Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's tomorrow, Mommy.

Alex: Mommy, I wanna look at pictures with you.

Alex: Hi, Claire.
Alex (to Daddy): I'm not hitting her any more.

Alex: I pushed her into Mommy, and Mommy said “No pushing Claire”. She said that to me.

Alex: I got a timeout for hitting Claire.
Mommy: What?
Alex: I got a timeout for hitting Claire.
Mommy: It’s not nice to hit.
Alex: Yeah. You be nice to people.

Alex: Thank you.
Mommy: You're cute.
Alex: You're welcome.
Mommy: you're welcome.
Alex: You're welcome.
Mommy: you're welcome.
Alex: You're welcome.
Mommy: you're welcome.
Alex: Where's the towel?

Alex: Thank you for turning off the TV, Daddy.

Alex: You have goldfish in your coffee?
Mommy: What?
Alex: You have goldfish in your coffee and you have a drink? You like it?
Mommy: Yeah, I like it. It's a coffee drink. And Daddy put goldfish in a coffee cup.
Alex: I have fresh water in my water cup.

(In the car)
Alex: I like this song.

Alex: I share with my friends.

Alex: I'm four.
Mommy: What?
Alex: I'm four.
Mommy: You're not four.
Alex: I'm two.

Alex: You talked to me, what you said?
Alex: What you said, Mommy?
Mommy: What did I say?
Alex: I don't know.

Alex: Look at that funny truck.

Mommy: It's my bday today and tomorrow.
Alex: It's tomorrow, Mommy.

Alex: It's a beautiful night, Daddy.
Daddy: Yeah, it is.
Alex: It's a beautiful night.

Alex: I went to the bookstore and the running store. And I went home. And I went to the bookstore and played trains. And I shared with my friends.

Man (singing): I'm allergic to peanuts. (mumble) I gonna go in the water. Okay, okay, okay okay okay. (whispering) Okay, okay, okay okay okay.

Alex: What's the cat doing?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: He's waiting for the boys to come.
Daddy: He's waiting for what?
Alex: He's waiting for the boys to come and play basketball.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful. If we change the names, some of these could be almost word-for-word from our house. Alex is a lot funnier than Maeve, tho!
