Saturday, August 22, 2009

They turn yellow.

Alex: One day Claire will go to school.
Daddy: Yeah, one day soon.
Alex: One day soon. One day Claire will go to school.

Alex: No Claire!!

Alex: No Claire!!

Alex: That's Doggie in the Window.

Alex: No Claire!!

Claire: Nah.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nah.
Alex: Stop it!
Claire: Nah.

Alex: Here you go Daddy, this is cold, I put it in the 'frigerator.

(dinner time)

Alex: We're having toast for dinner, Mommy.

Alex: I wanna watch another Super Why.

Alex: I wanna scoot up to the table.

Alex: When they turn yellow, I will eat them.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: Those are green. (Pause.) So they're mushy. They're mushy. They’re mushy, Daddy.
Daddy: Well they're not -- they're not ripe, they don't taste good yet.
Mommy: They're too hard.

(a little while later)
Alex: They turn yellow, Daddy. See? They turn yellow.
Daddy: What turns yellow? Oh bananas, yeah.

(a little while later)
Alex: They turn yellow, Daddy.

(a little while later)
Daddy: You ready to get down?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Do you wanna sit here while we all go upstairs?
Alex: No can you sit in the chair, in your chair while the bananas turn yellow.

(a little while later)
Alex: Daddy they -- they turn yellow.
Daddy: They do, that's right.
Alex: Can I eat them?
Daddy: Well they're not yellow yet, they're still sort of green.

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