Thursday, March 29, 2012

I never stop thinking, every day.

Alex: I never stop thinking, every day.

Alex: When I'm dreaming, my brain’s telling me a story.

Claire: Well Alex if I have a dream that is bad, and there's bad guys in it -- and I get hit, then I'm still there, but, if I get hit two times, then I'm back in my bed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I couldn't decide if I want my Santa socks or my Stickers socks.

Alex (choosing his socks): It's hard to decide. I couldn't decide if I want my Santa socks or my Stickers socks. But I changed my mind. I'm getting my Stickers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Y'see, Mommy? I wrote "Treasure Map."

Alex: Y'see, Mommy? I wrote "Treasure Map."
Mommy: I see!
Alex: T, R, E, C, H, R. It has two R's in it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Well, “two-hour parking” means you can stay there, as long as you want, unless it’s two hour.

Alex: Well, “two-hour parking” means you can stay there, as long as you want, unless it’s two hour.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Can Max eat some of these bunnies when he come over?

(Breakfast.  Claire is eating her favorite bunny cereal.)
Claire: Mommy, can Max eat some of these too?
Mommy: What?
Claire: Can Max eat some of these bunnies when he come over?
Mommy: Yeah.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Whenever I see a potato chip, I really wanna eat one!

Alex: Whenever I see a potato chip, I really wanna eat one!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Can we watch a show, and then someone can give us breakfast?

(Saturday morning.  Mommy and Daddy are still in bed.)
Alex: Daddy, guess what?  I learned something all by myself, not even from any other person.  I learned that the two goes this way.  So if I see the five go this way, I know that it's a five, because the two goes like that.

Alex: Can we watch a show, and then someone can give us breakfast?

Claire: I don't wanna be a bird, because I don't wanna eat worms.  Ew!

(Mommy is dressed to go for a run.)
Mommy: Bye, guys!
Alex: You look silly in that!
Mommy: Thanks!
(Mommy laughs.)
Alex: Why do you look so silly?
(Mommy laughs again.)
Mommy: What makes me look silly?  My hat?  My sunglasses?
Alex: Your sunglasses makes you look cool!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Daddy, leprechauns came to our room today!

Claire (excitedly): Daddy, leprechauns came to our room today!  And they left footprints on the floor, and footprints on the table…  [Claire goes on and on for a while, very excited]

Claire (to Alex): The grass is green, just like our shirts, because it's Green Day.  And the grass is green.

(snack time)

Alex: Daddy, how does a Cheez-It sneeze?
Daddy: How?
Alex: Ah -- ah -- Cheez-It!
(Daddy laughs.)
Daddy: You made up a joke!
Claire: Daddy, how does a Cheez-It sneeze?
Daddy: How?
Claire: Ah -- ah -- Cheez-It!

Alex: Do know which favorite day the Cheez-It likes?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Cheez-It Day!
Daddy: Oh!
Claire: Do know which favorite day the Cheez-It likes?
Daddy: What?
Claire: Cheez-It Day!

Alex: Daddy, do you know what Cheez-It song is?  What its favorite song is?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Cheez-It, Cheez-It, Twinkle Twinkle Cheez-It!
Daddy: Oh!
Claire: Daddy, do you know what song a Cheez-It likes?
Daddy: What?
Claire: Cheez-It, Cheez-It, Twinkle Twinkle Cheez-It!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Except for U, X, and W. Those are the ones that don't do it.

(Alex had a bad dream last night.)
Claire (to Alex): I never have dreams.  You keep having them.  You just need to think about stuff!

Claire: Daddy, you want to see something in the back of me?  You want to see something in the back of me?
Daddy: Okay.
(Claire jumps,turning 180 degrees in the air, to show Daddy her back.)
Daddy: Whoa!  A pocket!
Claire: A back pocket!

Alex: Daddy, some letters start -- the sound that they make, they start with it.  Except for U, X, and W.  Those are the ones that don't do it.
Daddy: Good point!
Alex: C.  And C.  It starts with S.
Daddy: Yeah!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm really ready for kindergarten.

Alex: Yesterday, I wrote my name really good, so Miss Jones said, "You're ready for kindergarten."  And then she gave me a high five.
Daddy: Good!
Alex: I'm really ready for kindergarten.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


(Daddy picks up Claire from school.)
Claire (excitedly): Daddy, I painted a pet rock, but it's still drying.

Claire: You know what my pet rock name is?
Daddy: What?
Claire: Fluffy.

(Alex notices that Daddy wear a belt to work, but doesn't wear one at home.)
Alex: But Daddy, why do you need a belt?  Your pants don’t fall down at home.

