Monday, November 30, 2009

Claire's Vocabulary (96)

Alex ("ah-wah")
all done
apple (“ah-poo”)
balloon ("buh-oo")
banana ("nana")
basket (“ba-ki”)
bib (“bi”)
blueberries (“boobres”)
bubble ("buh-buh")
bug (“buh”)
bump (“bum”)
dinosaur (“dy-ni”)
Elmo ("ah-moh")
giraffe ("jaff")
Grandma ("gah-mah")
hand (“hain”)
hippo ("hoppo")
jacket (“jack“)
night-night ("nye-nye")
outside ("ow-sye")
pants (“paints”)
sleep sack (“sack”)
that (“dat”)
waffle ("wah-woo")
want (“aw”)
water ("wah-wah")

Grommie, Claire, Daddy, Mommy! Run!

Claire (running around downstairs): Ruh! Ruh! Ruh!

(Daddy comes home from work.)
Alex (to Daddy): Can I run with you?

Daddy: What are we doing?
Alex: We're running. Can we all run, Grommie, Daddy, Claire, Mommy, Grommie? Grommie! Run!

(Everyone is running around the kitchen and downstairs.)
Alex: Thank you, Grommie!
Alex: Good job, Daddy.
Alex: Grommie, Claire, Daddy, Mommy! Run!
Claire: Wah wah wah wah.
Alex: Thank you. Thank you, Daddy.
Alex: Aaaaah!
Mommy: Aaaaah!
Alex: Run Claire!

(While running, Claire is pushing the car; Alex is pushing the bin.)
Daddy: What’s wrong?
Alex: Claire needs to play with the bin. It’s her turn. I wanna play with the car.

Alex: Daddy! Claire! Run!

Alex: Mommy, everyone’s running!
Mommy: Yeah!

Claire (sitting on the car): Ah sit. Ah sit.

Alex: Daddy, Grommie, Claire, Mommy! You all run together, (mumble). One two three four five six seven… and… eight!

Alex: Daddy! Mommy! Claire! You run, Claire. You run, Mommy. You run, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And then you run, Grommie!

Alex: Daddy! Good job.
Daddy: Thank you.

Mommy: Aaaaaa!
Alex: Aaaaaa!

Alex: Wait for me!

Alex: Get outta the way Claire!

Alex: Good job, Daddy!

Alex: Run, Daddy. Let’s two run.
Daddy: “Let’s two run”? What does that mean?
Alex: We run really fast. Don't fill your water.
Daddy (ceasing to fill his water glass): Okay.
Alex: Let's run, Daddy.

Claire: Aw Daddy hug.

Daddy: Alex, if you have two frogs, and one of them’s purple, what color is the other one?
Alex: Um green, purple, pink, and po - purple too. Too. Too. Too. Too. Too.

Claire (to Alex): Uh trade.

(brushing teeth)
Daddy: That's very good brushing, Alex.
Alex: When I go to the dentist, the dentist will say that. And he will be berry happy.
Alex (putting his foot on the counter while he brushes): And he will tell me to not put my foot on the table.
Daddy: That’s right.
Daddy: Okay, can you spit?
Alex: I don’t want him to say that. That’s not nice.
Daddy: Okay.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Um – because he's nice, and, he loves me very much.

Alex: Monsters don’t talk.

Daddy: Alex, how many daddies do you have?
Alex: One.
Daddy: Who’s your favorite daddy?
Alex (giving Daddy a hug): This daddy!

(dinner time)

Alex: Can I see the man what’s made of pasta? Can I see that man?
Mommy: Which man?
Alex: The man… made of pasta?
Claire: I see. I see. I see. I see. I see. I see. I see.

Claire: Joo.
Alex: A man made out of pasta!

Alex: Claire, don’t make a mess. Next time, listen to me. Claire, don’t make a mess.
Alex: Next time if you make a mess… you won’t get a time out.

Alex (playing with a toy hammer): I’m hard-working. I’m hard-working, Daddy. I’m hard working making buildings.

Alex: My Daddy’s nice.
Daddy: Yeah? Tell me about your Daddy. Tell me about your Daddy.
Alex: Um – because he's nice, and, he loves me very much.

Alex: I found my Christmas hat. Will you put it on?
(Daddy puts the hat on Alex’s head.)
Claire (holding her Christmas hat): On! On!
Alex: Super Christmas Day!

Alex (going around in circles): I'm going around in circles, Daddy.

Claire: Dog!
Daddy: Dog. That's Grommie. He's our friend.
Alex: Yeah. He takes care of everyone.

(bed time)

Alex: Am I three?

Alex: I have a Brady with a girl and a Brady with a boy.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

“Mary Muffins”, can we go watch that show? Sorry. I didn't know that word.

Alex: Can we set up our little tree?

Alex: Christmas is almost coming.

Alex (to Daddy, pointing to the railing with a garland on it): Don't hold onto that rail: there's prickly things on it.

Alex: I have my purple water right now, I don't need my red water.

Alex: My runny nose is still runny.

Daddy (showing a picture of Santa Claus to Claire): Who’s that?
Claire: Dass Sanna.

(Alex is cross and does not want Mommy to blow bubbles for Claire.)
Alex: No bubbles! Put the bubbles away!
Alex: Don't! Don’t! Don’t!
Alex: No!
Alex: Please put them away, please?
Alex: Please?!

Claire: Goaliegoaliegoalie.

Claire: Guhgogogogo.

Claire: Uh dyni. Uh dyni. Uh dyni. Uh dyni. Uh dyni. Uh dyni.
Daddy: Is she saying “dinosaur”?
Mommy: I think she's trying to. What's that, Claire?
Claire: A dyni.
Mommy: That’s right!

Purple Dinosaur: Hi dinosaur.
Green Dinosaur: Hi dyni.
Alex: I wish I could fly like a bird. I wish I could be a flying dragon.

Alex: When I have a runny nose it always hurts.

Alex: Can we watch the new show? Mary? It’s called “Mary”.
Mommy: It’s called “Mary Poppins”.
Alex: “Mary Muffins”, can we go watch that show? Sorry. I didn't know that word.

Alex: My runny nose has a runny nose.

Alex: Next time after the first nap, can I watch “Prairie Muffins”, and then I look at houses.

(The following are excerpts of Daddy’s reading of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas.)

Daddy: A wink of his eye and a twist of his head
Daddy: Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
Alex: Where’s the dread?

Daddy: He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Daddy: And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
Alex: Where’s the jerk?

Daddy: And laying his finger aside of his nose,
Daddy: And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!
Alex: Where's the rose?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Is the tiger gonna eat my Elly?

(preparing to go to the zoo)

Alex: Can I take my water to see the big tiger?
Claire: Roar!
Alex: Can you say “roar”, Claire?
Claire (speaking to the picture of a tiger in the zoo brochure): Rooaaarrrr!

Alex: Are we going yet?

