Thursday, August 27, 2009

When I was out front, I found the green thing, then I dropped it on the stairs, then I cried about it.

(Daddy comes home from work.)
Daddy: Hi family!
Alex: We’re not having a family, Daddy.
Daddy: We’re not? Why not?
Alex: We’re having a family later.

Alex: And she bought another trash can, I'm gonna show you. She bought this trash can. On the counter.

Alex: And Mommy bought this trash can for me to open it, and I open it, and then I close it, ‘cause Mommy told me not to play with it.

Alex: Grandma bought us those.
Daddy: Yeah, she did.
Alex: But Thomas, those don't like puffins.

Alex: I can't see Abby singing.

(Alex is tapping his hands on the new trash can's motion sensor.)
Alex: I'm working on my computer.

Alex: I want my hair back.

Alex (singing): Make way for Noddy, Noddy, driving in his car…
Alex (shrieking): Make way for Noddy, Noddy, driving in his car…

(dinner time)

Alex: After nap we’ll get the banana.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And waffles. And Cheerios. And Life cereal.

Pizza: Hi Daddy.
Daddy: Hi.
Pizza: Hi pizza. Can you say “Hi pizza”?
Daddy: Hi pizza.
Alex: Can I come to your house? Can I come to your house, pizza? Can I come to your house, pizza?
Pizza: No.

Alex: I like pasta. I like some of that pasta. I like new pasta.

Alex: That - that has sauce on it.

Mommy: You like it?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: I want more.
Mommy: Me too.
Alex: I like new pasta.

Alex: I want some more, um, new pasta.

Alex (to Daddy): Did you eat all yours?
Daddy: I did eat all mine. Fortunately.
Alex (to Mommy): Did you eat all yours?
Mommy: I will eat all mine.

Alex: Can you - can you write your cards, please?

Alex: I just ate all of Mommy’s new pasta.

Alex: Can you um, eat your, new pasta?
Mommy: I ate it and now it’s all gone.
Alex: And I ate some, and Claire. Do you want new pasta, Daddy?
Daddy: No thank you.

Alex: Mommy, can you look at those cards please?

Alex: Can you sing that?
Daddy: Sing what?
Alex: Um, James and the Red Peach.
Daddy: How does that go?
Alex: I don’t know.

(Alex looks out his window.)
Alex: I don't see any cars driving around, and I don't see any birds, or people.

Alex: When I was out front, I found the green thing, then I dropped it on the stairs, then I cried about it.

Alex: I'm done with the crying rug, Daddy. Can you put it out front? You can put it out front, I’m done with it.

Daddy: Alex, tell me about the green thing.
Alex: It just felled on the stair.
Daddy: It fell on the stairs?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: And how did you feel about that?
Alex: Eh I feel sad. I gonna tell Maggie that.
Daddy: You can tell Maggie that.
Alex: Uh, after nap, I will eat breakfast and watch TV and Daddy will take me to school and I will tell Daddy I'm sad and Mommy will... (mumble)

Alex: I want Elly to dance.
(Elly dances, with Alex’s help.)
Daddy: Good job, Elly.
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: The helicopter’s going to their house. The helicopter’s going toward the truck, ‘cause helicopters don’t like trucks. Helicopters go up in the sky.

Daddy: Alex, what songs do you like?
Alex: I like Twinkle Twinkle, Barney, and... what else?
Alex (singing): My, where's my dog….
Alex: I like that one too.
Alex (half-singing): Dicky wicky duh, dicky wicky gah, dicky wicky.

Alex: Daddy, I need to see what's wrong with your hair.

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