Monday, March 8, 2010

It’s really nice out here. I hear a airplane coming. Why is the door closed, Daddy?

(Alex has a piece of paper about the size of a CD.)
Alex (pretending to insert it into a drawer): I'm gonna put this CD in and see how it goes. I'm gonna watch Wallace, and Dad. Wallace and Dad.
Alex (to Claire): You see? It's a ship. Gromit makes the ship go.
Claire: Uh ship.

Claire: Ship.

Alex: Okay. We're gonna watch the CD in the (mumble).

(playing in the backyard)

Claire: Grommie. No.
Daddy: You tell ‘im, Claire.
Claire: Dog. No.

(Alex is playing in Grandma’s garden -- his “cave” -- which is full of crunchy sticks, and Alex pretends the sticks are lots of things.)

Alex: This is how I crunch you.

Alex (to Daddy): You wanna crunch with me? They're really crunchy.

Alex: I planted these, and I cut these, and the pieces fall off, and fall on the ground, and I crunch them.

Alex: I'm gonna crunch you again!

Alex: It’s really nice out here. I hear a airplane coming. Why is the door closed, Daddy?
Daddy: I guess Mommy doesn't want to let the cold air in.
Alex: Daddy? There's a bird in that backyard.
(Alex runs over to look.)
Alex: I guess that's mud. Ew. Yuck. Yucky. Mud. Mud. Mud.
Claire: Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck. Duck.
Claire: Daddy! Duck.
Daddy: Dog?
Claire: Duck.
Daddy: Yeah, duck.
Claire: Duck.

Daddy: Whatcha doing, Alex?
Alex: I just crunched all them. Now they're all breaked. Come play with them with me. Come play with the sticks in the cave. Come play with the sticks in the cave. I dig with them too. (Mumble) food, so I can pretend to eat. I look behind these trees, and I look behind these branches, and there's my lunch! I put these sticks down, but those are not sticks, so I have to eat some of these, stumps. Stumps.
(Alex pretends to eat.)
Alex: Yummy!
Alex: Some of these. Crunch crunch crunch.
(Alex takes some more sticks to his “cave”.)
Alex: Let's take some of these inside. Let’s take some of these inside, so I can have a good family. Everyones visi - visiting my cave!

Alex: Let's start to look some more.
Alex: This one. Is this one food? Yeah, it has a string around it.
Alex: Yeah, I like strings around sticks. They're my best thing to eat.

Alex: Come back in – you wanna come in my cave, Daddy?

Alex: Crunch crunch crunch. And here's my blanket. There's where I go to sleep. Here, in my own tree. Can I sleep in there? Can I sleep in there?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Is this my blanket around my head?
Daddy: Yeah.

Alex: It’s nice. This is my flashlight to look around.

Alex: These are not food! These are, still toys. I like toys! I like throwing them.
Alex: Yay! I got a sting!
Daddy: You got a sting?
Alex: Yeah I got a sting from that man that brought me it. He got it from that kink. The kink that came out of it.

Alex: My little present!
Daddy: I like it!
Alex: My little brush, Daddy got a new brush!
Daddy: Thank you.
Alex: ‘Cause I'm a bear, and I'm nice, but I'm not nice to people, so I'm crunching in my cave...

Alex (scared): Is that a spider?!

Daddy (to Claire): Do you wanna get down and play with Alex?
Claire: No.
Alex: But this is fun. This is a good game to do, in the backyard. Bear hunt. It’s a bear hunt.

Alex (tangled up in sticks with strings): Oh no. I'm stuck. Oh no, I'm tangled!
(Daddy untangles Alex.)

Alex: Daddy? Can you help me build my Christmas tree? Help me build that, because its almost Christmas, in my cave.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: What came down my nose?

Alex: Can I play with the cymbals? Where are the cymbals? Are they inside? I'm talkin’ about the cymbals inside.
Daddy: Okay, you can go get them.
(Alex drops a stick.)
Alex: Oh no! Not in the mud! Yucky.
Alex: Come and help me build my Christmas tree. Come in the cave and build my Christmas tree.

Daddy (to Claire): I'm gonna eat your ear.
(Daddy eats Claire’s ear.)
Claire: Uh have it!

Alex: Okay, let's go build the Christmas tree.
Alex: Ok, we need twooo sticks.
Alex: This will be the bottom, this will be the top, this will be the thing what go inside it...

Alex: This gonna be the rose, so it can protect it.
Daddy: The rose?
Alex: Yes, the rose, and it’s gonna go all the way to the top, and it not gonna (mumble) the birds, so I'm gonna put a big stick on top, and it will be a big, big, BIG stick, ... , and then I get this thing, um, hm? That kink, and then I go right at a time, and then, I built my Christmas tree, but you can't see the top... I don't have a top, but I have a Christmas tree, and now we can all play with, so let's turr.
Alex: There we go. But, this thing will not make it on the Christmas tree. It will – I will have to get that thing out... Brush it off, and then I will get that stick over there, and I will get that pear over there, and then it swings around.
(Grommie barks at something.)
Alex: What's that?
Daddy: I don’t know.
Alex: What did Grommie bark at? I wanna see.
(Alex goes off to see what Grommie was barking at.)
Claire: I see.
(Claire gets down and follows Alex.)

