Sunday, January 24, 2010

The bus is driving me nuts.

(snack time)

Alex: In the giraffe, I made a big mess, Daddy, and I told Mommy that’s what I wanted to play.

(Mommy brings out some plums.)

Claire: Apple!
Mommy: Plum.
Claire: Plum.

Claire: A – apple.
Mommy: Plum.
Claire: Apple.
Mommy: Plum.

Alex: When I drink water, Daddy, that makes that noise. That.
Daddy: What noise?
(Alex drinks his water.)
Alex: That noise.

Alex: If a mommy or daddy goes to work, and then they come home, they have to take their work clothes off, and then they have to put their home clothes on, Daddy.
Daddy: Why do they have to do that?
Alex: Because they – when they come home from work.
Daddy: Oh.
Claire: Daddy! Daddy?
Claire: I want more – oranges.

Alex: Tasha took my pea! Tasha did.
Daddy (chiding): Tasha!
Alex: Tasha’s always taking things. She always won’t go home in a minute. She’s still here and they won’t go home! My friends won’t go home!
Claire: All done. All done. All done.

(Mommy is getting ready to go for a run with Grommie.)
Alex: But when I’m bigger I can run with Grommie and Mommy! And Daddy and Claire can stay at home!
Daddy: Yeah.
Alex: And when I go on the town I can go see Ernie! I can do that! I can do all those things!

Alex: That’s cool.
Claire: Cool.

Alex: I’m tired, Claire.

(Daddy turns on a Thomas video.)

Claire: Thomas!

Claire (virtually any time Sir Topham Hatt, or anyone else wearing a hat, appears on screen): Hat.

Alex: We’re making some food, for the frog, and water, from the swimming pool for the frog.
Daddy: Oh, okay.

Alex (to the bus): You guys are drivin’ me nuts. Let’s stop.
Daddy: Who’s driving you nuts?
Alex: The bus is driving me nuts.

Alex: Bobo needs to go the animal shelter, and his back hurts. Right here.
Daddy: Okay.
Alex: So we need to go to the animal shelter.
Daddy: Oh, okay.

(Dinner time. Claire has a baby spoon, because the toddler spoons are all dirty.)
Claire: Spoon. Spoon. Baby. Baby.

Alex: Can the cow dance please? The cow is really sad.
Daddy: Why is he sad?
Alex: Because he wants another song. May he have another song? Please? Please?
Daddy: Okay, I’ll play another song.
Alex: Okay. Cow, be happy because Daddy will play another song.

(Alex finishes doing the numbers puzzle with Mommy.)
Alex: I know my numbers, Daddy!!

Daddy (pointing to the eight): What’s that?
Alex: What is it?
Daddy: What is it?
Alex: Um… how ‘bout… (under his breath) six, seven… (aloud) how ‘bout eight!
Mommy and Daddy: Right!!

Mommy: You’re gonna be so bored in public school.
Alex: Yeah.

Alex: Daddy, there’s no room for me to get by!
Daddy (moving his chair out of the way): Oh no! What are you gonna do?
Alex (smiling): You just did it.

Alex: You forgot to wipe me!
Daddy: You want a wipe?
Alex: Yeah. I’m dirty, I’m a little bit dirty, so I need a wipe.

Alex: Claire, you’re funny.

Alex (singing): I hope that baby is for sale
Alex: I just sing the baby song, Daddy!

Daddy: Did you exercise?
Alex: Yeah. I was exercising because my back hurt.

Claire: Shirt.
Daddy: Yeah, Daddy has a red shirt.
Daddy: What color is Daddy’s shirt?
Claire: Boo!

(Everyone is going up the stairs.)
Daddy: I'm gonna get there first!
Alex: I'm gonna get there first!
Alex: I got there first!
Mommy: I’m gonna get there second!
Alex: I got there second!
Daddy: I'm gonna get there third!
Alex: I already got there! I got there, everyone!

Alex (giving Daddy a hug): My dad!
Daddy: My Alex!
Alex: My dad! No I'm not your Alex, I’m Mommy's Alex.
Daddy: You're Mommy’s Alex?
Alex: Yeah, Mommy’s Alex, and Daddy’s Claire’s… baby!

Alex: Daddy, close your legs. Close your feet. And now I can climb up. Climb up this mountain. Climb up the big hill!

Alex: Can we do tickle, Daddy? Can you lie down like this?

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