Alex: Daddy, can I take my Elly to the other animal zoo?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Is the tiger gonna eat my Elly?
Daddy: No. The tiger won’t eat your Elly.
Alex: Thank you, Daddy.

Alex: Is the tiger gonna eat my tissue too?
Daddy: No.
Alex: He's not gonna eat anything that I'm holding?
Daddy: No.
Alex (to Mommy): Mommy, Daddy said the tiger’s not gonna eat my toys.

(in the car on the way to the zoo)

Alex: Cows!

Alex (with his doodle pad): You know what I'm gonna draw today? A circle!

Alex (talking about the zoo): I wanna see a frog too.
Daddy: You think they have frogs?
Alex: Let's see if they have frogs.

Alex: I see a field!!

(at the zoo)

Daddy: All right, let's look at some more animals.
Alex: I’m looking at trees!

Claire (upon seeing a monkey): Ah ah ah ah.

Alex (by the giraffe exhibit, worried): I'm gonna fall down in there.

Claire (upon seeing a monkey on the carousel): Ah ah ah ah.

Alex (asking Mommy about what diaper he’s wearing today): Is it Elmo?
Mommy: Yeah, it’s Elmo.
Alex: I think it’s a elephant.
Mommy: That’s right, you got an elephant diaper.
Alex: Sesame Street is not on my bottom.

Alex: Is it still on?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: That thing over there, what turns?
Daddy: Yeah, it’s called a carousel.

(In the car, Daddy is looking at zoo pictures on his camera.)
Alex: Are you looking at what we did at the jungle?

(Mommy is setting out the Christmas decorations, and Alex finds a dog with a Santa hat on.)
Alex: It’s Christmas Dog! It’s Christmas Dog!
(Alex makes Christmas dog fly around.)
Alex: Christmas Dog is coming! Christmas dooooooog!

(Grommie licks Alex’s face.)
Alex: He licked my face!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: That makes me happy.
Daddy: Aw, good.

Alex: Have a good day, Daddy! Bye bye!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving! No school!

Daddy: Alex, do you know what today is?
Alex: Thanksgiving! No school!

Alex: When Claire was a baby, I was watching Diego.

Alex: Claire let me play trains. And she colored. And she didn't bodder me, Daddy.

(nap time)
Daddy: What songs do you want to sing?
Alex: Twinkle Twinkle and Lullaby. And then we talk.

Alex: You made me mad, Daddy. And then I was sad.

Alex: Can you ask me one more time? And that will be the last time?
Mommy: What do you want me to ask you?
Alex: What we’re gonna do after nap.
Mommy: You want me to ask you?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: What are we gonna do after nap?
Alex: You ask me what we’re gonna do.
Mommy: You want me to tell you?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Okay.

Alex: I don't like cranberry sauce.

Alex: I like Everett. I play with him yesterday, at school.

Alex: Yesterday I was a little bit sad because I wanted Virginia and Meg to come back. They went to their house.

Alex: Claire was a little bit happy I knocked her down and that was a little bit silly.

(in the car on the way to Nana’s house)

Alex: Look at those clouds, they're really big.
Daddy: Yeah, that is a big cloud.
Alex: One two three four five six. Those are a lot of clouds.

Alex: This is where Nana’s house is. This is where Nana’s house is. Oh behind those trees.

Alex: I'm looking at moons too.
Alex: We’re looking at everything on the way to Nana’s. I see a long tree. And the forest. And there's ducks. Ducks!
Mommy: Ducks!
Alex: And one barn.
Mommy: Barn.
Alex: And a big house!
Mommy: And a house.
Alex: And a big bush.
Mommy: And a bush.
Alex: And a tree.
Mommy: And a tree.
Alex: There’s everything, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I see a house! And another house! And a tree! And another bush!
Claire: Aw shoe. Aw shoe.
Daddy: You like your shoes, Claire? Alex likes your shoes.
Alex: I see big houses. I see more big houses!
Mommy: Houses.
Alex: That’s right, these are my new shoes. My brown shoes. My old shoes are put away, Daddy. I like Claire’s new shoes too.
Alex: One horse! Did you see that horse, Daddy?
Daddy: I didn't see it, thanks for telling me.
Alex: But, can you see it on the way home?
Alex: Is that a library?
Mommy: No, it’s a house.
Alex: Oh. A house. I see a truck over there!! A yellow truck! Over there!

(Mommy complains about the car in front of us stopping in middle of the road.)
Alex: Oh that's not nice. We need to share. We need to share cars. Cars need to (mumble), a lot of cars go there.

Claire: Ah!
Alex: Uh. Claire’s funny!
Alex: Mama!
Alex: My nose is a little bit – it’s a little bit of fever. I have another fever, Mommy.
Mommy: You do?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: You don’t look like you do.

Alex: May I have Big Bird, please?
(Mommy turns on the Sesame Street CD.)
Alex: No that's not it. Um - I like the bedtime one.
Mommy: Which one?
(Mommy switches to the right track.)
Alex: Um - I like – I like Big – yeah I like this one.

Alex: Cows!

Alex: A big bush!
Daddy: A big bush?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Neat.
Alex: It looks like a tree, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: A tree!

Alex: I see... a tractor, and a bush!

Alex: That’s Big Bird!
Mommy: That’s right.

Alex: Look at those cows over there, I think they're not cows!
Daddy: What are they?
Alex: Uh... I don’t know.

Alex (singing along with the music): Around the clock
Alex: Clock is a circle.

Alex: Horse, say, neigh! Okay Claire, can you say that?
Claire: Neigh!
Mommy: Good!

Claire: Gubthegubthegubthegubthe.

Claire: Nyumnyumnyumnyum.

Daddy: Claire, what does a turkey say?
Claire: Ah ah ah.
Daddy: No, that's a monkey. A turkey says “gobble gobble”. Can you say “gobble gobble gobble”?
Claire: Gobble gobble gobble ah ah ah.

Alex (to Nana): I wanna give you a hug and a kiss.

(in the car, going home)
Alex: Why is it dark? Why is it dark?
Mommy: Because it's night time.
Alex: Why is it night time? Why is it night time, Mommy?
Mommy: Because the Earth spins on its axis and the sun is on the far side of the Earth now.
Alex: Oh.

(Alex opens the cooler.)
Alex: I open it. I do it on my own!
Mommy: You sure did.
Alex: I did it on my own!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Because I like Claire.

(Alex and Claire come home from school.)
Alex: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy: Hi Alex!
Alex: Can you take the rest of my coat off?
Daddy: Yeah.
Claire: Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada!
Alex: I'm tired.

Alex: You play trains and I'm gonna lie down on the couch.

(The TV is off, and Alex notices the reflection in it.)

Alex: There's a picture of my house on the TV. Of us!
Daddy: Yeah, who do you see?
Alex: Alex, Daddy, Claire. And Grommie's tail!

Alex: Look at Alex bouncing up and down on the sofa on the TV.

