Sunday, August 2, 2009

You have to be careful when you say something.

Alex: Daddy! You're home from work?

Alex: Daddy!
Daddy: What?
Alex: Come!

Alex: This Alex, Mommy, Daddy, and Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa, and Grandpa. And Grandma, Grandma, Grandma, and Grandma.

(Alex says something about his trains.)
Daddy: Yeah?
Alex: Don't say “yeah” to boys.
Daddy: I'm sorry.
Alex: You have to be careful when you say something.

Alex: I'm gonna poop.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: But you won’t change it. Okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Okay. You will change it when I play trains when I'm done. Okay?
Daddy: Okay.

Alex: Daddy, I pooped.

Alex: It's raining, Grommie! It's raining!

Alex: Daddy, you can't go to the playground. You have to stay here and look at pictures.

(At nap time, Alex is in bed.)
Alex (sings): Twinkle twinkle little star
Alex (sings): How I wonder what you are
Alex (sings): Up above the world so high
Alex (sings): Like a triangle in the sky
Alex (sings): Twinkle twinkle little star
Alex (sings): How I wonder what you are
Alex (to Elly): Good night! Good night, Elly! I love you.

Alex: Where’d Mommy go?
Daddy: She went to the bathroom.
Alex: Maybe she went to take a shower. Remember that? She went to take a shower.

Alex: No school today! Alex’s friends are still sleeping yet.

Daddy: Alex, can you help me with these hangers?
Alex: Hangers! Hangers! Hangers! Hangers! Hangers! Hangers!

Alex: You will play with the Daddy and I will play with the baby and the Mommy. And a big polar bear gonna say hi to them and they will not like it. I will not like it. I put him back in his cave. And he can sleep in there.

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