Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Claire!

Alex: Happy Birthday, Claire!

(opening Claire’s birthday presents)

Alex: I got a new train for Claire.

Alex: Wow… Look at this! Wow…

Alex: Whoa. Wow.

Alex: Wow, look at that, Claire! Wow, look. Wow. Look at that Claire! It’s your present.

Alex: Wow! Look at this! Look, Claire! Wow! Wow! Look at this! Look, Claire!

Alex: Wow. Look at this.

Claire: Alex.

Alex: I gonna poop again.
(Alex tries.)
Alex: Help, Mommy.

(leaving for school)

Alex: I will come home and play trains with Claire, and I will play with Rosie, and she will play with Thomas, and I will play with Rosie.

Alex (referring to Grommie): He stays at my house.

Alex (observing the petals that fell from his flower): That fell off my flower. I will get a new one okay?

Alex: I wanna go in my school. I wanna go ring the bell, okay?
Daddy: Okay.

(dinner time)

Alex: Daddy, you gonna eat dinner?
Daddy: Yeah I'm gonna eat dinner. Are you gonna eat dinner?
Alex: Yeah I'm gonna eat dinner.
Alex: I'm sitting in the big chair.

Alex: I will get a ca -- I will get a cupcake after dinner, okay Daddy?

Alex: I dropped my cheese on the floor and Grommie ate it.
Daddy: You dropped your what on the floor?
Alex: I dropped my cheese on the floor and Grommie ate it. And I cried.

Alex: You home, Daddy.

Alex: I drop a cheese on the floor for snack time was over, and Grommie at it, and Mommy wouldn't get it, so Grommie ate it.

Alex: I'm gonna go get Juju, okay daddy? Claire’s very sad.

Alex (singing): I got warm. I got warm. I got turtle. I got turtle. I got rabbit. I got rabbit. I got bunny. I got some water. I got some food.

(playing trains)

Daddy: What's Rosie doing?
Alex: She not... Nothing. She's not going nothing. She not crashing into something. Nothing.

Alex: Mmm. I like my milk.

Alex: I gonna share with Claire.

Daddy: Alex, you heard me say one minute, right? One more minute and we're gonna go take a bath.
Alex: Um, yeah. It’s my bath time. It’s not Claire’s bath time.
Alex: You have to get the toys in my bath for me.

Alex: Grover’s sad. Grover’s sad, Daddy.
Daddy: He's sad?
Alex: Yeah. Elmo is happy and Grover’s sad and Elmo’s happy.

Alex: Get this on the roof on the office, okay? Please Daddy?
Daddy: Okay.
Fire Station (to office): That's mine you have to wear this, okay. This yours? Yes.

Alex: You know what's gonna happen after nap?
Daddy: What?
Alex: I gonna eat breakfast. I eat breakfast and a banana and vitamin.
Daddy: Sounds good.
Alex: And milk and water.

Alex: I had a cupcake and Claire had a cupcake and you had a cupcake and Mommy had a cupcake.

(song time)

Alex: Window. Ohhhhh! (mumble) he fell down ‘cause a big lion came through the door. That song.
Daddy: Okay, let sing a different song.
Alex: No, the window wants to fell down d – d – d – d – d – d -- the big lion was coming through the door.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Alex: Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Daddy: Alex, do you know what today is?
Alex: It's Friday. The trash truck comes on Friday.
Mommy: Yeah. It's Monday, so no trash truck today.
Alex: Yeah. No trash truck today.
Daddy: Do you know whose birthday it is?
Alex: Mommy's.
Daddy: That's right. What do you say to Mommy?
Alex: Happy Birthday, Mommy!

(in the car on the way to school)

(A song is playing in the car.)
Alex: We have this song in your car?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: We have this one in Mommy's car.

Alex: They're saying hi to me.
Daddy: Who's saying hi to you?
Alex: The music. The girl's saying hi to me. Saying hi to Alex.

Alex (to Meg): May I hide with you?

Alex: Meg, I wanna go in the backyard, I got my backyard shoes on.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's tomorrow, Mommy.

Alex: Mommy, I wanna look at pictures with you.

Alex: Hi, Claire.
Alex (to Daddy): I'm not hitting her any more.

Alex: I pushed her into Mommy, and Mommy said “No pushing Claire”. She said that to me.

Alex: I got a timeout for hitting Claire.
Mommy: What?
Alex: I got a timeout for hitting Claire.
Mommy: It’s not nice to hit.
Alex: Yeah. You be nice to people.

Alex: Thank you.
Mommy: You're cute.
Alex: You're welcome.
Mommy: you're welcome.
Alex: You're welcome.
Mommy: you're welcome.
Alex: You're welcome.
Mommy: you're welcome.
Alex: Where's the towel?

Alex: Thank you for turning off the TV, Daddy.

Alex: You have goldfish in your coffee?
Mommy: What?
Alex: You have goldfish in your coffee and you have a drink? You like it?
Mommy: Yeah, I like it. It's a coffee drink. And Daddy put goldfish in a coffee cup.
Alex: I have fresh water in my water cup.

(In the car)
Alex: I like this song.

Alex: I share with my friends.

Alex: I'm four.
Mommy: What?
Alex: I'm four.
Mommy: You're not four.
Alex: I'm two.

Alex: You talked to me, what you said?
Alex: What you said, Mommy?
Mommy: What did I say?
Alex: I don't know.

Alex: Look at that funny truck.

Mommy: It's my bday today and tomorrow.
Alex: It's tomorrow, Mommy.

Alex: It's a beautiful night, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, it is.
Alex: It's a beautiful night.

Alex: I went to the bookstore and the running store. And I went home. And I went to the bookstore and played trains. And I shared with my friends.

Man (singing): I'm allergic to peanuts. (mumble) I gonna go in the water. Okay, okay, okay okay okay. (whispering) Okay, okay, okay okay okay.

Alex: What's the cat doing?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: He's waiting for the boys to come.
Daddy: He's waiting for what?
Alex: He's waiting for the boys to come and play basketball.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A goat bit my fingers.

Alex: Can I help you, Daddy?

Alex: This your cereal?
Daddy: Yep, I'm eating my cereal.
Alex: Do you like it?
Daddy: Mm-hm.

Alex: I wanna go in the playroom.
Daddy: You want to go to a party?
Alex: Yeah. Brady's party.
Alex: I'll give her present to her.
Daddy: You will.
Alex: It's gonna be fun.

Alex: 'Scuse me, Grommie.
(Grommie doesn't move.)
Alex: Maybe he okay, Daddy.

Alex: What's this?
Daddy: Tablecloth. It's called a tablecloth.
Alex: It's (mumble) table, and you eat some cake on it, right?

Alex: A goat bit my fingers.

Alex: That's Claire's cake.

Alex: It's your cake, Claire. You will eat it after nap and I will eat it.

Alex (to himself): Two. I'm two. You're three. You're one (mumble), you're one. One finger. One finger.

Alex: Yo yo yo buh buh buh buh peeew bo.