Alex: Um, can you hold the bag while I hold my little baby?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And she has a hat on to go outside!

(getting into the car)
Alex: I can't do anything in the car, you have to do everything.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Inside, I can't do everything what I need.

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy are riding in the car, looking at things.)

Alex: Did Mommy take your car?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And you’re taking Mommy’s car?
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: She's trading with you?
Daddy: That's right!
Alex: You picked the car you want?
Daddy: Yes, I did.

Alex: Are we going home?
Daddy: No, we’re gonna look at houses, aren’t we?
Alex: Yeah. I think we’re gonna look for everything. And a pumpkin with no house with it.

Alex: I thought that was a dog saying “chirp chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp”. I think that was a chicken.
Daddy: Maybe that was a chicken.
Alex: In the barn. Let’s look for the barn too.

Alex: Are we gonna look at houses some more?
Daddy: Would you like to?
Alex: No, I want to look at some other things.
Daddy: What would you like to look at?
Alex: I wanna look for tall trees.

Alex: Houses have doors. That's silly. We don't bring doors up houses.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: That – that was silly. That’s silly, Daddy.
Daddy: It sure is.

Alex: Next time that you didn't get a sandwich?
Daddy: What did you say?
Alex: That you didn’t get a sandwich? ‘Cause the truck was too slow?
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: Piglet’s here, Daddy.

Alex: That truck’s not too slow. It’s going really fast.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Are you gonna get a sandwich now?
Daddy: No, I'm gonna go home and eat dinner with Alex and Claire and Mommy.
Alex: Why are you gonna get a sandwich?
Daddy: I’ll get a sandwich some other time.

Alex: Did we look at houses?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Is Mommy home?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: I want both Mommy and Daddy to rub my foot together.

Alex: And no one called me to go get bristle blocks.
Daddy: Was that okay?
Alex: No. I just did animals. One thing.
Daddy: Did that make you happy?
Alex: No. But I was a little bit sad.

(dinner time)

Mommy (to Claire): Yucky. Why did you do that Claire? That's yucky.
Daddy: Alex, you know what else is yucky?
Alex: Yep.
Daddy: What? What's yucky?
Alex: Mud.

Mommy: Alex, what's tomorrow?
Alex: No school? Saturday!
Mommy: Nope.
Alex: Tuesday!
Mommy: No, Thursday.
Alex: Thursday!
Mommy: Thanksgiving Day!
Alex: Thanksgiving Day!

Mommy: And what are we gonna eat for Thanksgiving?
Alex: Punkin pie.

(Daddy explains the concept of “thankful” to Alex.)
Daddy: … like Daddy is thankful for Mommy, because I like Mommy, and I'm glad to have her.
Daddy: What is Alex thankful for?
Alex: Because I like Claire.
Mommy: Aw, that's sweet. What do you think Grommie is thankful for?
Alex: Um, he likes Claire too.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aw more. More. Please.

(watching Sesame Street)
Claire: Elmo!
Daddy: That’s right!
Claire: Elmo!
Alex: Elmo, Claire. And that's his email to check. It looks like a TV. Can you say "TV"?


Alex: Clifford doesn’t fit in schooled. He’s too big. He’s really really really big.

Alex: I don’t like it when I have a burp in my mouth from eating bread all the time.

Alex: When I was a baby, I was sad because I have a burp too.

Alex: Can I cry when I get to school?
Daddy: Yeah. Do they have a crying rug at school?
Alex: No, they just have carpets.

(dropping Alex off at school)

Alex: School makes me sad.
Daddy: Aww. Does it make you a little bit happy?
Alex: No.
Daddy: Do your friends make you happy?
(Alex shakes his head.)
Daddy: What makes you happy?
Alex: Home.

(Daddy abandons the McDonald’s drive-thru because it’s moving too slowly.)

Alex (to Daddy): You can get a sandwich later.

Alex: The truck will move in a minute, and go to another store, and then you can get a sandwich, and you can get a sandwich, and you can… find where the sandwich store is.

(nap time)
Alex: Play in the backyard, play playroom, play trains, wake up Claire, come and close my door.

Alex: I want my Christmas tree now.

Alex: I was mad because I wanted to snuggle up with all my things in my bed.

Alex (singing to himself, playing with animals): I can’t sing, with the tiger it’s not nice, he hits me, and I put him in timeout, and I put him here, I put him right here, and I dance…

Mommy: Alex, it’s time to wash hands.
Alex: But I’m talking to Grover. I don’t wanna wash hands.
Mommy: Alex, it’s time to eat.
Alex: I wanna go straight to bed.
Mommy: All right, I’ll tell Daddy to take you to bed.
Alex: No!

Alex: Daddy, you see that picture with pie on it, chocolate pie on it?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Can you hold it?
Daddy: Well, Mommy’s reading it right now.
Alex: But you can –
Alex (in his “you’re silly” voice): You’re not Mommy, you’re Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah, I’m Daddy.

Alex: You have to not change your mind, Claire. That makes Mommy mad.

(dinner time)

(Mommy is flipping through Runner’s World.)

Claire: I see. I see.
Mommy: You wanna see? What’s that?
Claire: Car.

Mommy: What’s that? Man. Can you say “man”?
Claire: Man.
Mommy: Good job.
Claire: I see.
Mommy: Hang on.
Claire: I see.
Mommy: Hang on.

Claire: I see.
Mommy: What’s that?
Alex: That’s a man.
Alex: Can I see some more pictures on there?
Mommy: Okay.
Mommy: What’s this, Claire?
Mommy (to Alex): Let Claire say it, okay?
Mommy (to Claire): What’s that?
Claire: Apple.
Mommy: What?! What’s that?
Alex: Shoe.
Mommy: Yeah. It’s a shoe, Claire.
Claire: Dog.
Mommy: Right!
Claire: I see.
Mommy: Well, hang on, I need to see – I need to find something for you to look at.
Claire: Dog.
Mommy: Let’s find something fun to look at.
Claire: I see!
Mommy: Okay, hang on, Claire!
Claire: Apple.
Claire: Aw more. Aw more.
Mommy: There is no more. There’s no more broccoli.
Claire: Aw more. Aw more.
Mommy: Unless Alex wants to give you some of his.
(Alex gives Claire a piece of his broccoli.)
Mommy: Oh look at that! That was so nice!
Alex: Can I look at that?
Mommy: Yeah, let me find a good picture.
Claire: I see. I see.
Mommy: Okay, what’s that?
Alex: A tiger.
Mommy: It’s a mountain lion.
Mommy: What’s that?
Alex: It’s a man.
Alex: What’s he doing?
Mommy: He runs with no shoes on.
Alex: And what – where is he sitting?
Mommy: He’s sitting on a bench.
Claire: Aw see. Dog.
Mommy: Dog. And what’s that?
Claire: Dog.
Mommy: Man. What kind of man is that? Do you know, Alex?
Alex: A dog man.
Mommy: Yeah. A police officer. Who uses dogs.

