Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hi, Elly.

Alex: Look Daddy, I have a outfit!

Mommy: You want me to string you up like a string bean?
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: Daddy, can you string up me… string bean?

(playing with toys)

Ernie: You go to sleep in your bed and I will bump my mouth. Oooh I’m slipping! I bumped my mouth.
Bert: I’m sleeping.
Ernie: You have to wake up ‘cause I have to get ice for my mouth and you go in the backyard. Okay Bert.

Bert: Oh I bumped my head. I needs some ice.
Ernie: No. You can’t.
Bert: Ernie will you get me some ice?
Ernie: No. I’m very busy. I’m very busy Bert.

Alex: I need a diaper for the elephant to walk and he will bump his head.

Alex: I see Pooh Bear.
Daddy: Oh where is he?
Alex: It’s up high I d—d—Daddy — I the gate.

Dog: Maybe they'll let me play on the track.
Bert: You can’t play on it ‘cause there’s ants on it.
Dog: There’s ants on it?
Bert: Yeah. You have to get off so they can get by.

Daddy: What's that?
Alex: It’s a googah.
Daddy: It’s a googah? Where is it?
Alex: It’s back for the gate.
Daddy: It’s back for the gate? Where?
Alex: It’s back for the backyard. The – the deck broke.
Daddy: The deck broke?
Alex: Yeah we have to fix it later.
Daddy: Where did the deck broke?
Alex: ‘Cause we have to fix it later.

(Daddy burps.)
Alex: Uh-oh, there's a lion coming.

Alex: Can I put groceries with you Mommy?

Alex: I'm a big helper.

(nap time)
Alex: Daddy I wanna talk to you.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Daddy, Mommy will come in and she will give me a kiss.
Daddy: Yes she will.
Alex: I will wait.

(Mommy notices that Alex has two Ellies in his bed at naptime.)
Mommy: You have two Ellies.
Alex (just now noticing): I have two Ellies.

One Elly: Hi, Elly.
Other Elly: Hi, Elly.

(Daddy wakes up Alex.)
Alex: Mommy, I want to go to the playground.
Daddy: You do?
Alex: Daddy, I want to go to the playground.
Daddy: Mommy wants us to go to the library.
Alex: No, I wanna go to the playground.
Daddy: We can go to the library playground.
Alex: Yeah! I will go down... the yellow slide. And Mommy will spin. And I will get on... What will I get on Daddy?

Alex: The man’s walking home!! From school!

Alex: The bird flew from the tree…. ‘Cause he flew to the other tree…. ‘Cause I couldn’t see him.

Alex: Daddy, I have two Ellies.

Alex: I wanna go to the library.
Daddy: Okay, let's go to the library.
Alex: You have to take my books back... for the mans. At the library.

Alex: The TV’s on.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: What are they doing?
Daddy: They’re playing baseball.
Alex: Like I play baseball.

Alex: You okay Claire? I’m gonna give her a hug.

Alex: Thank you for get my Elly, Daddy.
Daddy: You’re welcome.
Alex: For my nap… (mumble) I had two Ellies.

(Alex slides down the slide. Mommy and Daddy clap.)
Mommy: Yay!
Daddy: Good job, Alex!
Alex: Thanks Mommy and Daddy.
(Alex slides down the slide. Mommy claps.)
Mommy: Yay!
Alex: Thanks Mommy.
Alex: Daddy, you wanna clap?

(Alex reads books at the library)

Alex: What called this book is?
Daddy: Birthday Surprise.
(Alex reads.)
Alex: One day there was a bear and he had a birthday surprise. And then there was a (mumble). And then they would play all day. He was very tired…. And then what happened to the bear….? He dropped his hat…. And then…. And then what happened to the bear? And then what happened to the bear? And then what happened to the bear?
Daddy: I don’t know.

(Alex reads another book.)
Alex: One day there was…. And then there was a man with a hat…. Where’s that man going? He’s going to the cat. He’s going to the cat. Okay. He’s going to the street…. One day the snake would take a nap. And he would take a nap. ‘Cause he was in the tree…. One day…. And the -- the snake was looking…. And then…. The snake saw something…. And he was coming out…. There's the snake and the rabbit was. The bunny was (mumble). You can’t (mumble)…. And then the rabbit looked in the window and see the snake. And then she saw the snake. And then there was a snake (mumble)…. And then the rabbit looked to see what the snake was doing. And then the snake was tired and the rabbit and the snake was very happy…. And then the rabbit and the snake read the book. And then the rabbit and the snake went to sleep.
Alex: I like this book.

(Alex reads another book.)
Alex: And then he saw the kangaroo…. And the one day they went in the house and there was a train. And it said choo choo…. The pig was looking at the boy. And then the man was wearing a hat. And then the man come to see – to see the pig. And to see the chickens…. And the pig didn’t want to see the man…. And then the man came back…. And then the train – there was a train on it – and the train (mumble)…. And walked to the window and over to the window. And then…. That’s the end, Daddy. That’s the end!

Alex: What’s this called this book?
Daddy: Roxaboxen.
Alex: Roxaboxen.
(Alex reads.)
Alex: The Roxaboxen…. One day girls didn’t… Come…. Then they went in the houses…. And then (mumble)…. And then I (mumble) to the girl ‘cause the girl sit. And then the boy was going the girl…. One day the man went back…. And then this is the end. And then that’s the end Daddy? That’s the end.

Alex: I wanna read another book.
Daddy: This book is called “Oops: A Preston Pig Story”.
Alex: Oops.
(Alex reads.)
Alex: There was a dog and there was another dog. Then the dog went to the -- that dog. And then the dog went to sleep (mumble)…. And then the dog and more – more dogs…. And then there was a…. The dog was angry…. He said “oops!”…. Oops!

Alex: What's this called the book?
Alex: Then there was a potty poo-poo wee-wee and he was…. And then there was a dinosaur…. And there was that dinosaur too…. What was that -- that was – what was that? What was that? And then that dinosaur went to sleep…. And there was another dinosaur…. And then there was another dinosaur….
Alex: Mommy’s here! I wanna go see her.

Alex: Mommy gonna come in. And I gonna wake her up.
Daddy: Yeah, we can hide..
Alex: I gonna get her a pillow.
Alex: And it gonna be last time.
Daddy: It'll be the last time?
Alex: And another last time.

Alex: Mommy? She gets swelled and hurt from the peanuts. And she get swelled and hurt and hives from the peanuts.
Mommy: That's right! She gets hives.
Alex: I know that word.

(song time)

Alex: Um, sing Daddy and Mommy and Alex and Claire and – and Grommie.
(Mommy sings.)
Alex: I wanna sing the star song.
Mommy: You mean like Twinkle Twinkle?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy (singing): Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Mommy (singing): How I wonder what you are
Mommy (singing): Up above the world so high
Mommy (singing): Like a diamond in the sky
Mommy (singing): Tw—

Alex: Like a triangle in the sky.

Alex: I wanna sing couch song.

Alex: You put my library books on the - wow Daddy that's neat.

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