Friday, June 12, 2009

"Is Alex in the stroller?"

Alex: I wanna see Gordon And The Trouble With Mud. We have it.
Daddy: We do? Where do we have it?
Alex: On the music.
Daddy: On the music? We have a book about Gordon And The Trouble With Mud.
Alex: No I saw Gordon And The Trouble With Mud on the computer.

Alex: You can't go to work. You have to be home.

Alex: I have to find a rock.

Alex: You have to find me.
Daddy: I have to find you? But you’re not even hiding. I see you! I found you!
Alex: You have to look for me. “Is Alex in the stroller?”

Alex: I dropped my water in the mulch.
Daddy: Well you better go get it.
Alex: It went in the mulch. Will you brush it off?
Daddy: Sure, I’ll brush it off.
Alex: It get all dirty. It rolled and rolled and and and it popped into the mulch. It rolled in the weeds.

(dinner time)

Alex: You want some blueberries?
Alex: I can't hear you.
Alex: Please.
Alex: Okay. Here's one.

Alex: I want something else.
Mommy: Toast?
Alex: How ‘bout some more sour cream.

Alex: You reading your magazine about Thomas?

Alex (singing): Baseball for me. Heee. Baseball for me. Play baseball.

Alex (with his toast): Choo choo choo choo it’s a engine! Choo choo choo.

Alex: Grommie is here to see the AlphaPig and the other boy where’d that. Happy to see that is going from the dog (nonsense singing)

Alex: I bite you.

Alex: I just pooped.
Daddy: Who just pooped?
Alex: It’s in my diaper I have to take my diaper after we play trains.

Alex: I'm okay Daddy, I just slipped. I hurt my foot on my stool. On my stool Daddy!

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