Sunday, November 15, 2009

A different Daddy must be at a different house making a new airplane.

Alex: I saw a piece of Life cereal go down the drain.

Alex: Are we gona roll sleeves up before cookies?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Okay. I rolled my sleeves up!

Alex: That's my big chair. Why are you letting Claire sit in my big chair?
Mommy: Well Claire wants... to be big too.
Alex: Okay, I will find a different big chair.

Alex: I wanna play animals with you. And you can talk like Claire doesn’t. She doesn’t how to talk and say "hi!"

Alex: C’mon Daddy, let's go have dinner at your backyard house.

Alex: I like dinosaurs.

Alex: I like carrots too.
Daddy: Yeah? Me too.
Alex: And peas.
Alex: And corn.

Alex: Don't bother me!!!

Alex: Why is our pumpkin really gross?

Alex: Are we gonna get some fresh air?

Alex: Where's the fresh air?
Daddy: It’s in our backyard.
Alex: Can you show me?

Alex: What are those?
Mommy: Leaves.
Alex: Are those for Grommie? Dogs don't eat leaves.
Daddy: Dogs don't eat leaves.
Alex: Um, or people. Just giraffes.

(Alex is playing in his car on the deck.)

Daddy: Where are you going, Alex?
Alex: I'm going to the store. You can walk.
Daddy: I hafta walk?
Alex: I hafta ride in the car, and there's not any room for girls and boys.

Alex: Do you like pumpkin muffins for dinner?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: All right, now we got two things. Let's go home.

Alex: Ready to go um get dinner ready with me?

Alex: Mmmmmmmmmmm. Ready to eat!

Alex: Oh we hafta get a lot of things at the store, Daddy, let's go back to the store.

Alex: C’mon, Daddy.
Daddy: I'm comin’. Are we at the store?
Alex: Yeah.
Alex (to Daddy): Are you gonna get some more?
Alex (to Mommy): We left the other food at home, Mommy, so we can eat it later when we get home.

Alex: Do you wanna get tree branches for dinner?
Daddy: Yeah, let's get tree branches.
Alex: I don't like tree branches. And the - what's the green thing?
Daddy: Leaves.
Alex: No, what's the other thing that people eat?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: Okay, um… cucumber.

Alex: Can I brush off something too?
Mommy: What?
Alex: Did you brush off something?
Mommy: I erased something.
Alex: Can I do it?

Alex: This is my roof. If it’s raining. If it’s pretending to rain.

Alex: Let's go get some goss. To put in here. C’mon, Daddy. You ready?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Rrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrr. Rrrrrrr.

Alex: C’mon, Daddy. Back home.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Can you mow the lawn?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Can you use your hands?

Alex: I have a Mommy at home. Not a Daddy. Just a different Daddy. You’re a new Daddy (laughing mumble).

Alex: I'm at home.
Daddy: Where's your different Daddy?
Alex: There's a - a different Daddy must be at a different house making a new airplane.

Alex: I bumped into a truck! A dump truck, Daddy.

Alex: Did Claire bring that outside?
Daddy: Yeah, Claire brought that rag outside.
Alex: Are some birds gonna eat it?
Daddy: No, birds don't eat rags.
Alex: What eats rags?
Daddy: Nothing eats rags. No one wants to eat a rag.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: What eats trees?
Daddy: Well, giraffes eat leaves.
Alex: What eats plants?
Daddy: A lot of things eat plants.
Alex: What eats plants?
Daddy: Um, dinosaurs eat plants.
Alex: What else?
Daddy: Deer eat plants. And rabbits.
Alex: What else?
Daddy: Um, Mommy, what else eats plants?

Alex: Oh no! My car fell over! And now I can't eat anymore and now my food flew away and now I can't eat anymore!
Daddy: Oh no!
Alex: You better fix my car, Daddy.

Daddy: Maybe we can go to the pumpkin patch with Linus, and wait for the Great Pumpkin.
Alex: But maybe the Great Pumpkin’s sleeping for a long time. But maybe we can see a frog.
Daddy: We can see a frog?
Alex: Yeah. (Gibberish.)
Daddy: What?
Alex: Maybe we can see a frog. Would that be silly?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Charlie Brown! Lucy! Sally, come on! Come on! Pumpkin patch!
Alex: There he is, Great Pumpkin! I see a frog and a boot! And I see Snoopy!

(Daddy is reading My Big Boy Potty.)
Alex (pointing at a picture of Michael peeing): What's that?
Daddy: That's pee-pee.
Alex: What is it?
Daddy: It’s pee-pee.
Alex: That's not pee-pee.
Daddy: Yeah, that's pee-pee. He's peeing in the potty.
Alex: That's not pee-pee. What's wrong with Michael?

(in bed)

Alex: But I'm gonna sit up in bed while Mommy and Daddy do all of something. And I will watch them when my door is open or closed.

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