Saturday, August 1, 2009

All. Done.

Alex: I think Daddy's still at work.

Alex: Daddy, are you still working? I thought you were still working.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I went to the library and I got some new books for you to read for me.

Alex: I will go to the bookstore, but I can’t have cake, ‘cause after cake I will have peanuts, ‘cause they have peanuts in them.

Daddy: I'm gonna eat some cake.
Alex: No we eat cake on the sofa. No it's the couch you eat it.

Alex: Mommy’s gonna drive her wheel to Nana and Pop’s house.
Daddy: What’s Mommy gonna do?
Alex: She's gonna drive her wheel. You’re not gonna drive your wheel. You're go to the other side, and you don't have a wheel. Mommy has a wheel.

Alex: Bye I'm give you a hug and a kiss.

Alex: I'm scared.
Mommy: Scared of what?
Alex: I'm scared of the door going up.

(dinner time)

Alex (to Claire): All done? Can you say “all done”?
Claire: All. Done.
Daddy: Ah! Yay, that was so good!

(Alex is playing with a clock in his room.)

Alex: I'm putting my kirk. I’m putting my kirk for a minute.

Alex: A kirk is pert. It’s pert on a shirt. Leave it alone, Daddy. Leave it alone. That’s mine. Leave it alone, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Okay be careful. You don’t want to hit yourself.

Alex: You have to be careful when you drop it on your foot and it will hurt. You have to be careful.

Alex: It’s putting a turk in my kirk.

Alex: You have to be careful. You’re gonna broke my cur. You’re gonna broke my cur. You have to be careful. You have to be careful, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Careful with my cur. You don’t want to hit yourself.

Alex: The bus was going the wrong way.
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: You can't say “yeah” to boys. You have to stop saying that to me.
Daddy: Okay. I'm sorry.

Alex: I'm gonna dust with Mommy too!

Daddy (to Alex): C’mon, cowboy.
Alex (to Daddy): C’mon, gugooga.

Alex: Mommy’s gonna take me to the dentist and he will show me how to brush. Okay Daddy?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Then I will come back.

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