Claire: I see.
Mommy: ‘Kay hang on, Claire.
Claire: I see. Car.
Mommy: Cars, right.
Claire: Car.
Mommy: Yeah and somebody walking.
Alex: Hello, what is that? I wanna see! I wanna see!
Mommy: Don’t freak out.
Alex: Where are they going?
Mommy: Mmm, to work.
Alex: Where’s work?
Mommy: Mmm, down the road.
Mommy: Alex, there are more chicken nuggets, but you need to eat a piece of broccoli if you want them.
Alex: No!
Mommy: Okay.
(Alex eats a piece of broccoli.)
Mommy: What’s that?
Alex: A motorcycle.
(Claire mumbles.)
Mommy: Yeah a robot.
Alex: And what’s he doing?
Mommy: Running.
Alex: And why is he doing that?
Mommy: I don’t know.
Alex: Can I see? I wanna see the calendar. I wanna see the calendar.
Mommy: I don’t wanna get the calendar.
Claire: I see!
Alex: Did you put it on the door?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: Why can’t we look at it?
Mommy: I don’t feel like getting it.
Alex: That. Can we look at your magazine?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: What’s that?
Claire: Fuh.
Mommy: Foot!
Alex: I wanna see those. What are those?
Mommy: People, running. It’s a drawing of people.
Alex: What’s that?
Mommy: Foot. The foot?
Alex: And leg?
Mommy: And leg.
Alex: I’m kicking your computer.
Daddy: Please don’t.
Alex: And that.
Daddy: Alex, please don’t kick the table.
Mommy: He has on a green wig. And hair. He has on green hair.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: We’re not going outside? We’re not going outside?
Daddy: No it’s too late, it’s dark out.
Alex: Why is it dark?
Daddy: Because it’s late.
Alex: We have to go in our beds?
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: Um. May I have more broccoli?
Mommy: More broccoli? You have more broccoli on your plate.
Alex: I want more chicken nuggets.
Mommy: You have one on your plate.
Alex: Ah? Bas? I want more – I want more honey mustard.
Claire: Aw more. Aw more.
Mommy: Gosh you guys are hungry.
Claire: Aw more.
Mommy: What do you want more of? The broccoli? We don’t have any more.
Claire: Aw see. Aw see.
(Alex gives Claire a piece of broccoli. Claire attempts to give it back.)
Mommy: Oh you don’t want that one? (laughing) Oh, you want it.
(Claire giggles as she eats the piece of broccoli.)
Mommy: Alex, how do you ask for more honey mustard?
Alex: Please.
Alex: Bababababa! Doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh.
Claire: Doh doh.
Alex: Dohhhhhhhh!
Mommy: Alex, what should Mommy and Daddy have for dinner?
Alex: Um – a sandwich.
Mommy: What kind of sandwich?
Alex: (mumble) you have a sandwich.
Mommy: What kind of sandwich?
Alex: Um, green.
Mommy: Green sandwich?
Alex: Yeah, green.
Mommy: Doesn’t sound very yummy.
(Alex mumbles.)
Mommy: I guess that was a lot of honey mustard for one chicken nugget.
Mommy: Claire, you still have a lot of oranges left. Are you still hungry?
Claire: More.
Mommy: Gosh Claire, you’re eating a lot.
Alex: I want more chinuggets please.
Mommy: Chinuggets?
Mommy: I want you to eat more broccoli, please.
Alex: I will give Claire one of those.
Mommy: That will be nice.
(Alex gives Claire a piece of broccoli.)
Mommy: Claire, why are you playing in there? You eat it, Claire.
Claire: Aw see. Aw see.
Mommy: I see!
Claire: Aw see. Aw see!
Mommy: You wanna see? They’re running in the snow.
Alex: Why are they running in the snow?
Mommy: ‘Cause it snowed and they wanna run.
Alex: And are they run – are they running up over the hill?
Mommy: They sure are. She’s running fast down the hill.
Claire: Oh. Fass.
Mommy: What?
Claire: Foot.
Mommy: Yeah?
Claire: Fass.
Mommy: She’s running fast. Right.
Claire: Fass. Run.
Alex: I wanna – I want that last chicken nugget.
(Mommy puts her hand to her ear.)
Alex: Please.
(Mommy gives Alex the last chicken nugget.)
Claire: More.
Mommy: What do you want more of? Do you want toast?
Alex: I want bread.
Mommy: Bread. Do you want bread or toast, Claire?
Claire: More.
Mommy: You don’t care? You just want more.
Alex (indicating the honey mustard): Can I dip my broccoli in here?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex (to Mommy): Daddy said I could dip more food in here.
Alex: Ahahaha!
Mommy: Is it good, with honey mustard on it?
(Mommy goes to check her email, but she’s still within earshot.)
Claire: Dah dah doh doh doh.
Bread: Hi plate. Hi plate.
Mommy: Hi bread.
Alex: Hi computer.
Daddy: Hi bread.
Mommy: Are you typing what Alex is saying?
Daddy: Yeah.
Mommy: Oh.
Alex: Hi. Hi Claire.
Claire: Uh-wuh-wuh.
Alex (playing with his bread): Up the ship on the board.
Claire: Ow. Ow.
Alex (playing with his bread): Mow, mow, mah, mah. Mah.
Claire: Mama!
Mommy: Claire bear!
Bread: Aw fee feh! Yay!

Alex: Can I see them running in the snow again? Mommy!
Mommy: Yes?
Alex: I want you to come sit in your chair!
Mommy: Ok, hang on honey.

Alex (to Daddy): You take my bread.
Daddy: What is that?
Alex: It’s a ship board.
Daddy: It’s a ship board?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: I don’t need your ship board.

Alex: Um, Lucy said that. I’m a ship board. And the (mumble) ship board – the ship board was getting squished. And now Lucy’s covered up! And now the ship board is flying, and it’s rolling. It’s row.
Claire: More. More. More.
Alex: And now she’s out the ship board. And she’s in the water.
Daddy: What do you need more of, Claire?
Alex: Um, Rosie’s here. Rosie’s here. Rosie took my food! Rosie took my food, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay.
Claire: More. More.
Daddy: What do you need more of, Claire?
Alex: Can you talk to Lucy?
Daddy (getting bread for Claire): Okay, hang on.

Alex: I want more bread too. With no butter.
(Daddy gives bread to Claire and Alex.)
Alex: Yay yay yay yay yay!
Alex (playing with his bread): The ship board is really big. Look at this. The ship board is –- a sh, I made a sandwich.
Claire (dipping bread in orange juice): Way woo.
Alex: (mumble) in the snow.
Alex: Now there’s snow in the –- in the –- in the water.