(Alex is looking over the gate.)
Alex: What's he barkin’ at?
Claire: Uh open. Uh open.
Alex: Open? What's open? Can we have open, Daddy?
Daddy: No.
Alex: Why?
Daddy: Because we can't go out there.
Alex: Why? Can I go in Oakley’s yard?
Daddy: No.
Alex: But I wanna go in Oakley’s yard.
Claire: Oakley. House. Open.
(Alex returns to his “cave”. Claire cries until Daddy picks her up again.)

Alex: ... And then there’s our Christmas tree. It’s gonna hold it up, and then that's – oh. But that's our Christmas tree. It won't stay up, but it won't stay up, but that's our Christmas tree...

Alex: Uh, I think this is the kink, but I think it was the wink that was trying to make it swing like that.

Alex: I'm not nice anymore.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: But I'm a little bit nice, but I'm not nice. But that's we're gonna build a Christmas tree...

Alex: Is that the bird food up there? Is that the bird food by the circle?
Daddy: No.
Alex: Where? I dont see it. But I have a shoe. Why won't it stick up here? It won't stick.
Alex: Ooh! It fly off the keench.

Alex (leaving the cave by going behind the bush): Okay, here I go! Right out the front door. I went out the front door, Daddy.
Daddy: Okay, good job!
Alex: That's where I was, went out my bed (?).

(Alex bumps into Grommie.)
Alex: Ugh! I just hit into Grommie! Sorry Grommie.

(Alex is standing at the top of the slide.)
Alex: Hellooo! Is nobody down there?

Alex: I need the clock over here. By the keench.
Alex: Why did Grandma cover up our tree?
Daddy: She didn't.
Alex: But, this. Why did she cover up this?
Daddy: She just put some dirt around the bottom of the tree.
Alex: Why?
Daddy: I don’t know, you’ll have to ask Grandma. I think it’s good for the tree, somehow.
Alex: It makes it grow?

Alex: Do your grandma put dirt on it, and that's, and that's why she loves you, and, and, it says, you love her, and thanks, and, it'll grow, and Alex says (mumble).
Alex: That's what, the other clock says.

Alex: Daddy! Come towards me!
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: No don't get me! Ah!
Daddy: Ah!
Alex: Ah!
Alex: Why did Grommie -- oh. Why did Grommie do that?
Daddy: What?
Alex: Um, to that football?
Alex: I want up too. Please?
Daddy (holding Claire): I can't pick you both up.
Alex: But I want up. Please? Please?
Daddy: I can't pick you both up, you’re too heavy.
Alex: Please? Please?
Alex: Um, how ‘bout we go skating, Daddy.
(Mommy comes outside.)
Claire: Mommy!
Mommy: Time to wash hands.
Claire: Oh, hands. Ready.
Daddy: Come on, Alex, it’s time to wash hands.
Alex: I don't wanna wash hands.
Daddy: Okay, I’ll take Claire in first.
Alex: I wanna wash hands!
(Alex runs toward the house. Claire starts screaming. Both kids scream as they run into the house. Claire gets onto the stool first. Alex throws a tantrum.)

(dinner time)

Alex: I ate those oranges, and they're in my tummy, so I can't give you any.

Alex: I ate those oranges, because I wanted to grow and be a Daddy, so I can read my little boy a story.

Alex: Mommies and daddies and sisters and boys, that’s why um you grow.

Alex: Daddy, ask me a word.
Alex: Please?
Alex: Please?
Alex: Please?
Alex: Please?
Daddy: Um, what's the square root of 75?
Alex: Um, a car.
Daddy: That’s right!
Alex: Tell me another word.

(Claire reads "Sleep Tight!" to herself.)
Claire: Nigh-night. Bert.
Claire: Nigh-night. Bert. Ernie.
Claire: Nigh-night. Nigh-night. Nigh-night. Elmo.
Claire: Nigh-night. Room.
Claire: Nigh-night. Oh. Room. Nigh-night. Monster.

(Alex and Claire are playing Super Heroes.)
Claire: Heroes!!

(Mommy is trying to put Claire’s PJs on, but Claire wants to put the pants on her head so she can keep playing Super Heroes.)
Mommy: No, we need to put them on your legs.
Claire: Why?
Mommy: Because it’s time to settle down.
Claire: Why?
Mommy: Because it’s time for stories.
Claire: Why?
Mommy: Because it’s late.
Claire: Why?
Mommy: Because it is.
Claire: Why?

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