(Alex sees Claire’s cake on the floor by her chair.)
Alex: What happened to Claire's cake?

Daddy: You don't like Daddy?
Alex: No. I like Mommy.

Mommy: What did Mommy tell you?
Alex: No drinking.

Alex: I love you, Daddy.

Alex: I'm takin' a little rest, Daddy. And I will eat breakfast and watch TV, and TV's gonna be over and I will look at pictures with Mommy.

Friday, June 26, 2009

I love my daddy! I love my mommy!

Alex: I ate one banana, okay Daddy?

TV Narrator: Thomas and the Birthday Man.
Alex: I wanna watch Thomas and the Birthday Man, okay Daddy?

Daddy (pointing to shoe): Claire, what's this? What's this? What's this?
Alex: She doesn't talk, Daddy.

Alex: Can I dust with you, Mommy?

Daddy: Alex, what did Daddy string you up like?
Alex: A string bean.

Alex: I got all those.
Daddy: All those?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: All those what?
Alex: All those books and toys and animals.

Alex: You wanna hide by the chair?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And I will find you.

(Alex runs into his room.)
Alex: I love my daddy!
(Alex gives Daddy a big hug.)
Alex: I love my mommy!
(Alex gives Mommy a big hug.)
(Alex runs out of the room.)
(Alex runs into his room.)
Alex: I love my daddy!
(Alex gives Daddy a big hug.)
Alex: I love my mommy!
(Alex gives Mommy a big hug.)
(Alex runs out of the room.)

Alex: I see boys playing... what are they playing?
Daddy: Baseball.
Alex: They're playing baseball. What are they playing? What's that saying? What's the baseball saying?

Daddy: Alex, I had a bad day at work.
Alex: What you had?
Daddy: I had a bad day at work.
Alex: You (mumble) no have friends?

Alex: Daddy, I had a bad day at school.
Daddy: What?
Alex: I had a bad day at school.
Daddy: What happened?
Alex: I don't know.

Daddy: What did you do at school today?
Alex: There was a cat(?) And somebody take it back to the store.
Daddy: What did they take to the store?
Alex: They take the bouncy house to the store.

(The following remarks were made while Mommy read Alex a Thomas book. Mommy’s replies are omitted.)

Alex: What's Gordon saying?

Alex: James, what's James saying?

Alex: What's Thomas saying?

Alex: Where -- where -- where's the driver?

Alex: What's Percy saying?

Alex: What's the crane saying?

Alex: What's –what's the bird saying?

Alex: What's Thomas saying?

Alex: Is he falling it?

Alex: He wants to do it.

Alex: What's Percy and Henry Gordon James -- where are they?

Alex: And where's Harold the Helicopter?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

That was a really loud dolphin.

Alex: It’s not wet and no poop and no geese and no goss. We put goss in the car, Daddy. We put goss in the car.

Mommy: Give me a hug.
Alex: I'm gonna give you a big hug.
Mommy: A bear hug.
Alex: A bear hug.

Alex: There's a bird in Oakley’s yard.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Claire, can you say “more”?
Alex: She doesn’t talk, Daddy. She will get bigger and she will talk.

Mommy: Tell Daddy what you did today.
Alex (to Mommy): What did you do today?
Mommy: Tell Daddy what you did.
Alex (to Mommy): What you did!

Mommy: Tell Daddy what you had for snack today.
Alex: Dirt cups.
Daddy: Dirt cups?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: And worms.

(Alex shrieks.)
Daddy (to Claire): Did you hear that, Claire? Did you do that?
Alex: That was a really loud dolphin.

(song time)
Alex: I wanna sing the squirrel song and Daddy took him to school.
Mommy: The squirrel?
Alex: Yeah. And and he went to see the squirrel's friends.

(bed time)
Alex: What do you wanna do? Do you wanna go to sleep and get up and eat breakfast and go to school, and – and watch TV?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You hear that? That was a googah.

Alex: You wanna do basketball or baseball? You wanna play baseball, Daddy?

Alex: I wanna go downstairs and watch TV. I wanna watch Clifford. I wanna watch Clifford.

Alex: It's Tuesday. It's Tuesday.
Daddy: Oh yeah? It's Wednesday.
Alex: It's Wednesday 'cause it's Saturday. Brady's party is Saturday.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I wanna play in the bases houses.
Daddy: The bases houses?
Alex: Yeah, the bases houses.
Daddy: What's the bases houses?
Alex: You throw the ball in the bases houses. You throw the ball to the trees and books and the gate.

Alex: Stop it! Stop it! She growled at me.
Daddy: It’s okay, that’s how she talks.
Alex: She screamed at me. Tell her no. Tell her no, Daddy.

(Claire falls.)
Alex: You okay, Claire?

(The Today Show is on.)
Alex: I wanna watch Clifford, turn that commercial off.

Alex: You went to work. You have to go back to work.

Alex: What's Percy spitting out?

Alex: I have to find a rock first.

Alex: Mommy, I found a rock!

(dinner time)

(Alex rips his grilled cheese sandwich in half.)
Alex: Put it back on, Daddy.
Daddy: I can't.
Alex: Please.

(Alex makes a noise with his milk cup.)
Alex: You hear that? That was a googah.
Mommy: Was that a googah?
Alex: No that was my milk.

Daddy: If you could have dinner with a famous person, who would it be?
Alex: Um, a man.
Daddy: A man? Why?
Alex: He talks.

Alex: Mommy’s gonna take me a bath. Mommy’s gonna take me a bath, Daddy.
Daddy: I'm gonna give you a bath.
Alex: No! Mommy’s gonna take me a bath!

(bath time)

Alex: Look, my leg has boo-boos on it.
Daddy: It does. Where did you get all those boo-boos?
Alex: From Mommy and Daddy and Claire and Grommie.

(Alex gets water in his eyes.)
Alex: I need a towel.

Alex: The seal wants to hide in the soap.

Alex: You spit something out, sheep. That's not nice to to people.

Alex: I want some more fresh water, Daddy.

Alex: You wanna do now? You wanna go to bouncy houses?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Claire rolled down the stairs.

Alex: Claire rolled, Mommy. Claire rolled down the stairs.

Alex: You put your feet on the chair and I will fall down from you.

Alex: I felled from the chair.
Daddy: I know, that was scary.
Alex: And you comed in and pick me up.

Alex: I don't see anybody outside.
Daddy: Me neither.
Alex: Somebody have to go to bed, ‘cause it’s late. ‘Cause it’s late.

Alex: You fall down from Mommy and you get up. And you do it again.

Alex: It’s not Brady’s birthday. It’s not today.

Alex: You sleep and I will go in the cave. Of you.

(song time)

Alex: Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: I wanna sing gah gah gah gah goo goo goo ah ah ah ah.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ah na na na na na!!!

Claire (upset): Ah na na na na na!!!

Alex: Remember that, Daddy?
Daddy: Remember what?
Alex: Remember Mommy had to pee really really bad. For I have to stay outside and I have to was staying outside and crying.

Alex: What's called this book?

