Sunday, August 30, 2009

I like sauce. I like dinner. And I like sleeping.

Alex: I need to help you. When someone helps you, you feel better. I hope your tummy and your back feels better. And I need to kiss it.

Alex: These have sauce.
Alex: I - I like sauce. I like dinner. And I like sleeping.

Alex: And Mommy told me I was big enough to play with the toy.
Daddy: Oh yeah? What toy was that?
Alex: I don’t know what it is.
Daddy: What did it look like?
Alex: I think it looked like monkey bars. Monkey bars are up high, (mumble) up here, mmmmmonkey bars.

Alex: If you were stuck in the castle, what would you hear?
Daddy: Um, maybe I would hear... dripping water.
Alex: Dripping water?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I didn't hear what you said. There's no dripping water in the castle.

Alex: Dragon! I'm a very scary dragon!

Alex: After. This is a poop word. And you poop in the downstairs while I play under the table. And I poo-poo are not up – down here, but I need to get down. I’m pooping in my chair. Can I get down? And then with – my dinner.
Alex: I want more applesauce. It's all gone. Can I get down? I wanna get down and get down and get down. I wanna get down. I wanna get down and get down and get down.
Alex (semi-singing): I… wanna… get doooown.

(Milk is spilled on the floor.)
Alex: Lick it, Grommie. He needs to lick it. He needs to lick milk.

Alex: Claire’s looking at me, Daddy.

Alex: I don’t like bedtime.

Alex: Can I poop in bed while I'm sleeping?

Alex: I have to sleep the wrong way. Daddy, Ii have to sleep the wrong way because Elly's head is in the way.

Alex: I'm gonna play with toys then I will go outside and swing in the red swing. At Nana and Pop's house. Pop's at work.

Alex (banging toys on the window): I'm tryin' to make a song.

Alex: Can you find some weeds?
Daddy: Okay, but just for a few minutes, and then we have to go inside.
Alex: I was gonna find a rock with Mommy, but she went inside.

Daddy (in a funny voice): I'm brushing my teeth.
Alex: Don't be a monster and say you're brushing your teeth.

Alex: Uhhhhhh. Can you say that?
Daddy: Uhhhhhh.
Alex: I say that and then you say that, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Uhhhhh.
Daddy: Uhhhhhh.

Alex: Uhhhhh. (Pause.) And a dump truck.
Daddy: Uhhhhhh.
Alex: And then a dump truck.
Daddy: And then a dump truck.
Alex (smiling): I wanna do it again.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Uhhhhhh and then a dump truck.
Daddy: Uhhhhhh and then a dump truck.

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