Friday, January 8, 2010

I know what we should do. We should make a new track.

Alex: I was tryin' to get some water so I could get that stuck Cheerio out, but it -- but it got out this time.

Alex: I know what we should do. We should make a new track.

Alex: Daddy, let's make a new track.
Daddy: Well, I need to work, but you can make a new track.
Alex: Claire, will you make a new track with me? Let's make a new track.

Alex: Raahhhhhh! Rahhhhhh!
Daddy: Oh it's a monster!
Alex: No, I'm pretending to be a lion.
Daddy: Oh.
Claire: Rah rah rah rah. Rah rah rah rah.

Alex: Daddy, I want to talk to you about Christmas. Daddy, let me get up here, can I get up here with you?
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: Daddy, I wanna talk to you about something.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: Okay. I'm getting up here. I almost did it. I did it!
Daddy: Good job.
Alex: Uh, Daddy, I need to tell you about something. Uh the little pig went in the snow, and he ran out to the chicken. Bock bock!
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: And the water flew everywhere so the chicken could drink, and the (gibberish) snowball (gibberish) flew up in the sky and he couldn't reach, and so the little pig went home, and so the chicken went home by himself, he was by himself, and then the pig said, "Where's my chicken", (gibberish), and then he said he was (mumble) the snow, and he went home as fast as he can.
(Alex laughs.)
Alex: You sing the rest, Daddy. Talk about the rest.
Daddy: What happens next?
(Alex continues his story...)

Alex: I will be tired before school and after school I will be really tired after I make a new track.

Alex: Mommy! Mommy, I got new rocket ship PJs!

Alex (to Mommy): I got new rocket ship PJs!
Mommy: I know, Mommy got them for you from Costco.
Alex (to Daddy): She got them from Costco!

(Mommy leaves her shopping bags on the counter.)
Claire (pointing to the middle of the kitchen floor): Uh floor.
Mommy (to Daddy): I don't know what she wants.
Claire: Uh bag. Uh floor.
Daddy: Oh, bags go on the floor, you're right Claire.

(snack time)

Claire: Oh!
Mommy: Oh!
Alex (laughing): Claire said "Oh!"
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: I'm gonna say "toe"!
Alex: Toe!

Claire (with a mouth full of cake): Uh cake. Daddy?
(Claire points at her mouth.)
Claire: Uh cake.

Claire: Dah-dee!
Daddy: Yes Claire?
Claire: Bye-bye.

Claire: Dah-dee!
Daddy: Yes Claire?
Claire: Bye-bye.

(playing trains)

Alex: The trains puffed and puffed. They went down the track as fast as they can.

Alex: James was very sad. Said Daisy.

Alex: But here came Scruffey was puffing all the way down. Flying Scotsman saw Scruffey peeking out.
Claire: Uh Daddy! All done!
Daddy: Yeah, good!

Alex: One went up, and one went down. One train was going with the other one.

Alex: They all puffed along.

Alex: There we go!

Alex: Everyone was tah-gee in that tunnel. Said Thomas.

Alex: No way to get up there, Sir Topham Hatt was waiting. And Sir Topham Hatt lifted Thomas, and James, and there was no place to go. They wanted to go the place, and they had places to not go, de toe.

Alex: Daddy, you said you would play trains, please.

(dinner time)

Alex: Let’s do a coaster to see who goes first. Alex is the brown side, and Claire is the green side. Who goes first.

Alex: Sometimes when you eat pizza or pasta, you get messy.

Alex: Daddy's a Spider-Man!

Alex: Claire will be big and I will be little.

Alex (to Mommy): When I'm a baby, will you put me down for nap?

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