Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving! No school!

Daddy: Alex, do you know what today is?
Alex: Thanksgiving! No school!

Alex: When Claire was a baby, I was watching Diego.

Alex: Claire let me play trains. And she colored. And she didn't bodder me, Daddy.

(nap time)
Daddy: What songs do you want to sing?
Alex: Twinkle Twinkle and Lullaby. And then we talk.

Alex: You made me mad, Daddy. And then I was sad.

Alex: Can you ask me one more time? And that will be the last time?
Mommy: What do you want me to ask you?
Alex: What we’re gonna do after nap.
Mommy: You want me to ask you?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: What are we gonna do after nap?
Alex: You ask me what we’re gonna do.
Mommy: You want me to tell you?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: Okay.

Alex: I don't like cranberry sauce.

Alex: I like Everett. I play with him yesterday, at school.

Alex: Yesterday I was a little bit sad because I wanted Virginia and Meg to come back. They went to their house.

Alex: Claire was a little bit happy I knocked her down and that was a little bit silly.

(in the car on the way to Nana’s house)

Alex: Look at those clouds, they're really big.
Daddy: Yeah, that is a big cloud.
Alex: One two three four five six. Those are a lot of clouds.

Alex: This is where Nana’s house is. This is where Nana’s house is. Oh behind those trees.

Alex: I'm looking at moons too.
Alex: We’re looking at everything on the way to Nana’s. I see a long tree. And the forest. And there's ducks. Ducks!
Mommy: Ducks!
Alex: And one barn.
Mommy: Barn.
Alex: And a big house!
Mommy: And a house.
Alex: And a big bush.
Mommy: And a bush.
Alex: And a tree.
Mommy: And a tree.
Alex: There’s everything, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I see a house! And another house! And a tree! And another bush!
Claire: Aw shoe. Aw shoe.
Daddy: You like your shoes, Claire? Alex likes your shoes.
Alex: I see big houses. I see more big houses!
Mommy: Houses.
Alex: That’s right, these are my new shoes. My brown shoes. My old shoes are put away, Daddy. I like Claire’s new shoes too.
Alex: One horse! Did you see that horse, Daddy?
Daddy: I didn't see it, thanks for telling me.
Alex: But, can you see it on the way home?
Alex: Is that a library?
Mommy: No, it’s a house.
Alex: Oh. A house. I see a truck over there!! A yellow truck! Over there!

(Mommy complains about the car in front of us stopping in middle of the road.)
Alex: Oh that's not nice. We need to share. We need to share cars. Cars need to (mumble), a lot of cars go there.

Claire: Ah!
Alex: Uh. Claire’s funny!
Alex: Mama!
Alex: My nose is a little bit – it’s a little bit of fever. I have another fever, Mommy.
Mommy: You do?
Alex: Yeah.
Mommy: You don’t look like you do.

Alex: May I have Big Bird, please?
(Mommy turns on the Sesame Street CD.)
Alex: No that's not it. Um - I like the bedtime one.
Mommy: Which one?
(Mommy switches to the right track.)
Alex: Um - I like – I like Big – yeah I like this one.

Alex: Cows!

Alex: A big bush!
Daddy: A big bush?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Neat.
Alex: It looks like a tree, Daddy!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: A tree!

Alex: I see... a tractor, and a bush!

Alex: That’s Big Bird!
Mommy: That’s right.

Alex: Look at those cows over there, I think they're not cows!
Daddy: What are they?
Alex: Uh... I don’t know.

Alex (singing along with the music): Around the clock
Alex: Clock is a circle.

Alex: Horse, say, neigh! Okay Claire, can you say that?
Claire: Neigh!
Mommy: Good!

Claire: Gubthegubthegubthegubthe.

Claire: Nyumnyumnyumnyum.

Daddy: Claire, what does a turkey say?
Claire: Ah ah ah.
Daddy: No, that's a monkey. A turkey says “gobble gobble”. Can you say “gobble gobble gobble”?
Claire: Gobble gobble gobble ah ah ah.

Alex (to Nana): I wanna give you a hug and a kiss.

(in the car, going home)
Alex: Why is it dark? Why is it dark?
Mommy: Because it's night time.
Alex: Why is it night time? Why is it night time, Mommy?
Mommy: Because the Earth spins on its axis and the sun is on the far side of the Earth now.
Alex: Oh.

(Alex opens the cooler.)
Alex: I open it. I do it on my own!
Mommy: You sure did.
Alex: I did it on my own!

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