Thursday, August 20, 2009

There you go, ocean! Eat it!

(Alex has been sitting silently at the table for several minutes, not eating.)
Alex: I'm ready to eat now, Daddy.

Alex: Meg. I can't find the trash.

Alex: (throwing a shovelful of sand toward the ocean): There you go, ocean. Eat it!
Alex: (throwing another shovelful): Eat this! Here you go, ocean!

(on the beach)
Alex: I like the ocean, Mommy.
Daddy: What did you say, Alex?
Alex: I'm talking to Mommy.
Daddy: What did you say to Mommy?
Alex: Stop saying that.
Daddy: Okay, I’m sorry.
Daddy (to Mommy): Mommy, Alex is talking to you.
Mommy: What is it, Alex?
Alex: I like the ocean, Mommy.
Mommy: I like the ocean too.

Daddy: You ready to go sit in your chair? Mommy made you lunch.
Alex: I wanna sit far away from the other chair. And then Grandma will come in and see what I'm doing. All the people are at the beach. And they will come in a few minutes.

(getting ready to go in the pool)
Daddy: Daddy will hold you. And Mommy can hold you, and other people can hold you if you want.
Alex: Uncle Ed’s not gonna hold me.

(Meg is squirting Alex before he enters the pool.)
Alex: Can you not do that, Meg?

(in the pool)

Alex: I want Virginia to hold me.

Alex: I wanna squirt up to the clouds again.

Alex: You don’t need to take a shower, Mommy. You don’t need to take a shower.
Alex (scary voice): You don’t need to take a shower.

Daddy: And Meg and Virginia will come up soon.
Alex: And Uncle Ed, and Uncle Kirk’s still at work somewhere.

(in bed)

Alex: Mommy, I can't see the kitchen.

Alex: I can't see the kitchen, Daddy.

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