Saturday, August 29, 2009

Is it big like Target?

Alex: Is that the bookstore?
Daddy: That’s the bookstore.
Alex: Is it big?
Daddy: Yeah, it’s big.
Alex: Is it big like Target?
Daddy: Yeah, it’s big like Target. Well, it’s not quite as big.
Alex: Target’s really big.

Alex: They don’t have Thomas and Rosie at the bookstore. All they have is James. And they have Emily. And they have the orange engine and I don’t know what his name is.

Daddy: Okay Alex, it’s time to go upstairs.
Alex: When your watch beeps!
Daddy: I don’t have my watch, we’re going up right now.
Alex: Can you play with me and then Daddy say “beep beep beep”?

(Alex is holding a Lego to his ear.)
Alex: You know who’s on the phone?
Daddy: Who?
Alex: Grandma.

Alex: I saw a unicorn, Mommy.
Mommy: What, honey?
Alex: I saw a unicorn. A unicorn.
Mommy: Yeah? Where’d you learn about unicorns?
Alex: Because it was on Daddy’s thing. (Mumble) go see. When Daddy turn it off. And I wanted to go (check?) on. And Daddy was doing something.

(dinner time)

Alex: I don't like rice. I like oranges! And plums! And milk! And water!

Alex: Yum. Yum. Delicious water.

Alex: My eye. It has lash in it.
Daddy: What does it have in it?
Alex: It has lash in it.
Daddy: It has lash in it?
Alex: Lash.

Alex: Mmmm delicious.

Alex (to toast): Hey baby! You're upside down.

Alex: Grommie! No running in this house. No running in this big house.

Alex: Daddy? What would you buy with a million dollars?
Daddy: I would buy retirement. What would you buy?
Alex: I would buy a dinosaur.
Daddy: And what else?
Alex: Um eggs. And broccoli. And graham bunnies. And cookies. And bananas. And waffles.
Daddy: Is that all?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: My back hurts too.

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