Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daddy, you wanna look for things?

(Daddy goes into Alex’s room to wake him up in the morning.)
Alex: I'm takin’ a little nap.

Alex (after having shown Claire how to gesture “all done”): She has to get bigger and she can talk, Daddy.

Alex (giving trains to Claire): These are for you. Here, Claire. I’m sharing, Daddy.

(Alex is watching videos with Mommy.)

Alex: I wanna see Alex he cries and he wants to open the door.

Alex: I wanna see Alex having a birthday.

(lunch time)

Alex: Daddy, you need to scoot me up to the table.

Alex: I see an ant.
Mommy: Oh great.
Alex: There it is! It went away.
Alex: There it is! It went away.
Alex: There it is! It went away.
Alex: There it is!
Alex: It went under the chair. I see it!

Alex: Eat this!

Mommy: Alex, if you had to be hot all the time or cold all the time, which would you choose?
Alex: Cold all the time.
Daddy: Why?
Alex: Noise.

Mommy: Alex, if you had to be hungry all the time or tired all the time, which would you choose?
Alex: Hungry all the time.

Mommy: Alex, if you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
Alex: I'd put it in the cabinet.

Alex (passing a former construction site): Where's the dirt? Where's the big pile of dirt?

(in the car, driving home from the park)

Alex: We need to eat dinner, Mommy.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: We have to get home. To our house.
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: It’s hot outside.

Alex: I wanna look for things.
Alex: Daddy, you wanna look for things?
Daddy: You wanna look for things?
Alex: Yeah. Please Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I see trees and bushes.

(dinner time)

Mommy (to Daddy): There more spaghetti and bread if you want it.
Alex: There's some more spaghetti, and there's some bread... For you Daddy.

Daddy: Grommie does a good job, doesn't he?
Alex: He eats all the food.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: He eats all my food that's on the floor.

Daddy: Alex, what would you take on a desert island?
Alex: I wanna take food on a desert island.
Daddy: You would take food?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: That's a good idea.

Alex: The button went over to the other noise it said boom goat boom goat.

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