Daddy: What’s wrong?
Alex: Nothing.
Alex (with too much bread in his mouth): Napkin.
(Daddy gets Alex a napkin, which Alex uses to spit his bread into.)
Claire (pointing to the loaf of bread): Aw dah.
Daddy: Claire, eat the bread you have.
Claire: Aw more. More. Please.
Daddy: Did you say “please”?!
Claire: More.
Claire (laughing): Please.
Claire: Plez.
(Claire laughs.)
Daddy: Okay, more bread for you. Here, eat this bread. Claire, eat this bread and I’ll get you some more.
Alex: I got the rest.
Daddy: The rest of what?
Alex: The rest of the bread.
Alex (getting some of the spit-out bread from his bib): So there’s some in here. Ah. Yuck.
Alex: Here you go. It’s yucky bread. I don’t like too much in my mouth. I just want a little bit in there.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I just want a little piece. I want a tiny piece of bread. Not a big one. Just a tiny piece at a time. Will you get a little one for me? Will you get a little one?
Daddy: Yes.
Alex: Will you take it with some pieces?

(Daddy gets more bread for Alex and Claire.)
Alex: This is a piece. Not – not – not it bigger.
Daddy: Okay, you can rip it up if it’s too big.
Alex (ripping it): Okay, and I gonna put this on the table, so I have a little piece.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Now I have a little piece now. I didn’t have too much.
(Claire makes her bread fly around.)
(Alex makes his bread fly around.)

Alex: I feed him.
Claire: Aw dog.
Daddy: Don’t feed the dog, please.
Alex: That’s it. Now I’m not feeding him.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Claire’s feeding him. Look at Claire.
Daddy: She’s not feeding him.
Alex: He – she is!
Daddy: No, she’s just holding it.
Alex: Claire, don’t feed that dog. Can you put it on your plate and eat it? Can you eat it? Eat the big piece. What you have in your hand. And these pieces. What you have on your plate. One on your plate and one on your tray and (mumble) what you have in your hand, you eat it. It’s yummy. Are you all done? No. Just (mumble) Claire.
(Claire just stares silently at Alex throughout this speech.)
Alex: Ah! Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch.
Alex: Can I bring Mommy’s magazine? I – I wanna get down and bring Mommy’s magazine to her so I can see the snow.
Claire: Aw dow.
Alex: Okay, Daddy? Claire’s all done. She ate a lot of food. Now dinner’s over, Daddy. Dinner’s over.
Daddy: You guys ready to get down?
Alex: Yeah, and dinner’s already over.
Daddy: Claire, you ready to get down?
Alex: Thanksgiving is over. And now we’re gonna have another Thanksgiving.
Claire (hiding behind her bib): Wooh!
Alex: May I get down please?
Claire (hiding behind her bib): Hi. Hi. Hi.
Alex: Doh! Doh! Duh-duh-doh. Dooohhhhhhh.
Alex: Rosie took my food. Rosie.
Daddy: Well, let’s get you guys down then, okay?
Alex: She took my food.
(Daddy gets Alex down.)
Claire (pulling off her bib): Uh bi. Uh dow. Uh dow. Uh bi.
(While Daddy gets Claire down, Alex runs over to Mommy.)
Claire (upset): Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!
Alex: Can I show you the magazine?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: Mama? Here you go.
Mommy: Okay, thank you.
Claire (running to Mommy): Mama! Mama.
(Claire fusses.)
Daddy: What’s going on, guys?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Can you be happy?

Alex: Mommy’s at work. Can you say that, Claire?
Alex: No?
Daddy: Can you say that, Claire?
Alex: Can you say “work”?
(Claire grins at Alex.)
Alex: Can you say “dinosaur”?

Alex: Did Grommie go to school?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: He stayed in the car?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: So he didn't scare my teachers? So he couldn’t scare my teachers?
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: I want you to not get your warm coat wet.

Alex: Can you talk about what animals are in your shoe?
Daddy: Okay. One time...
Alex: And food. And water and milk and juice and water and milk and chicken and mashed potatoes and ... ... and ... ... pepper... ... and dinosaur pasta, and no pepper.

Alex (singing): You are my sunshine
Alex (singing): My only sunshine
Alex (singing): You make me happy
Alex (singing): When skies are grey
Alex (singing): You’ll never know dear
Alex (singing): My only sunshine
Alex (singing): You make me happy
Alex (singing): When skies are great
Alex (singing): You’ll never know dear
Alex (singing): How much I love you
Alex (singing): Please don’t take my sunshine away

Alex: Um, I don't have a sister. Just a brother.
Daddy: You don't have a sister, Alex?
Alex: No. Just a brother.

Alex: Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Can you be happy?

Alex: Be happy, Daddy. Why are you mad? Why are you talking like that?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Meg waked me up, and Grommie, and Virginia, Kirk, and the other man, Aunt Sheridan, Ed, they all waked me up.

Alex: Meg waked me up, and Grommie, and Virginia, Kirk, and the other man, Aunt Sheridan, Ed, they all waked me up.

Alex: (whining): I don't wanna go in the playroom, I don't wanna do anything!!

Alex: I touched all the animals and two people! And one bear, and one cow, and one pig, and one sheep, and one boy, and one mommy. I touched all of that.

Alex (crying): I wanna talk to Nana on the phone!

Alex (to Daddy): I want you to wash my hands.

Alex (to Daddy): I want you to feed me.

Alex: I think Pop’s at work.
Daddy: You think so?
Alex: Yeah. He - he will be home in a minute.

Alex: I don't love anyone.

Alex: I want chacha. I want Pop.
Daddy: You want Pop?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Pop’s at his house. Do you think Pop's at his house or Pop's at work?
Alex: He's at his house.
Daddy: Does Pop live there?
Alex: No! He lives in a barn.

Alex: When I was a little boy, I could eat melon toad.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is it turkey time yet?

(Alex is watching the end of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)
Alex: They're eating chicken.
Alex: They're eating turkey.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: They're eating turkey. They're gonna eat pumpkin pie in a minute, when it’s over.
Alex: Woodstock’s flying!
Alex: They're eating pumpkin pie.

Mommy: Okay, that's gross.
Daddy: How did that happen, Alex?
Alex: I was tryin’ to throw it to Claire, and Claire was tryin’ to catch it, and I throwed it in Grommie’s water.

Alex (singing): I'm a monkey, here I come, over the river, and the woods, and the coke, what a day I'm having ... I'm a monkey, ha ha ha, here I come... I'm just having fun…

Mommy: I'm a monkey, ha ha ha, here I come…
Alex: That's the song I sing.

Monkey (being thrown across the kitchen by Alex): What's happening to me?! Aaaaaahh!

(Daddy has a wooden spoon.)
Alex: That's Elmo.
Daddy (pretending to eat): Mmmmmmm.
Alex: But that's Elmo.
Daddy: He's delicious.
Alex: Get that outta your mouth, don't eat food – don’t eat people.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Is it turkey time yet?

Alex: When babies go to bed they always cry, Daddy.

Alex (pretending to make dinner): I’m having Thanksgiving dinner.
Aunt Sheridan: What are you having?
Alex: I'm having green beans... mac and cheese... green beans... I have some waffles too... and green beans.

