Thursday, November 12, 2009


Claire: Aw see. Aw see. Aw see. Aw see. Aw see.

Claire: Me. Me. Me. Me. Me.

Alex: Say - we say something and then we laugh, okay? Say – say “what does an owl say?”, can you say that?
Mommy: What does an owl say?
(Alex laughs.)
(Mommy laughs.)

Alex: I - I need to get down. Can you go work on your computer now?

Alex: Oh Backyardigans are inside, they went outta the car!

Daddy: Who's ready to go upstairs?
Alex: No one.

Daddy: Who's ready to go do bathroom stuff?
Alex: Me.
Claire: Me!
Alex: No, me.
Claire: ME!

(Alex reads Little Blue Truck Leads the Way.)
Alex: Little blue truck leads the way.
Alex: Um...
Alex: Little blue truck rolled into the city, beep, isn't it pretty?
Alex: What's this page called?
Daddy: You read it.
Alex: Little blue truck rolled into the city, beep beep beep, isn't it pretty?
Alex: Towering buildings went across the sky, li – little blue truck rolled in – I don’t know that page...
Alex: I don’t know that page...
Alex: They're all gonna get stuck, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex: Screech! Stop.
Alex: The blue, um –
Alex: I don’t know that one.
Alex: When the letter –
Alex: Follow Blue.
Alex: Uh - everyone (mumble) the little blue truck.
Alex: Um. I don’t know that page.
Alex: He went home.
Alex: The end.

Alex: Thank you Claire for moving.

Alex: Can I have my car, Claire?
(Claire gives Alex the car.)
Alex: Thank you.

Alex: Yeah, water be’s in bed.
Daddy: Water be’s in bed?
Alex: Yeah. Beds hold the water.

(bed time, overheard over the monitor)

Alex: Yeah, but I don't want you to go downstairs, I like to watch you.
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: And I – at night I like to look at you.

Alex: And what's Daddy gonna do after he cleans up the kitchen?
Mommy: He's gonna go to bed with me (inaudible).
Alex: Oh, where's your room?
Mommy: (inaudible) it’s past Claire’s door.
Alex: It’s right there?
Mommy: That's right.
Alex: The door’s open?
Mommy: Yeah.
Alex: And you open it and then you go to sleep and turn off the light?
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: And can I go to bed after this nap?
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: And I can't - and I can't get out of my bed?
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: Okay.
(Mommy says something inaudible.)
Alex: ‘Kay. Um, play in the backyard. And I will say play cards.
Mommy: Play cards?
Alex: Play in the backyard.
Mommy: Play in the backyard.
Alex: Um... Play trains.
Mommy: Play trains.
Alex: I have a mustache.
Mommy: Play in the playroom.
Alex: And play in the playroom. And wake up Claire and come and close my door.

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