Alex: And we gonna go to school and take the birthday coach and Thomas and I will show all my friends.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's okay, Claire. Don't be scared.

Alex: There's another cookie. Can I eat this cookie?

Alex: Here's your monkey, daddy.

Alex: I listen Daddy, I listen. I listen to Mommy and Daddy.

Alex: I'm not gonna get hurt, Daddy.

(In the car on the way to Costco)

Alex: We’re going to a big big store. I'm not gonna be scared. I’m not gonna be scared, Mommy.

Alex: It’s Father’s Day, Daddy.
Daddy: It is? What do you do on Father’s Day?
Alex: Um, Thursday.

Daddy: Who's your father, Alex?
Alex: Maybe little chicks.
Daddy: Little chicks?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: What’s your father’s name?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: Alex, I’m your father.
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: So what's your father’s name?
Alex: Daddy.

(Inside Costco)

Alex (as we pass the noisy refrigerator): It’s okay, Claire. Don't be scared.

Alex: Look at the big ceiling, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: It’s really big.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Look at the big stuff.

(in the backyard)
Daddy: What are you gonna do with that ball, Alex?
Alex: I'm gonna throw it on the deck.
Daddy: Oh, okay.
Alex: Deck, catch!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My birthday is Thursday.

(Alex watches the bouncy house inflate.)
Alex: It blowed up up up up. Look what it did! It blowed up!

Daddy: Did you have a good time at the party?
Alex: Yeah. I wanna go to another party.
Alex: I wanna go to my party.

Alex: Where's Rory, Isabelle and Sydney and Brady, where's they are?

Alex: I wanna go see Sydney and Rory and Brady and Isabelle again.
Daddy: Did you have fun?
Alex: Yeah.

(In the car after the party, Alex discusses his balloon.)
Alex: Claire has to (mumble).
Daddy: Claire has to what?
Alex: Claire will have a turn and I will have a turn.

Alex: I wanna look at something, I wanna look at pictures of them people.

(dinner time)

Alex: Chew your food, Daddy.

Alex (to Claire): You made a mess. Mommy has to clean that up.

Daddy: Whose birthday was it?
Alex: Alex and Sydney’s.
Mommy: It was Sydney’s birthday. Alex’s birthday is in December.
Alex: My birthday is Thursday.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Put pants on...

Alex (putting on his pants): One foot... Two foots... Put pants on... Pull them up... Pull the back... The other side... Help, Daddy.

Alex: I'm okay, Daddy.

Alex: I need the squirt.

Daddy: Beep beep.
Alex: Start start.
Daddy: What’s that mean?
Alex: You say it.
Daddy: Start start.
Alex: What’s that mean? (laughs)

Alex: You wanna hide with me? You wanna hide with me? You wanna hide with me Daddy?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

You broke my truck...

Alex: Grandma's in the yard, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Grandma's in the yard workin'.

(Daddy washes off Alex's truck tattoo in the bath.)
Alex (disbelievingly): You broke my truck... You broke my truck... You broke my truck... You broke my truck...

Alex: I'm gonna tell Mommy thank you for making my band-aid.

(Alex takes his temperature.)
Mommy: What is it?
Alex: Seventy-four.
Mommy: Seventy-four?
Mommy (to Daddy): Earlier it was thirty-nine.

Alex: Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: I'm sorry I hurt you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That's not a man. That's a pie!

(Waking up Alex in the morning)
Alex: Let's read a book and I will go back to sleep when I’m done.

Alex: Look Daddy, that's the weed whacker.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: And that's the ladder. You don’t climb on it ‘cause those are Mommy and Daddy and Claire’s and Grommie’s. And they’re not for big boys.

Alex: I'm gonna see the wet.
Daddy: The wet?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Where's the wet?
Alex: It’s outside in my backyard.

Alex: Mommy? Will you crawl with me downstairs?
Mommy: Crawl? Okay.
Alex: You put your hands on the floor, and I will crawl with you.

Daddy: What did you do today, Alex?
Alex: I don’t know.
Alex: I drew a picture with Meg.

Alex: That's not a man. That's a pie!

Daddy: Alex, can you read?
Alex: Change the – I wanna watch Super Why.
Daddy: Alex, can you read?
Alex: Change the story.

Alex: You be a crab and I’ll be a monkey.

Alex: I know how to sing. I know how to sing.
(Alex sings Twinkle Twinkle.)
Mommy and Daddy: Yay, that was so good!
Alex: Oh you stop it.

Alex: Can I jump? Can I jump off the mat?
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex jumps off the mat.)
Daddy: Good jump!
Alex: Can I jump off the rug?
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex jumps off the rug.)
Daddy: Good jump!
Alex: I jump off things.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: I jump off the mat and off the rug.

Daddy: Alex, if you were going to a desert island and you could take only one thing, what would it be?
Alex: Um a watch.

Daddy: Alex if you could be a monkey or a squirrel, which would you be?
Alex: A squirrel.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: ‘Cause I hop to the trees.

(song time)
Alex: The lion song and he went to the playground and he went to the store and then he climbed up the wall.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You stop it, I wanna be loud again.

Alex: It's time to wake up and go downstairs, Daddy. Night time's over.

(in the car on the way to school)
Alex: I wanna look at things.
Daddy: Okay, let's look at things.
Alex: I see signs.
Daddy: I see trees.
Alex: I see bushes.
Daddy: I see cars.

(playing trains)

Alex: Grommie’s licking the track.
Daddy: What's Grommie doing?
Alex: He's licking the track.
Daddy: Oh, what should Daddy do?
Alex: You have to tell him. Not licking the track.

Alex: ‘Scuse me, Grommie. Claire, ‘scuse me Claire.

Alex: The trains have to go over the bridge and 'cross the mountain.

Alex: Oh no! They went faster and faster and the train flew off the track.

Alex: Robot! Come back robot!

Alex: Go away! You're not a robot.
Robot: I am a robot.
Alex: No. You're Mommy.

(dinner time)

Daddy: Where’d you get that sandwich?
Alex: From dinner.
Alex: Who got me this dinner?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Mommy did.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Thank you, Mommy.
Mommy: You’re welcome.
Alex: Okay. Bye.

Alex: I want some more applesauce.
Daddy (to Mommy): Don't you like it when people ask nicely?
Mommy: And not just shouting one word.
Alex: May I have some applesauce please?
Mommy: Oh, what a nice boy.
Alex: You stop it, I wanna be loud again.

(looking at pictures)
Alex: What's Claire doing? There’s Grandma… Grandpa… Claire. Look there’s Grandpa. Alex and Daddy. Claire and Daddy. That’s Grandma.
Mommy: What? That's Claire!

(story time)

Mommy: Beep beep.
Alex: Start start.
Mommy: What does that mean?
Alex: You say it.
Mommy: Start start.
Alex: What does that mean? (laughs)

(looking at Alex’s picture book)
Alex: A bear… Alex… Alex… That’s Alex... That’s Grandma… Alex in the jumparoo. A dog. A dog. Alex and Mommy, and Daddy and Grommie, and they put the tree in the hole... ‘Cause Alex went to the pool.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daddy, you wanna look for things?

