Wednesday, November 11, 2009

At the grocery store you made me happy too.

Alex: I heard Grommie’s nails go “click, click, click”.

Alex: My barber shop has trains.

(Alex and Daddy are driving to Daddy’s barber shop.)

Alex: There’s um the high school, Daddy, that's where the band plays.

Alex: I hear a noise, can you tell me what it looks like?

Alex: I hear a car noise and it’s saying “click, click”.

Alex: Daddy, at my barber shop they have Percy and James. They have coaches.

(Alex and Daddy are now driving to the grocery store.)
Daddy: We'll get waffles and bananas.
Alex: And chips.
Daddy: And chips too.
Alex: And can you get some more food?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: And when you go home, can I wash hands, because I'm hungry.

Alex: It’s windy, and it’s cold, and it – and it – it – and there’s rain.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: It’s all – everything’s happening.

Alex: I wanna eat grapes for dinner.

(Alex and Daddy are driving home.)

Daddy: Alex, you were such a good boy. You were so good at the barber shop and you watched me get my hair cut. It made me so happy to have you there with me.
Alex: At the grocery store you made me happy too.

Alex: Why is it so dark?
Daddy: Because it’s late, we need to go home and wash hands and eat dinner.
Alex: We need to be (inaudible).
Daddy: What?
Alex: We need to be in our beds.

Alex: After circle time, I ate snack, and then I watched – I watched TV.
Daddy: Wow! What did you watch?
Alex: Pooh Bear was not working, so I watched a different one about Elmo.
Daddy: What was wrong with Pooh Bear?
Alex: Pooh Bear didn’t work. It was tryin’ to turn off. I got a new show. I got Elmo.

Mommy (to Claire): Can you say “hi”?
Claire: Hi.

Alex: Let's put our toys away, Claire.

(The following remarks were made during Mommy’s reading of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Much is omitted.)

Alex: Where's the mail?

Alex: Where's Marcie?

Alex: Where's your booboo? Can you show me?
(Mommy shows Alex her booboo.)
(Alex laughs.)
Mommy: Why is that so funny?

Alex: Don't. Don't read.
Mommy: You don't want me to read?
Alex: Yeah, you read.

Alex: Pretzels and – ‘tato chips.

Alex: What's is that?
Mommy: It’s a chair
Alex: Is Linus sitting in it?
Mommy: Yeah, that's his chair.

Mommy: “Amen, Peppermint Patty said.”
Alex: And Marcie said to herself.

Alex (singing): Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go
Mommy: “With a turkey dinner...”
Alex: “... And all the trimmings”
Alex: I wanna put a sticker on the page.
Mommy: Okay. Which one?
Alex: The telephone.
Mommy: Okay. Which page?
Mommy: You could put it there. Or someplace funny.
Mommy: No, not over the words though. Although we know them by heart now.

(bed time)

Alex: If a train falls out my bed I'm gonna get what train fell out my bed. Like James or Rosie, or Thomas.
Daddy: Okay. And then you’ll get right back in bed, okay?
Alex: I won't be scared.
Daddy: No, you won't be scared.
Alex: Mommy and Daddy love me.
Daddy: Mommy and Daddy love you.
Alex: Okay.

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