Friday, August 14, 2009

TV and chair.

Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Neh.
Alex: Stop it.
Claire: Nehhhhhh.
Alex: Stooooop iiiiiit.

Alex: Look, there's a big cloud, Daddy!

Alex (falling off of his car very slowly): Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!

Daddy: I see a really big fish.
Alex: No, that's a shark.

(dinner time)

Daddy: What do you have for dinner, Alex?
Alex: Grapes, carrots, and sub-ghetti.
Daddy: That’s right.
Alex: With cheese on it.

Alex: Talk to Big Tummy. Talk to Big Tummy.

Alex: Can you say “Eat your toast”? “Eat your toast.”

Alex: You have to – you say “What are you saying? What are you saying, Tummy?” Can you say that?

Alex: Can you talk to him? Is he done talking?

Alex: Tummy, don't say that!

Alex: You want a carrot, Tummy? Here you go.
Daddy: Can I have a carrot?
Alex: No.

Alex: You want a carrot? You want a carrot?
Big Tummy: I wanna eat carrots.
Alex: No.

Carrots: Tummy, we fell down.
Big Tummy: You fell down?
Carrots: Yeah.

Daddy: Who did you see today?
Alex: I saw Nana and Pop. I went to their house, and play with their toys, and swing on the red swing and the yellow swing and I didn't swing on the blue swing.
Daddy: Oh, that sounds like fun.
Alex: And then I went to my house.
Daddy: And who did you see when you got home?
Alex: Mommy and Daddy and Claire and Grommie. (Pause.) And TV and chair.
Daddy: You saw TV and chair?
Alex (laughing): TV and chair.

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