Monday, November 16, 2009

Claire got me a book.

Mommy: Are you gonna try to go pee-pee in the potty at school?
Alex: No. Not today.

(Alex and Daddy are playing downstairs.)

Alex: All right, Daddy. It’s almost time to go to your work and have a party, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Beep, beep, time to go to work!

Alex: We have to build a building!
Daddy: We have to build a building?
Alex: And then we have to do that.
Daddy: What?
Alex: We need to build a building, and then we need to brush our teeth in there, and get our pull-ups on. (Gibberish.)

Daddy: Where are we?
Alex: At work!
Daddy: Oh good, what are we gonna do at work?
Alex: Um, nothing let's go home.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Come to your work over here.
Daddy: Okay, what are we gonna do at work?
Alex: Um, work with our computers. Here's your computer.

Alex: I want you to not walk away or drive away, and no running but, we can take a run and then have a party.

Alex (washing hands): Am I done?

(dinner time)

Alex: Daddy, before I went to the grocery store, I saw the sun, and it was blue and pink and... it was orange... and - I stared at it, but Mommy said... “Don't stare at it.”
Daddy: Mommy you not to stare at it?
Alex: And then it went down because it was - it was getting late. And then I went in the grocery store and when I was done with the grocery store it was dark.

Alex: Claire, can you say “building”?
Claire: Bi-bis-dah-woh.
(Claire laughs.)

Mommy: Who wants more peaches?
Alex: Me!
Claire: Me!

Alex: I'm wiping my face so I can eat my peaches.

Alex: That’s for my party.
Daddy: Why are you having a party?
Alex: I'm almost three. I'm two.

Claire: Aw down. Aw down.

Alex: I wanna go to the animal zoo.

Alex: I wanna poop in my diaper.

(on the potty)
Alex: I don't wanna poop on the potty.
Daddy: Okay, do you want to poop on the Elmo potty?
Alex: I am pooping.

(still on the potty)
Daddy: Do you want to read a book?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Okay, I’ll go get you something.
Alex: I want Claire’s cat book.
(Daddy goes to look for the book, but can’t find the cat book.)
Daddy (calling to Alex): How about Thomas?
(Daddy comes back with the Thomas book, and finds Alex reading Claire’s cat book.)
Alex: Claire got me a book.

Alex: I like treats.
Daddy: You like treats?
Alex: And cookies. I had a cookie before I went to the grocery store.

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