Sunday, August 12, 2012

Why does that chicken have long hair?

Claire: Don't color with my colors, don't even trick me that you did, okay Alex?

(in the car)

Alex: You know why looking at houses is -- are, fun for me?
Mommy: Why?
Alex: Because then when I see something I like, I -- I wanna live there.

Claire: Why was that boy holding a flag, that was a statue by the road on the road? Someone might crash into it.

Daddy: How ‘bout our names? Do you know Mommy’s and Daddy’s names?
Claire: Daddy, and Mommy.
Alex: No, David and Stephanie.

(at the farm)

Claire: How do bugs get here?
Daddy: They fly.
Claire: No, how do -- do you build a bug? Or do they just grow?

Claire: Why does that chicken have long hair?
Mommy: That's a turkey, and I don't know what that stuff is called.

Claire (tiredly): When are we gonna have fun?

Claire: I'm tired. Can someone carry me? Daddy, can you please carry me?

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