Daddy: Alex, are you ready to wash your hands?
Alex: It’s time for Thanksgiving!!

(Daddy and Alex go upstairs to change Alex’s diaper.)
Daddy: We can't change diaper downstairs because there’s too many people down there.
Alex: And two people are up here changing the boy’s diaper.

(Daddy compliments Alex on how well he’s brushing his teeth.)
Alex: I'm gonna show Meg.
Alex: And she will be berry happy.

(bed time)

Alex: I wanna watch the ship one.

Alex: Are all the people gonna go home?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ah Mommy Daddy!

(Alex is watching the end of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)

Alex: He has a table! Ayhyhayahsyah Woodstock!

Alex: Snoopy! He has chairs!

(after watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)

Alex: I wanna watch it again!

Alex (whining): I wanna watch it again!

Alex (whining): I wanna watch it again!

Alex (whining): I wanna watch it again!

Alex (whining): I wanna watch it again!

Alex (whining): I wanna watch it again!

Alex: I want you to cry on the crying rug with me.

(Alex and Daddy are on the crying rug. Claire joins them.)
Claire: Ah Mama! Ah Mama! Ah Mommy Daddy!

Alex: I'm gonna get Mommy to cry on the crying rug.
Daddy: Okay.
(Alex leaves the crying rug to go get Mommy.)
Alex: Mommy, will you cry on the crying rug with me?
Mommy: Yes.
Alex: She said yes, Daddy!

(Mommy’s trying to get Grommie to stop licking her.)
Alex: He's trying to lick you.
Mommy: I know, and I don't want him to.
Alex: But it’s nice.

(Alex is looking at a placemat with pictures of all the US presidents.)
Alex: Those are other people on the TV and on the radio.

Alex: Daddy, come play with me!
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: You have Bertie! He’s a bus!

Alex: I wanted Mommy and Daddy when I was a baby in my bed.

(Claire is crying.)
Daddy: What should we do to make Claire happy?
Alex: Oh, we have to give her a hug and a kiss.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: I'll hug her.
(Alex gives Claire a hug. Then he sings Twinkle, Twinkle to her. Claire stops crying.)

Alex: Look, Daddy.
Daddy: I see, he drove right off the track.
Alex: She.
Daddy: Oh.
Alex: Daisy did.

Mommy: Claire! No open!
Claire (opening): Open.

Alex: And then the man came running, and then they show the big mess George made.
Daddy: That's right.
Alex: And then he brought a cart with a full of dirt in it.

Daddy (singing): I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair, I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair
Alex: What man?

Alex: Um, can you talk about Curious George again? I didn’t hear it.

Claire: Wawa. Wawa. Wawa. Wawa. Wawa. Wawa. Wawa. Wawa.
Daddy: Is that how you ask for it, Claire? Can you say “please”?
Claire: Plez.

Alex: Is Mommy still doing things?

Alex (referring to Claire): She always says “no”.
Claire: No.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Can you talk about there was a monkey in your shoe and he ate pasta?

Alex: Because I wore my boots today, because I got them dirty, and Mommy has to clean them.

Alex (referring to the coffee table): This is from the dining. This is from the dining. The dining's on the f -- on the fud floor.

(breakfast time)

(Alex wants a straw.)
Alex: I need a pencil to drink.

(Claire is playing with the remote.)
Alex: I wanna turn the TV off!
(Claire gives the remote to Alex.)

Alex: I made a turtle outta my t-- outta my waffle.

Alex’s waffle: Hi! I'm a turtle.

Alex: I put my dinosaur on the counter so Grommie doesn’t mess my dinosaur up.
Daddy: Okay, good.
Alex: But Claire’s dinosaur is on the floor. Can you put it on the counter, Claire?

Alex: Gobble gobble! Gobble gobble! I’m a turkey! Gobble gobble! Gobble gobble! I'm a tuuurkeeey!

(dinner time)

(Daddy opens a pot on the stove.)
Alex: Ah! Look at that. It went all the way to the ceiling. What is that?
Daddy: That's steam.
Alex: Where did it go?
Daddy: It went into the air.
Alex: Where's the air?
Daddy: It’s everywhere. It’s all around us. You can't see air, but it’s all around us.
Alex: Where could it be?

Daddy: Zing!
Claire: Zing!

Alex (to Daddy): What else was in your shoe today?

Daddy: Claire, if you had five apples, and you gave me three apples, how many apples would I have?
Alex: Two!
Daddy: That’s right.
Daddy: Alex, if you had six apples and you gave me three apples, how many would I have? Alex: Three.
Daddy: That’s right.

Daddy: Alex, are you a taco shell?
(Alex shakes his head.)
Daddy: Are you a flightless bird?
(Alex shakes his head.)
Daddy: What are you?
Alex: A chucklehead.

Alex: Can I have more honey mustard, please?

Alex: Can you talk about there was a monkey in your shoe and he ate pasta?

Alex: Can you say there was a chicken in your shoe and he had juice and water and milk and pasta?

Daddy: Alex, who’s my favorite boy?
Alex: Alex!
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex (giving Daddy a hug): I love you too!

Alex: Can you talk about the giraffe and the elephant and they will eat food, juice, apple juice, and milk and water, okay?

(Alex and Claire are playing in Alex’s bed.)
Alex: Daddy, I need a baby. Can you get me a baby?
Daddy: I need a baby too. Where can I get a baby?
(Claire gets out of bed, gets Alex’s baby, and gives it to him.)
Alex: Claire got me a baby! Claire bear!

Daddy: C’mon Alex, let's go use potty.
Alex: No, I don't wanna do it.
Claire: Me!
Claire (running to the bathroom): Me me me me me me!
Daddy: Okay Claire, you can do it.
Alex: I wanna do it!

Alex: Let's see if Wyatt is there, or Ian is happy or if he's being mean.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chirp chirp.

Alex: Here's what you can dump on Claire’s head.

Alex: Can you help me and then say “quack quack quack” to me?

Daddy: Alex, what are you gonna be when you get big?
Alex: A daddy.
Daddy: That’s right. And what are you gonna be when you get little?
Alex: A baby.

(playing in the tub)

Elmo: Look, Cookie Monster, I'm stuck on the wall!

Elmo: I heard a dragon!! Aaahhhhh!
Elmo: I heard a dragon, Cookie Monster! Come up here! Cookie Monsteeerrrr!

Daddy: Alex, if birds could talk, what do you think they would say?
Alex: Chirp chirp.
Daddy: If you could talk to a bird, what would you tell them?
Alex: Um, if you had a (story?), you have two heads, fly up in the sky, (mumble)?

Alex: What is love?

(in bed)

Daddy: Okay, I'm gonna give you a kiss now.
Alex: I want to talk to you! Can't leave if I'm talking to you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Aw hug.