(Daddy goes into Alex’s room to wake him up in the morning.)
Alex: I'm takin’ a little nap.

Alex (after having shown Claire how to gesture “all done”): She has to get bigger and she can talk, Daddy.

Alex (giving trains to Claire): These are for you. Here, Claire. I’m sharing, Daddy.

(Alex is watching videos with Mommy.)

Alex: I wanna see Alex he cries and he wants to open the door.

Alex: I wanna see Alex having a birthday.

(lunch time)

Alex: Daddy, you need to scoot me up to the table.

Alex: I see an ant.
Mommy: Oh great.
Alex: There it is! It went away.
Alex: There it is! It went away.
Alex: There it is! It went away.
Alex: There it is!
Alex: It went under the chair. I see it!

Alex: Eat this!

Mommy: Alex, if you had to be hot all the time or cold all the time, which would you choose?
Alex: Cold all the time.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: Noise.

Mommy: Alex, if you had to be hungry all the time or tired all the time, which would you choose?
Alex: Hungry all the time.

Mommy: Alex, if you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Alex: I'd put it in the cabinet.

Alex (passing a former construction site): Where's the dirt? Where's the big pile of dirt?

(in the car, driving home from the park)

Alex: We need to eat dinner, Mommy.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: We have to get home. To our house.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: It’s hot outside.

Alex: I wanna look for things.
Alex: Daddy, you wanna look for things?
Daddy: You wanna look for things?
Alex: Yeah. Please Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I see trees and bushes.

(dinner time)

Mommy (to Daddy): There more spaghetti and bread if you want it.
Alex: There's some more spaghetti, and there's some bread... For you Daddy.

Daddy: Grommie does a good job, doesn't he?
Alex: He eats all the food.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: He eats all my food that's on the floor.

Daddy: Alex, what would you take on a desert island?
Alex: I wanna take food on a desert island.
Daddy: You would take food?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: That's a good idea.

Alex: The button went over to the other noise it said boom goat boom goat.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hm. There's so many things to do.

Alex (pointing to trains): That's his Daddy, and Mommy, and Claire.
Daddy: Oh okay, I like that.
Alex: That's a family.

Daddy: You ready to get down?
Alex: Yeah and play trains and we will go upstairs and take a nap okay Daddy?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And we will go to Peyton’s house.

(playing trains)

Duck: Hm. There's so many things to do.

Alex: What's Duck gonna do now? What's Duck gonna do now? What's he gonna do now?

Alex: That hill’s too slippery. That hill’s too slippery. Its too (mumble) for Duck to go down the hill. (mumble) leaves. ‘Cause he can't.

Alex: He slipped down the hill ‘cause there was leaves on it. He slipped down the hill ‘cause there was leaves on it. He saw leaves on it Daddy.
Daddy: Oh yeah?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: Whoa!
Duck: Thank you Alex.

Alex: Harold go to fly in the sky. And he fly down. To the airport.
Alex: ‘Cause Thomas was gonna play with Duck. I wanna find Duck. Where’d Duck go? Where’d Duck go? Where’d Duck go? Where’d the Duck go? Where’d the Duck go? Where’d the Duck go?
Alex: This is Duck? No. This is Duck? No. This is Duck? No. This is Duck? No.
Alex: Maybe this is Duck.

Alex: I can't eat peanuts, Daddy. I can't eat peanuts. I'm allergic to peanuts, Daddy.

Daddy: It’s Peyton’s birthday, what are you gonna say to him?
Alex: Um, it’s your birthday.

Mommy: Mommy has to get gas.
Alex: I will wait for you, okay Mommy?

Alex: I need my birthday.

Alex: It’s my birthday, Daddy.

Alex: I had a cookie and ice cream.

(bed time)

Alex: I wanna go in the backyard and play in the playroom and go in the backyard and play in the playroom... And go in the backyard and play in the playroom... And play trains and go bye-bye.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: What do you wanna do now?

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Is Alex in the stroller?"

Alex: I wanna see Gordon And The Trouble With Mud. We have it.
Daddy: We do? Where do we have it?
Alex: On the music.
Daddy: On the music? We have a book about Gordon And The Trouble With Mud.
Alex: No I saw Gordon And The Trouble With Mud on the computer.

Alex: You can't go to work. You have to be home.

Alex: I have to find a rock.

Alex: You have to find me.
Daddy: I have to find you? But you’re not even hiding. I see you! I found you!
Alex: You have to look for me. “Is Alex in the stroller?”

Alex: I dropped my water in the mulch.
Daddy: Well you better go get it.
Alex: It went in the mulch. Will you brush it off?
Daddy: Sure, I’ll brush it off.
Alex: It get all dirty. It rolled and rolled and and and it popped into the mulch. It rolled in the weeds.

(dinner time)

Alex: You want some blueberries?
Alex: I can't hear you.
Alex: Please.
Alex: Okay. Here's one.

Alex: I want something else.
Mommy: Toast?
Alex: How ‘bout some more sour cream.

Alex: You reading your magazine about Thomas?

Alex (singing): Baseball for me. Heee. Baseball for me. Play baseball.

Alex (with his toast): Choo choo choo choo it’s a engine! Choo choo choo.

Alex: Grommie is here to see the AlphaPig and the other boy where’d that. Happy to see that is going from the dog (nonsense singing)

Alex: I bite you.

Alex: I just pooped.
Daddy: Who just pooped?
Alex: It’s in my diaper I have to take my diaper after we play trains.

Alex: I'm okay Daddy, I just slipped. I hurt my foot on my stool. On my stool Daddy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

That hurts my ears, Claire.

Daddy: What did you do today?
Alex: I played with Grandma.

(washing hands)
Alex: I'm getting aaaaall the train germs off.

(dinner time)

Claire: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Alex: That hurts my ears, Claire.

Alex: My pasta’s going away.
Daddy: Where's your pasta going?
Alex: Back in my mouth. Back in the dark.

Alex (regarding Claire’s tray): She made a mess.

Spoon: Hi, water.
Mommy: We haven't done this in a long time.
Spoon: wanna go to the animal store.
Water: You wanna go to the animal store?
Spoon (going backwards): I'm going backwards.
Spoon (going forwards): I'm going forwards.

(Alex is looking at calendar pictures from last June.)
Alex: We went to the hospital to get Claire out of Mommy’s tummy.

Bertie: Thank you.
Other Bertie: You’re welcome.
(One Bertie bumps into the other Bertie.)
Bertie: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

(bed time)

(Mommy picks up Alex.)
Alex: I'm heavy, Mommy.
Mommy: I know.

Alex: I wanna go in the backyard and play in the playroom and go in the backyard and play in the playroom and go… play trains.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some bees to come.

Daddy: If you could have dinner with any three people, past or present, who would you choose?
Alex: People.
Daddy: People? What if we include fictional characters?
(Alex mumbles.)
Alex: I need some characters.

