Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Claire!

Alex: Happy Birthday, Claire!

(opening Claire’s birthday presents)

Alex: I got a new train for Claire.

Alex: Wow… Look at this! Wow…

Alex: Whoa. Wow.

Alex: Wow, look at that, Claire! Wow, look. Wow. Look at that Claire! It’s your present.

Alex: Wow! Look at this! Look, Claire! Wow! Wow! Look at this! Look, Claire!

Alex: Wow. Look at this.

Claire: Alex.

Alex: I gonna poop again.
(Alex tries.)
Alex: Help, Mommy.

(leaving for school)

Alex: I will come home and play trains with Claire, and I will play with Rosie, and she will play with Thomas, and I will play with Rosie.

Alex (referring to Grommie): He stays at my house.

Alex (observing the petals that fell from his flower): That fell off my flower. I will get a new one okay?

Alex: I wanna go in my school. I wanna go ring the bell, okay?
Daddy: Okay.

(dinner time)

Alex: Daddy, you gonna eat dinner?
Daddy: Yeah I'm gonna eat dinner. Are you gonna eat dinner?
Alex: Yeah I'm gonna eat dinner.
Alex: I'm sitting in the big chair.

Alex: I will get a ca -- I will get a cupcake after dinner, okay Daddy?

Alex: I dropped my cheese on the floor and Grommie ate it.
Daddy: You dropped your what on the floor?
Alex: I dropped my cheese on the floor and Grommie ate it. And I cried.

Alex: You home, Daddy.

Alex: I drop a cheese on the floor for snack time was over, and Grommie at it, and Mommy wouldn't get it, so Grommie ate it.

Alex: I'm gonna go get Juju, okay daddy? Claire’s very sad.

Alex (singing): I got warm. I got warm. I got turtle. I got turtle. I got rabbit. I got rabbit. I got bunny. I got some water. I got some food.

(playing trains)

Daddy: What's Rosie doing?
Alex: She not... Nothing. She's not going nothing. She not crashing into something. Nothing.

Alex: Mmm. I like my milk.

Alex: I gonna share with Claire.

Daddy: Alex, you heard me say one minute, right? One more minute and we're gonna go take a bath.
Alex: Um, yeah. It’s my bath time. It’s not Claire’s bath time.
Alex: You have to get the toys in my bath for me.

Alex: Grover’s sad. Grover’s sad, Daddy.
Daddy: He's sad?
Alex: Yeah. Elmo is happy and Grover’s sad and Elmo’s happy.

Alex: Get this on the roof on the office, okay? Please Daddy?
Daddy: Okay.
Fire Station (to office): That's mine you have to wear this, okay. This yours? Yes.

Alex: You know what's gonna happen after nap?
Daddy: What?
Alex: I gonna eat breakfast. I eat breakfast and a banana and vitamin.
Daddy: Sounds good.
Alex: And milk and water.

Alex: I had a cupcake and Claire had a cupcake and you had a cupcake and Mommy had a cupcake.

(song time)

Alex: Window. Ohhhhh! (mumble) he fell down ‘cause a big lion came through the door. That song.
Daddy: Okay, let sing a different song.
Alex: No, the window wants to fell down d – d – d – d – d – d -- the big lion was coming through the door.

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