Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You smell yucky, Daddy.

(Alex and Claire are watching Elmo’s World.)
Elmo: Has anyone seen Drawer?
Alex: Right there! He's behind you, Elmo!!

(Alex and Claire are watching Sid the Science Kid.)
Alex: I do that at school. I use my muscles to eat a grape.

Alex: I got a sandwich.
Daddy: Oh, good!
Alex: I'm not gonna share it with (mumble), 'cause then I won't have it anymore.

(Alex weighs himself on the bathroom scale.)
Alex: I’m thirty-E.

(dinner time)

Alex: When I grow bigger, I can work on my computer.
Daddy: Yes, you can!
Alex: And can I go to work?
Daddy: Yeah, you can go to work too.
Alex: Go to work with Daddy?
Daddy: Yeah, you can work with Daddy.

Alex: Mommy, when I get bigger I can go to work with Daddy! And work on my computer!
Mommy: Yeah!

(Steam is rising from a pan on the stove.)
Alex: Mommy’s spraying water up in the air on the ceiling.

(dinner time)

Alex: Beep!
Daddy: Are you a microwave, Alex?
Alex: No, that’s the microwave.
Daddy: But I heard you say “beep”.
Alex: No, that’s the microwave, and I’m pretending to be the microwave.
Daddy: Oh, okay.

Daddy: Are you being silly?
Alex (pointing to Daddy, Mommy, Claire, and Grommie in turn): Yeah. You’re being silly and you’re being silly and you’re being silly and you’re being silly.
Daddy: Grommie’s being silly too?
Alex: Yeah. He’s making funny faces!

Alex: My back hurts!
Mommy: Yeah? Why?
Alex: Because I have to lay down.

Mommy: Did you have a moon pie at school today, Alex?
Alex: No.
Daddy: What did you eat?
Alex: I ate ketchup… and I ate chicken… and I ate pays – peas. What else did I eat, Mommy?

(Daddy is tossing Claire into the air. Claire is laughing. Alex is watching.)
Alex: Don’t do that to me, okay Daddy?

(Daddy is wrestling with Alex.)
Alex: You smell yucky, Daddy.
Daddy: What?
Alex: You smell yucky.

(bed time)
Alex: Play in the backyard.
Daddy: Play cards?
Alex (mumbling): No play playroom play trains.
Daddy (mumbling): Play in the backyard play in the playroom play trains.
Alex (mumbling): Wake up Claire close my door.
Daddy (mumbling): Wake up Claire close your door.
(Alex mumbles unintelligibly.)
(Daddy mumbles unintelligibly.)
Alex: Now give me a kiss.
(Daddy gives Alex a kiss.)
Alex: Did I say “wake up Claire close my door”?
Daddy: Yeah, wake up Claire close my door.
Alex: I say wake up Claire close my door. Did I say that?
Daddy: Yeah, wake up Claire close my door.
(Alex mumbles something about going to sleep.)
Alex: That’s all of my words.

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