(Daddy is playing with the light switch.)
Alex: That's not a toy, Daddy.

(Daddy is filling up the dog food container.)
Alex: Dump it in the bowl.

Alex: I'm done hiding in the pillows.

Alex: Get me out of here ‘cause I need to find a good spot.

Alex: I gonna step on your Blackberry.

Alex (in his funny voice): No! You not gonna play with your Blackberry any more. I gonna take your Blackberry.

Alex: I need the wagon out of the kitchen.

Alex: I wanna look at pictures with you Daddy.
Daddy: Okay, let's look at pictures.
Alex: I wanna see the bath one.
Daddy: Which one?
Alex: The bath one. The babies in the bath singing bath bath bath. I wanna see that one.

(Alex is watching Daddy’s computer boot up.)
Alex: Come off rectangle! There's a triangle on you.
Daddy: Maybe you should ask it nicely.
Alex: Please.
Alex: It worked!

Daddy: Alex, if you had three heads – one on the left, one on the right, and one in the middle – which head would be your favorite?
Alex: Um... Some bees to come.

Daddy: Alex, if you could have two noses or two mouths, which would you prefer?
Alex: Um… two mouths.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: ‘Cause you have to get some gate for fly in the sky!

Alex: I need more library books.

Alex: I wanna wake up you Mommy.

Daddy: Are you a rag doll?
Mommy: Are you the muffin man?
Alex: No.
Daddy: You the muffin man.
Alex: I'm a genius.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


(Daddy and Alex are leaving for work and school.)
Claire: Dah-doh.

Alex: Claire growled at me.
Mommy: She growled?
Alex: She screamed at me.

Alex: Claire growled at me.
Mommy: Did she growl?
Alex: No she laughed. She cried. She went on the bus.
(Mommy and Daddy laugh.)
Alex (embarrassed): Stop it.

Alex: I stepped on the pasta, Daddy.

Alex: I wanna chase you, Mommy.

Alex: Come in the backyard, Daddy.

(bed time)
Alex: Daddy I wanna go on the playground and the backyard and play trains and go to the playground.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I made Claire laugh, Daddy.

Alex: I made Claire laugh, Daddy.

Alex: Mommy?
Mommy: Yeah?
Alex: I wanna give you a kiss and a hug.

(Alex is looking at oil spots in the garage.)
Alex: Look, Mommy! It's a boy. It's a boy... there are his eyes and there's his mouth. He's cute.

Alex: I wanna do some... I don’t know... How ‘bout... Play in the playroom... Let's play over here. Let’s play over here. Let’s play over here.

Daddy: This is Daddy’s watch. What does it say?
Alex: Beep.
Daddy: Beep. Okay, what do you see?
Alex: Words.
Daddy: Yeah, words. What letters and numbers do you see?
Alex: A “B”.
Daddy: And what else?
Alex: A “E”.
Daddy: What else?
Alex: A circle.
Daddy: What else?
Alex: I see a boy!

Alex: I wanna go play with Claire.

Daddy: Will you tell Claire you’re sorry?
Alex: I gonna go give her a hug and a kiss.

Alex: They're flying kites.
Daddy: Who else flies kites?
Alex: I do, and Meg and Ginna. And Grandma.

Alex: What's called this book is?
Daddy: What’s called this book is?
Alex: I don’t know.

Alex: I'm be angry in my room.
Daddy: You're gonna be angry in your room?
Alex: I'm be angry in my room. And sad. And mad.

Alex: There's a bird on the yard. It’s getting late.
Daddy: It’s getting late?
Alex: Somebody have to go to bed. And the birds and the animals. And the ducks.
Alex: ‘Cause it’s berry, berry, berry, berry late.
Alex: It’s all late.

(song time)

Mommy: What song should we sing?
Alex: James and Duck went to the trains yard.

Mommy: What do you want to sing?
Alex: The tiger song and the tiger went in the big book and he went to the playground and he climbed up the wall.

Mommy: What do you want to sing?
Alex: The foot song and Daddy’s foots felled off and he went to the playground.
(Daddy sings.)
Alex: And he puts his foot back on and Mommy helps.

Alex: I wanna play trains and go in the backyard and go to the playroom.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: What do you wanna do now?
Daddy: I want to go to sleep.
Alex: I wanna go to the playground after nap.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm happy, Mommy.

(Daddy gets Alex up from nap.)
Daddy: Did Alex have a good nap?
Alex: I'm sleeping, Daddy.

Mommy: If you’re still hungry, you can have some Goldfish.
Alex: I want some Goldfish.
Alex: It’s yummy, Daddy.
Daddy: What is?
Alex: Goldfish is yummy.

Alex: Daddy sa – Mommy’s gonna get me another Bertie!

Daddy: Can you get those other puzzle pieces Alex? We might need them.
Alex: I can’t get them, I’m too busy.

Farmer: I will fall down and I will hurt my arm I will get some ice okay.

(at the park)

Alex: I'm happy, Mommy.

Mommy: I don't know what kind of tree that is.
Daddy: It’s a greenball tree.
Alex: Greenball tree.
Alex: I'm not green. I'm blue.

Alex: I don't wanna go home!

Alex: What's that?
Daddy: What are you looking at? Oh, that's a tower. An electric tower.
Alex: Who built it?

(Mommy sneezes.)
Alex: Bless you Mommy.

(The following remarks were made while Alex played with his doodle pad in the car. Mommy’s and Daddy’s remarks are omitted.)

Alex: A rocking chair.
Alex: I made a circle.
Alex: A tree.
Alex: I made a dog.
Alex: I made a big circle.
Alex: That's a Y.
Alex: That's a octopus.
Alex: A monkey.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hi, Elly.

Alex: Look Daddy, I have a outfit!

Mommy: You want me to string you up like a string bean?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: Daddy, can you string up me… string bean?

(playing with toys)

Ernie: You go to sleep in your bed and I will bump my mouth. Oooh I’m slipping! I bumped my mouth.
Bert: I’m sleeping.
Ernie: You have to wake up ‘cause I have to get ice for my mouth and you go in the backyard. Okay Bert.

Bert: Oh I bumped my head. I needs some ice.
Ernie: No. You can’t.
Bert: Ernie will you get me some ice?
Ernie: No. I’m very busy. I’m very busy Bert.

Alex: I need a diaper for the elephant to walk and he will bump his head.

Alex: I see Pooh Bear.
Daddy: Oh where is he?
Alex: It’s up high I d—d—Daddy — I the gate.

Dog: Maybe they'll let me play on the track.
Bert: You can’t play on it ‘cause there’s ants on it.
Dog: There’s ants on it?
Bert: Yeah. You have to get off so they can get by.

Daddy: What's that?
Alex: It’s a googah.
Daddy: It’s a googah? Where is it?
Alex: It’s back for the gate.
Daddy: It’s back for the gate? Where?
Alex: It’s back for the backyard. The – the deck broke.
Daddy: The deck broke?
Alex: Yeah we have to fix it later.
Daddy: Where did the deck broke?
Alex: ‘Cause we have to fix it later.

