Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chirp chirp.

Alex: Here's what you can dump on Claire’s head.

Alex: Can you help me and then say “quack quack quack” to me?

Daddy: Alex, what are you gonna be when you get big?
Alex: A daddy.
Daddy: That’s right. And what are you gonna be when you get little?
Alex: A baby.

(playing in the tub)

Elmo: Look, Cookie Monster, I'm stuck on the wall!

Elmo: I heard a dragon!! Aaahhhhh!
Elmo: I heard a dragon, Cookie Monster! Come up here! Cookie Monsteeerrrr!

Daddy: Alex, if birds could talk, what do you think they would say?
Alex: Chirp chirp.
Daddy: If you could talk to a bird, what would you tell them?
Alex: Um, if you had a (story?), you have two heads, fly up in the sky, (mumble)?

Alex: What is love?

(in bed)

Daddy: Okay, I'm gonna give you a kiss now.
Alex: I want to talk to you! Can't leave if I'm talking to you.

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