Friday, August 28, 2009

You don’t say that to people. You say please. You don’t whine about it.

Alex: I’m playing with Meg.

Alex: Look at me, Daddy!

Alex: Bye Grommie, I'm sorry I - didn't scare you.

(Grandma and Meg are leaving.)
Claire: Doh-doh, Mama.

Alex: When they get in the car, I will say bye to them.

(dinner time)

Alex: Daddy, I saw my friends on the playground yesterday.

Mommy: Isabelle came up to see him.
Daddy: Did you talk to Isabelle?
Alex: No. I just waved at her.
Alex: And Cake went home. She didn’t (mumble) on the playground.

Alex: Can you talk to computer?

Alex: Look Mommy I ate all my green beans so I can get some more grapes.

Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: Cleaning up… cleaning down…
(Alex laughs.)

(Mommy puts Alex’s grapes on his plate one at a time.)
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… eleven…
Mommy: Ten.
Alex: Twelve.
Mommy: No this is ten.
Alex: Ten.
Mommy: And this is eleven.
Alex: Eleven.
Mommy: And that’s all I have.

Alex: Can I have more grapes? May I, have more grapes please?

Alex: Hanging hanging up… hanging down… Hanging up the (mumble)… hanging down…

(Mommy puts Alex’s grapes on his plate one at a time.)
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine… ten… eleven… twelve… thirteen… fifteen.
Mommy: That was so good!
Daddy: Fourteen and fifteen. Good job, Alex.

Alex: Um there’s the crib at the babies, um, baby store. Mommy said that. And there’s another crib.

(Daddy puts Alex’s grapes on his plate one at a time.)
Alex: One… two… three… four… five… six… three or seven… five or one… or three… or two.

Alex: I want some more grapes.
Daddy: Oh my goodness! Did you eat anything else today?
Alex: Oh my goodness, Daddy. You don’t say that. You don’t say that to people. You say please. You don’t whine about it.

Alex: Does your back hurt?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: Can I kiss it?
Daddy: Yes, I would like that.

Alex: Sit Daddy and I can kiss your back.
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex kisses Daddy’s back.)

(bath time)
Elmo (to Cookie Monster): And you see and that's thunder, and they're making thunder.
(Alex crashes toys around the tub with increasing vigor.)
Elmo: And it’s loud and it’s louder, and it’s louder and louder!

Dog: Woof woof.
Cat: Don't say that.
Dog: Woof woof woof woof.
Cat: Don't say “woof woof”.
Dog: Meow meow.
Cat: Don't say “meow”. I say that. Say “woof woof”.

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of “Curious George and the Birthday Surprise”.)

Alex: Is th – is that his house?
Alex: Is th – is that the window?
Alex: Can he go out the door?
Alex: Where's his friends?
Alex: Where's friend - where's his friends?
Alex: And where’s the man in the yellow hat?
Alex: What happened?
Alex: Wha - what happened?
Alex: And what happened?
Alex: And he - and wha - and he can't eat the cake?
Alex: What's he doing?
Alex: Is that the cake?
Alex: The eb'd.

(in bed)

Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door. Can you say that?
Mommy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: I say it and then you say it okay?
Mommy: Okay.
Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door.
Mommy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: Okay.

Alex (to Daddy): What do you wanna do after nap?
(Daddy tells him what he wants to do after nap.)
Alex: I don't what you said Daddy.
(Daddy repeats what he wants to do after nap.)
Alex: I don't what you said.
(Daddy repeats what he wants to do after nap.)
Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door. Can you say that?
Daddy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: I say it and then you say it okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Euhhhhhh close my door.
Daddy: Euhhhhhh close your door.
Alex: Okay.

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