Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's called a mind.

Alex: I want to go to school because I like the blueberry muffin that Thalia made me and the apple muffin.
Daddy: You like those?
Alex: Yeah. And I miss them.

(Claire presses the bouncy ball against her baby doll’s hand.)
Claire (smiling): Catch it. Daddy!
Daddy: Oh, did she catch it?
Claire: Baby.

(Claire hands the baby’s shoe to Daddy.)
Claire: Shoe. On. Claire.
Daddy: Okay, bring the baby over and I’ll put it on.
Claire: Claire.
Daddy: Oh, you wanna wear it? It’s too little for you!

(Claire hands the baby and the baby’s jacket to Daddy.)
Claire: Jacket. On.
(Daddy puts the baby’s jacket on the baby.)
Claire: Uh ‘nanas. Baby.
Alex: Maybe we can feed the baby.
Claire: Dinner!

Alex: Daddy, I’m getting bread, because I’m still hungry.
Daddy: Good for you.
Alex: Yay! I’m excited! I like bread. Bread’s my best thing to eat.

Alex (dancing to music): I’m jumpin’. Because, that’s what I do when I dance to this song.

(Daddy, Alex, and Claire are in the car, leaving the house. Claire notices the flowers out front.)
Claire: Ginna.
Daddy: Virginia.
Claire: Gamma.
Daddy: Grandma?
Claire: Flowers.

(lunch time)

Alex (to Mommy): We saw the grocery store. The man’s tryin’ to build the grocery store.

Alex (to Daddy): Don’t say that to Claire, because, I’m gonna fuss about it. I’m gonna cry.
Claire: Uh cry.
(Claire does a very good fake cry.)
(Daddy laughs.)

(snack time)

Claire: Aw cheese.
Daddy: You want some cheese, Claire?
Alex: I want some cheese, too. It can make me healthy, so I can grow bigger.

(Mommy is looking at coupons.)
Alex: I wanna see that cookie on there.
(Alex looks.)
Alex: Wow.
Claire: Uh see. Cookie.
(Mommy doesn’t show the coupon to Claire.)
Claire: Wow.

Alex: Daddy, I woke up sad. Daddy? I woke up sad.
Daddy: You did?
Alex: That’s why my leg hurt.

(Alex, Claire, and Daddy are playing at “the trees".)

(Alex is building an elaborate pile of sticks on the picnic table.)

Alex: You see that pump is tryin’ to come outta that shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Alex: Yeah, it’s called a shumple, Claire.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Shumple.
Claire: Daddy. Shumple.
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: Claire, put it on the see-saw, right by the pumple.
Claire: Pumple.

Alex: Look Daddy, I made the percher, so the shunker can be good.

Alex: Look Daddy, this is the kinch.

(Alex is holding a stick.)
Alex: You see, Daddy? You see the top of it? It smells like sticks.

(Claire is holding a stick.)
Claire: Stick. Stick.

Alex: Can you go away? I need to poop.

Alex: Look Daddy, I made my see-saw already.
Daddy: I like it! Tell me about it.
Alex: I can't tell you about it, because, Pablo said I can't do it. ‘Cause, we’re too late.

Alex: Daddy, why can't I stay here by myself?

(dinner time)

Alex: If we can’t watch TV again, we can go upstairs, and we can do special treat, today, I’m gonna change my mind, Pablo said, today, he said, superheroes, um, and timeout, and, everyone getting hurt. That’s the stories I’m gonna make up now. Those are the stories, okay?
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: That’s what Pablo said I changed my mind. It’s called a mind.
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: Daddy, can we do those things?
Daddy: What things?
Alex: We’re gonna play upstairs and do those things Pablo told me to do.

(While playing upstairs, Claire falls and bumps her head on the wall.)
Alex: Are you okay?
Claire: Yeah.
Alex: That, was a big bump.

(Alex turns on the air vent in the bathroom.)
Alex: We need some air in here, some cold air ‘cause I’m hot.

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