Daddy: No, Claire, you're still too little. You’ll get bigger, don’t worry.
Alex: Don't worry, Claire.
Alex (to Claire): You'll get bigger and I’ll get bigger.
Alex (to Claire): And when I'm little, you’ll be in Mommy’s tummy.

Alex: Next time I was sorry I ate the whole banana when it was green.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah. I - I was sorry.

Alex: That horse is not nice to you.
Daddy: What horse?
Alex (laughing): He's pretending to be a dog. Is he licking you?

Claire (holding Juju on her head): Juju.

Daddy: Can you get Mommy’s bag?
Alex: It’s her purse.

(Alex is helping Daddy unload the car.)
Mommy: Oh thank you, Alex, can you go put it in the kitchen for me?
(Alex puts it in the kitchen.)
Alex: Say "thank you".
Mommy: What? You want me to say “thank you”?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Thank you.
Alex: You’re welcome.

Alex: Party’s over, and now you have to go do snowman with me.

Alex: You wanna go in the bouncy house in there? There’s a bouncy house. There's a snowman in there and we can cover him up.

Alex: I'm taking my dinosaur for a walk and, um, it’s dark and then he's sleeping. I'm looking for the store and then it can snow.

Claire: Aw hug.
(Claire walks over to Daddy and gives him a hug.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Claire got me a book.

Mommy: Are you gonna try to go pee-pee in the potty at school?
Alex: No. Not today.

(Alex and Daddy are playing downstairs.)

Alex: All right, Daddy. It’s almost time to go to your work and have a party, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Beep, beep, time to go to work!

Alex: We have to build a building!
Daddy: We have to build a building?
Alex: And then we have to do that.
Daddy: What?
Alex: We need to build a building, and then we need to brush our teeth in there, and get our pull-ups on. (Gibberish.)

Daddy: Where are we?
Alex: At work!
Daddy: Oh good, what are we gonna do at work?
Alex: Um, nothing let's go home.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Come to your work over here.
Daddy: Okay, what are we gonna do at work?
Alex: Um, work with our computers. Here's your computer.

Alex: I want you to not walk away or drive away, and no running but, we can take a run and then have a party.

Alex (washing hands): Am I done?

(dinner time)

Alex: Daddy, before I went to the grocery store, I saw the sun, and it was blue and pink and... it was orange... and - I stared at it, but Mommy said... “Don't stare at it.”
Daddy: Mommy you not to stare at it?
Alex: And then it went down because it was - it was getting late. And then I went in the grocery store and when I was done with the grocery store it was dark.

Alex: Claire, can you say “building”?
Claire: Bi-bis-dah-woh.
(Claire laughs.)

Mommy: Who wants more peaches?
Alex: Me!
Claire: Me!

Alex: I'm wiping my face so I can eat my peaches.

Alex: That’s for my party.
Daddy: Why are you having a party?
Alex: I'm almost three. I'm two.

Claire: Aw down. Aw down.

Alex: I wanna go to the animal zoo.

Alex: I wanna poop in my diaper.

(on the potty)
Alex: I don't wanna poop on the potty.
Daddy: Okay, do you want to poop on the Elmo potty?
Alex: I am pooping.

(still on the potty)
Daddy: Do you want to read a book?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Okay, I’ll go get you something.
Alex: I want Claire’s cat book.
(Daddy goes to look for the book, but can’t find the cat book.)
Daddy (calling to Alex): How about Thomas?
(Daddy comes back with the Thomas book, and finds Alex reading Claire’s cat book.)
Alex: Claire got me a book.

Alex: I like treats.
Daddy: You like treats?
Alex: And cookies. I had a cookie before I went to the grocery store.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A different Daddy must be at a different house making a new airplane.

Alex: I saw a piece of Life cereal go down the drain.

Alex: Are we gona roll sleeves up before cookies?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay. I rolled my sleeves up!

Alex: That's my big chair. Why are you letting Claire sit in my big chair?
Mommy: Well Claire wants... to be big too.
Alex: Okay, I will find a different big chair.

Alex: I wanna play animals with you. And you can talk like Claire doesn’t. She doesn’t how to talk and say "hi!"

Alex: C’mon Daddy, let's go have dinner at your backyard house.

Alex: I like dinosaurs.

Alex: I like carrots too.
Daddy: Yeah? Me too.
Alex: And peas.
Alex: And corn.

Alex: Don't bother me!!!

Alex: Why is our pumpkin really gross?

Alex: Are we gonna get some fresh air?

Alex: Where's the fresh air?
Daddy: It’s in our backyard.
Alex: Can you show me?

Alex: What are those?
Mommy: Leaves.
Alex: Are those for Grommie? Dogs don't eat leaves.
Daddy: Dogs don't eat leaves.
Alex: Um, or people. Just giraffes.

(Alex is playing in his car on the deck.)

Daddy: Where are you going, Alex?
Alex: I'm going to the store. You can walk.
Daddy: I hafta walk?
Alex: I hafta ride in the car, and there's not any room for girls and boys.

Alex: Do you like pumpkin muffins for dinner?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: All right, now we got two things. Let's go home.

Alex: Ready to go um get dinner ready with me?

Alex: Mmmmmmmmmmm. Ready to eat!

Alex: Oh we hafta get a lot of things at the store, Daddy, let's go back to the store.

Alex: C’mon, Daddy.
Daddy: I'm comin’. Are we at the store?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex (to Daddy): Are you gonna get some more?
Alex (to Mommy): We left the other food at home, Mommy, so we can eat it later when we get home.

Alex: Do you wanna get tree branches for dinner?
Daddy: Yeah, let's get tree branches.
Alex: I don't like tree branches. And the - what's the green thing?
Daddy: Leaves.
Alex: No, what's the other thing that people eat?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Okay, um… cucumber.

Alex: Can I brush off something too?
Mommy: What?
Alex: Did you brush off something?
Mommy: I erased something.
Alex: Can I do it?

Alex: This is my roof. If it’s raining. If it’s pretending to rain.

Alex: Let's go get some goss. To put in here. C’mon, Daddy. You ready?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Rrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrr. Rrrrrrr.

Alex: C’mon, Daddy. Back home.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Can you mow the lawn?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Can you use your hands?

Alex: I have a Mommy at home. Not a Daddy. Just a different Daddy. You’re a new Daddy (laughing mumble).

Alex: I'm at home.
Daddy: Where's your different Daddy?
Alex: There's a - a different Daddy must be at a different house making a new airplane.

Alex: I bumped into a truck! A dump truck, Daddy.

Alex: Did Claire bring that outside?
Daddy: Yeah, Claire brought that rag outside.
Alex: Are some birds gonna eat it?
Daddy: No, birds don't eat rags.
Alex: What eats rags?
Daddy: Nothing eats rags. No one wants to eat a rag.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: What eats trees?
Daddy: Well, giraffes eat leaves.
Alex: What eats plants?
Daddy: A lot of things eat plants.
Alex: What eats plants?
Daddy: Um, dinosaurs eat plants.
Alex: What else?
Daddy: Deer eat plants. And rabbits.
Alex: What else?
Daddy: Um, Mommy, what else eats plants?

