to the doctor to get my foot checked and then I will come back. Okay?

(lunch time)

Alex: What's on my plate?
Daddy: That's your lunch.
Alex: What's it called like? Tell me what it's called like.

Alex: I found another fruit! It was in the mac and cheese.

Alex: Oh -- that's a mac and cheese. I think Grommie has to eat it.

Alex: Where's Claire? Where is she?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Is she somewhere else?
Daddy: Yes.

Alex: I’m going for a walk, Mommy. I’m going for a walk with the truck.

Alex: Daddy, I’m at the doctor, and I’m looking out the window.
Daddy: Oh. Okay.
Alex: And I’m looking for something I can take home.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Is that funny?

Alex: Daddy.
Daddy: Hi!
Alex: Make my breakfast.

Alex: I cleaned up the floor so Mommy can clean. I cleaned up all the toys.

Daddy: Who's gonna be at the bookstore?
Alex: Annie and Natasha.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Annie’s at Pop’s work too.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Pop’s not gonna be at the bookstore. He's at work.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: With Uncle Doug and Annie.

(Alex tries to push the buttons on the ceiling of the car.)
Daddy: You can reach those later when you’re big and strong.
Alex: I did push one.
Daddy: Wow! You’re getting bigger!
Alex: And I will push the other ones later. When I get bigger and bigger and bigger and strong. And I will get bigger and bigger.

Alex: You’re gonna get a haircut at the barber, okay?

Alex: Mama’s running, Claire. She’s taking a run. She’s taking a run, Claire. Mommy’s taking a run. She’s taking a run.

Claire: Sh. Sh. Sh.
(Claire laughs.)
Alex: Is that funny?
Claire: Sh.
(Claire laughs.)
Alex: Is that funny?

(Daddy explains the game of golf to Alex.)
Alex: Can I do it?
Daddy: Sure, I’ll show you how one day.
Alex: I wanna do it.
Alex: Can I play golf? Please?

Alex: I’m gonna sit in Daddy’s chair, and I’m gonna wait for Mommy to finish email, okay? I will wait for her. (mumble) And I will hang on to her. And then she gonna say, not “boom boom boom”. But you’re not gonna do that, okay? Okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Okay.

Mommy: Do you want to play with me? I was gonna take you to the playground.
Alex: Playground!

Alex: Daddy I wanna take you to the bookstore. To the grocery store.

Alex: And I’m gonna go to the playground with the big-nic table. And the swings.

(Daddy joins Alex in the family room.)
Alex: You go back in the kitchen, ‘cause I’m working.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You go back in the kitchen and play with Mommy and Claire. ‘Cause I’m working. I’m working.

Alex: The bag isn’t your birthday party.

(Alex seems sad.)
Daddy: You okay?
Alex: I’m not coughing.

Alex: I want some more toast Daddy. I want some more toast Mommy.
Mommy: Oh. Okay, how do you ask for it?
Alex: Please. You say please and thank you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Can you give one Cheerio to people?

Alex: Can - can I have it? Can you give one Cheerio to people?

Daddy: I gave you a big hug, didn't I? That was a big one.
Alex: That was a bear hug.
Alex: Do it again.

(Alex finds a rock.)
Alex: It’s dirty.

Alex: It’s yucky. I think it had mud on it.

Alex: Ew.

Alex: Ew.

(Alex prepares to ask Mommy to play "Mommy’s Gonna Get You.")
Alex: Mom -- I -- Mommy?
Daddy: Can Daddy do it?
Alex: I will say it to Mommy. She will do it.

Daddy: Alex, what would you take on a desert island?
Alex: I would take… Daddy.
Daddy: Yay!
Mommy (sounding sad): What about Mommy?
Alex: Okay.

(bath time)

Elmo: What are we doing, Cookie?
Cookie Monster: I'm driving the boat.
Elmo: Where are we going?
Cookie Monster: We’re going to the store and see my friend Rhonda and then we're going to the store. The grocery store.

(Alex is playing house and bus.)
Alex: The bus will come when Mommy gets her foot check. When she comes back home.

Mommy: Say night-night to Claire.
Alex: Night-night. I love you.
Mommy: Aw.
Daddy: Night-night.
Claire: Night-night.

(Alex and Daddy are playing house and bus.)

Alex: You play with the daddy.
The Mommy: Daddy, I'm gonna get my foot checked. (Mumble.) I'm gonna give you a hug and a kiss. Okay? Bye.

(Daddy’s shaking the toy Daddy in an attempt to get the water out of it.)
Alex: You don’t shake that. You don’t shake real fast. Mommy doesn’t like that when you shake Daddy.
The Mommy (sad voice): That makes me sad.

The Daddy: Hi Mommy. Can I give you a kiss?
(The Daddy gives the Mommy a kiss.)
The Mommy: Thank you.
The Mommy: I have to go eat. Do you wanna come?
The Daddy: Yeah.
The Mommy: You have to be careful in the field. You can’t knock my table down, okay? I don’t like that.

Alex: Daddy knocked Mommy’s table down.
Alex: And the cat has to help.
Cat: Okay, I will help you.
Cat (moving the table): Ngh… ngh… ngh… ngh… ngh.
Cat: There you go, guys. Now you can eat.

(Alex is in bed.)
Alex: There's no monsters at school. I saw a monster at school. It scared me.
Daddy: Oh no! What was it doing?
Alex: It was roaring at me. And Daddy came in and got me and took me through the door and I got away.