(Daddy burps.)
Alex: Uh-oh, there's a lion coming.

Alex: Can I put groceries with you Mommy?

Alex: I'm a big helper.

(nap time)
Alex: Daddy I wanna talk to you.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Daddy, Mommy will come in and she will give me a kiss.
Daddy: Yes she will.
Alex: I will wait.

(Mommy notices that Alex has two Ellies in his bed at naptime.)
Mommy: You have two Ellies.
Alex (just now noticing): I have two Ellies.

One Elly: Hi, Elly.
Other Elly: Hi, Elly.

(Daddy wakes up Alex.)
Alex: Mommy, I want to go to the playground.
Daddy: You do?
Alex: Daddy, I want to go to the playground.
Daddy: Mommy wants us to go to the library.
Alex: No, I wanna go to the playground.
Daddy: We can go to the library playground.
Alex: Yeah! I will go down... the yellow slide. And Mommy will spin. And I will get on... What will I get on Daddy?

Alex: The man’s walking home!! From school!

Alex: The bird flew from the tree…. ‘Cause he flew to the other tree…. ‘Cause I couldn’t see him.

Alex: Daddy, I have two Ellies.

Alex: I wanna go to the library.
Daddy: Okay, let's go to the library.
Alex: You have to take my books back... for the mans. At the library.

Alex: The TV’s on.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: What are they doing?
Daddy: They’re playing baseball.
Alex: Like I play baseball.

Alex: You okay Claire? I’m gonna give her a hug.

Alex: Thank you for get my Elly, Daddy.
Daddy: You’re welcome.
Alex: For my nap… (mumble) I had two Ellies.

(Alex slides down the slide. Mommy and Daddy clap.)
Mommy: Yay!
Daddy: Good job, Alex!
Alex: Thanks Mommy and Daddy.
(Alex slides down the slide. Mommy claps.)
Mommy: Yay!
Alex: Thanks Mommy.
Alex: Daddy, you wanna clap?

(Alex reads books at the library)

Alex: What called this book is?
Daddy: Birthday Surprise.
(Alex reads.)
Alex: One day there was a bear and he had a birthday surprise. And then there was a (mumble). And then they would play all day. He was very tired…. And then what happened to the bear….? He dropped his hat…. And then…. And then what happened to the bear? And then what happened to the bear? And then what happened to the bear?
Daddy: I don’t know.

(Alex reads another book.)
Alex: One day there was…. And then there was a man with a hat…. Where’s that man going? He’s going to the cat. He’s going to the cat. Okay. He’s going to the street…. One day the snake would take a nap. And he would take a nap. ‘Cause he was in the tree…. One day…. And the -- the snake was looking…. And then…. The snake saw something…. And he was coming out…. There's the snake and the rabbit was. The bunny was (mumble). You can’t (mumble)…. And then the rabbit looked in the window and see the snake. And then she saw the snake. And then there was a snake (mumble)…. And then the rabbit looked to see what the snake was doing. And then the snake was tired and the rabbit and the snake was very happy…. And then the rabbit and the snake read the book. And then the rabbit and the snake went to sleep.
Alex: I like this book.

(Alex reads another book.)
Alex: And then he saw the kangaroo…. And the one day they went in the house and there was a train. And it said choo choo…. The pig was looking at the boy. And then the man was wearing a hat. And then the man come to see – to see the pig. And to see the chickens…. And the pig didn’t want to see the man…. And then the man came back…. And then the train – there was a train on it – and the train (mumble)…. And walked to the window and over to the window. And then…. That’s the end, Daddy. That’s the end!

Alex: What’s this called this book?
Daddy: Roxaboxen.
Alex: Roxaboxen.
(Alex reads.)
Alex: The Roxaboxen…. One day girls didn’t… Come…. Then they went in the houses…. And then (mumble)…. And then I (mumble) to the girl ‘cause the girl sit. And then the boy was going the girl…. One day the man went back…. And then this is the end. And then that’s the end Daddy? That’s the end.

Alex: I wanna read another book.
Daddy: This book is called “Oops: A Preston Pig Story”.
Alex: Oops.
(Alex reads.)
Alex: There was a dog and there was another dog. Then the dog went to the -- that dog. And then the dog went to sleep (mumble)…. And then the dog and more – more dogs…. And then there was a…. The dog was angry…. He said “oops!”…. Oops!

Alex: What's this called the book?
Alex: Then there was a potty poo-poo wee-wee and he was…. And then there was a dinosaur…. And there was that dinosaur too…. What was that -- that was – what was that? What was that? And then that dinosaur went to sleep…. And there was another dinosaur…. And then there was another dinosaur….
Alex: Mommy’s here! I wanna go see her.

Alex: Mommy gonna come in. And I gonna wake her up.
Daddy: Yeah, we can hide..
Alex: I gonna get her a pillow.
Alex: And it gonna be last time.
Daddy: It'll be the last time?
Alex: And another last time.

Alex: Mommy? She gets swelled and hurt from the peanuts. And she get swelled and hurt and hives from the peanuts.
Mommy: That's right! She gets hives.
Alex: I know that word.

(song time)

Alex: Um, sing Daddy and Mommy and Alex and Claire and – and Grommie.
(Mommy sings.)
Alex: I wanna sing the star song.
Mommy: You mean like Twinkle Twinkle?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy (singing): Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Mommy (singing): How I wonder what you are
Mommy (singing): Up above the world so high
Mommy (singing): Like a diamond in the sky
Mommy (singing): Tw—

Alex: Like a triangle in the sky.

Alex: I wanna sing couch song.

Alex: You put my library books on the - wow Daddy that's neat.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Get off the couch.

(the middle of the night)
Alex: I need man. It dropped down out of the bed.

(Alex’s shirt is wet from the rain.)
Alex: Get off rain!
Daddy: Get off rain!
Alex: It did. It get off.

Alex: I can see Nana after school. And I gonna play with her.

Alex: Daddy, you can go to work.
Daddy: Thanks, Alex.
Alex: And Mommy can go to work too.

Alex: You can’t lie on the sidewalk.
Daddy: What? You can’t lie on the sidewalk?
Alex: You can’t lie on the sidewalk. ‘Cause you have to lie on the street.
Daddy: Lie?
Alex: Yeah.

(in the rain)
Alex: My shirt’s getting all wet.

Alex: You can’t lie on the sidewalk ‘cause you have to lie on the street.

(entering school)
Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I gonna be nice to my friends.

(Alex is talking to Daddy on the phone.)
Alex: Hi, Daddy.
Daddy: Hi, Alex. What are you doing?
Alex: I'm playing in the kitchen.
Daddy: You're playing in the kitchen?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Daddy's on the phone.
Alex: Yeah. You gonna come home from work?

Alex: I wanna go with you Daddy.
Daddy: You do? Where do you wanna go?
Alex: I wanna go to the party.

Alex: (mumble) and Brady and Sydney were there.
Daddy: Who?
Alex: Brady and Sydney were there.
Daddy: Yeah. Who else?
Alex: The boys and the girls.

