Saturday, January 2, 2010

Because Mommy didn't vacuum.

Alex: I don’t how to say that word. I know how to say… cherdyberd.

Alex: Charlie Brown’s song is broken, and Linus’s song is too, so we can sing Lucy’s song. It’s Lucy’s birthday.

(Claire, Alex, and Daddy come downstairs for breakfast. Mommy is not there.)
Claire (looking around, holding hands out with palms up): Uh Mama?

Alex: I’m gonna turn off the TV and then I run. If I wanna play trains I can.

Alex: Daddy, where’s the right black one? What turns the TV off.

(Daddy lies down on the couch.)
Alex: Daddy, I don’t want you to do that. I don’t want you to do that right now.
Daddy: Do what?
Alex: Lie down.
Daddy: What do you want me to do?
Alex: Just be careful up there.

(The following remarks were made while Alex and Claire were helping to unload groceries.)
Claire: Sauce! Sauce! Daddy? Sauce!
Alex: We got more cookies! We got more cookies!
Claire: Apples! Apples!
Alex: Oh, chicken nuggets. We got more chicken nuggets.
Alex: I opened the door all by myself.
Claire: Pazza!
Mommy: Pizza.
Claire: Pizza.
Claire (with some onions): Ah-poo! Ah-poo!
Alex: I’m trying to help Claire, Mommy. I’m tryin’ to help Claire.
Alex: You can’t carry that Claire, it’s too heavy!

(In the kitchen, Alex steps on a crumb, or perhaps a piece of grit.)
Alex: Daddy, I hurt my foot.
Daddy: How’d you hurt your foot?
Alex: Because Mommy didn’t vacuum.

(during nap, heard over the monitor)
Alex: Hey Science Kid, you don’t do that. It’s nap time.

(Mommy gives new books to Alex and Claire.)
Claire: Daddy! Books!
Alex: I got new books, Daddy!
Claire: Elmo!
Alex: I got Backyardigans!

Alex: Can you read my books, Daddy?
Daddy: What books did you get?
Alex: Uh, a mouse book, and… another mouse book… and a Backyardigan book! That’s all the books, three books!

Mommy: I need to run an errand in the car. Do you wanna come with me?
Alex: Yes.
Alex (to Daddy): Mommy said she will go run, um errands with me in the car.

(snack time)

Alex (to Mommy): When I grow up short, I will be a daddy, Mommy; and when I grow up, um short, some more, I will be Spider-Man. Raaaawwwrr!

Daddy: So you think Spider-Man’s more grown up than me, Alex?
Alex: No I will grow up like a Spider-Man, and then I will grow up like a daddy.
Daddy: Okay, that’s more like it.

Alex: Look at these new cheese. They’re from Costco.

Alex: My mouth doesn’t hurt, I’m just makin’ a funny face.

(Alex is leaving to run an errand with Mommy.)
Daddy: Bye, Alex. Have fun with Mommy.
Alex (smiling): Have a new year!

(dinner time)
Alex (to Claire): Can you sing Twinkle, Twinkle?
Claire: Awawawa.
Alex: No that’s not the song.
Alex (singing): Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Alex (singing): How I wonder what you are
Alex (singing): Up above the world so high
Alex (singing): Like a triangle in the sky
Alex (singing): Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Alex (singing): How I wonder what you are
Claire: Yay!

(Alex wants Daddy to hang up the hand towel.)
Alex: You hang it on the ring. That’s where it goes. It doesn’t go in my room, or Claire’s room, or the hallway, or… the playroom, or… Mommy and Daddy’s room.

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