Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My special donut. We all run out the door. I lost my car.

Alex (singing): I love donuts! I love donuts! I love donuts all day.

Alex (singing): My special donut. We all run out the door. I lost my car. Happy donut, happy (gibberish).

Alex (handing the toy phone to Claire): It's Alex. It's Alex on the phone. You wanna talk to him?
Claire (talking on the phone): Ah-wah. Ah-wah. Hi.

Alex (looking out the window): There's a kitty cat out there, Claire! A kitty cat!

Alex (on the phone): Bye! Bye Alex!
Alex: He's not on the phone anymore, he went back to his house.
Claire: Uh Ah-wah.
Alex: He's not on the phone anymore, he went to his house where he took a rest and now I'm not talking to him.
Claire: Uh Ah-wah.
Alex: Okay, I'll talk to him. Hey! Claire wants you to talk one last time! Be careful with your car.
Alex: 'Kay. Mailbox?
Alex: 'Kay the brush.
Alex: A tree?
Alex: Okay. Bye-bye!

Alex (to Daddy): Make a new track.

Alex: Can I throw this in the trash?

Alex: Daddy may you snuggle me up?

Alex: Here, Daddy. I need two toys and I need a blanket and one book.

(snack time)

Daddy: Claire, say “ji-ji-bi-da”.
(Claire makes a valiant attempt.)
Daddy: Alex, you say it.
Alex: Bida-bida -- that's a hard word.

Alex: Yah yah yah
Alex: Here comes the bird, I got a lion
Alex: Here comes the bird, and flies the lions

Claire: Uh down. Uh down.
Alex: I can't get you down.
Claire: Uh down.
Alex: No I can't get you down. So I'm gonna do it again.
Alex (doing the “yo yo yo” game): Bababa -- yo yo yo, bu bu bu, peeeeuuuuhhh.
Alex: That was the last time!
Claire: Yo yo yo….
Claire: Yo yo
Claire: Yo yo
Claire: Yo yo
Claire: Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain. Uh dain.

Claire: Daddy… whoa whoa whoa
Claire: Daddy… whoa whoa whoa
Claire: Daddy, Mama
Claire: Daddy, Mama, Ah-wah

Alex: Let's see what Grommie can do.
Alex: He can lick.
Alex: Let's see what Grommie can do.
Alex: He can lick! He still licks!
Alex: What can you do, Grommie, run away? Or chase away?
(Alex laughs.)

(Alex and Claire are looking into the dining room, where the lights are off.)
Alex: Go in the shadows, Claire. Go in the shadows. Go in the shadows.
(Daddy goes into the dining room in order to turn the light on.)
Alex: Daddy went in the shadows, he likes it.

Alex: I bought a flamingo for you, and a horse for, um and Claire, I didn't buy, uh, animal for Claire either, or for Grommie, I bought a - a horse to hey her, uh Daddy. Uh ah! Uh see her, and here's my horse, I'm gonna (mumble) her Claire.

Alex: Look at Claire, Daddy!
(Claire is feeling Alex’s hair while Alex plays trains. Both Alex and Claire are grinning.)
Daddy: What's she doing?
Alex: Oh, Claire, we're done playing trains, let's run!

(Claire is flipping through a book.)
Alex (to Claire): Can you talk about it in there? Can you talk about it in there?
Alex: Talk about it in there, Claire.

Alex: Claire, let's go!

(bed time)
Alex: Wake up Claire close my door. I say wake up Claire come and close my door.
Daddy: Wake up Claire and come and close your door.
Alex: Now I will say your words. Get up, get Claire up, go downstairs, do mask, watch the new Curious George, um… watch TV, watch Curious George… eat bananas and waffles, will we have blueberries?
Daddy: Mm-hm.
Alex: Get in the car, play with my friends, Mommy will put Claire down for nap, Mommy will put me down for nap, I will be tired and sleepy, and I will just be resting.
Alex: Play in the backyard, play in the playroom, play trains.
Daddy: Play in the backyard, play in the playroom, play trains.
Alex: Wake up Claire come and close my door.
Daddy: Wake up Claire come and close your door.
Alex: I say that then you say that wake up Claire come and close my door.
Daddy: Wake up Claire come and close your door.
Alex: Okay now give me a kiss.
(Daddy gives Alex a kiss.)

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