Alex: Oh no! My car fell over! And now I can't eat anymore and now my food flew away and now I can't eat anymore!
Daddy: Oh no!
Alex: You better fix my car, Daddy.

Daddy: Maybe we can go to the pumpkin patch with Linus, and wait for the Great Pumpkin.
Alex: But maybe the Great Pumpkin’s sleeping for a long time. But maybe we can see a frog.
Daddy: We can see a frog?
Alex: Yeah. (Gibberish.)
Daddy: What?
Alex: Maybe we can see a frog. Would that be silly?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Charlie Brown! Lucy! Sally, come on! Come on! Pumpkin patch!
Alex: There he is, Great Pumpkin! I see a frog and a boot! And I see Snoopy!

(Daddy is reading My Big Boy Potty.)
Alex (pointing at a picture of Michael peeing): What's that?
Daddy: That's pee-pee.
Alex: What is it?
Daddy: It’s pee-pee.
Alex: That's not pee-pee.
Daddy: Yeah, that's pee-pee. He's peeing in the potty.
Alex: That's not pee-pee. What's wrong with Michael?

(in bed)

Alex: But I'm gonna sit up in bed while Mommy and Daddy do all of something. And I will watch them when my door is open or closed.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

And Marcie said. To herself!

Alex: Who's coming to my house today?

Alex: After Halloween, I was trying to get sleepy.
Daddy: Oh yeah? Did you?
Alex: Yeah. But when Mommy goes for a run I always get sleepy.

Alex: What do you say, Daddy?
Daddy: What did I say?
Alex: What do you say?
Daddy: What do I say?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: I don’t know, I don't say anything.
Alex: You said something.
Daddy: Oh I don’t know what I said.

Alex: The man’s gonna fix our ceiling because there's a big hole up there.

Alex: Next time at circle time, I talked about vegetables.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What did you say?
Alex: Carrot, and a pea.
Daddy: Oh! What else?
(Alex says something with his mouth full.)
Alex: Strawberry is a fruit.
Daddy: Yeah. What else is a fruit?
Alex: I don’t know.
Daddy: What other vegetables are there? What else is a vegetable?
Alex: Green bean.
Daddy: That’s right. Any others?
Alex: I don’t know.

Alex: I fell in the giraffe.

Alex (to Mommy): Can I clean up with you?

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)
Alex: I put the football um... on the outside and the book right there.
Alex: For the second one?
Alex: Is that a sticker? Is that a sticker?
Mommy: “Amen,” Peppermint Patty said.
Alex: And Marcie said. To herself!
Alex: Where’s the - where's the Frisbee?
Alex: That's just goss, Mommy.
Alex: Um, is Charlie Brown gonna say something?
Alex: Are you gonna say something?
Alex: Um, I wanna s - I want him to talk about all the stickers.
Alex and Mommy (singing): Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go
Alex: Are - are these dinners?
Alex: Can you put them up there?
Mommy: “With a turkey dinner...”
Alex: “... And all the trimmings.”
Alex and Mommy (in unison): Happy Thanksgiving.

Alex: I don't want my trains over there.

Friday, November 13, 2009

She has a mustache.

Mommy: What does Santa look like?
Alex: She has a mustache.

Alex: Party time! Somebody said that.
Daddy: Who said that?
Alex: Santa said party time.

Alex: Are you a robot?

Daddy: Mommy’s going for a run. Mommy likes to go for runs. You know that, don't you?
Alex: If she's going for a run, maybe can we look at pictures and play trains.

Alex: It’s time to ride on the tractor, Daddy. And look at cows, and horses, and roosters, and chickens.
Alex: Rrrrrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrrrrrr.
Daddy: Let’s ride the tractor upstairs.
Alex: Let's not. Let's stop for a minute. When we get upstairs we can ride again.

Alex: Um, goss went outta my bottom and went on the floor a little bit.

(night time, Alex is in bed)

(Mommy walks upstairs and goes into her bedroom.)
Alex: Mommy turned the light on.
Alex: Oh she closed the door.
Alex: I guess when she opens it she will turn the light off.

Alex: But two persons are missing. Daddy and Mommy. They’re cleaning up everything.

(Daddy coughs downstairs.)
Alex: I think that was Daddy.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Claire: Aw see. Aw see. Aw see. Aw see. Aw see.

Claire: Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.

Alex: Say - we say something and then we laugh, okay? Say – say “what does an owl say?”, can you say that?
Mommy: What does an owl say?
(Alex laughs.)
(Mommy laughs.)

Alex: I - I need to get down. Can you go work on your computer now?

Alex: Oh Backyardigans are inside, they went outta the car!

Daddy: Who's ready to go upstairs?
Alex: No one.

Daddy: Who's ready to go do bathroom stuff?
Alex: Me.
Claire: Me!
Alex: No, me.
Claire: ME!

(Alex reads Little Blue Truck Leads the Way.)
Alex: Little blue truck leads the way.
Alex: Um...
Alex: Little blue truck rolled into the city, beep, isn't it pretty?
Alex: What's this page called?
Daddy: You read it.
Alex: Little blue truck rolled into the city, beep beep beep, isn't it pretty?
Alex: Towering buildings went across the sky, li – little blue truck rolled in – I don’t know that page...
Alex: I don’t know that page...
Alex: They're all gonna get stuck, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: Screech! Stop.
Alex: The blue, um –
Alex: I don’t know that one.
Alex: When the letter –
Alex: Follow Blue.
Alex: Uh - everyone (mumble) the little blue truck.
Alex: Um. I don’t know that page.
Alex: He went home.
Alex: The end.

Alex: Thank you Claire for moving.

Alex: Can I have my car, Claire?
(Claire gives Alex the car.)
Alex: Thank you.

Alex: Yeah, water be’s in bed.
Daddy: Water be’s in bed?
Alex: Yeah. Beds hold the water.

(bed time, overheard over the monitor)

Alex: Yeah, but I don't want you to go downstairs, I like to watch you.
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: And I – at night I like to look at you.

Alex: And what's Daddy gonna do after he cleans up the kitchen?
Mommy: He's gonna go to bed with me (inaudible).
Alex: Oh, where's your room?
Mommy: (inaudible) it’s past Claire’s door.
Alex: It’s right there?
Mommy: That's right.
Alex: The door’s open?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: And you open it and then you go to sleep and turn off the light?
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: And can I go to bed after this nap?
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: And I can't - and I can't get out of my bed?
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: Okay.
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: ‘Kay. Um, play in the backyard. And I will say play cards.
Mommy: Play cards?
Alex: Play in the backyard.
Mommy: Play in the backyard.
Alex: Um... Play trains.
Mommy: Play trains.
Alex: I have a mustache.
Mommy: Play in the playroom.
Alex: And play in the playroom. And wake up Claire and come and close my door.