Monday, March 15, 2010

Ay-yah Clah dah-sing. Huh-wohs.

(breakfast time)

(Daddy gives Alex a cup with a mismatched lid.)
Alex (pointing to the lid): This part is blue, Daddy.
Alex (pointing to the cup): And this part is purple.
Daddy: Yeah. Daddy didn't get the colors --
Alex: And -- and the milk comes out here. And then it goes in my mouth.

Alex: There's a big bird on our deck!
Daddy: Oh!
Alex: And a squirrel!
Daddy: Oh my goodness!
Alex: Two animals!

Alex: That was a lotta animals out there.

Alex: All the bird flew away. Maybe he was scared of us. And the squirrel went away. Maybe he was scared too.
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Maybe they'll come back.

(Claire is watching the bird. A seed falls from the bird's mouth.)
Claire: Drop.
Daddy: Did he drop one?
Claire: Yeah.

Daddy: What's he eating, Claire?
Claire: Uh... food.

(Daddy explains to Alex that Grommie chased away the squirrel.)
Alex: Sometimes Claire chases me. And I try to run away.

Alex: Some little birds flew on that tree in our neighborhood.
Alex: It's in -- it's in our neighborhood, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh yeah.
Alex: Up in that prickly tree. They like that prickly tree so they stay nice and warm.

Alex (to Claire, from behind the table): Look, you're blocked, you can't get me in here.
(Claire goes behind the table.)
Claire (to Daddy): Uh block, me, here. Block.

Claire (picking up the toy phone): Huh-wo, Daddy.

Claire (picking up the toy phone): Huh-wo, uh Mommy.

Mommy (to Alex): When are you gonna wear underwear?
Alex: Um, Tuesday.

(snack time)

(Mommy sets down Alex's water in the middle of his tray.)
Alex: Why did you put my water here?
Mommy: Um, why wouldn't I?
Daddy: Where should the water be? Put it where it should be.
(Alex moves the water to the top left corner of his tray.)
Alex: Um, right here.
Daddy (to Mommy): You understand now?
Mommy: Yeah. I understood right after I asked.

Alex: Okey dokey.
Claire: Dokey?
Alex: Yeah.

Mommy: Claire, would you like a banana muffin?
Claire: No.
Mommy: No? Then what would you like for snack?
Claire: Uh…
Mommy: Do you want yogurt?
Claire: Aw strawberries.
Mommy: Do you want a yogurt first?
Claire: No.

Alex: I like it. Yummy!
Claire: Uh. Uh muffin. Uh muffin.
Mommy: You want a banana muffin? Banana chocolate?
Claire: No. Uh chocolate.
Mommy: Do you want one of these? Banana chocolate?
Claire: Uh chocolate.
Mommy: There's chocolate in it.

Alex: It's Pablo!
Claire: Pablo.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: I'm playing a game with my sister.

Alex: We're gonna dance in a minute, but first we have to build this house.

Alex: We're taking turns, Daddy.

(Claire wants to watch a movie on the computer.)
Claire (to Mommy): Ay-yah Clah dah-sing. Huh-wohs.
[Translation: “Alex Claire dancing. Heroes.”]

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