Alex: I had fun at the party.

Alex: I wanna go home and see Mommy.
Daddy: Let's go home and see Mommy. And you can tell her what you did at the party.
Alex: I throwed the pillows and knocked down the cans.

Alex: And Diego and Baby Jaguar and river dolphin. And he's going way faster.

Alex: (mumble) Daisy. We have to see your friends.
Alex: I got a dinosaur.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Come downstairs and -- and play with me.

Alex: I wanna go in the playroom.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You wanna come with me?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Get off the couch.

Thomas: I need my friend, Big Thomas.

(Daddy is talking on the phone to Ernie.)
Alex: I wanna say hi to Bert.

(song time)

Alex: I wanna hear buh-buh, bah-bah, oh-oh.
Mommy: You must be really tired.
Alex: Sing oh-oh, bah-bah, eh-eh.
(Mommy sings.)
Alex: Sing the book felled over the house and he went and hide from the big book.
Mommy: What happened?
Alex: The book felled over the house and he went and hide from the big book.
(Mommy sings.)
Mommy: And then what?
Alex: He go back in the door and back downstairs and he go see the big book. And he go to school.
Daddy: What?
Alex: And the mans came.
Daddy: The mans came?
Alex: The mans came and (mumble).
Mommy: Do you want Daddy to sing or Mommy to sing?
Alex: Daddy and Mommy to sing.
Mommy (to Daddy): I started it.
(Daddy sings.)
Mommy: Let’s sing the button song.
Alex: That’s a song!
(Mommy sings.)
Alex: Mommy had to use the potty and she went to sleep. She went to sleep she… went to see Alex.
Mommy: She went to see Alex.
Alex: Yeah. And Claire and Grommie.
(Mommy sings.)
Daddy: Okay, one more song.
Alex: The potty went in the door and he went in the gate.
(Daddy sings.)

Alex: Mommy, I wanna go in the backyard and play in the playroom. What do you wanna do?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

You should wake up.

Claire (waving bye-bye): Dah-doh.

Alex: I will – I hurt my bottom yesterday.

Alex (to Mommy, about the garage door): It went up up up.

Daddy: Mommy’s gonna take you to school today.
Alex: Yeah. Not – you not gonna take me to school today.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: No. Mommy’s brushing her hair.
Daddy: She’s brushing her hair?
Alex: Yeah. After she’s done.

Alex: I hear water dripping.

(Alex and Claire crawl to Mommy.)
Mommy: My little ducklings.
(Alex goes away.)
Alex: Where’d that duckling go?

(Mommy is leaving for an appointment.)
Mommy: Let’s do kisses.
Alex: And hugs.
Mommy: And hugs.
(Mommy gives Alex a hug.)
Mommy: See you later.
Alex: And Daddy a hug.

Daddy: What did you do today?
Alex: I played in the playroom and I play trains with Claire.

Daddy: I’m tired.
Alex: You not tired.
Daddy: I’m tired.
Alex: No.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: No.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: No.
Daddy: If I’m not tired, what am I?
Alex: You should wake up.

Alex: I wanna go bye-bye.
Daddy: You do? Where do you want to go?
Alex: To the game store, and we can go to the playground.

(dinner time)
Claire: Dah doh! Dah dah dah dah!
Alex: You can’t eat it. You can’t eat – my food.

Alex: Lie on the fofa Daddy. Lie on the fofo!
Alex: And you hide in your blanket.

Alex: Get you head under you head.
Alex: And you hide with -- with your head.
Alex: You – you get your head to hide. Okay Daddy?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Get your head to hide.

Claire: Uh oh! Uh oh!

Alex: The track break, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh no, did Alex break the track?
Alex: Will you fix it Daddy?
Daddy: Well why did you break it?
Alex: Flying Scotsman did it. He did it.

Alex: Look at my ‘tato head!
Daddy: Very nice! I like it!
Alex: He has a mouth, and a nose, and ears, and eyes, and a hat.
Daddy: Very good!
Alex: And eyes!

Alex: I wanna wake you up.

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of McElligot's Pool. Mommy’s replies are mostly omitted.)

Alex: What's -- what's that man doing?

Alex: Uh, I wanna - uh Mommy? We need – we need to read --
Mommy: Are we reading this story?
Alex: The fish one.
Mommy: This is the fish one.
Alex: No.
Mommy: Okay, you want to get to the fish pages?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Okay.

Alex: What - what he's saying?

Alex: What - what's that?

Alex: What – what – what – what they put this – what they put this whale – what’s the whale doing – what’s that?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What he – what he – what he’s doing?

Alex (to Daddy): I don’t want you!!

Alex (to Mommy): I’m give you a kiss and a hug.

Alex: You little, Grommie.

Alex: I need some air.

Alex: We’re going to trains party.
Daddy: What?
Alex: We’re going to trains party.
Daddy: What’s a trains party?
Alex: Trains on the birthday track.

(playing in Alex's room)

Alex: I wanna hide.
Daddy: When Mommy comes in we’re gonna hide.
Alex: She gonna sleep and I gonna wake her up.
Daddy: Yeah, that will be fun.
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: And then what’s gonna happen?
Alex: And she… I waked you up.

Alex: Mommy, you sleep on the floor.
(Mommy sleeps.)
Alex: Aaaah!

Alex: I wanna hide again M—Daddy.
(Alex and Daddy hide. Mommy sleeps.)
Alex: Wake up!

(story time)

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of The Velveteen Rabbit. Mommy’s replies are mostly omitted.)

Alex: And -- and then he - and somebody puts him in a sack.

Alex: What -- what's that?
Mommy: That's the moon.
Alex: Like my moon.

Alex: There -- there's the moon again.

Alex: What -- what he's saying?
Alex: What – what he's – what he's doing?
Alex: What – what he’s saying on his mouth – and what he do – what’s that – what he – what he – I can’t say – what he – what he – what he just doing – what he’s doing?
(Mommy tells Alex what he’s doing.)
Mommy: Does that answer your question?

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of McElligot’s Pool. Mommy’s replies are mostly omitted.)

Alex: Who – who – who’s that?

Alex: What he – what he – what he’s doing?

Alex: What he – what he’s saying?

Alex: what he’s gonna say to the fish?

Alex: Who’s that?

Alex: He’s going. Where he’s going?
Mommy: They’re going to school.
Alex: And what are they saying?
Mommy: Glub glub.
Alex: Where they going?
Mommy: To school.
Alex: What are they doing.
Mommy: Okay….
(Mommy continues reading.)

Alex: What’s this – what’s that?

Alex: What’s that doing?

Alex: Wait.

Alex: Who’s that?

Alex: Where he’s going?

Alex: Where’s they going?

Alex: He wants to go in the house. He wants to go in the house.

Alex: What’s those whales doing?

Alex: Where’s they going through? Where’s they going through?

Alex: What's that doing?

Alex: What's that?

