Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What he – what he – what he’s doing?

Alex (to Daddy): I don’t want you!!

Alex (to Mommy): I’m give you a kiss and a hug.

Alex: You little, Grommie.

Alex: I need some air.

Alex: We’re going to trains party.
Daddy: What?
Alex: We’re going to trains party.
Daddy: What’s a trains party?
Alex: Trains on the birthday track.

(playing in Alex's room)

Alex: I wanna hide.
Daddy: When Mommy comes in we’re gonna hide.
Alex: She gonna sleep and I gonna wake her up.
Daddy: Yeah, that will be fun.
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: And then what’s gonna happen?
Alex: And she… I waked you up.

Alex: Mommy, you sleep on the floor.
(Mommy sleeps.)
Alex: Aaaah!

Alex: I wanna hide again M—Daddy.
(Alex and Daddy hide. Mommy sleeps.)
Alex: Wake up!

(story time)

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of The Velveteen Rabbit. Mommy’s replies are mostly omitted.)

Alex: And -- and then he - and somebody puts him in a sack.

Alex: What -- what's that?
Mommy: That's the moon.
Alex: Like my moon.

Alex: There -- there's the moon again.

Alex: What -- what he's saying?
Alex: What – what he's – what he's doing?
Alex: What – what he’s saying on his mouth – and what he do – what’s that – what he – what he – I can’t say – what he – what he – what he just doing – what he’s doing?
(Mommy tells Alex what he’s doing.)
Mommy: Does that answer your question?

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of McElligot’s Pool. Mommy’s replies are mostly omitted.)

Alex: Who – who – who’s that?

Alex: What he – what he – what he’s doing?

Alex: What he – what he’s saying?

Alex: what he’s gonna say to the fish?

Alex: Who’s that?

Alex: He’s going. Where he’s going?
Mommy: They’re going to school.
Alex: And what are they saying?
Mommy: Glub glub.
Alex: Where they going?
Mommy: To school.
Alex: What are they doing.
Mommy: Okay….
(Mommy continues reading.)

Alex: What’s this – what’s that?

Alex: What’s that doing?

Alex: Wait.

Alex: Who’s that?

Alex: Where he’s going?

Alex: Where’s they going?

Alex: He wants to go in the house. He wants to go in the house.

Alex: What’s those whales doing?

Alex: Where’s they going through? Where’s they going through?

Alex: What's that doing?

Alex: What's that?

(song time)

Mommy: Okay Alex, what song do you want to sing?
Alex: Mommy lies on the floor and she walks.
Daddy: Where does she walk?
Alex: In the forest.
Alex: And Daddy and Claire and Grommie. Too.
Alex: And she tells them – and they go do something else. And go to the playground.

Mommy: What song do you want to sing?
Alex: Twinkle Twinkle. Um, ABCs.
(Mommy and Daddy sing the Super Why version of ABCs.)
Alex: We need to find the letter E. Where’s the E?

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