Friday, January 1, 2010

I'm givin' it a hug.

Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)
Claire: Daddy?
Daddy: Hi, Claire.
(Claire laughs.)

(Alex is watching Sid the Science Kid.)
Alex: Daddy!
Daddy: Yes, Alex.
Alex: They’re being silly up there.
(Alex laughs.)

Alex: We did it, Daddy! We did everything!
Daddy: Good!
Alex: I – I took the decorations off that little tree.
Daddy: Good job! You’re a big helper!

Alex: What happened? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s going on in here?

(Alex is wandering around, singing to himself, to the tune of Jingle Bells.)
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Oh what fun
Alex: All the way

Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle all the waaaaaayyyy
Alex: Oh what fun
Alex: It is to ride
Alex: Is to riiiiiiiiide
Alex (talking, not singing): Is to ride.

Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle all the way
Alex: Oh what fun it is to ride
Alex: In a one horse, sleigh
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: All the way
Alex: Oh what fun it is to ride in
Alex: Oh what a sleigh
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle bells
Alex: Jingle all the way
Alex: Oh what fun it is to ride
Alex: In (mumble) sleigh

Alex: Hey, Daddy?
Daddy: Hey, Alex.
Alex: I’m getting you a (pork?) on the (hake?).
Daddy: You’re getting me a pork on the hake?
Alex: Yeah.
(Alex runs off.)

(Mommy is taking down the Christmas tree, which makes Alex sad.)
Mommy: Alex, what are you doin’, sweetie?
Alex: I’m givin’ it a hug.

Alex: What do you do when I’m sleeping with the light off?

Alex: I wanna see where Santa’s going on the computer.

Alex: The moose and the stockings and the little Christmas tree and the big Christmas tree are all gone.
Daddy: Yeah. Why is that?
Alex: Because Christmas is over.

Alex: Can we say it all together? Daddy, and Mommy, and Alex. Not Claire.

Alex: Daddy, look at my new toy!

Alex: The air’s blowing on my tummy so it’s cold anymore, it’s not any hot.

(Alex is making a new train track.)
Alex: You’re not nice, Daddy.
Daddy: Why not?
Alex: Because you’re not helping me.

(Daddy is helping to make the new track, and in doing so, disassembles part of what Alex did.)
Alex: I was trying to make bends!!
Daddy: Oh, sorry.
Alex: Sorry, I was yelling. Sorry. I was a little bit yelling. Sorry I was yelling.

(Claire is playing with the sort-a-shape toolbox toy.)
Alex (admiringly): You’re doing it, Claire!

Alex: Hi, Traitor.
Daddy: Hi. Am I Traitor?
Alex: Yeah.
Daddy: Who are you?
Alex: I was the pig pigger. But when I get pig pigger, I will be the pig pigger.
Daddy: Oh. Okay.

Alex: I don’t like thatpizza, daddy. I like this pizza. Not that pizza.

(Alex is eating pieces of pear.)
Alex: I ate that roof. I ate the whole roof. I ate the wall.
Alex: I ate the shirt. I ate the shirt, Daddy.
Daddy: Oh!

Alex: Mommy’s book is about, they go to the beach house, and Nantucket.

Alex: I can't get snuggled ‘cause the couch is on me.

Alex: Grommie, you can't lick me when I'm sleeping.

(Daddy dresses Alex in his new PJs.)
Alex: Thank you, Daddy!!

Daddy: Mommy bought those PJs for you.
Alex: I'm gonna go say thank you to Mommy!
(Alex runs off to find Mommy.)

Alex: Look at my new PJs, Claire!
Alex: It has a baseball player. And It says “You’re a good brother, Alex!”
Alex: And look at my new pants!

Alex: I wanna open the blue car and the red car. I mean the big ones.

(Alex and Claire are in their beds; both can be heard over their monitors.)
Alex: I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy. I want Mommy.
Claire (simultaneously): Daddy? Daddy! Daddy! Daddy? Daddy! Dada.

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