Claire: Daddy, can my friend, Max, come to my house?
Daddy: Yeah, you want to set up a play date?
Claire: Mm-hm.  And I wanna go to his house.

Daddy: Aren't you guys too tired to play water game?
Alex and Claire: No!
Daddy: Don't you guys want to go to bed already?
Alex: No!
Claire: Look outside!  Is it dark yet?!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

You're my best friend, Claire.

Alex (out of the blue): Clouds are like us, because clouds rain, and we pee in the potty.

(Claire, Alex, and Daddy went to Petsmart.)

Claire (to Mommy): We petted two dogs!  The first one was called Bear, and the little one was called Star.

Claire: And Mommy, they're so cuddly, and they were so soft.
Mommy: Yeah?
Claire: And we petted two of them.

Alex: You're my best friend, Claire.
Claire: You're my best friend, Alex.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fat Cat is a long book. I think it might be the longest book in the world.

Alex: Oh -- I was gonna read a few books today.

Alex: Daddy, after I get dressed can you help me read Fat Cat?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Because I think that's more of my favorite book than Scat Cat.  I think I like Fat Cat more than Scat Cat.

Alex: Maybe -- maybe since I'm getting so good at it, maybe I should read Fat Cat by myself!

Alex: I'm really good at reading!

Alex: Fat Cat is a long book.  I think it might be the longest book in the world.

(Alex and Daddy are looking at Alex's baby photo album.)
Alex: I remember our cats.  But they died long, long ago.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: They're up in the sky.
Alex: In a building.
Alex: Is that Charlottesville?  It sounds like Charlottesville.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Daddy, why does the days -- the days start over and over and over again?

Alex: Yesterday was Jueves.  That's Spanish for Thursday.  And today's Viernes.  That's Spanish for Friday.
Claire: What's tomorrow?
Alex: Sabado.  And then comes Domingo!

Claire: I have to get my energy out!

Claire: Daddy, why does bunny rabbits poop so much?

Claire: Daddy, why does the days -- the days start over and over and over again?

Alex: After the ball game, can we watch House Hunters?

Claire: Daddy, I just -- I like my birthday but best I like spring.


Claire: I like everything you make, Mommy!

Alex (to Mommy): You make the best parts.
Claire: But you really make the best parts ever, and I like you!

Claire (to Alex): But I'm hugging you!
Alex: I don't like feet hugs.

(bed time)
Alex: I don't want to go to sleep!  I love this book!  I like reading!

(Alex is in bed.)
Alex: Good night, Daddy.
Daddy: Good night, buddy.
Alex: I hope you have fun watching TV.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I visited -- I visited -- I visited -- I visited -- I visited -- I visited Preschool 2!

(Daddy picks up Claire from school.)

Claire (excited): I visited -- I visited -- I visited -- I visited -- I visited -- I visited Preschool 2!

Claire (excitedly): I went outside -- and I went outside at Preschool 2!

(Claire got a birthday invitation.)
Claire: I think we should sit on the couch opening this.

Claire: Daddy sit right here, and Alex sit right here.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: So we both can see it.

Claire: Alex will sit here and Daddy will sit here and I will sit here.  So, Daddy you sit here because there's big space right here.
Alex: Well Claire, if you move over then Daddy will have more space.
Claire: Daddy now, you have even more space, because your bottom is so big.

Claire: Yeah, maybe, you guys… uh… Daddy should sit right here and Alex should sit right here and I should sit right here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

But there's purple in rainbows!

Claire: I'm happy at I got pockets on my pants.

Alex: I'm acting like a big boy today.

(In a book is a picture of a rainbow.)
Claire: Daddy, there's not purple in that rainbow.
Daddy: Oh, yeah.
Claire: But there's not purple in that rainbow!
Daddy: Oh!  You're right!
Claire: But there's purple in rainbows!
Daddy: You're right.  They did it wrong.

Alex (about Minnie Mouse): It reminds me of Disney World.

(Daddy is tucking Alex into bed.)
Alex: Daddy, I might be the nicest one in the family - the nicest kid in the family - because Claire's a little mean.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Soccer's over, Claire.

Alex: Soccer's over, Claire.
Claire: Oh yeah.  So, one of the days was soccer, and we had to go to soccer, and I liked it… and this day's no soccer.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I have a big head, and I have four feet.

(The family is playing the dinner game, pretending to be different animals.)
Claire: I have a big head, and I have four feet.  And I'm brown and white.  What is I'm?
Daddy: Gromit.
Claire: Right!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Daddy, today is March!

Claire: Daddy, today is March!
Daddy: That's right!
Claire: In here, might be, Blake's party.  Blake's birthday.