Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is it turkey time yet?

(Alex is watching the end of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.)
Alex: They're eating chicken.
Alex: They're eating turkey.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: They're eating turkey. They're gonna eat pumpkin pie in a minute, when it’s over.
Alex: Woodstock’s flying!
Alex: They're eating pumpkin pie.

Mommy: Okay, that's gross.
Daddy: How did that happen, Alex?
Alex: I was tryin’ to throw it to Claire, and Claire was tryin’ to catch it, and I throwed it in Grommie’s water.

Alex (singing): I'm a monkey, here I come, over the river, and the woods, and the coke, what a day I'm having ... I'm a monkey, ha ha ha, here I come... I'm just having fun…

Mommy: I'm a monkey, ha ha ha, here I come…
Alex: That's the song I sing.

Monkey (being thrown across the kitchen by Alex): What's happening to me?! Aaaaaahh!

(Daddy has a wooden spoon.)
Alex: That's Elmo.
Daddy (pretending to eat): Mmmmmmm.
Alex: But that's Elmo.
Daddy: He's delicious.
Alex: Get that outta your mouth, don't eat food – don’t eat people.
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Is it turkey time yet?

Alex: When babies go to bed they always cry, Daddy.

Alex (pretending to make dinner): I’m having Thanksgiving dinner.
Aunt Sheridan: What are you having?
Alex: I'm having green beans... mac and cheese... green beans... I have some waffles too... and green beans.

Daddy: Alex, are you ready to wash your hands?
Alex: It’s time for Thanksgiving!!

(Daddy and Alex go upstairs to change Alex’s diaper.)
Daddy: We can't change diaper downstairs because there’s too many people down there.
Alex: And two people are up here changing the boy’s diaper.

(Daddy compliments Alex on how well he’s brushing his teeth.)
Alex: I'm gonna show Meg.
Alex: And she will be berry happy.

(bed time)

Alex: I wanna watch the ship one.

Alex: Are all the people gonna go home?

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