(song time)

Mommy: Okay Alex, what song do you want to sing?
Alex: Mommy lies on the floor and she walks.
Daddy: Where does she walk?
Alex: In the forest.
Alex: And Daddy and Claire and Grommie. Too.
Alex: And she tells them – and they go do something else. And go to the playground.

Mommy: What song do you want to sing?
Alex: Twinkle Twinkle. Um, ABCs.
(Mommy and Daddy sing the Super Why version of ABCs.)
Alex: We need to find the letter E. Where’s the E?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Alex: I played with Meg.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: What fun!
Alex: And Aunt Sheridan and Grandma.

(dinner time)

Mommy: Tell Daddy about the butterflies.
Alex: I saw one on the window. And I saw one on the door.

Daddy: Alex, what color is a blueberry?
Alex: I don’t know. Black.

Alex: I need some more chicken nuggets and sauce.
Mommy: What?
Alex: More chicken nuggets and sauce.
Alex: Okay? Okay Mommy?!

Alex: I - I gonna get my fork with those… with those green beans.

(Alex coughs.)
Alex: I’m okay, Daddy.

Elmo fork: I'm breaking you Zoe.
Zoe spoon: Stop Elmo.
Elmo fork: I can’t.
Elmo fork: Ah – you broke me Zoe.

Zoe spoon: You have a tummy.
Elmo fork: No I have a shower.
Zoe spoon: Okay. Okay. Let’s do something else.
Zoe spoon: I falled in the green beans Elmo.
Zoe spoon: I was very tired.
Elmo fork: Don’t talk to me… (mumble) scare me.
Elmo fork: I have a good idea… I gonna play with you.
Zoe spoon: See… (mumble) top of my water.
Zoe spoon: What are you doing?
Elmo fork: I’m walking on it.
(more mumbling)

Elmo fork: What are you doing?
Alex: What are you doing, cried Elmo.
Zoe spoon: I was takin’ a nap and (mumble).
Zoe spoon: Ummm… I was getting this on my water.
Elmo fork: (mumble) that was.

Alex: I need some yogrit, daddy. I need some yogrit. I want some yogrit.
Daddy: Okay, eat some green beans.
Alex: I need to have yogrit. I wanna have yogrit. Okay Daddy?

Alex: I wanna have yogrit, okay Daddy?

Alex: I wanna have a -- another banana. Okay Daddy? Okay?
Daddy: No, we’re not having any more bananas.
Alex: Can I have some yogrit?
Daddy: Okay, you can have some yogrit.
Alex: It’s in the fridge, Daddy.

Alex: It’s in the fridge.
Daddy: I'm getting it.

Alex: Daddy? I need some... yogrit.
Daddy: Okay, here it is.
Alex: Oh, there's some yogrit. Yogrit.

Alex: I went to see the butterflies and there was one on the door. It was on the door. And there was one on the windows.
Daddy: Yeah, what else?
Alex: I saw one on the bush.
Daddy: What else did you see, Alex?
Alex: I don’t know.

Daddy: Hey Alex, after dinner we’re gonna take a bath.
Alex: Okay.
Daddy: Are you all done?
Alex: No. I need yogrit. I getting another big bite.

Daddy: You ready to get down?
Alex: Yeah I – ‘cause I need my yogrit.

(bath time)

Seal: It’s a sunny day. It’s a sunny day.
(The cat makes rain fall on the seal.)
Seal: Aaaaahhhh!
Seal: I need a umbrella.
Cat: It was me, silly turtle!

Monday, June 1, 2009

C'mon Claire, let's go.

(in the car on the way to school)
Alex: Claire’s a big girl.

(playing blocks)

Alex: We hafta make a base?
Daddy: What?
Alex: We hafta make a base?

Daddy: What?
Alex: I have a good idea. We have to make a base.

Alex: It’s not working Daddy.
Daddy: It’s not? What's not working?
Alex: My nose.

Daddy: You are a smart boy, Alex.
Alex: Thank you Daddy.
Daddy: You’re welcome.

(dinner time)

Alex: What are you gonna get?
Alex: What are you gonna get on my plate?

Alex: The water went away in the dark.
Mommy: We’re having strawberries, Claire. That's a pear and that's a banana.
Alex: We’re having strawberries, Claire.
Alex: I need some strawberries!

Alex: Look, one pasta!

(Alex coughs.)
Alex: That was me.

Alex: Wow, this is a big broccoli.

(With fist raised by his head, presumably coincidentally?)
Alex: C’mon Claire, let’s go.

Claire: Stah-beh. Sah-beh.

Claire: Dah. Mmmmmm. Dah. Mmmmmmm.

Claire: Ah daaaa ah daaaa da. Aw weh
Alex: Aaaaah. Do doo ow weh.
Claire: Oowah oh.
(Alex mumbles.)
Claire: Aaaaaah!
Alex: Aaah!

Alex: I need -
Daddy: May I have some more strawberries please, Daddy?
Alex: May I have some more strawberries, Alex?

Claire: Daaaaa.
Daddy: Daaaaa.
Alex: Daaaaa.
Claire: Daaaaa.

Alex: You can’t have a golden egg.

Daddy: These are quite delicious.
Alex: No. Those are not quite delicious.

(Daddy pretends to drink.)
Daddy: Glug glug glug glug glug glug.
Alex: I wanna say it.
(Alex pretends to drink.)
Alex: Gwook. Gwook gook gook gook gook gook gook.

Alex: You can have a gouda gouda gouda picture.
Daddy: You can?
Alex: Yeah. You can have a gouda gouda picture. Door.

Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that, Daddy?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex (lauging): No!
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: What’s that?
Daddy: What’s what?
Alex: I don’t know.

Alex: I can't fall on the slide ‘cause it’s too slippery.

(playing in the backyard with the kiddie car)

Alex: I'm gonna do something else.
Daddy: Okay, what are you gonna do?
Alex: I gonna go the animal store.
Alex: Okay. Bye.

Daddy: Where are you going?
Alex: To my new house.
Daddy: All right, have fun at your new house.
Daddy: Bye.
Alex: Bye. See you later.

Daddy: Now where are you going?
Alex: I’m going to the bookstore.
Daddy: All right.

Alex: I didn't put goss in my car.

Alex: Look Daddy, I see the moon!

(Alex is rinsing soap bubbles off of his hand.)
Alex: There's a finger.
Alex: There’s two fingers.
Alex: There’s two fingers.
Alex: Uh-oh, what’s that? It’s a hand!

Daddy: You like towers, don't you?
Alex: Yeah. I gonna build a new tower. Mommy will be so happy!

(The following remarks were interspersed throughout Mommy’s reading of The Velveteen Rabbit. Mommy’s replies are omitted.)

Alex: What he gots?

Alex: What he doing?

Alex: He came to see the Velveteen Rabbit.

Alex: What he doing?

Alex: What he's doing?

Alex: What he's sitting?

Alex: What he's having?

Alex: What he saying?

Alex: Who had come to see the Velveteen Rabbit?

Alex: I -- I wanna see the grass.

Alex: What was that coming?